Immigration....Who To Invite In?

[Democrat] Hart–Celler Act allowed increased numbers of people to migrate to the United States from Asia, Africa, the Middle East

“Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore/Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me/I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
'Thanks, but no thanks' - Norwegians reject Trump's immigration offer
One of the sources who was briefed on the conversation quoted him as saying: “Why do we want all these people from Africa here? They’re shithole countries ... We should have more people from Norway.”
The man suspected of killing an Oregon couple in a high-speed drunk driving collision earlier in August is an illegal immigrant from Mexico, The Daily Caller News Foundation learned.

Eduardo de la Lima Vargas, 39, allegedly ran a red light on a state highway in Salem, Oregon, on Aug. 19, striking a motorcycle being driven by Logan Wilson, 34, and his wife Jessi, 32. The collision tossed the Wilsons from the motorcycle, fatally injuring both.

Vargas blew a .10 blood alcohol level on a breathalyzer roughly two hours after the crash, according to a Salem police report. Investigators believe he was probably driving at twice the legal alcohol limit at the time he crashed into the Wilsons, who are survived by four young children. "

EXCLUSIVE: Driver Who Allegedly Killed Oregon Couple In DUI Crash Is Illegal Alien, ICE Says

But, Democrats find the cost worth it for the votes.
in August is an illegal immigrant from Mexico,

So said one racists hoping anoyyher heard the calling~~~~~~~~~~~

Only there was no response humans could hear-?

Only the creaper's from the swamp

as I see it :)-

Latest statistics from the US Sentencing Commission [ Topic]

Non-Citizens Federal Crimes:

22% of Murders

18% of Fraud

33% of Money Laundering

29% of Drug Trafficking

72% of Drug Possession

Get it????
Non-Citizens are FAR more likely to commit crimes that Americans are.

And these are only federal statistics. should invest in 'spell check'....just sayin'....
what was the purpose of Ellis Island

From 1892 to 1954, over twelve million immigrants entered the United States through the portal of Ellis Island, a small island in New York Harbor. Ellis Island is located in the upper bay just off the New Jersey coast, within the shadow of the Statue of Liberty. Through the years, this gateway to the new world was enlarged from its original 3.3 acres to 27.5 acres mostly by landfill obtained from ship ballast and possibly excess earth from the construction of the New York City subway system.

Before being designated as the site of the first Federal immigration station by President Benjamin Harrison in 1890, Ellis Island had a varied history. The local Indian tribes had called it "Kioshk" or Gull Island. Due to its rich and abundant oyster beds and plentiful and profitable shad runs, it was known as Oyster Island for many generations during the Dutch and English colonial periods.

By the time Samuel Ellis became the island's private owner in the 1770s, the island had been called Kioshk, Oyster, Dyre, Bucking and Anderson's Island. In this way, Ellis Island developed from a sandy island that barely rose above the high tide mark, into a hanging site for pirates, a harbor fort, ammunition and ordinance depot named Fort Gibson, and finally into an immigration station.

I didn't ask you to copy the text from Ellis Foundation website, any idiot could do it.

I asked you what was the purpose of Ellis island?

OK, here is the easier one... What's the purpose of the border crossing?

Ellis Island was a stop before entering the United States, to keep record through documentation, and for our government to “know” who it is that are seeking entry into our country. It was a means to control the flow of immigration through a specific entry point.
Do left wingers not care about females who are sexually assaulted by illegals?"

Trump admits to sexually assaulting wemon. And I read somewhere that Trump is also an illegal immigrant from Germany. So if we are going to start going after these people, why not start at the "top" and then word down.

Trump DID NOT admit to sexually assisting women. In “context”, he spoke of women who willingly throw themselves to men based on their financial or celebrity status. We have celebrities in Hollywood who are stalked, fans who become obsessed, willfully allow them to sign autographs on certain body parts, where women go crazy over just seeing them in person when they are only a few feet away. There are also celebrities who take advantage of someone swooning over them, who take full advantage of their own popularity. Trump is no exception. It’s unfortunate certain liberals aren’t educated enough to know the difference.
Do left wingers not care about females who are sexually assaulted by illegals?"

Trump admits to sexually assaulting wemon. And I read somewhere that Trump is also an illegal immigrant from Germany. So if we are going to start going after these people, why not start at the "top" and then word down.

Trump DID NOT admit to sexually assisting women. In “context”, he spoke of women who willingly throw themselves to men based on their financial or celebrity status. We have celebrities in Hollywood who are stalked, fans who become obsessed, willfully allow them to sign autographs on certain body parts, where women go crazy over just seeing them in person when they are only a few feet away. There are also celebrities who take advantage of someone swooning over them, who take full advantage of their own popularity. Trump is no exception, as he used the phrase “throwing themselves at you” in the discussion the left often quotes. It’s unfortunate certain liberals aren’t educated enough to know the difference.[
.....and why?

“In all, nearly 60 percent of immigrants—legal and illegal—are on government assistance, compared with 39 percent of native households. Why would any country voluntarily bring in people who have to be supported by the taxpayer?”
Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole

1. Here's the answer: the reason that the Democrats/Liberals encourage illegal immigration is for one reason and one reason only: illegals vote for the Democrats.

There is no other benefit to this nation.
Illegals keep wages low, and unemployment of Americans high; it costs billions in welfare services and police costs high.
It is only through the actions of Democrats and illegal aliens that the Left is able to claim a popular vote victory in the last election.
After all, Obama told illegal aliens to get out and vote.

2. Continuing on the theme, one of education for the deluded Democrat voters....

“The New York State Department of Corrections has collected information about the top ten nationalities in its prisons for years—.... Foreign inmates were 70 percent more likely to have committed a violent crime than American criminals. They were also twice as likely to have committed a class A felony, such as aggravated murder, kidnapping, and terrorism."
Data here:

But....what the heck.....they vote Democrat.

3. In 2010, the top ten countries of the foreign-born inmates in NY were:

Dominican Republic: 1,314

Jamaica: 849

Mexico: 523

Guyana: 289

El Salvador: 245

Cuba: 242

Trinidad and Tobago: 237

Haiti: 201

Ecuador: 189

Colombia: 168

BTW....between 1985 and 1999, the native-born in the prison population increased 99%.
During that time, the foreign-born in the prison population increased 251%.'s almost as if they were invited in......

4. Of course this is not the slant one gets from the house organ of the Democrat Party, the NYTimes.

"Most readers are agog at the number of Dominicans in New York prisons, having spent years reading New York Times articles about Dominicans’ “entrepreneurial zeal,”21 and “traditional immigrant virtues.” Even in an article about the Dominicans’ domination of the crack cocaine business, the Times praised their “savvy,” which had allowed them to become “highly successful” drug dealers, then hailed their drug-infested neighborhoods as the “embodiment of the American Dream—a vibrant, energetic urban melting pot.”
Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole

Hence, the importance of re-education camps for Liberal simpletons: balance the truth about what Democrat policies have done, and who they have invited to a neighborhood near you.

There is an answer.....I'll get to it.

Gimme the tired,hungry and weak until the day you pull that statue in the harbor down.

1. I have no patience for hypocrisy.

2. Its worked before for us.

From the "Shanty Irish" to them "Dumb Pollocks" to the slaves sold to Southern bigots to the "Crime Syndicate Diegos" (did I spell that right?). I heard my old elitist ancestors complain about every old elitist wife any of their children had. In turn no one was good enough for anyone else.

Don't start drawing lines in the sand else in 40 years your great great grand children may be voted out of the country.
5. Facts about Mexico that you won't learn in government school:
In 2010, there were more Mexican nationals in New York state prisons, than there were inmates from the entire European continent.

6. An interesting conjecture, not illuminated in the New York stats, and interesting in light of Europe's immigration policies, one wonders how many of the 'Europeans' in our prisons, are Muslim.

And, along that line of query, there was this Englander:
"Shuhel Mahboob Ali: Brit gets 10 years for seeking child sex for incest fantasy A British man who traveled to Sanford so he could meet a teen girl, take her as his wife, have children and then raise an incest family was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison Monday.

Federal agents said Shuhel Mahboob Ali responded to an online ad placed last year by an undercover detective posing as the father of a 13-year-old girl..... telling him in graphic detail what he would like to do with his supposed teenage daughter.

Ali, 40, said he wanted to settle down with a girl, "breed" and raise a "daughters only" family.

Ali said if he got the teen pregnant, he wanted to start abusing their baby..." Shuhel Mahboob Ali: British man planned to have incest family

Don't forget.....they call this 7th century savage a "British" federal inmate.
Get it??? Wink...wink.

What's #5 trying to say? Them leftest Europeans know something about how to create a decent society?
.....and why?

“In all, nearly 60 percent of immigrants—legal and illegal—are on government assistance, compared with 39 percent of native households. Why would any country voluntarily bring in people who have to be supported by the taxpayer?”
Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole

1. Here's the answer: the reason that the Democrats/Liberals encourage illegal immigration is for one reason and one reason only: illegals vote for the Democrats.

There is no other benefit to this nation.
Illegals keep wages low, and unemployment of Americans high; it costs billions in welfare services and police costs high.
It is only through the actions of Democrats and illegal aliens that the Left is able to claim a popular vote victory in the last election.
After all, Obama told illegal aliens to get out and vote.

2. Continuing on the theme, one of education for the deluded Democrat voters....

“The New York State Department of Corrections has collected information about the top ten nationalities in its prisons for years—.... Foreign inmates were 70 percent more likely to have committed a violent crime than American criminals. They were also twice as likely to have committed a class A felony, such as aggravated murder, kidnapping, and terrorism."
Data here:

But....what the heck.....they vote Democrat.

3. In 2010, the top ten countries of the foreign-born inmates in NY were:

Dominican Republic: 1,314

Jamaica: 849

Mexico: 523

Guyana: 289

El Salvador: 245

Cuba: 242

Trinidad and Tobago: 237

Haiti: 201

Ecuador: 189

Colombia: 168

BTW....between 1985 and 1999, the native-born in the prison population increased 99%.
During that time, the foreign-born in the prison population increased 251%.'s almost as if they were invited in......

4. Of course this is not the slant one gets from the house organ of the Democrat Party, the NYTimes.

"Most readers are agog at the number of Dominicans in New York prisons, having spent years reading New York Times articles about Dominicans’ “entrepreneurial zeal,”21 and “traditional immigrant virtues.” Even in an article about the Dominicans’ domination of the crack cocaine business, the Times praised their “savvy,” which had allowed them to become “highly successful” drug dealers, then hailed their drug-infested neighborhoods as the “embodiment of the American Dream—a vibrant, energetic urban melting pot.”
Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole

Hence, the importance of re-education camps for Liberal simpletons: balance the truth about what Democrat policies have done, and who they have invited to a neighborhood near you.

There is an answer.....I'll get to it.

Gimme the tired,hungry and weak until the day you pull that statue in the harbor down.

1. I have no patience for hypocrisy.

2. Its worked before for us.

From the "Shanty Irish" to them "Dumb Pollocks" to the slaves sold to Southern bigots to the "Crime Syndicate Diegos" (did I spell that right?). I heard my old elitist ancestors complain about every old elitist wife any of their children had. In turn no one was good enough for anyone else.

Don't start drawing lines in the sand else in 40 years your great great grand children may be voted out of the country.

Of course, this will come as no're as dumb as a box of rocks.

1. The Lazarus poem is not the basis for public policy



3. Did you put an ad in the paper inviting any homeless folks to move in when they feel like hypocrite?
5. Facts about Mexico that you won't learn in government school:
In 2010, there were more Mexican nationals in New York state prisons, than there were inmates from the entire European continent.

6. An interesting conjecture, not illuminated in the New York stats, and interesting in light of Europe's immigration policies, one wonders how many of the 'Europeans' in our prisons, are Muslim.

And, along that line of query, there was this Englander:
"Shuhel Mahboob Ali: Brit gets 10 years for seeking child sex for incest fantasy A British man who traveled to Sanford so he could meet a teen girl, take her as his wife, have children and then raise an incest family was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison Monday.

Federal agents said Shuhel Mahboob Ali responded to an online ad placed last year by an undercover detective posing as the father of a 13-year-old girl..... telling him in graphic detail what he would like to do with his supposed teenage daughter.

Ali, 40, said he wanted to settle down with a girl, "breed" and raise a "daughters only" family.

Ali said if he got the teen pregnant, he wanted to start abusing their baby..." Shuhel Mahboob Ali: British man planned to have incest family

Don't forget.....they call this 7th century savage a "British" federal inmate.
Get it??? Wink...wink.

What's #5 trying to say? Them leftest Europeans know something about how to create a decent society?

A dumb as you do you find your way back to that refrigerator box you call home.....
...shiny pebbles???

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico has this year registered its highest murder total since modern records began, according to official data, dealing a fresh blow to President Enrique Pena Nieto's pledge to get gang violence under control with presidential elections due in 2018.

A total of 23,101 murder investigations were opened in the first 11 months of this year, surpassing the 22,409 registered in the whole of 2011, figures published on Friday night by the interior ministry showed. The figures go back to 1997.

At 18.7 per 100,000 inhabitants, the 2017 Mexican murder rate …

According to U.N. figures used in the World Bank's online database, Brazil and Colombia both had a murder rate of 27 per 100,000, Venezuela 57, Honduras 64 and El Salvador 109 in 2015, the last year for which data are available.

The U.S. rate was 5 per 100,000.

Mexico murders hit record high, dealing blow to president
.....and why?

“In all, nearly 60 percent of immigrants—legal and illegal—are on government assistance, compared with 39 percent of native households. Why would any country voluntarily bring in people who have to be supported by the taxpayer?”
Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole

1. Here's the answer: the reason that the Democrats/Liberals encourage illegal immigration is for one reason and one reason only: illegals vote for the Democrats.

There is no other benefit to this nation.
Illegals keep wages low, and unemployment of Americans high; it costs billions in welfare services and police costs high.
It is only through the actions of Democrats and illegal aliens that the Left is able to claim a popular vote victory in the last election.
After all, Obama told illegal aliens to get out and vote.

2. Continuing on the theme, one of education for the deluded Democrat voters....

“The New York State Department of Corrections has collected information about the top ten nationalities in its prisons for years—.... Foreign inmates were 70 percent more likely to have committed a violent crime than American criminals. They were also twice as likely to have committed a class A felony, such as aggravated murder, kidnapping, and terrorism."
Data here:

But....what the heck.....they vote Democrat.

3. In 2010, the top ten countries of the foreign-born inmates in NY were:

Dominican Republic: 1,314

Jamaica: 849

Mexico: 523

Guyana: 289

El Salvador: 245

Cuba: 242

Trinidad and Tobago: 237

Haiti: 201

Ecuador: 189

Colombia: 168

BTW....between 1985 and 1999, the native-born in the prison population increased 99%.
During that time, the foreign-born in the prison population increased 251%.'s almost as if they were invited in......

4. Of course this is not the slant one gets from the house organ of the Democrat Party, the NYTimes.

"Most readers are agog at the number of Dominicans in New York prisons, having spent years reading New York Times articles about Dominicans’ “entrepreneurial zeal,”21 and “traditional immigrant virtues.” Even in an article about the Dominicans’ domination of the crack cocaine business, the Times praised their “savvy,” which had allowed them to become “highly successful” drug dealers, then hailed their drug-infested neighborhoods as the “embodiment of the American Dream—a vibrant, energetic urban melting pot.”
Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole

Hence, the importance of re-education camps for Liberal simpletons: balance the truth about what Democrat policies have done, and who they have invited to a neighborhood near you.

There is an answer.....I'll get to it.

Gimme the tired,hungry and weak until the day you pull that statue in the harbor down.

1. I have no patience for hypocrisy.

2. Its worked before for us.

From the "Shanty Irish" to them "Dumb Pollocks" to the slaves sold to Southern bigots to the "Crime Syndicate Diegos" (did I spell that right?). I heard my old elitist ancestors complain about every old elitist wife any of their children had. In turn no one was good enough for anyone else.

Don't start drawing lines in the sand else in 40 years your great great grand children may be voted out of the country.

Of course, this will come as no're as dumb as a box of rocks.

1. The Lazarus poem is not the basis for public policy



3. Did you put an ad in the paper inviting any homeless folks to move in when they feel like hypocrite?

Then take it down, start a petition, collect pennies. "Git er done!"

Don't maintain a statue pretending to be something you are not.

Or admit you are a hypocritical coward.
5. Facts about Mexico that you won't learn in government school:
In 2010, there were more Mexican nationals in New York state prisons, than there were inmates from the entire European continent.

6. An interesting conjecture, not illuminated in the New York stats, and interesting in light of Europe's immigration policies, one wonders how many of the 'Europeans' in our prisons, are Muslim.

And, along that line of query, there was this Englander:
"Shuhel Mahboob Ali: Brit gets 10 years for seeking child sex for incest fantasy A British man who traveled to Sanford so he could meet a teen girl, take her as his wife, have children and then raise an incest family was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison Monday.

Federal agents said Shuhel Mahboob Ali responded to an online ad placed last year by an undercover detective posing as the father of a 13-year-old girl..... telling him in graphic detail what he would like to do with his supposed teenage daughter.

Ali, 40, said he wanted to settle down with a girl, "breed" and raise a "daughters only" family.

Ali said if he got the teen pregnant, he wanted to start abusing their baby..." Shuhel Mahboob Ali: British man planned to have incest family

Don't forget.....they call this 7th century savage a "British" federal inmate.
Get it??? Wink...wink.

What's #5 trying to say? Them leftest Europeans know something about how to create a decent society?

A dumb as you do you find your way back to that refrigerator box you call home.....
...shiny pebbles???

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico has this year registered its highest murder total since modern records began, according to official data, dealing a fresh blow to President Enrique Pena Nieto's pledge to get gang violence under control with presidential elections due in 2018.

A total of 23,101 murder investigations were opened in the first 11 months of this year, surpassing the 22,409 registered in the whole of 2011, figures published on Friday night by the interior ministry showed. The figures go back to 1997.

At 18.7 per 100,000 inhabitants, the 2017 Mexican murder rate …

According to U.N. figures used in the World Bank's online database, Brazil and Colombia both had a murder rate of 27 per 100,000, Venezuela 57, Honduras 64 and El Salvador 109 in 2015, the last year for which data are available.

The U.S. rate was 5 per 100,000.

Mexico murders hit record high, dealing blow to president

ok. So now you are saying Small Government doesn't work in the America's?

What's your point here?

Mexico is a borderline 3rd world country ppl want to escape from?

Mexicans are genetically inferior to mutt-mericans?
.....and why?

“In all, nearly 60 percent of immigrants—legal and illegal—are on government assistance, compared with 39 percent of native households. Why would any country voluntarily bring in people who have to be supported by the taxpayer?”
Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole

1. Here's the answer: the reason that the Democrats/Liberals encourage illegal immigration is for one reason and one reason only: illegals vote for the Democrats.

There is no other benefit to this nation.
Illegals keep wages low, and unemployment of Americans high; it costs billions in welfare services and police costs high.
It is only through the actions of Democrats and illegal aliens that the Left is able to claim a popular vote victory in the last election.
After all, Obama told illegal aliens to get out and vote.

2. Continuing on the theme, one of education for the deluded Democrat voters....

“The New York State Department of Corrections has collected information about the top ten nationalities in its prisons for years—.... Foreign inmates were 70 percent more likely to have committed a violent crime than American criminals. They were also twice as likely to have committed a class A felony, such as aggravated murder, kidnapping, and terrorism."
Data here:

But....what the heck.....they vote Democrat.

3. In 2010, the top ten countries of the foreign-born inmates in NY were:

Dominican Republic: 1,314

Jamaica: 849

Mexico: 523

Guyana: 289

El Salvador: 245

Cuba: 242

Trinidad and Tobago: 237

Haiti: 201

Ecuador: 189

Colombia: 168

BTW....between 1985 and 1999, the native-born in the prison population increased 99%.
During that time, the foreign-born in the prison population increased 251%.'s almost as if they were invited in......

4. Of course this is not the slant one gets from the house organ of the Democrat Party, the NYTimes.

"Most readers are agog at the number of Dominicans in New York prisons, having spent years reading New York Times articles about Dominicans’ “entrepreneurial zeal,”21 and “traditional immigrant virtues.” Even in an article about the Dominicans’ domination of the crack cocaine business, the Times praised their “savvy,” which had allowed them to become “highly successful” drug dealers, then hailed their drug-infested neighborhoods as the “embodiment of the American Dream—a vibrant, energetic urban melting pot.”
Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole

Hence, the importance of re-education camps for Liberal simpletons: balance the truth about what Democrat policies have done, and who they have invited to a neighborhood near you.

There is an answer.....I'll get to it.

Gimme the tired,hungry and weak until the day you pull that statue in the harbor down.

1. I have no patience for hypocrisy.

2. Its worked before for us.

From the "Shanty Irish" to them "Dumb Pollocks" to the slaves sold to Southern bigots to the "Crime Syndicate Diegos" (did I spell that right?). I heard my old elitist ancestors complain about every old elitist wife any of their children had. In turn no one was good enough for anyone else.

Don't start drawing lines in the sand else in 40 years your great great grand children may be voted out of the country.

Of course, this will come as no're as dumb as a box of rocks.

1. The Lazarus poem is not the basis for public policy



3. Did you put an ad in the paper inviting any homeless folks to move in when they feel like hypocrite?

Then take it down, start a petition, collect pennies. "Git er done!"

Don't maintain a statue pretending to be something you are not.

Or admit you are a hypocritical coward.

I’m sorry I hurt your feeling when I called you stupid.

I really thought you already knew.
5. Facts about Mexico that you won't learn in government school:
In 2010, there were more Mexican nationals in New York state prisons, than there were inmates from the entire European continent.

6. An interesting conjecture, not illuminated in the New York stats, and interesting in light of Europe's immigration policies, one wonders how many of the 'Europeans' in our prisons, are Muslim.

And, along that line of query, there was this Englander:
"Shuhel Mahboob Ali: Brit gets 10 years for seeking child sex for incest fantasy A British man who traveled to Sanford so he could meet a teen girl, take her as his wife, have children and then raise an incest family was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison Monday.

Federal agents said Shuhel Mahboob Ali responded to an online ad placed last year by an undercover detective posing as the father of a 13-year-old girl..... telling him in graphic detail what he would like to do with his supposed teenage daughter.

Ali, 40, said he wanted to settle down with a girl, "breed" and raise a "daughters only" family.

Ali said if he got the teen pregnant, he wanted to start abusing their baby..." Shuhel Mahboob Ali: British man planned to have incest family

Don't forget.....they call this 7th century savage a "British" federal inmate.
Get it??? Wink...wink.

What's #5 trying to say? Them leftest Europeans know something about how to create a decent society?

A dumb as you do you find your way back to that refrigerator box you call home.....
...shiny pebbles???

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico has this year registered its highest murder total since modern records began, according to official data, dealing a fresh blow to President Enrique Pena Nieto's pledge to get gang violence under control with presidential elections due in 2018.

A total of 23,101 murder investigations were opened in the first 11 months of this year, surpassing the 22,409 registered in the whole of 2011, figures published on Friday night by the interior ministry showed. The figures go back to 1997.

At 18.7 per 100,000 inhabitants, the 2017 Mexican murder rate …

According to U.N. figures used in the World Bank's online database, Brazil and Colombia both had a murder rate of 27 per 100,000, Venezuela 57, Honduras 64 and El Salvador 109 in 2015, the last year for which data are available.

The U.S. rate was 5 per 100,000.

Mexico murders hit record high, dealing blow to president

ok. So now you are saying Small Government doesn't work in the America's?

What's your point here?

Mexico is a borderline 3rd world country ppl want to escape from?

Mexicans are genetically inferior to mutt-mericans?

*Sneeze* Oh, excuse me! I'm allergic to stupidity.

'll be responsible for what I say.....not for what you pretend I say.

How's that for a plan?

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