Immigration is Destroying America.

We are powerful, spacious, blessed with natural resources, and possessed of a culture that has and does draw and assimilate the best and the brightest legal immigrants from around the world. America's success is the success of immigration, and we have an enormous capacity for more.

We have NO capacity for more. We have long execeeded our population carrying capacity, and have been worsening it for 154 years.
""We know by experience that erecting obstacles to trade will make things worse," says Pascal Lamy, director-general of the World Trade Organisation (WTO).
"At times of global economic crisis, enemy number one is isolationism.
"Protectionism can only exacerbate the situation, as it did after the Great Wall Street Crash of 1929," he adds."

BBC NEWS | Business | The dangers of trade protectionism

"Dangers" of protectionism ? What an oxymoron that is. What's wrong with protecting what is yours ? Do you have locks on the doors and windows of your home ? :badgrin:

Here are the dangers of NOT having protectionism >>

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.
Remember this?

The Dangerous Nonsense of Protectionism

"As we unravel the tangled web of protectionist argument, we should keep our eye on two essential points: (1) protectionism means force in restraint of trade; and (2) the key is what happens to the consumer. Invariably, we will find that the protectionists are out to cripple, exploit, and impose severe losses not only on foreign consumers but especially on Americans. And since each and every one of us is a consumer, this means that protectionism is out to mulct all of us for the benefit of a specially privileged, subsidized few—and an inefficient few at that: people who cannot make it in a free and unhampered market."

Major pile of crap. Protectionism protects Americans from all the >>

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.
Jobs for skilled workers are going unfilled - Los Angeles Times

"Even with almost 13 million Americans looking for work and 8 million more settling for part-time jobs, almost half the 1,361 U.S. employers surveyed in January by ManpowerGroup say they can’t find workers to fill positions. "

Companies Say 3 Million Unfilled Positions in Skill Crisis: Jobs - Bloomberg
Fine. Start (re-)training Americans to do those jobs, rather than going to the outside?

And in the meantime?

In the meantime, retraining isn't necessary. The LIE that Americans don't have the needed skills is poppycock. Companies just want foreigners for their acceptance of low wages and rotten working conditions. The skills argument is a red herring.
AKA >> :bsflag:

As I said in an earlier post, as the director of the National Association of Black Engineers said (on the Lou Dobbs Tonight TV show) recently, when there is a labor shortage, wages are up high. But wages are NOT high. Of course not, because these are the low wages being paid to immigrants who are willing to work for less, who undercut Americans' wages, and who drive wages down all across the board, as the studies I linked to earlier here, have clearly been showing for years now.
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Why don't you wait until you have something that addresses the message in the OP, specifically the Harms of Immigration, instead of just trolling a bunch of back alley talk ? That's a rhetorical question. I'll answer it. Because you don't have anything of substance to say, and can't refute all my proven points.

I won't lower myself to use your crude metaphors, but if anyone is disrespecting anybody, it is the immigrants who are disrespecting Americans by coming here and grabbing jobs, when they know 20 million Americans are out of work, by sending America's dollars out of the country (imperialism plain & simple), and by imposing all the other harms of immigration mentioned in the 16 item list.

THEY ARE OUR GUESTS ASSHOLE Why don't you go find some of our guests and spit in their faces like a man instead of doing it on an internet forum, or are you to much of a coward to do it to them in person?

No attention being paid to the moderator's warning in Post # 988. I'd say "Go ahead. Make my day" But you already have. :lol:

"Guests" ? People taking jobs away from 20 million unemployed Americans are "guests" ? Well, I guess you're not one of those unemployed Americans are you ? > If you were, you wouldn't be calling them "guests", would you ? :doubt:
I don't spit on my guests and I sure as hell don't blame them for being invited. WTF is wrong with you?
THEY ARE OUR GUESTS ASSHOLE Why don't you go find some of our guests and spit in their faces like a man instead of doing it on an internet forum, or are you to much of a coward to do it to them in person?

No attention being paid to the moderator's warning in Post # 988. I'd say "Go ahead. Make my day" But you already have. :lol:

"Guests" ? People taking jobs away from 20 million unemployed Americans are "guests" ? Well, I guess you're not one of those unemployed Americans are you ? > If you were, you wouldn't be calling them "guests", would you ? :doubt:
I don't spit on my guests and I sure as hell don't blame them for being invited. WTF is wrong with you?
Nothing . Now answer my questions. >> "Well, I guess you're not one of those unemployed Americans are you ? > If you were, you wouldn't be calling them "guests", would you?
No attention being paid to the moderator's warning in Post # 988. I'd say "Go ahead. Make my day" But you already have. :lol:

"Guests" ? People taking jobs away from 20 million unemployed Americans are "guests" ? Well, I guess you're not one of those unemployed Americans are you ? > If you were, you wouldn't be calling them "guests", would you ? :doubt:
I don't spit on my guests and I sure as hell don't blame them for being invited. WTF is wrong with you?
Nothing . Now answer my questions. >> "Well, I guess you're not one of those unemployed Americans are you ? > If you were, you wouldn't be calling them "guests", would you?

What part of my answer confused you?

I have known thousands of people, but I've never known someone out of work for more than a week who really wanted to work. Not one.
I don't spit on my guests and I sure as hell don't blame them for being invited. WTF is wrong with you?
Nothing . Now answer my questions. >> "Well, I guess you're not one of those unemployed Americans are you ? > If you were, you wouldn't be calling them "guests", would you?

What part of my answer confused you?

I have known thousands of people, but I've never known someone out of work for more than a week who really wanted to work. Not one.

And it's exactly that ignorance that is part of the problem here. Maybe if you DID know them, maybe if they were in your own family, maybe if it was YOU, you'd think differently.

Now you may go ahead and answer my questions.
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Here's some more famous AMERICAN IMMIGRANTS to add to your list.





Here's a few more American immigrants >>


Faisal Shahzad (AKA the "Times Square Bomber") - immigrant from Pakistan


Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (AKA th "Underwear Bomber") - granted visa from Nigeria


Hesham Mohamed Hadayet (AKA - the LAX shooter) - immigrated from Egypt
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We are powerful, spacious, blessed with natural resources...
Good. Let's keep it that way. One way we can do that is to keep an eye on Total Population.

Hell, with projected declining birth rates, we could afford to lose 50,000,000 to 100,000,000 through attrition (natural die-off, the passing of my own Boomer generation, etc.) over the next 30-50 to 100 years, going back to 1960s or 1970s or 1980s levels, without getting radical about population-size control, and still be just fine; with more resources to go around per capita, and with our grandchildren or great-grandchildren being the better off for it.

No need to continue thinning-out our 'blessings' now that we're done growing coast-to-coast and top-to-bottom.

...and possessed of a culture that has and does draw and assimilate the best and the brightest legal immigrants from around the world...
Every sponge reaches a Saturation Point.

We are not obliged to continue soaking-up outsiders until we are saturated.

There's probably always going to be room for a few 'good ones' here-and-there, but it makes sense to consider strategic goals and resource-consumption over the next century, when considering any next-round and so-called Immigration Reform, to decide, as a People, whether we want to continue bringing-in newcomers at present levels, or whether we'll more likely be better-off, scaling-back on immigration for a few decades.

...America's success is the success of immigration...
True. Until we reached the point where we stopped defending our borders and let-in 12,000,000 to 20,000,000 invaders, and tolerated them, in the name of Immigration Friendliness.

...and we have an enormous capacity for more.
In the 60 years between 1950 and 2010... we went from a total population of 150,000,000 to 300,000,000... doubling our population within less than a single lifetime.

We are neither obliged nor, in all likelihood, would we be wise, to continue admitting newcomers at present high levels.

Just because we have done a thing (immigration, at high levels) in the past does not mean that we must or should continue to do a thing in the future. What was a good idea in the past may not be so great an idea, moving forward.

It's up to The People to decide, in the end, and we may be reaching a point in our history when we need to take a long, hard look at our present way of accommodating and thinking about immigration, and incorporate that into the National Conversation.

Immigration is not a sacred cow, to be left unchallenged and untouched.

It is a means to an end, subject to a thorough and periodic review, and the time appears to be upon us, to put it under the microscope again, and to talk about it, and to make some decisions.
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The ignorance and fear of isolationist cowards is disgraceful and completely un-American. How such irrational weaklings can live with themselves, I don't know.
We have more than enough room, more than enough resources, and every economic motivation to continue the AMERICAN tradition of LEGAL immigration.
The ignorance and fear of isolationist cowards is disgraceful and completely un-American. How such irrational weaklings can live with themselves, I don't know.
Calling people ignorant, and fearful, and cowardly, and disgraceful, and irrational weaklings, simply because they disagree with your position on Immigration, is, by far, the more un-American of the behaviors being manifested here.
Um...Other than Native Americans (AKA "Indians"), we are A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS....Does the OP and his cohorts mean that we are destroying ourselves?...

Sent from my iPhone using
Nothing . Now answer my questions. >> "Well, I guess you're not one of those unemployed Americans are you ? > If you were, you wouldn't be calling them "guests", would you?

What part of my answer confused you?

I have known thousands of people, but I've never known someone out of work for more than a week who really wanted to work. Not one.

And it's exactly that ignorance that is part of the problem here. Maybe if you DID know them, maybe if they were in your own family, maybe if it was YOU, you'd think differently.

Now you may go ahead and answer my questions.

I did answer your questions, explicitly.

As to your list of maybes. Nope, that's impossible. There is no way in hell I'd let a family member that wanted to work sit on his ass for more than a week. Thus, no I would never think differently. It's way to easy to find and/or invent a job.
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The ignorance and fear of isolationist cowards is disgraceful and completely un-American. How such irrational weaklings can live with themselves, I don't know.

What is disgraceful is you FALSELY portraying all this, when you, fully biased, being an immigrant yourself with a vested interest, shouldn't even be in this discussion. Worse yet, is the FALSE impression you try to make that protectionism against immigration is somehow wrong and bad, when YOU KNOW damn well, all these people (doubling of population in 50 years) is done by unscrupulous traitors for VOTES, and for MONEY.
We have more than enough room, more than enough resources, and every economic motivation to continue the AMERICAN tradition of LEGAL immigration.


We don't have enough room, we have resource scarcity (as my links have shown), and we suffer huge economic LOSSES$$ as a result of immigration remittances$$ and welfare to immigrants, all in addition to LOSSES$$ from all the additional crime, education provided, ER provided (and gone unpaid for), pollution, disease, etc. etc.

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