IMMIGRATION MELTDOWN: 80% Captured At Border Set Free In US...

NO, I said I need a better source than Breitbart.

Border Patrol Agents have been telling us for years how porous and dangerous our Border is. Yet our Government still refuses to act. I consider its inaction Treasonous.

Suddenly right wingers believe gov union workers ?

Do you believe them?

I believe we all need to question everything endlessly.

So you don't believe them?

Border Patrol Agents have been telling us for years how porous and dangerous our Border is. Yet our Government still refuses to act. I consider its inaction Treasonous.

Suddenly right wingers believe gov union workers ?

Do you believe them?

I believe we all need to question everything endlessly.

So you don't believe them?

So you don't have another outlet's treatment of this.
NO, I said I need a better source than Breitbart.

Border Patrol Agents have been telling us for years how porous and dangerous our Border is. Yet our Government still refuses to act. I consider its inaction Treasonous.

Suddenly right wingers believe gov union workers ?

Do you believe them?

I believe we all need to question everything endlessly.

Indeed, one thing I've never questioned though is my responsibilty to provide walled security at my home. That keeps lawbreakers out.

How bout you? You got walls?
The US is going through yet another Housing Bubble.
Who do you Liberals think is building the homes and businesses.
The Mexican Government has not been helpful on Border Security. In fact, it's been the exact opposite. It continues to dump its poor and worst criminals in the U.S. So i'm with Trump, it is time to hold it accountable.

But first, we need to force our own Government to enforce Immigration Laws. Nothing can change until we hold our own Government accountable for the Immigration nightmare.

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