Immigration is Destroying America.

There's no requirement to talk about both all the time. Posts can be about both. Or legal. Or illegal.

That's like saying there's no need to discuss crime when discussing what we need to do about crime. If you want less legal immigration all you have to do is lower the number. Legal immigrants have been invited. People like you saying there is no difference and spitting in the faces of our guests... yeah that's why I call you a bigoted racist.

If their faces are being spit in, it's by you for even mentioning that ridiculous metaphor. And NO, it's NOT like "saying there's no need to discuss crime when discussing what we need to do about crime"

It's like what I said. You can talk about legal immigration. You can talk about illegal immigration. Or you can talk about both. I don't mean through the entire thread. I'm talking about in any ONE POST. I really get the feeling you're not that stupid, and you're just harassing. Trying to get banned ?

Sure, legal immigrants have been invited. And the OP is saying that shouldn't be happening. Get it ?

No I don't get it. Why don't you go spit in their faces some more?
People who use banks legally are very good for our economy. People who use them illegally? Quite the contrary.
People who drive legally are very good for transportation of many sorts. People who drive illegally? Quite the contrary.
People who immigrate to this great nation legally are very, very, very good for the country. People who immigrate illegally? Quite the contrary.

If there are too many people who use banks legally (or any way), that is bad for our country.

If there are too many people who drive legally or illegally, that's bad for transportation.

If there are too many people who immigrate to this great nation, that is bad (regardless of how they come here).
That's like saying there's no need to discuss crime when discussing what we need to do about crime. If you want less legal immigration all you have to do is lower the number. Legal immigrants have been invited. People like you saying there is no difference and spitting in the faces of our guests... yeah that's why I call you a bigoted racist.

If their faces are being spit in, it's by you for even mentioning that ridiculous metaphor. And NO, it's NOT like "saying there's no need to discuss crime when discussing what we need to do about crime"

It's like what I said. You can talk about legal immigration. You can talk about illegal immigration. Or you can talk about both. I don't mean through the entire thread. I'm talking about in any ONE POST. I really get the feeling you're not that stupid, and you're just harassing. Trying to get banned ?

Sure, legal immigrants have been invited. And the OP is saying that shouldn't be happening. Get it ?

No I don't get it. Why don't you go spit in their faces some more?

Why don't you wait until you have something that addresses the message in the OP, specifically the Harms of Immigration, instead of just trolling a bunch of back alley talk ? That's a rhetorical question. I'll answer it. Because you don't have anything of substance to say, and can't refute all my proven points.

I won't lower myself to use your crude metaphors, but if anyone is disrespecting anybody, it is the immigrants who are disrespecting Americans by coming here and grabbing jobs, when they know 20 million Americans are out of work, by sending America's dollars out of the country (imperialism plain & simple), and by imposing all the other harms of immigration mentioned in the 16 item list.
It has by now been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the title of this thread is a lie.
It has by now been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the title of this thread is a lie.

Now ? It was proven almost a month ago, that the title if this thread is a TRUE FACT.

See Post # 33.
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Although not so famous, I would add to this list of good people my mother and her family from Denmark. And my paternal grandparents from British Honduras (now Belize)

All of which has NOTHING to do with the Harms of Immigration list and the OP.

You really are Amazing Protect.,on one hand you bitterly oppose Migrants and yet you are the son of immigrants.......don't you realise how stupid that makes you sound.......good on your parents for wanting a better and productive life for themselves and their children.........What on earth must they think of you,

Who or what my ancestors are is irrelevant. I've already explained what I think about their immigrations. Only thing that matters now in 2014, is 20 million unemployed AMERICANS, and 20 million immigrants swiping the jobs they could/would/should have had, as well as all the items listed on the harms of immigration list.

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

It is relevant actually...but you think not!!!!!!Most of the reason you have 20 million unemployed is because you do not support local businesses but buy shoddy(shit) goods from China and elsewhere at CHEAP prices.....where wages are low....mind you I think your minimum wage is around $7 per hour????? we employ over 100 staff (even hard working migrants) the 17 year olds start at $24 per hour.

So it's a matter of what sort of Economy you want and standard of living..immigrants are not your problem but big business who support China or other low wage countries that produce inferior product..putting Americans out of work(Did you know that in the early 60's Americans purchased clothing 84% made in America,today you by 82% of your clothing manufactured from overseas..we buy over $10 million a year from the US for components because they are superior quality made by educated hard working Americans.....and our end product is sold world wide including China:D

Protect., you should spend your time lobbying BIG IMPORTERS instead of worrying about Immigrants who as a % are minute.steve
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If their faces are being spit in, it's by you for even mentioning that ridiculous metaphor. And NO, it's NOT like "saying there's no need to discuss crime when discussing what we need to do about crime"

It's like what I said. You can talk about legal immigration. You can talk about illegal immigration. Or you can talk about both. I don't mean through the entire thread. I'm talking about in any ONE POST. I really get the feeling you're not that stupid, and you're just harassing. Trying to get banned ?

Sure, legal immigrants have been invited. And the OP is saying that shouldn't be happening. Get it ?

No I don't get it. Why don't you go spit in their faces some more?

Why don't you wait until you have something that addresses the message in the OP, specifically the Harms of Immigration, instead of just trolling a bunch of back alley talk ? That's a rhetorical question. I'll answer it. Because you don't have anything of substance to say, and can't refute all my proven points.

I won't lower myself to use your crude metaphors, but if anyone is disrespecting anybody, it is the immigrants who are disrespecting Americans by coming here and grabbing jobs, when they know 20 million Americans are out of work, by sending America's dollars out of the country (imperialism plain & simple), and by imposing all the other harms of immigration mentioned in the 16 item list.

No one just shows up in this country or any other country and "grabs jobs". They complete applications like any other job seeker, they interview like any other job seeker, then if they are the right person for the job, they are hired.

For those who immigrate here legally, they are not "disrespecting" anyone if they went through the lawful progress to come here, which makes your long winded diatribe an irrelevant waste of time and board space.
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"Immigration is Destroying America"

Which Indian chief said that? It may have been said in Central America after the first wave of Spanish Christians cam through. They didn't need guns, swords, spears etc. the diseases they brought with them did the job.
"he earth’s natural resources are finite, which means that if we use them continuously, we will eventually exhaust them. This basic observation is undeniable. But another way of looking at the issue is far more relevant to assessing people’s well-being. Our exhaustible and unreproducible natural resources, if measured in terms of their prospective contribution to human welfare, can actually increase year after year, perhaps never coming anywhere near exhaustion. How can this be? The answer lies in the fact that the effective stocks of natural resources are continually expanded by the same technological developments that have fueled the extraordinary growth in living standards since the Industrial Revolution."

Natural Resources: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty
None of the excuses that the frightened, hateful, anti-American fools railing against LEGAL immigration try to hide behind hold up in the face of the many pertinent FACTS that have been presented here. But then those ruled by their irrational fears are rarely swayed by FACT. It's a shame we can't expunge such weaklings from our society to make room for the more worthy (who are waiting in line in enormous numbers).
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None of the excuses that the frightened, hateful, anti-American fools railing against LEGAL immigration hold up in the face of the many pertinent FACTS that have been presented here. But then those ruled by their irrational fears are rarely swayed by FACT. It's a shame we can't expunge such weaklings from our society to make room for the more worthy (who are waiting in line in enormous numbers).
People who understand that the doubling of our population in a mere 50-60 years and our present economic dillema, and who advocate for a throttling-back of Legal Immigration in addition to stemming the flow of Illegal Immigration, are neither frightened nor hateful or anti-American nor foolish; merely fellow citizens - usually of equal goodwill - whom disagree with your position, and whom interpret your so-called 'facts' and 'expert opinion' differently than you, and whom see different outcomes arising from current interim trends.

Calling them names and denigrating them and their own opinions and interpretations of data and trends does your own cause no good service.
... who advocate for a throttling-back of Legal Immigration in addition to stemming the flow of Illegal Immigration, are neither frightened nor hateful or anti-American nor foolish;

Those who have commented here most often on behalf of such irrationality have proven that they are.
None of the excuses that the frightened, hateful, anti-American fools railing against LEGAL immigration hold up in the face of the many pertinent FACTS that have been presented here. But then those ruled by their irrational fears are rarely swayed by FACT. It's a shame we can't expunge such weaklings from our society to make room for the more worthy (who are waiting in line in enormous numbers).
People who understand that the doubling of our population in a mere 50-60 years and our present economic dillema, and who advocate for a throttling-back of Legal Immigration in addition to stemming the flow of Illegal Immigration, are neither frightened nor hateful or anti-American nor foolish; merely fellow citizens - usually of equal goodwill - whom disagree with your position, and whom interpret your so-called 'facts' and 'expert opinion' differently than you, and whom see different outcomes arising from current interim trends.

Calling them names and denigrating them and their own opinions and interpretations of data and trends does your own cause no good service.
... who advocate for a throttling-back of Legal Immigration in addition to stemming the flow of Illegal Immigration, are neither frightened nor hateful or anti-American nor foolish;

Those who have commented here most often on behalf of such irrationality have proven that they are.
Dunno about that, but your labeling of such counterpointing as 'irrationality' is inaccurate.

It is not irrational.

Merely a different range of opinion, interpretation, and projections for likely outcomes than those which you perceive or attempt to reinforce.

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