Immigration is Destroying America.

All arguments made against immigration today, were made a century ago towards the Irish, the East European Jews, the Chinese, the Hispanics...(the deportees)....and political parties decried it with the same hollow excuses - higher crime, laziness, disease, lack of assimilation.
Now, like then, it rang false.

I support immigration...for we are all children of immigrants of one era or another. Why should we close the door just because we have it made?

The US passed its optimum population (30 million) in 1860. With the small exceptions of people bringing rare, high-demand skills, and those binging capital to open businesses and create jobs for AMERICANS, immigration should have ceased then. This includes the time period you're talking about. And I'm not talking about excuses. I'm talking about HARM to America.

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

You are the child of an immigrant.

At one point your forbears were accused of introduction of foreign disesases, cultural erosion, overuse of scarce resources, overcrowding in schools and government resources etc etc.

What gives *you* the right to slam the door shut. Are you *special*?

No I'm not special. And THIS is what gives me (and ALL Americans) the right (to PROTECT ourselves)

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.
You are repeating yourself Protectionist.

All those arguments were made (in one way or another) against prior immigrant groups (including your forbears) in an attempt to close the door on immigration.

What makes *you* so special that the door must be closed *now*?
Immigration created America, protectionist.

Illegal immigration is the real problem, imo.

See Post # 1130.

As for legal immigration, millions of American jobs are being given to immigrants. How do 20 million UNEMPLOYED Americans see this ? Are they any less UNEMPLOYED as a result of legal immigrants filling the jobs they could/would/should have had, than from illegal immigrants filling the jobs they have ?
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You are repeating yourself Protectionist.

All those arguments were made (in one way or another) against prior immigrant groups (including your forbears) in an attempt to close the door on immigration.

What makes *you* so special that the door must be closed *now*?

I'm not special. As I told you before, the door should have been closed (generally) in 1860.
Don't you listen ?
1860? What makes that so special?

I'm the child of immigrants.

My great grandparents immigrated from Denmark, Norway, Wales.

I think we have as much right as *you* to be here.
Even illegal immigration is no biggie.

People come here to better their lives and the lives of their families. They work hard - harder than the average American today, to realize their dreams.

Good for them.
There's no Magic Year that we can point to, as a Turning Point, in any discussion about limiting future immigration.

It's all about "Need".

If we still need more Immigrants, then, by all means, let's bring in some more, until we no longer need them.

If we do not need more Immigrants, then, we can throttle-back, and severely curtail future arrivals.

Decades (or a century or more) ago, we still had a demonstrable need for large-scale immigration.

We had land that needed conquering and taming, and farmland to clear, and cities to build.

Well, we 'maxed-out' on east-to-west growth, long ago.

Ditto for north-to-south growth.

No more lands to conquer and tame.

No more farm lands to clear.

No more cities to build.

the Prime Motives for accommodating large-scale immigration are now behind us.

No need to continue that on a large scale and at the same pace, now that the need has diminished.

It's time we started thinking more strategically and critically about Immigration, and whether we want to continue in future in the same fashion we have in the past.
Even illegal immigration is no biggie.

People come here to better their lives and the lives of their families. They work hard - harder than the average American today, to realize their dreams.

Good for them.

You may very well be content to accommodate some 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens, present upon US soil, without our express prior consent, but many of your countrymen are not.

Nobody wants to deny Illegal Aliens a better life.

We wish them better lives aplenty, back in their home countries.

This world-without-borders crap has just gotta go.
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If they are working hard, supporting themselves - I don't care too much. I'm more concerned with apprehending rapists, murderers and druglords.

If they are working hard, supporting themselves - I don't care too much. I'm more concerned with apprehending rapists, murderers and druglords.

We hold different opinions on the nature and detriment attributable to Illegal Aliens.

Some things never change.
the Prime Motives for accommodating large-scale immigration are now behind us.

I have proven the contrary on this thread time and time again. Your block-headed denial of reality suggests you qualify for a room on the same floor of the institution as a certain someone who keeps pulling 'lists' out his ass and attempting to redefine terms. You could at least try to do better.
Native American:

"Native American noun
: a member of any of the first groups of people living in North America or South America; especially : a member of one of these groups from the U.S.

Full Definition of NATIVE AMERICAN

: a member of any of the aboriginal peoples of the western hemisphere; especially : a Native American of North America and especially the United States "

Native american - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
the Prime Motives for accommodating large-scale immigration are now behind us.

I have proven the contrary on this thread time and time again. Your block-headed denial of reality suggests you qualify for a room on the same floor of the institution as a certain someone who keeps pulling 'lists' out his ass and attempting to redefine terms. You could at least try to do better.
You have proven nothing.

You have served-up speculation pertaining to current trends and the way that those might impact upon the future if those trends persist; some of it data-based, and all of it speculative opinion, with regard to what is yet to unfold.

And that's not even taking into account the distinct possibility that a shrinkage of total population to an earlier level, through simple and gentle attrition, spanning several decades, might very well be in our best long-term interests.

Your confusion regarding the definitions of Proof and Speculation is your cross to bear, not mine.
the Prime Motives for accommodating large-scale immigration are now behind us.

I have proven the contrary on this thread time and time again. Your block-headed denial of reality suggests you qualify for a room on the same floor of the institution as a certain someone who keeps pulling 'lists' out his ass and attempting to redefine terms. You could at least try to do better.
You have proven nothing..

I have proven it over and over and over and over and over again on this thread.
I have proven the contrary on this thread time and time again. Your block-headed denial of reality suggests you qualify for a room on the same floor of the institution as a certain someone who keeps pulling 'lists' out his ass and attempting to redefine terms. You could at least try to do better.
You have proven nothing..

I have proven it over and over and over and over and over again on this thread.
You have certainly claimed to have proven it over and over again.

But you produce data that merely illustrates present trends rather than hard Census numbers, and serve-up opinion on impact, should those trends persist.

Nobody has a crystal ball that can reliably predict the future, and the presence of various high-end jobs not being filled domestically is not ipso facto evidence of the need for immigration, nor is the excuse that more immigrants will help keep pensions afloat.

None of that is proof - merely speculation and opinion - to be accorded the same treatment as other speculation and opinion.
I have proven it economically, politically, socially, philosophically, geographically, historically, and demographically. The only ones left denying the benefit and essential Americanism of LEGAL immigration are a couple of spineless, dimwitted head cases who don't understand this country at all.
I have proven it economically, politically, socially, philosophically, geographically, historically, and demographically. The only ones left denying the benefit and essential Americanism of LEGAL immigration are a couple of spineless, dimwitted head cases who don't understand this country at all.

The only thing you've proved is that you're willing to come in here, have the hell beaten out of you repeatedly with the facts, and make a fool out of yourself, by constantly repeating what we all know is not true.

The only left for you to say now, is which of the list of vested interests are you ?

1. Businesses wanting cheap labor to reduce costs & boost profits.

2. Churches wanting parishoners to fill their empty pews.

3. Unions wanting members to replace their declining memberships.

4. Spanish media NEEDING Spanish-only speakers.

5. Ethnocentrist organizations wanting immigrants to multiply their race, for racist reasons (ex. La Raza- "the race")

6. Democrats seek VOTES (and get them).

7. Terrorists come in to enact terrorism (ex. the 9-11 hijackers came in on visas)

8. Anchor baby parents who become LEGALLY entitled to welfare benefits by having the pregnant woman give birth on the American side of the border. And then help themselves to a lifetime of benefits (more immigrants are receiving welfare benefits than native-born Americans).

9. Mexico - remittances$$$ from the USA are their second largest source of income (second only to their oil exports) Mexico also benefits immensely by dumping their poor people on the US, as we then stupidly pay their poverty bill for them. Other countries also benefit from remittances and poverty dumping.

10. Mexico's Reconquista of the American southwest. I take the Mexican govt at it's word when it says that is exactly its plan.

11. You're just an immigrant yourself.

12. You're Muslim Islamist, and you want to overthrow the govt, and you need more immigrants to arrive here to do that.
I have proven the contrary on this thread time and time again. Your block-headed denial of reality suggests you qualify for a room on the same floor of the institution as a certain someone who keeps pulling 'lists' out his ass and attempting to redefine terms. You could at least try to do better.
You have proven nothing..

I have proven it over and over and over and over and over again on this thread.

That you're a pathological liar. Yes, over & over. :lol:

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