Impeach George Santos

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
I believe that the Republican House should impeach George Santos and totally throw him under the bus. That way they can show everyone that they are not going to show a bias. Then they are free to impeach Biden twice, Mayorkis, Pelosi, Garland, Schiff, Swalwell, Omar, and many others.
Why the fuck should they do that?

They've already thrown guys like Bob Packwood, Ted Stevens, Larry Crag, under the bus in order to play "Mr. Take-the-high-road" and all that did nothing to mollify the moonbat left.

I say fuckem, and make the demoncrats eat their sanctimony.

His behaviour is no more than questionable in America now, considering the level of crimes being found acceptable on Trump's behaviour.

And his alleged crimes don't come close to the high crimes of inciting violence and a coup against government.

McCarthy must be feeling that way too, judging by his acceptance of George.
RetiredSgt in post #2 is spot on correct. Impeach George Santos

So, unless any of his lies could yield an actual criminal conviction somehow, he really can’t be removed from office. There is no such thing as a “recall election” for Congresscritters, either.

In any event, it is unlikely he will ever be a voice for any change in the way America operates. He’s basically a ridiculous non-entity at this point.
His behaviour is no more than questionable in America now, considering the level of crimes being found acceptable on Trump's behaviour.

And his alleged crimes don't come close to the high crimes of inciting violence and a coup against government.

McCarthy must be feeling that way too, judging by his acceptance of George.
Democrats have been abusing their power for six years now trying to find alleged crimes of the other side. Democrats have committed every level of crime there is and they find that acceptable. And, Biden and the left have incited numerous riots all over the country, including rioters taking over swaths of territory from the US government and turning them into lawless zones. They even took a knee with BLM.
Santos has demonstrated a common characteristic of a politician .. providing a facade to appear attractive that doesn't align with reality. Should we apply this measuring stick against all politicians that fall into this awkward phase?

Are Democrats really upset with this or just using this as a distraction from Biden?
RetiredSgt in post #2 is spot on correct. Impeach George Santos

So, unless any of his lies could yield an actual criminal conviction somehow, he really can’t be removed from office. There is no such thing as a “recall election” for Congresscritters, either.

In any event, it is unlikely he will ever be a voice for any change in the way America operates. He’s basically a ridiculous non-entity at this point.
So are most of the congress members that right-wingers claim as saviors

What legislation has Boebert, MTG or the Paul Gosars of the world passed thru the house?
I believe that the Republican House should impeach George Santos and totally throw him under the bus. That way they can show everyone that they are not going to show a bias. Then they are free to impeach Biden twice, Mayorkis, Pelosi, Garland, Schiff, Swalwell, Omar, and many others.
Not likely.

Republicans love their drag queens to much.
RetiredSgt in post #2 is spot on correct. Impeach George Santos

So, unless any of his lies could yield an actual criminal conviction somehow, he really can’t be removed from office. There is no such thing as a “recall election” for Congresscritters, either.

In any event, it is unlikely he will ever be a voice for any change in the way America operates. He’s basically a ridiculous non-entity at this point.

And I'm sure many of the congresspeople don't want their backgrounds dug into too deeply.

Even if they aren't even a 10th of the liar Santos is.
So are most of the congress members that right-wingers claim as saviors
Nobody on the right claims anybody as Savior (unless they are talking about religion).
What legislation has Boebert, MTG or the Paul Gosars of the world passed thru the house?
Although that question is meaningless, I’ll pretend it has some value. Therefore, now that the House is in the far more reasonable hands of GOP control, you might see some legislation from them which can pass the House.
I believe that the Republican House should impeach George Santos and totally throw him under the bus. That way they can show everyone that they are not going to show a bias. Then they are free to impeach Biden twice, Mayorkis, Pelosi, Garland, Schiff, Swalwell, Omar, and many others.
You have made my 8th grade Civics teacher, Mrs. "Moot", cry.
He’s basically a ridiculous non-entity at this point.
He's a Trumpian poster boy

TRUMP santos dark plus.jpg
Democrats have been abusing their power for six years now trying to find alleged crimes of the other side. Democrats have committed every level of crime there is and they find that acceptable. And, Biden and the left have incited numerous riots all over the country, including rioters taking over swaths of territory from the US government and turning them into lawless zones. They even took a knee with BLM.
all bullshit

have to wonder where people like you get your intel

LOL 'intel' LOL

Nobody on the right claims anybody as Savior (unless they are talking about religion).

Although that question is meaningless, I’ll pretend it has some value. Therefore, now that the House is in the far more reasonable hands of GOP control, you might see some legislation from them which can pass the House.

Trump: 'America Needs a Savior Right Now' and many believed it was He​


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