Immigration is Destroying America.

ROFL protectionist sees himself as a god who has a bead on the optimum population number for the USA. Let's not kid ourselves, Protectionist wants to kill your children cause he feels they are taking up to much of his precious resources.

If you knew the first thing about North American Geography, you'd know the 30 million population figure has long been accepted by geographers et al population academics. As for your weird statement about killing children, that's for the moderators to tackle. I warned you. Again. See post # 988.

If not kill how do you propose wiping out 90% of our population?

I don't propose that, and if you had read the thread, instead of popping in here unknowing, you'd know what I propose.
If you knew the first thing about North American Geography, you'd know the 30 million population figure has long been accepted by geographers et al population academics. As for your weird statement about killing children, that's for the moderators to tackle. I warned you. Again. See post # 988.

If not kill how do you propose wiping out 90% of our population?

I don't propose that, and if you had read the thread, instead of popping in here unknowing, you'd know what I propose.

Let's start with you leaving.
I don't propose that, and if you had read the thread, instead of popping in here unknowing, you'd know what I propose.

Let's start with you leaving.

Moderator said "knock it off. ALL of you" Did you think you were a special exception to that ? (Post # 988) > 3rd reminder. Strike 3.

Knock off what? How are we gonna get from 400million souls to 30million strangers? If it's so crowded here, why do you stay?
Let's start with you leaving.

Moderator said "knock it off. ALL of you" Did you think you were a special exception to that ? (Post # 988) > 3rd reminder. Strike 3.

Knock off what? How are we gonna get from 400million souls to 30million strangers? If it's so crowded here, why do you stay?

I'll answer all of these Mr. Question Mark. Knock off the belligerence and trolling. If that's not plain enough for you, send a PM to theDoctorisIn, asking him what he means.

We don't have 400 million (yet), and we may not be able to get back to 30 million, but we sure don't have to make thing worse by ADDING more people, and we could make things better by deporting ALL the illegal aliens, securing the borders, so no more enter, cease allowing people to enter legally, and offering incentives for legal immigrants to return to their home countries.

The reason I stay is because I was born here, I'm an American, and I wouldn't live anywhere else.
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Moderator said "knock it off. ALL of you" Did you think you were a special exception to that ? (Post # 988) > 3rd reminder. Strike 3.

Knock off what? How are we gonna get from 400million souls to 30million strangers? If it's so crowded here, why do you stay?

I'll answer all of these Mr. Question Mark. Knock off the belligerence and trolling. If that's not plain enough for you, send a PM to theDoctorisIn, asking him what he means.

We don't have 400 million (yet), and we may not be able to get back to 30 million, but we sure don't have to make thing worse by ADDING more people, and we could make things better by deporting ALL the illegal aliens, securing the borders, so no more enter, cease allowing people to enter legally, and offering incentives for legal immigrants to return to their home countries.

The reason I stay is because I was born here, I'm an American, and I wouldn't live anywhere else.

How many of the 300million Americans in the last census do you want to force to leave? How do you propose we reduce the number of Americans by an order of magnitude? Do you not have any idea how stupid it sounds to say we are overcrowded at 31million when we are sitting just fine, and with zero overcrowding, at 300million+? It could also be noted that 60million of those 300million actually have legal jobs.

Your accusation that we need to stop immigration because we are overcrowded is asinine.
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Knock off what? How are we gonna get from 400million souls to 30million strangers? If it's so crowded here, why do you stay?

I'll answer all of these Mr. Question Mark. Knock off the belligerence and trolling. If that's not plain enough for you, send a PM to theDoctorisIn, asking him what he means.

We don't have 400 million (yet), and we may not be able to get back to 30 million, but we sure don't have to make thing worse by ADDING more people, and we could make things better by deporting ALL the illegal aliens, securing the borders, so no more enter, cease allowing people to enter legally, and offering incentives for legal immigrants to return to their home countries.

The reason I stay is because I was born here, I'm an American, and I wouldn't live anywhere else.

How many of the 300million Americans in the last census do you want to force to leave? How do you propose we reduce the number of Americans by an order of magnitude? Do you not have any idea how stupid it sounds to say we are overcrowded at 31million when we are sitting just fine, and with zero overcrowding, at 300million+? It could also be noted that 60million of those 300million actually have legal jobs.

Your accusation that we need to stop immigration because we are overcrowded is asinine.

I don't want ANY AMERICANS to leave. I just want foreign job swipers to leave. And why do you ask me a question that I just got finished answering ? (in Post # 1031)

Do you not have any idea how stupid it sounds to say that at 317 million (over 10 times our optimum), we have zero overcrowding and are sitting just fine ? (which of course I refuted with numerous links throughout the thread (but then you didn't read it, right ?)

Your assertion that we are not overcrowded and don't have to stop immigration is assinine. Now go back and read the thread, and click the links.

See Post #s >> 20, 33, 37, 51, 95, 105, 107, 119, 124, 129, 137, 166, 171, 218, 270, 306,323, 324, 380, 382, 392, 480, 483, 486, 506, 513, 517, 526, 527, 528, 529, 540, 547, 567, 581, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588, 590, 597, 607, 617, 619, 623, 656, 666, 673, 677, 678, 755, 798, 903, 950, 958, 967, 968, 971, 977.
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I'll answer all of these Mr. Question Mark. Knock off the belligerence and trolling. If that's not plain enough for you, send a PM to theDoctorisIn, asking him what he means.

We don't have 400 million (yet), and we may not be able to get back to 30 million, but we sure don't have to make thing worse by ADDING more people, and we could make things better by deporting ALL the illegal aliens, securing the borders, so no more enter, cease allowing people to enter legally, and offering incentives for legal immigrants to return to their home countries.

The reason I stay is because I was born here, I'm an American, and I wouldn't live anywhere else.

How many of the 300million Americans in the last census do you want to force to leave? How do you propose we reduce the number of Americans by an order of magnitude? Do you not have any idea how stupid it sounds to say we are overcrowded at 31million when we are sitting just fine, and with zero overcrowding, at 300million+? It could also be noted that 60million of those 300million actually have legal jobs.

Your accusation that we need to stop immigration because we are overcrowded is asinine.

I don't want ANY AMERICANS to leave. I just want foreign job swipers to leave. And why do you ask me a question that I just got finished answering ? (in Post # 1031)

Do you not have any idea how stupid it sounds to say that at 317 million (over 10 times our optimum), we have zero overcrowding and are sitting just fine ? (which of course I refuted with numerous links throughout the thread (but then you didn't read it, right ?)

Your assertion that we are not overcrowded and don't have to stop immigration is assinine. Now go back and read the thread, and click the links.

See Post #s >> 20, 33, 37, 51, 95, 105, 107, 119, 124, 129, 137, 166, 171, 218, 270, 306,323, 324, 380, 382, 392, 480, 483, 486, 506, 513, 517, 526, 527, 528, 529, 540, 547, 567, 581, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588, 590, 597, 607, 617, 619, 623, 656, 666, 673, 677, 678, 755, 798, 903, 950, 958, 967, 968, 971, 977.

Zero overcrowding. ZERO. Not even a little bit overcrowded. 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999% of this country is completely devoid of human occupation. Birds outnumber humans in this country by 1000 to 1. There is not even a hint of a shortage of anything in this country, or this world for that matter.

Seriously, what drugs are you on?
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Poll Finds Most Americans Want Enforcement, Not Amnesty

According to a poll of 1000 likely voters released by Rasmussen last week, 52% believe the U.S. government is not aggressive enough in deporting illegal aliens, and only 14% think it is too aggressive. (Rasmussen Reports, Apr. 30, 2014) Twenty-two percent believe the current number of deportations is "about right" and 11% are undecided. (Id.) The poll prefaced the question with the statement that the "U.S. government has deported nearly two million illegal immigrants since Barack Obama became president," without explaining that that the "deportation" numbers under Obama includes border patrol removals that previously would not have been classified as deportations. (Rasmussen Reports, Apr. 27-28, 2014)

The poll was conducted around the same time that Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson indicated that the Administration is planning to further weaken enforcement. (ABC News, Apr. 27, 2014) The Secretary's review of the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) deportation policies, a review that President Obama announced while under increasing pressure by open borders groups to ease his supposedly "record" deportations, appears to be nearly finished.
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