'IMMEDIATE recusal': Techno Fog BUSTS Judge Chutkan with her OWN WORDS on Trump in bombshell of a thread

Actually they are.

Examples – Recusal Not Warranted

No disqualification just because judge is aware of the facts, or had prior involvement in the case, including ruling against a party. See State v. Moffitt, 185 N.C. App. 308 (2007)

Judge’s personal view that a certain type of crime is very serious is not disqualifying. See State v. Kennedy, 110 N.C. App. 302 (1993)
No they aren't because in America you're supposed to be presumed innocent until the evidence proves you guilty
It's not even that they will contaminate a jury, but that they feel the comments do not allow her to make impartial rulings. Which based on what she said, is a ridiculous notion that a judge can't set personal feelings aside.
Innocent until proven guilty. A judge cannot presume someone is guilty until the evidence has been submitted to the courts
It's easy for stupid ass white men to claim how great it is for black folks to be here. If you were one of the black folks who came here as a slave and faced the atrocities that they faced you would never say that stupid shit again.
They faced worse in Africa. You should be counting yourself as one of the lucky ones. Some of your cousins in Africa would trade places with you in a heartbeat.
So you DONT think its problematic for a judge to be making those kinds of statements?
It's not a problem. What this request tells you is that Trump is in charge of legal strategy instead of his lawyer. That's the problem. For Trump
No. It's because she doesn't render a verdict. The jury does
Sigh shaking my head.

Conviction Reversed Over Judge's Remark That Black Man ‘Looks Like a Criminal’​

An appeals court called a federal judge’s comment “wholly incompatible with the fair administration of justice” and ordered a new trial.
The judge, Stephen J. Murphy III
Sigh shaking my head.

Conviction Reversed Over Judge's Remark That Black Man ‘Looks Like a Criminal’​

An appeals court called a federal judge’s comment “wholly incompatible with the fair administration of justice” and ordered a new trial.
The judge, Stephen J. Murphy III


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