Immigration is Destroying America.

Bump. Yes or no [MENTION=45665]protectionist[/MENTION].

Trolling, harassment, off topic, derailing, reported

Yeah cause inbreeding and crossbreeding are not related to migrations. ROFL I bet his sister's his mother and his father's his grandpa.

Racist bigoted coward. report report report I'm gonna sue report report report... This entire thread and the OP is a troll you jerk.

That's what you are, and nothing could be more clear evidence of that than this last post. How old are you ? 10 ? (my apologies to the 10 year olds of the world)

PS - reported AGAIN.

PPS - I've challenged you repeatedly to show ONE example of racism of bigotry from me. You never have done so. So every time you post those words, you just make more of a fool of yourself, and more and more of a victory for me. So thanks, man!
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The only thing threatening in this world is our government's bloated bureaucracy.

FALSE! (by a wide margin)

is that why you needed red in a big font?

funny, I get it, you are using the big font, red color as a symbol of big government red ink by overstating the obvious, sorry I am a little slow, I see you agree, good dry humor post, thanks.

I have no idea of what you just said. Maybe this is my lucky day.
FALSE! (by a wide margin)

is that why you needed red in a big font?

funny, I get it, you are using the big font, red color as a symbol of big government red ink by overstating the obvious, sorry I am a little slow, I see you agree, good dry humor post, thanks.

I just reckon there are far too many PROTECTIONISTS :mad:in the United States

That would be impossible. EVERYONE in America should be a protectionist. :D
FALSE! (by a wide margin)

is that why you needed red in a big font?

funny, I get it, you are using the big font, red color as a symbol of big government red ink by overstating the obvious, sorry I am a little slow, I see you agree, good dry humor post, thanks.

I have no idea of what you just said. Maybe this is my lucky day.

It is, your lucky day, was, I insulted you, it is dry and subtle.
I'm still wondering..............why is immigration bad for America?

I mean............we have the Jews, the Irish and the Italians.................all of the were said to be bad for immigration, yet they have enriched this country quite a bit.
I'm still wondering..............why is immigration bad for America?

I mean............we have the Jews, the Irish and the Italians.................all of the were said to be bad for immigration, yet they have enriched this country quite a bit.

Why would you be wondering ? Do you not understand the Harms of Immigration list ? I've mentioned this list to 10 year old kids in the 5th grade, and they understood it immediately. What's there to wonder about ? See Posts #s 20. 33. 37. and 51, just for starters. I'll have more to add later.

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.
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I'm still wondering..............why is immigration bad for America?

I mean............we have the Jews, the Irish and the Italians.................all of the were said to be bad for immigration, yet they have enriched this country quite a bit.

Why would you be wondering ? Do you not understand the Harms of Immigration list ? I've mentioned this list to 10 year old kids in the 5th grade, and they understood it immediately. What's there to wonder about ?

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

I'll respond to every single one of the complaints on your laundry list;

1. There is no empirical data that shows Americans losing jobs because of immigration. Immigrants fulfill two aspects when it comes to the economy: 1) they take crappy jobs that are off the books that Americans refuse to do, and 2) they come to fill vacancies in industries that need specific skill sets that Americans don't have, which is a result of just-say-no-to-everything Republicans who refuse to work on a Jobs Bill where job re-training programs and other crucial services could serve as a revolving door back into employment for Americans.

2. Immigration does not set wages. The free market does. The wage problem in America is a result of the country's decision to become primarily a service-sector economy. Unions were busted, good paying jobs were shipped to cheaper overseas labor markets and then replaced with retail jobs at low wages and with no benefits. Immigration has nothing to do with this problem.

3. This complaint is actually a call for immigration reform. By giving people who came here due to no fault of their own a pathway to citizenship, we'd be increasing revenues from people who would now be on the books. Not having immigration reform is actually costing us money while having immigration reform would make us money.

4. Same as #3. It's because they're off the books. Give 'em a pathway to being on the books and problem solved.

5. This one is a canard. It's just a lame Republican talking point. "Immigrant Welfare Queens"! Just repeat it a bunch of times and you can convince yourself it's a real problem! This is just another case of Republicans picking the wrong target when indeed welfare to corporations in the form of subsidies far outweigh any social assistance to immigrants, both legal and not.

6. Another Republican canard. Crime rates have dropped the last 3 decades in a row, despite the fact that mass shootings have dramatically increased in the last 8-10 years. Not an immigration issue. Just a bullshit Republican meme.

7. There is greater congestion in big American cities because the many Republicans who run the states now believe investing in infrastructure is "socialism", when in fact Mr. Republican, Dwight Eisenhower, funded the St. Lawrence Seaway AND the National Highway System. Congestion is only worse because a good deal of America is in a right-wing headlock that says "We can't do anything! We're broke!".

When we invest in infrastructure, we create jobs which in turn help to spur private sector job growth. A failure to see the prosperity that comes from investing in infrastructure is just one of the many reasons why I would urge a boycott of voting for Republicans until they join the ranks of the intelligent once more instead of missing yet another opportunity to do something that's right.

8. Again, not an immigration issue. There is more pollution because we subsidize dirty fossil fuels by the tens of billions every year, not because of marginal population growth, which isn't even that great of a problem to begin with since America has the second or third largest land mass in the world, but with only the second or third fewest amount of people living in it.

9. Overcrowding in hospitals was due to an antiquated healthcare system that Republicans refused to work on. It was not due to immigration. Since the ACA was enacted, there has already been a noticeable decrease in many areas because more people have insurance now and are getting family doctors. There are to date about 10-12 million people in the last 2 years alone who no longer have to run to the ER as their only way of dealing with health matters.

10. Another strange point that has nothing to do with immigration.

11. Want some cheese with that whine? I don't even know what you're talking about now. Obama and the Republicans have cut the federal workforce by 700,000, almost entirely involving jobs where people are retiring and which no one will be hired to fill the vacancy. What that means is less service for the American people. Yet again, you choose the wrong target in blaming this fact on immigrants.

12. Most of your list chooses to blame all ills on immigrants. Once again, improperly funded or inadequately funded education bills are the issue here and not immigrants. Tell me, when you take the kind of dump that clogs your toilet, do you blame immigrants?

13. See #3. Put these people on the books and the revenue would be there.

14. Cultural erosion in America is due to a spoiled attitude that says "We're #1!" even though we're mostly only #1 in a variety of pretty shameful categories when we used to be #1 in all the good categories. The American way of life now is to double-down on self-esteem at the sacrifice of knowledge or wisdom. That's our problem. We created that. Not immigrants.

15. So immigrants with air-conditioned homes are to blame for our "scarce resources"? Your point here is yet again what a judge would refer to as "reaching".

16. Right, because before immigrants ever came here, there were no diseases whatsoever.

Much of your list is so terribly misguided or not even applicable to real world issues. Just because that's the right-wing propaganda of today doesn't mean you need to swallow it whole.

Comprehensive immigration reform could have been saving us money the last 5 years, but then if Obama were to be seen as getting us back into surplus again, it would cause him to be seen as competent, which is something Republicans just can't fathom, which is why they've done zero work on any of the things your list complains about.
I'm still wondering..............why is immigration bad for America?

I mean............we have the Jews, the Irish and the Italians.................all of the were said to be bad for immigration, yet they have enriched this country quite a bit.

Why would you be wondering ? Do you not understand the Harms of Immigration list ? I've mentioned this list to 10 year old kids in the 5th grade, and they understood it immediately. What's there to wonder about ?

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

I'll respond to every single one of the complaints on your laundry list;

1. There is no empirical data that shows Americans losing jobs because of immigration. Immigrants fulfill two aspects when it comes to the economy: 1) they take crappy jobs that are off the books that Americans refuse to do, and 2) they come to fill vacancies in industries that need specific skill sets that Americans don't have, which is a result of just-say-no-to-everything Republicans who refuse to work on a Jobs Bill where job re-training programs and other crucial services could serve as a revolving door back into employment for Americans.

2. Immigration does not set wages. The free market does. The wage problem in America is a result of the country's decision to become primarily a service-sector economy. Unions were busted, good paying jobs were shipped to cheaper overseas labor markets and then replaced with retail jobs at low wages and with no benefits. Immigration has nothing to do with this problem.

3. This complaint is actually a call for immigration reform. By giving people who came here due to no fault of their own a pathway to citizenship, we'd be increasing revenues from people who would now be on the books. Not having immigration reform is actually costing us money while having immigration reform would make us money.

4. Same as #3. It's because they're off the books. Give 'em a pathway to being on the books and problem solved.

5. This one is a canard. It's just a lame Republican talking point. "Immigrant Welfare Queens"! Just repeat it a bunch of times and you can convince yourself it's a real problem! This is just another case of Republicans picking the wrong target when indeed welfare to corporations in the form of subsidies far outweigh any social assistance to immigrants, both legal and not.

6. Another Republican canard. Crime rates have dropped the last 3 decades in a row, despite the fact that mass shootings have dramatically increased in the last 8-10 years. Not an immigration issue. Just a bullshit Republican meme.

7. There is greater congestion in big American cities because the many Republicans who run the states now believe investing in infrastructure is "socialism", when in fact Mr. Republican, Dwight Eisenhower, funded the St. Lawrence Seaway AND the National Highway System. Congestion is only worse because a good deal of America is in a right-wing headlock that says "We can't do anything! We're broke!".

When we invest in infrastructure, we create jobs which in turn help to spur private sector job growth. A failure to see the prosperity that comes from investing in infrastructure is just one of the many reasons why I would urge a boycott of voting for Republicans until they join the ranks of the intelligent once more instead of missing yet another opportunity to do something that's right.

8. Again, not an immigration issue. There is more pollution because we subsidize dirty fossil fuels by the tens of billions every year, not because of marginal population growth, which isn't even that great of a problem to begin with since America has the second or third largest land mass in the world, but with only the second or third fewest amount of people living in it.

9. Overcrowding in hospitals was due to an antiquated healthcare system that Republicans refused to work on. It was not due to immigration. Since the ACA was enacted, there has already been a noticeable decrease in many areas because more people have insurance now and are getting family doctors. There are to date about 10-12 million people in the last 2 years alone who no longer have to run to the ER as their only way of dealing with health matters.

10. Another strange point that has nothing to do with immigration.

11. Want some cheese with that whine? I don't even know what you're talking about now. Obama and the Republicans have cut the federal workforce by 700,000, almost entirely involving jobs where people are retiring and which no one will be hired to fill the vacancy. What that means is less service for the American people. Yet again, you choose the wrong target in blaming this fact on immigrants.

12. Most of your list chooses to blame all ills on immigrants. Once again, improperly funded or inadequately funded education bills are the issue here and not immigrants. Tell me, when you take the kind of dump that clogs your toilet, do you blame immigrants?

13. See #3. Put these people on the books and the revenue would be there.

14. Cultural erosion in America is due to a spoiled attitude that says "We're #1!" even though we're mostly only #1 in a variety of pretty shameful categories when we used to be #1 in all the good categories. The American way of life now is to double-down on self-esteem at the sacrifice of knowledge or wisdom. That's our problem. We created that. Not immigrants.

15. So immigrants with air-conditioned homes are to blame for our "scarce resources"? Your point here is yet again what a judge would refer to as "reaching".

16. Right, because before immigrants ever came here, there were no diseases whatsoever.

Much of your list is so terribly misguided or not even applicable to real world issues. Just because that's the right-wing propaganda of today doesn't mean you need to swallow it whole.

Comprehensive immigration reform could have been saving us money the last 5 years, but then if Obama were to be seen as getting us back into surplus again, it would cause him to be seen as competent, which is something Republicans just can't fathom, which is why they've done zero work on any of the things your list complains about.

You're responding, but not very effectively.

1. When you have 15-20 million Americans unemployed in both skilled and unskilled work, and you have 15 million immigrants (incl work visas) employed, it doesn't take empirical anything, or rocket science to know that Americans are losing jobs to immigrants. Yo won't get anywhere here trying the 'data" approach. We don't have "data" to tell us that there are more trees in forests than in deserts, either. Get it ?

2. Doesn't matter is immigration has anything to do with international outsourcing. Immigration itself is DOMESTIC OUTSOURCING which deals with those jobs that can only be done INSIDE THE US (landscaping, janitorial, construction, etc) Like international outsourcing foreign workers INSIDE the US are exploited for their willingness to work for less, which is exactly what they do, causing wages to fall all around,as I exlained with links in a previous post.

3. We don't need to legalize anybody to restore our full tax base. All we need do is get rid of all the immigrants, an stop issuing work visas, and have AMERICANS fill all the current immigrants jobs, and fill them at American wages, with full tax $$ paid.

4. FALSE. The books have nothing to do with it. Legal or illegal. On books or off, immigrants send remittances$$. It's what they do. Simple as that. See Post # 583.

5. Some immigrants simply choose to go the welfare route and they do. Get them out of the country, ans we reduce MOST of our welfare drain. Simple as that.

6. Crime rates are measured per capita. So the more people you have, the lower your rate. The RATE isn't the issue. Simple fact is when you ADD people (for no reason) to your population, you get ADDITIONAL crime. Also, every illegal alien crossing the border illegally has committed a crime right then and there, and the crime rate besides this crime, among them is astronomical.

7. You can forget yakking to me about Republicans. I'm a registered Independent, and quite a fan of Eisenhower, AND his high taxes on the rich. I'm also a big fan of spending on infrasturcture, have 3 OPs on it in this forum, have criticized the Republicans on this, and I'll put my knowledge of it up against anybody, including you.
Getting back to my # 7 on the harms list, just like with crime, when you ADD people, you ADD cars, and you get more congestion.

8. Just because we subsidize dirty fossil fuels, doesn't mean immigration is not ALSO a pollution issue. By now I've noticed your MO here. You present another reason for a problem and than try to say that ONLY that is the problem, and immigration has no contribution to that problem. That is simply ridiculous, and YOU KNOW it. You are too smart to not know that. I suggest that you not come in here and try to snow me. You'll never get far with that.
As it is with crime and traffic, the more people you have, the more pollution you get, regardless of any other causes of pollution. Simple as that.

9. Again, you try to change the subject thinking that will make the immigration factor go away. It doesn't. Immigrants (especially illegals) use the ERs for medical care becuase they can't (at their low wages) afford insurance. It might please you that the EMTALA law that allows them to do this was signed by Ronald Reagan, whom I despise, almost as much as I revere Eisenhower.

10. Of course it has to do with immigration. As it is with roads & highways, the more people you have, the less resource you have available per capita. Consequently, recreational facilities become more crowded (bowling alleys, fishing piers, ice skating, etc)

11. Yet try to divert attention away from immigrants by pointing to another problem. OK. I'll accept your other problem, but it doesn't have an ounce to discount the simple fact that the more people you have, the more stress you have on govt offices and services. Simple as that.

12. Once again, you mention something that contributes to the problem (school overcrowding), as if that meant that immigration ALSO would have nothing to do with it. EARTH TO INTERPOL. More kids > more crowding. This wasn't told to me by a rocket scientist.

13. The revenue would be there simply by getting rid of the immigrants and filling the jobs they currently fill, with AMERICANS. As i stated previously, these would be at higher (AMERICAN) wages, and thus more tax $$ being paid.

14. Whatever you are blabbing about here, the fact remains that a NATION is >> a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture and language in common. And immigration erodes this. Simple as that.

15. NO, a judge most certainly would NOT refer to it as "reaching", because he (like some 10 year olds I know) would know full well, that the more people you have using oil, gasoline, fresh water, etc., the less of it you have, per capita. Duh!

16. Doesn't matter what the disease situation was before immigrants come here, Mr. Diversion. All that matters in this # 16 point is that when you ADD more people, you ADD more disease. With immigration however it is worse than that, because you have a foreign disease factor as well (like the current MERS issue). Many of the diseases brought in by immigrants are uncommon in the US, and not easily treatable here. I talked about this at length in earlier posts. It helps if you read the thread before posting. See Posts #s 33 and 581.

What you call comprehensive immigration reform is simply giving amnesty to lawbreakers, so the Democratic party can increase its VOTE counts, and other vested interests (also mentioned previously > Post # 129) can fulfill their goals (at the expense of the American people). As for your little political analysis of all this, I'm not really interested in any Democrats' or Republicans' programmed talking points.

Lastly, the amnesty you propose would simply perpetuate the LOSS of money we've been experiencing in remittances and welfare to immigrants, and open a floodgate of more immigration, sending the whole thing into exponential losses, not the least of which would be jobs lost to AMERICANS.

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There they are! Obama administration hard at work making things tough for unemployed Americans and those struggling to hold on to the jibs they have.

They announced a proposed rule that would give work authorization to the spouses of certain H-1B workers, increasing job competition for the 20 million Americans who want full-time work but can’t find it. It does not appear that these spouses will be counted against the visa cap on the category of job they pursue, so the move would expand immigration by executive fiat.

More attacks on American workers, while they claim to be the champions of them. Friends like that ? Don't need enemies.
Competition is what has made America great. Any spineless cowards who fear competition do not understand America. Any hateful xenophobes who oppose LEGAL immigration really aren't Americans in the most important way.
ILLEGAL immigration, you are correct. Legal immigration is so small as to be unnoticable.
Competition is what has made America great. Any spineless cowards who fear competition do not understand America. Any hateful xenophobes who oppose LEGAL immigration really aren't Americans in the most important way.

The "hateful xenophobe" race card died out 20 years ago with the OJ Simpson trial. There isn't a person in America who doesn't know what a laughingstock that is. As for competition, competing with invading Mexicans and invading legal immigrants invited to invade is about equivalent to competing with imperialist Japanese in 1942, or "competition" with al Qaeda right now.
It's funny when certain mentally unstable individuals try to comment on terms they clearly don't understand.

It's sad when people who dare to call themselves American understand so little about what this country is and has always been. Those who fear competition are worthy only of disdain.
ILLEGAL immigration, you are correct. Legal immigration is so small as to be unnoticable.

:lol: Boy is THAT ever wrong. Pheeeww!! :lol:

Nearly 14 million immigrants entered the United States from 2000 to 2010, and in 2010 the immigrant population was at 40 million, a record high. And as long as ANY Americans are unemployed, this is 40 million too many. If we had full employment, and a surplus of jobs, THEN immigration might be desirable to fill those extra jobs, but we all know the situation is exactly the opposite of that.

In addition the U.S. already provides businesses with 700,000 temporary guest workers every year to compete against unemployed Americans, in addition to the annual flow of 1 million permanent legal immigrants. Now in addition to this, the Obama Administration announced a proposed rule that would give work authorization to the spouses of certain H-1B workers, increasing job competition for the 20 million Americans who want full-time work but can’t find it. It does not appear that these spouses will be counted against the visa cap on the category of job they pursue.

These will be 97,000 more jobs taken away from Americans, in the first year, and 30,000 each year after.

Legal immigration "small" ?

EARTH TO SRLIP: Legal immigration is HUMONGOUS.

"Immigrant Population at Record 40 Million in 2010". Yahoo! News. October 6, 2011.
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It is more than mere coincidence that those who clearly don't understand America also don't seem to understand the first thing about economics (among other things).

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