Immigrants who refuse to assimilate. What should we do with them?

What should we do with Immigrants who refuse to assimilate?

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The idea that immigrants are not assimilating into American culture is absolute poppycock. One of our greatest strengthens is turning immigrants into burger eating, NFL watching Americans. People have been saying this bullshit since we first started accepting immigrants and it is just as silly now as it was then.

Right on the money. I just got a text (5 minutes ago) from a student who first arrived here from China a year and a half ago starting the 8th grade. Last year she had no idea what the hell American Football was. She texted from visiting relatives in Vancouver to check on what time the Patriot's game is tomorrow.

I work with students from China, Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala who have been here less than two years, had no clue about the NFL before then and are now playing high school, jr high, or Pop Warner football. All of them love a good burger, and a few work part-time making pizza and such American fare. mdk hit the nail on the head, and dante dumbass was wrong as usual.
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Just keep up those boundaries. You know, positions of authority and students and outside of professional atmosphere contacts. you know?
Question for the thread....................

We're worrying about those that don't assimilate into this country, and worry that they won't adopt our ideals or way of life, because they are Muslim.

What about the Amish? They don't assimilate, nor do they follow our laws, because they think their way of life is the right way.

Since Amish don't assimilate, should we kick them out of the country as well? Remember, they are a branch of Christianity.
Immigrants who refuse to assimilate. What should we do with them?

Does it matter what group they are form?
They don't have to assimilate but their kids will.

And if we see their kids aren't assimilating then we stop importing those kinds of people
You know, I define assimilation as following the rules of the country or society you are in, learning the native language, and having at least a passing understanding of the political situation there as well.

What should we do if people refuse to assimilate? Well, if they are breaking our laws, they should be treated like any other criminal and put in jail or fined for whatever law they broke.

Criminals also refuse to assimilate in our society, should they be deported as well?
Immigrants who refuse to assimilate. What should we do with them?

Does it matter what group they are form?

Treat them like every other European or Asian immigrant. Immigrants of the past had to learn the language, customs and understand our form of government (laws) in order to survive. It would be the same of every American who chose to live in a foreign country. Why should we have exceptions if we are to treat every immigrant with equality without any specialized treatment?
We'll do nothing because expecting them to assimilate might hurt their feelings.

All we have to do now is keep an eye on Europe for what the future holds.
Look at this, cons forgetting that we have the freedom of association.
Hey, KKK members refuse to assimilate into this country, should we deport them as well?

And, to what degree do you have to assimilate? Do you have to learn English, convert to Christianity and wear cowboy boots, or is simply learning the laws and English enough?

There is nothing wrong with accepting another culture and demonstration of faith, provided it doesn't violate any of our laws which would inflict harm to those citizens within our nation's boundaries. Last thing we would want is to dictate what faith based symbols an individual is allowed to display that's representative of their belief, after all we are meant to be a nation comprised and accepting of many faiths and cultures.
Immigrants who refuse to assimilate. What should we do with them?

Does it matter what group they are form?

Treat them like every other European or Asian immigrant. Immigrants of the past had to learn the language, customs and understand our form of government (laws) in order to survive. It would be the same of every American who chose to live in a foreign country. Why should we have exceptions if we are to treat every immigrant with equality without any specialized treatment?

These "refuse to assimilate" immigrants don't exist in any larger (tiny) numbers than they ever have.
Immigrants who refuse to assimilate. What should we do with them?

Does it matter what group they are form?

Treat them like every other European or Asian immigrant. Immigrants of the past had to learn the language, customs and understand our form of government (laws) in order to survive. It would be the same of every American who chose to live in a foreign country. Why should we have exceptions if we are to treat every immigrant with equality without any specialized treatment?

These "refuse to assimilate" immigrants don't exist in any larger (tiny) numbers than they ever have.

That's why we are giving a certain group of immigrants preferred treatment.
Immigrants who refuse to assimilate. What should we do with them?

Does it matter what group they are form?

Treat them like every other European or Asian immigrant. Immigrants of the past had to learn the language, customs and understand our form of government (laws) in order to survive. It would be the same of every American who chose to live in a foreign country. Why should we have exceptions if we are to treat every immigrant with equality without any specialized treatment?

These "refuse to assimilate" immigrants don't exist in any larger (tiny) numbers than they ever have.

That's why we are giving a certain group of immigrants preferred treatment.

Who? How?
Immigrants who refuse to assimilate. What should we do with them?

Does it matter what group they are form?

Treat them like every other European or Asian immigrant. Immigrants of the past had to learn the language, customs and understand our form of government (laws) in order to survive. It would be the same of every American who chose to live in a foreign country. Why should we have exceptions if we are to treat every immigrant with equality without any specialized treatment?

These "refuse to assimilate" immigrants don't exist in any larger (tiny) numbers than they ever have.

That's why we are giving a certain group of immigrants preferred treatment.

Who? How?

Do you see Germans, Russians, Italians, Japanese, Iranian, French etc. ever given sweeping legislation to become citizens outside of their obligations to follow Federal Immigrations Laws and policies establish by our government to obtain citizenship? Do these immigrants above have to learn English over the language of their homeland, in order to successfully make a living for themselves and their family in this country? Equality means treating every immigrant the same, using the same laws that others must follow.
... Do these immigrants above have to learn English order to successfully make a living for themselves and their family in this country? ....

Everyone needs to learn English if they want to succeed in America.
Equality means treating every immigrant the same, using the same laws that others must follow.

The laws apply the same for everyone.

Not for those who come here illegally who don't respect or follow our immigration laws. Should they not go through the same federal immigration process as every other immigrant who comes here?

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