Immigration is Destroying America.



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I'm gonna guess your whole life is just one big GUESS. :lol:

Interesting though, the stuff you come up with, when you're completely dumbfounded, and unable to generate a substantial response. :rolleyes:

What do you think is wrong with inbreeding? Maybe you could provide us with a list of 15 major problems caused by inbreeding.

Maybe you could stop TROLLING, and avoid being reported to the moderators.

Oh moderators!! Sic'm. :badgrin:

What no lawyer threat this time?

Without immigration you have inbreeding.

HA HA. Leave it to the LA Times to come up with something as dumb as this. Oh so because fertiltiy rates are dropping in Mexico that means they're going to stop sending migrants to the US , huh ? Pheeeeeww!! (Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest)

EARTH TO LA TIMES (or anybody stupid enough to believe this idiocy) >> Remittances$$$ from the US ($25 Billion/year) are Mexico's second largest source of income. US welfare payouts to Mexicans are close to that figure. Combined, they are Mexico's # 1 source of income, topping even their oil exports.

If anybody thinks that Carlos Slim Helu and the rest of the Mexican monopolist plutocrats are going to change this 70 year old imperialist feast on US wealth because of something having to do with fertility rates, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn for sale for them.

The next time you want to talk about Mexico, consult with me first Unkotare. :badgrin:
Although at this point,after what you've been posting, it would hardly matter any more.
The only thing threatening in this world is our government's bloated bureaucracy.

FALSE! (by a wide margin)

is that why you needed red in a big font?

funny, I get it, you are using the big font, red color as a symbol of big government red ink by overstating the obvious, sorry I am a little slow, I see you agree, good dry humor post, thanks.
The only thing threatening in this world is our government's bloated bureaucracy.

FALSE! (by a wide margin)

is that why you needed red in a big font?

funny, I get it, you are using the big font, red color as a symbol of big government red ink by overstating the obvious, sorry I am a little slow, I see you agree, good dry humor post, thanks.

I just reckon there are far too many PROTECTIONISTS :mad:in the United States

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