Impeach or not

Not impeach

1. allow Israel to murder 4k Americans and blame it on "islam"
2. start two wars over lies
3. make $7 trillion vanish
4. lie about place of birth while POTUS
5. have a man as First Lady
6, murder people to stay in the CLOSET
7. fire 7 US Attorneys to keep traitors above US law
8. raise money from China in a Buddhist temple
9. participate in the assassination of a US President
10, sell out the CIA to a foreign nation for money and favorable media coverage


1. discuss Joe Biden with Ukraine

That's where we are today

Not quite.


1. Being an Orange Bad Man, who stole an election from the promised messiah.

Not so unimpeachable now?
If you try to defend the US taxpayer from the Biden family's greedy hands, you must be impeached....

or something like that....
Are you expecting people to take that post seriously?

Some people actually care about the financial solvency of the United States.

You do not, because you are either a Zionist Israeli, a Democrat, or both....
Are you expecting people to take that post seriously?

Some people actually care about the financial solvency of the United States.

You do not, because you are either a Zionist Israeli, a Democrat, or both....
I very much care about the financial solvency of the USA. What does that have to do with what we were talking about?
reasons to impeach Trump: blatantly repeatedly, and admittedly colludes with foreign powers, abuses power, obstructs justice, profits from being president, seeks to prosecute opponents, abuses emergency powers to build wall, undermines freedom of the press, promotes white nationalism...

reasons not to impeach Trump: political cowardice
You're nothing more than a drooling moron. Drooling as in Pavlovian dog that begins drooling when a bell is rung and your bell is rung by your leftist masters. You haven't the intellect to form an original thought which makes you an ideal target for the left.

He's the Trump of this forum in terms of his predilection for trolling. He no more believes that than you or I do. Somehow he manages to continue to get people to fall for it hook, line and sinker after all this time. LOL
I very much care about the financial solvency of the USA.

Democrat getting a government check = got it...

What does that have to do with what we were talking about?

We are talking about all of the frauds, including 911, Global Warming, and having a MAN as First "Lady," which is directly correlated with the growth of the US Federal Debt from $5 trillion in 2001 to what it is today... over $22 trillion.

Can you cite one prior post of yours that calls for CUTTING SPENDING???

NO, not without editing it....

What did 911 really cost the US taxpayer?

I very much care about the financial solvency of the USA.

Democrat getting a government check = got it...

What does that have to do with what we were talking about?

We are talking about all of the frauds, including 911, Global Warming, and having a MAN as First "Lady," which is directly correlated with the growth of the US Federal Debt from $5 trillion in 2001 to what it is today... over $22 trillion.

Can you cite one prior post of yours that calls for CUTTING SPENDING???

NO, not without editing it....

What did 911 really cost the US taxpayer?

I’ve made plenty of posts about fiscal responsibility, cutting waste and reducing spending.

what point are you trying to make?
I’ve made plenty of posts about fiscal responsibility, cutting waste and reducing spending.

But you just can't find any in the board archives....

what point are you trying to make?

The most obvious one, that you are a Zionist Liar.... who is here to shout down truth about Israel, 911 and the rest of it....
Oh I could if I cared about what you thought and wanted to take the time to go find some. But alas, you have not yet earned my respect so I dont care to waste my time proving these things to you.
If you have a question about how I feel about a policy then I’ll happily answer. Bit ranting about how I feel about Israel when I haven’t said a word about Israel isn’t helping your case. It just makes you sound like a looney tune
What in the actual fuck is happening in this thread.

It began as a mockery of the latest Dem excuse to impeach.

It has since drifted a bit, but the issues of the drift are part of the topic.

W wasn't impeached for

lying about 911
starting 2 wars over lies aka selling out our troops for money and favorable media coverage
threatening the actuary to "shut up or else" about the cost estimate of W's SOCIALIZATION of Senior Drugs
making all 911 traitors above US law by firing 7 US Attorneys

Obama wasn't impeached for

making $9 trillion vanish
covering up 911
the real reason why he went "silent" on global warming for 2 years 2010-2012
lying to the American people about being a "dad" and a "husband" with "kids"

No, one can only be impeached for trying to find out if Joe Biden's son was the recipient of a KICKBACK from a US foreign aid package....
when I haven’t said a word about Israel


You are one of the Mossads here who shouts down 911 Truth as soon as it is posted....
prove it... quote me



911 Truthers are 100% vindicated = Osama was Col Tom/Tim Os(s)man

There was a fireball, ya demented freak, when the plane first struck. It went down the length of the elevator shafts to the lobby. Didn’t you pay attention that the video you posted??

Um, that's you shouting down 911 Truth.... You, the Mossad....
when I haven’t said a word about Israel


You are one of the Mossads here who shouts down 911 Truth as soon as it is posted....
prove it... quote me



911 Truthers are 100% vindicated = Osama was Col Tom/Tim Os(s)man

There was a fireball, ya demented freak, when the plane first struck. It went down the length of the elevator shafts to the lobby. Didn’t you pay attention that the video you posted??

Um, that's you shouting down 911 Truth.... You, the Mossad....
You quoted Faun. My name is Slade. Learn how to read

Might wanna tell your meme writer that it's spelled "impeachment", not "inpeachment".
You and Faun are both Mossad....
Oh great reply... just admit you’re an idiot and move onto nap time. You lose any respect for your arguments when you post falsehoods and then can’t admit it after being proven wrong.
Not impeach

1. allow Israel to murder 4k Americans and blame it on "islam"
2. start two wars over lies
3. make $7 trillion vanish
4. lie about place of birth while POTUS
5. have a man as First Lady
6, murder people to stay in the CLOSET
7. fire 7 US Attorneys to keep traitors above US law
8. raise money from China in a Buddhist temple
9. participate in the assassination of a US President
10, sell out the CIA to a foreign nation for money and favorable media coverage


1. discuss Joe Biden with Ukraine

That's where we are today
Are you expecting people to take that post seriously?

What about my post is not serious?

All of it is extremely serious, and just a fraction of what passed over without an impeachment hearing...

W's socialization of senior drugs, for example, had this documented...

Inquiry Confirms Top Medicare Official Threatened Actuary Over Cost of Drug Benefits

"An internal investigation by the Department of Health and Human Services confirms that the top Medicare official threatened to fire the program's chief actuary if he told Congress that drug benefits would probably cost much more than the White House acknowledged.

A report on the investigation, issued Tuesday, says the administrator of Medicare, Thomas A. Scully, issued the threat to Richard S. Foster while lawmakers were considering huge changes in the program last year. As a result, Mr. Foster's cost estimate did not become known until after the legislation was enacted."

And this is the point - if fraud/threats/lies are used FOR MORE SPENDING, that's OK.

What causes "outrage" is INVESTIGATING fraud/threats/lies used to make US taxpayer money vanish....

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