Immigration is Destroying America.

That was two years ago, illegal immigration is back up again.

True, but not trending anything like its heyday, and fertility rates among immigrants of all kinds, and across Latin America (where many illegal immigrants come from) continue to fall precipitously.

Too late. Your little fertility rate ploy was extinguished in Post # 977. Mexico's monopoly boys don't care about fertility. They invade us for DOLLARS$$$, which are their # 1 source of income (remittances$$ + migrant welfare)
ILLEGAL immigration, you are correct. Legal immigration is so small as to be unnoticable.

Legal immigration is so small as to be unnoticeable?

Does anyone have good numbers on a year-by-year basis, covering the past decade or so?

Preferably in easy-to-understand graph-form; showing total intake only, without the ground clutter?

I did a first pass via Google and didn't find anything worth posting; other than a lot of claptrap about head-counts on total No. of foreign-born folk residing here, and ancedotal (un-cited) stuff about 1.x million new (legal) arrivals per year.

If anybody has a quick link or graph to post from an authoritative and easy-to-understand source, that gives us such Total New Arrivals figures on a year-by-year basis, now would be a good time to serve it up.
ILLEGAL immigration, you are correct. Legal immigration is so small as to be unnoticable.

:lol: Boy is THAT ever wrong. Pheeeww!! :lol:

Nearly 14 million immigrants entered the United States from 2000 to 2010, and in 2010 the immigrant population was at 40 million, a record high. And as long as ANY Americans are unemployed, this is 40 million too many. If we had full employment, and a surplus of jobs, THEN immigration might be desirable to fill those extra jobs, but we all know the situation is exactly the opposite of that.

In addition the U.S. already provides businesses with 700,000 temporary guest workers every year to compete against unemployed Americans, in addition to the annual flow of 1 million permanent legal immigrants. Now in addition to this, the Obama Administration announced a proposed rule that would give work authorization to the spouses of certain H-1B workers, increasing job competition for the 20 million Americans who want full-time work but can’t find it. It does not appear that these spouses will be counted against the visa cap on the category of job they pursue.

These will be 97,000 more jobs taken away from Americans, in the first year, and 30,000 each year after.

Legal immigration "small" ?

EARTH TO SRLIP: Legal immigration is HUMONGOUS.

Immigration to the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Immigrant Population at Record 40 Million in 2010". Yahoo! News. October 6, 2011.

There's a valid point to be made on the h1bs. But you keep puking on it with your ignorance. How many jobs are created by the 14million legal immigrants? How many of those legal immigrants are Americans now? Why stop at 10years why don't you go back 100 years and tell us how many immigrants came here and blame them and their children's children?
It's funny when certain mentally unstable individuals try to comment on terms they clearly don't understand.

It's sad when people who dare to call themselves American understand so little about what this country is and has always been. Those who fear competition are worthy only of disdain.

That's the same thing as saying all the Americans, military and civilian, who fought World War II, feared competition from the Japs and Nazis, and those 1940s Americans are worth of disdain because of it. :cuckoo::rolleyes:
ILLEGAL immigration, you are correct. Legal immigration is so small as to be unnoticable.

Legal immigration is so small as to be unnoticeable?

Does anyone have good numbers on a year-by-year basis, covering the past decade or so?

Preferably in easy-to-understand graph-form; showing total intake only, without the ground clutter?

I did a first pass via Google and didn't find anything worth posting; other than a lot of claptrap about head-counts on total No. of foreign-born folk residing here, and ancedotal (un-cited) stuff about 1.x million new (legal) arrivals per year.

If anybody has a quick link or graph to post from an authoritative and easy-to-understand source, that gives us such Total New Arrivals figures on a year-by-year basis, now would be a good time to serve it up.

Your answer is already posted >> in Post # 999.
It's funny when certain mentally unstable individuals try to comment on terms they clearly don't understand.

It's sad when people who dare to call themselves American understand so little about what this country is and has always been. Those who fear competition are worthy only of disdain.

That's the same thing as saying all the Americans, military and civilian, who fought World War II, feared competition from the Japs and Nazis, and those 1940s Americans are worth of disdain because of it. :cuckoo::rolleyes:

Yeah cause the illegal immigrants here to work are the same as the Axis in WWII. ROFL
ILLEGAL immigration, you are correct. Legal immigration is so small as to be unnoticable.

:lol: Boy is THAT ever wrong. Pheeeww!! :lol:

Nearly 14 million immigrants entered the United States from 2000 to 2010, and in 2010 the immigrant population was at 40 million, a record high. And as long as ANY Americans are unemployed, this is 40 million too many. If we had full employment, and a surplus of jobs, THEN immigration might be desirable to fill those extra jobs, but we all know the situation is exactly the opposite of that.

In addition the U.S. already provides businesses with 700,000 temporary guest workers every year to compete against unemployed Americans, in addition to the annual flow of 1 million permanent legal immigrants. Now in addition to this, the Obama Administration announced a proposed rule that would give work authorization to the spouses of certain H-1B workers, increasing job competition for the 20 million Americans who want full-time work but can’t find it. It does not appear that these spouses will be counted against the visa cap on the category of job they pursue.

These will be 97,000 more jobs taken away from Americans, in the first year, and 30,000 each year after.

Legal immigration "small" ?

EARTH TO SRLIP: Legal immigration is HUMONGOUS.

Immigration to the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Immigrant Population at Record 40 Million in 2010". Yahoo! News. October 6, 2011.

There's a valid point to be made on the h1bs. But you keep puking on it with your ignorance. How many jobs are created by the 14million legal immigrants? How many of those legal immigrants are Americans now? Why stop at 10years why don't you go back 100 years and tell us how many immigrants came here and blame them and their children's children?

If you had read the thread before jumping in here and spouting off ignorance of what's in the thread, you'd know that I have repeatedly mentioned gone back FARTHER than 100 years (154 years to 1860), when American passed its optimum population (relative to resource base). Already posted. Been there, done that.

As for the "puking" comment, see Post # 988.
It's funny when certain mentally unstable individuals try to comment on terms they clearly don't understand.

It's sad when people who dare to call themselves American understand so little about what this country is and has always been. Those who fear competition are worthy only of disdain.

That's the same thing as saying all the Americans, military and civilian, who fought World War II, feared competition from the Japs and Nazis, and those 1940s Americans are worth of disdain because of it. :cuckoo::rolleyes:

Yeah cause the illegal immigrants here to work are the same as the Axis in WWII. ROFL

See >>

for the explanation on that.
:lol: Boy is THAT ever wrong. Pheeeww!! :lol:

Nearly 14 million immigrants entered the United States from 2000 to 2010, and in 2010 the immigrant population was at 40 million, a record high. And as long as ANY Americans are unemployed, this is 40 million too many. If we had full employment, and a surplus of jobs, THEN immigration might be desirable to fill those extra jobs, but we all know the situation is exactly the opposite of that.

In addition the U.S. already provides businesses with 700,000 temporary guest workers every year to compete against unemployed Americans, in addition to the annual flow of 1 million permanent legal immigrants. Now in addition to this, the Obama Administration announced a proposed rule that would give work authorization to the spouses of certain H-1B workers, increasing job competition for the 20 million Americans who want full-time work but can’t find it. It does not appear that these spouses will be counted against the visa cap on the category of job they pursue.

These will be 97,000 more jobs taken away from Americans, in the first year, and 30,000 each year after.

Legal immigration "small" ?

EARTH TO SRLIP: Legal immigration is HUMONGOUS.

Immigration to the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Immigrant Population at Record 40 Million in 2010". Yahoo! News. October 6, 2011.

There's a valid point to be made on the h1bs. But you keep puking on it with your ignorance. How many jobs are created by the 14million legal immigrants? How many of those legal immigrants are Americans now? Why stop at 10years why don't you go back 100 years and tell us how many immigrants came here and blame them and their children's children?

If you had read the thread before jumping in here and spouting off ignorance of what's in the thread, you'd know that I have repeatedly mentioned gone back FARTHER than 100 years (154 years to 1860), when American passed its optimum population (relative to resource base). Already posted. Been there, done that.

As for the "puking" comment, see Post # 988.

ROFL protectionist sees himself as a god who has a bead on the optimum population number for the USA. Let's not kid ourselves, Protectionist wants to kill your children cause he feels they are taking up to much of his precious resources.

Just because a report is big doesn't mean it's better. In this case it's just a bigger pile of crap. Dude, we all know these nonsense reports are out there. The immigration lobby is well-financed and avidly pays intellectuals to lie about immigration. This goes on daily.

But the dumbbell ideas in these reports are easily dismissed. There is no labor shortage in America. Not in skilled or unskilled sectors. Quite the contrary, there are 20 million unemployed Americans hungry for jobs. Only problem is that greedy employers have found that by employing low wage foreigners, that can reduce their costs, thereby increasing their profits.

As the director of the National Association of Black Engineers said (on the Lou Dobbs Tonight TV show) recently, when there is a labor shortage, wages are up high. But guess what folks. Wages have rarely been lower. Of course, because those are the coolie wages being paid to immigrants who are willing to work for less, who undercut Americans' wages, and who drive wages down all across the board, as the studies I linked to earlier here, have clearly been showing for years now. Ho hum. Same old thing from the immigrationists. Yawn ****
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There's a valid point to be made on the h1bs. But you keep puking on it with your ignorance. How many jobs are created by the 14million legal immigrants? How many of those legal immigrants are Americans now? Why stop at 10years why don't you go back 100 years and tell us how many immigrants came here and blame them and their children's children?

If you had read the thread before jumping in here and spouting off ignorance of what's in the thread, you'd know that I have repeatedly mentioned gone back FARTHER than 100 years (154 years to 1860), when American passed its optimum population (relative to resource base). Already posted. Been there, done that.

As for the "puking" comment, see Post # 988.

ROFL protectionist sees himself as a god who has a bead on the optimum population number for the USA. Let's not kid ourselves, Protectionist wants to kill your children cause he feels they are taking up to much of his precious resources.

If you knew the first thing about North American Geography, you'd know the 30 million population figure has long been accepted by geographers et al population academics. As for your weird statement about killing children, that's for the moderators to tackle. I warned you. Again. See post # 988.
If you had read the thread before jumping in here and spouting off ignorance of what's in the thread, you'd know that I have repeatedly mentioned gone back FARTHER than 100 years (154 years to 1860), when American passed its optimum population (relative to resource base). Already posted. Been there, done that.

As for the "puking" comment, see Post # 988.

ROFL protectionist sees himself as a god who has a bead on the optimum population number for the USA. Let's not kid ourselves, Protectionist wants to kill your children cause he feels they are taking up to much of his precious resources.

If you knew the first thing about North American Geography, you'd know the 30 million population figure has long been accepted by geographers et al population academics. As for your weird statement about killing children, that's for the moderators to tackle. I warned you. Again. See post # 988.

If not kill how do you propose wiping out 90% of our population?

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