Immigration is Destroying America.

Why Amnesty Isn't the Solution >>> In 1986, Congress passed the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) giving amnesty — legal forgiveness — to all illegal aliens who had successfully evaded justice for four years or more or were illegally working in agriculture. As a result, 2.8 million illegal aliens were admitted as legal immigrants to the United States. In addition, they have so far brought in an additional 142,000 dependents.

Various Amnesties of Illegal Aliens
IRCA (including dependents) 2,831,351
NACARA 405,000
Haitian Act 50,000
INA Section 249 (from 1987-1997) 69,670
TOTAL 3,356,021

The amnesty permanently added millions of poor to our society.

An Immigration and Naturalization Service study found that after ten years in the United States, the average amnestied illegal alien had only a seventh grade education and an annual salary of less than $9,000 a year. Unlike immigrants with a sponsor who guarantees they will not become a burden on the public, when Congress enacts an amnesty, it makes the American public financially responsible for those amnestied.

The cost of amnesties to the American taxpayer is staggering.

According to a study by the Center for Immigration Studies, the total net cost of the IRCA amnesty (the direct and indirect costs of services and benefits to the ex-illegal aliens, minus their tax contributions) after ten years comes to over $78 billion.

IRCA Amnesty Admissions : 1989 to 2001

Resident Since 1982 Seasonal Agr. Workers Dependents Total
1989 478,814 — — 478,814
1990 823,704 56,668 — 880,372
1991 214,003 909,159 — 1,123,162
1992 46,962 116,380 52,272 215,614
1993 18,717 5,561 55,344 79,622
1994 4,436 1,586 34,074 40,096
1995 3,124 1,143 277 4,544
1996 3,286 1,349 184 4,819
1997 1,439 1,109 — 2,548
1998 954 1 21 976
1999 4 4 — 8
2000 413 8 55 476
2001 263 — 37 300
Total 1,596,119 1,092,968 142,264 2,831,351

The Special Agricultural Workers (SAW) amnesty provision that gave legal residence to more than one million illegal aliens was especially marked by fraud. Because it was not necessary to show at least four years of residence in the country, this amnesty provision was especially attractive to recently arrived illegal residents. All they needed to qualify for the amnesty was a document saying they had worked for the specified number of days in harvesting crops, and those documents were easily forged. In an analysis of that program published in 1988, the authors wrote that the number of illegal workers in California who benefited from the SAW program was three times the number of the state's entire agricultural workforce during the period when they would have had to have been working there to qualify.

A similar analysis was expressed by social researchers writing on the historical pattern of Mexican migration to the United States. They wrote, "The special agricultural worker (SAW) program, in particular, was so loosely administered, so nebulous in its criteria for qualification, and so plagued with opportunities for fakery that it induced many Mexicans who had never worked in U.S. agriculture, or even been in the United States, to cross the border in hopes of being legalized through fraudulent means."

Amnesty disguises the extent of illegal immigration.

Apologists for illegal immigration have actually had the nerve to claim that, because the number of illegal immigrants living in the U.S. today (between 8.7 and 11 million) is about the same as the number living here ten years ago, illegal immigration must not be that big of a problem. In doing so, they rely on the public's forgetting that, without the amnesty, there would be closer to 12 or 14 million illegal aliens in the country. It 's akin to pardoning and releasing everyone in prison, then claiming there is no crime problem because the prisons are empty.

An amnesty sends the message that it is okay to break the law.

An amnesty says that eventually you will be forgiven, even rewarded, for breaking the law. Furthermore, it makes a mockery of the legal immigration process, wherein those who obey the rules wait years to immigrate (instead of "jumping the line" and hoping for absolution later).

Sources :

1] Report on the Legalized Alien Population, Immigration and Naturalization Service, M-375, March 1992.

[2]Measuring the Fallout: The Cost of the IRCA Amnesty After 10 Years, Center for Immigration Studies, May 1997

[3] Martin, Philip L., J. Edward Taylor, and P. Hardiman, "California Farmworkers and the SAW Legalization Program." California Agriculture, 1988.

[4] Massey, Douglas S., Jorge Durand, and Nolan J. Malone, Beyond Smoke and Mirrors, Russell Sage Foundation, 2002.
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I sort of agree with the OP -- but I blame mostly Spain and that Italian guy.

Poll Finds Most Americans Want Enforcement, Not Amnesty

According to a poll of 1000 likely voters released by Rasmussen last week, 52% believe the U.S. government is not aggressive enough in deporting illegal aliens, and only 14% think it is too aggressive. (Rasmussen Reports, Apr. 30, 2014) Twenty-two percent believe the current number of deportations is "about right" and 11% are undecided. (Id.) The poll prefaced the question with the statement that the "U.S. government has deported nearly two million illegal immigrants since Barack Obama became president," without explaining that that the "deportation" numbers under Obama includes border patrol removals that previously would not have been classified as deportations. (Rasmussen Reports, Apr. 27-28, 2014)

The poll was conducted around the same time that Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson indicated that the Administration is planning to further weaken enforcement. (ABC News, Apr. 27, 2014) The Secretary's review of the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) deportation policies, a review that President Obama announced while under increasing pressure by open borders groups to ease his supposedly "record" deportations, appears to be nearly finished.

52% Say U.S. Not Aggressive Enough in Deportations; 14% Say Too Aggressive - Rasmussen Reports?

Note enforcement is not "less" legal immigration, it's less illegal immigration.
Poll Finds Most Americans Want Enforcement, Not Amnesty

According to a poll of 1000 likely voters released by Rasmussen last week, 52% believe the U.S. government is not aggressive enough in deporting illegal aliens, and only 14% think it is too aggressive. (Rasmussen Reports, Apr. 30, 2014) Twenty-two percent believe the current number of deportations is "about right" and 11% are undecided. (Id.) The poll prefaced the question with the statement that the "U.S. government has deported nearly two million illegal immigrants since Barack Obama became president," without explaining that that the "deportation" numbers under Obama includes border patrol removals that previously would not have been classified as deportations. (Rasmussen Reports, Apr. 27-28, 2014)

The poll was conducted around the same time that Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson indicated that the Administration is planning to further weaken enforcement. (ABC News, Apr. 27, 2014) The Secretary's review of the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) deportation policies, a review that President Obama announced while under increasing pressure by open borders groups to ease his supposedly "record" deportations, appears to be nearly finished.

52% Say U.S. Not Aggressive Enough in Deportations; 14% Say Too Aggressive - Rasmussen Reports?

Note enforcement is not "less" legal immigration, it's less illegal immigration.

There's no requirement to talk about both all the time. Posts can be about both. Or legal. Or illegal.
Well, that spain guy started the building of a great nation. I guess you hate America...

LOVING and PROTECTING America is why this thread got started.

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.
I sort of agree with the OP -- but I blame mostly Spain and that Italian guy.


Yeah, the American Indians were the first to note that immigration was ruining the land they called home.

What's so ruined about it ? Now we have modern medicine and hospitals. Cars, trains, planes. TV. Radio. Computers. Organized sports (baseball, football, etc). Fishing piers, amusement parks, etc. And we don't have tribal groups running around all over the country killing each other, as it was for hundreds of years before Columbus arrived.
Poll Finds Most Americans Want Enforcement, Not Amnesty

According to a poll of 1000 likely voters released by Rasmussen last week, 52% believe the U.S. government is not aggressive enough in deporting illegal aliens, and only 14% think it is too aggressive. (Rasmussen Reports, Apr. 30, 2014) Twenty-two percent believe the current number of deportations is "about right" and 11% are undecided. (Id.) The poll prefaced the question with the statement that the "U.S. government has deported nearly two million illegal immigrants since Barack Obama became president," without explaining that that the "deportation" numbers under Obama includes border patrol removals that previously would not have been classified as deportations. (Rasmussen Reports, Apr. 27-28, 2014)

The poll was conducted around the same time that Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson indicated that the Administration is planning to further weaken enforcement. (ABC News, Apr. 27, 2014) The Secretary's review of the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) deportation policies, a review that President Obama announced while under increasing pressure by open borders groups to ease his supposedly "record" deportations, appears to be nearly finished.

52% Say U.S. Not Aggressive Enough in Deportations; 14% Say Too Aggressive - Rasmussen Reports?

Note enforcement is not "less" legal immigration, it's less illegal immigration.

There's no requirement to talk about both all the time. Posts can be about both. Or legal. Or illegal.

That's like saying there's no need to discuss crime when discussing what we need to do about crime. If you want less legal immigration all you have to do is lower the number. Legal immigrants have been invited. People like you saying there is no difference and spitting in the faces of our guests... yeah that's why I call you a bigoted racist.
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Note enforcement is not "less" legal immigration, it's less illegal immigration.

There's no requirement to talk about both all the time. Posts can be about both. Or legal. Or illegal.

That's like saying there's no need to discuss crime when discussing what we need to do about crime. If you want less legal immigration all you have to do is lower the number. Legal immigrants have been invited. People like you saying there is no difference and spitting in the faces of our guests... yeah that's why I call you a bigoted racist.

If their faces are being spit in, it's by you for even mentioning that ridiculous metaphor. And NO, it's NOT like "saying there's no need to discuss crime when discussing what we need to do about crime"

It's like what I said. You can talk about legal immigration. You can talk about illegal immigration. Or you can talk about both. I don't mean through the entire thread. I'm talking about in any ONE POST. I really get the feeling you're not that stupid, and you're just harassing. Trying to get banned ?

Sure, legal immigrants have been invited. And the OP is saying that shouldn't be happening. Get it ?
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Although not so famous, I would add to this list of good people my mother and her family from Denmark. And my paternal grandparents from British Honduras (now Belize)

All of which has NOTHING to do with the Harms of Immigration list and the OP.

You really are Amazing Protect.,on one hand you bitterly oppose Migrants and yet you are the son of immigrants.......don't you realise how stupid that makes you sound.......good on your parents for wanting a better and productive life for themselves and their children.........What on earth must they think of you,
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People who use banks legally are very good for our economy. People who use them illegally? Quite the contrary.

People who drive legally are very good for transportation of many sorts. People who drive illegally? Quite the contrary.

People who immigrate to this great nation legally are very, very, very good for the country. People who immigrate illegally? Quite the contrary.

Although not so famous, I would add to this list of good people my mother and her family from Denmark. And my paternal grandparents from British Honduras (now Belize)

All of which has NOTHING to do with the Harms of Immigration list and the OP.

You really are Amazing Protect.,on one hand you bitterly oppose Migrants and yet you are the son of immigrants.......don't you realise how stupid that makes you sound.......good on your parents for wanting a better and productive life for themselves and their children.........What on earth must they think of you,

Who or what my ancestors are is irrelevant. I've already explained what I think about their immigrations. Only thing that matters now in 2014, is 20 million unemployed AMERICANS, and 20 million immigrants swiping the jobs they could/would/should have had, as well as all the items listed on the harms of immigration list.

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

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