Impeachment........but NOT Trump....

nat4900 - Sicily called, they want you to stop using their flag for your avatar.

Nothing personal, it's just that it's come to represent severe mental illness on this Forum and they don't think that shows proper respect.

I agree.

I don't care....Sicily has also taken quite a bit of Russian oligarchs' money.....JUST LIKE
might want to think of an actual platform with a fairly large election looming in the near future, but if they want to double down on the last couple of years of hari-kari politics who are we to stop them.

It's not clear which party you're referring to. The Democrats have a platform: health care, infrastructure, education, climate change, voters' rights, right wing terrorism, and women's reproductive choice. All the things Republicans are ignoring while Trump picks fights with everyone, and attacks immigration, focuses on getting even with Democrats who weren't even the ones investigating him for the past two years. It worked so well in the mid-Terms they're going to focus on this stuff in the Presidential election. Biggest mid-term defeat in history for the President.

Unlike the last election, Trump can't campaign on being an outsider out to drain the swamp. He's hired the worst peole, half of whom have already been fired, and some jobs he's on his 3rd of 4th replacement. He hasn't kept his promises on jobs, trade or infrastructure - the things he was hired to fix. The tax cuts are a disaster for everyone who isn't mega-wealthy. And the world is a far more dangerous place than when Trump was elected.

The other problem is that like the mid-terms, the decent Republicans are retiring and the people who will be running against the Democrats are the racists, bigots and opportunists that Trump surrounds himself with and which decent Americans will not vote for. Roy Moore anyone? If your down ticket candidates are the dregs, the crooks and the scum, they may win the primaries, but they're dead meat in the general.

Could well be, although to this point all of that seems to have been taking a back seat to the drumbeat of #collusion and #notmypresident.

If the dems do have such a platform they'd best get a whole lot better at articulating what it is, how it will be implemented and how it will help Joe Average Voter or we'll likely be looking at another term for Trump.

If all you're hearing is #collusion and #notmypresident, then you're not paying attention. Democrats have already passed a new Voters Rights Act, which of course, McConnel refuses to bring to the floor of the Senate.

Trump presides over an every shrinking base. Republicans keep insulting the brown women American voters elected to work for them. Calling them stupid, crazy, and un-American. For a party already underwater with women and blacks, this is hardly a winning strategy. Ignoring the working people who voted for tax cuts and jobs, and a solution to the opioid epidemnic, the focus on the wall and immigration won't work.

Trump is trying to brand Republicans as the "party of health care". Good luck with that. Republicans have already taken access to health care away from 4 million Americans. It cost you the mid-terms. Keep trying to destroy Obamacare. It was a winning strategy for you at the mid-terms. Oh yeah and keep attacking women's rights, and reproductive choices. Winning strategies all of them.
might want to think of an actual platform with a fairly large election looming in the near future, but if they want to double down on the last couple of years of hari-kari politics who are we to stop them.

It's not clear which party you're referring to. The Democrats have a platform: health care, infrastructure, education, climate change, voters' rights, right wing terrorism, and women's reproductive choice. All the things Republicans are ignoring while Trump picks fights with everyone, and attacks immigration, focuses on getting even with Democrats who weren't even the ones investigating him for the past two years. It worked so well in the mid-Terms they're going to focus on this stuff in the Presidential election. Biggest mid-term defeat in history for the President.

Unlike the last election, Trump can't campaign on being an outsider out to drain the swamp. He's hired the worst peole, half of whom have already been fired, and some jobs he's on his 3rd of 4th replacement. He hasn't kept his promises on jobs, trade or infrastructure - the things he was hired to fix. The tax cuts are a disaster for everyone who isn't mega-wealthy. And the world is a far more dangerous place than when Trump was elected.

The other problem is that like the mid-terms, the decent Republicans are retiring and the people who will be running against the Democrats are the racists, bigots and opportunists that Trump surrounds himself with and which decent Americans will not vote for. Roy Moore anyone? If your down ticket candidates are the dregs, the crooks and the scum, they may win the primaries, but they're dead meat in the general.

Could well be, although to this point all of that seems to have been taking a back seat to the drumbeat of #collusion and #notmypresident.

If the dems do have such a platform they'd best get a whole lot better at articulating what it is, how it will be implemented and how it will help Joe Average Voter or we'll likely be looking at another term for Trump.

If all you're hearing is #collusion and #notmypresident, then you're not paying attention. Democrats have already passed a new Voters Rights Act, which of course, McConnel refuses to bring to the floor of the Senate.

Trump presides over an every shrinking base. Republicans keep insulting the brown women American voters elected to work for them. Calling them stupid, crazy, and un-American. For a party already underwater with women and blacks, this is hardly a winning strategy. Ignoring the working people who voted for tax cuts and jobs, and a solution to the opioid epidemnic, the focus on the wall and immigration won't work.

Trump is trying to brand Republicans as the "party of health care". Good luck with that. Republicans have already taken access to health care away from 4 million Americans. It cost you the mid-terms. Keep trying to destroy Obamacare. It was a winning strategy for you at the mid-terms. Oh yeah and keep attacking women's rights, and reproductive choices. Winning strategies all of them.
might want to think of an actual platform with a fairly large election looming in the near future, but if they want to double down on the last couple of years of hari-kari politics who are we to stop them.

It's not clear which party you're referring to. The Democrats have a platform: health care, infrastructure, education, climate change, voters' rights, right wing terrorism, and women's reproductive choice. All the things Republicans are ignoring while Trump picks fights with everyone, and attacks immigration, focuses on getting even with Democrats who weren't even the ones investigating him for the past two years. It worked so well in the mid-Terms they're going to focus on this stuff in the Presidential election. Biggest mid-term defeat in history for the President.

Unlike the last election, Trump can't campaign on being an outsider out to drain the swamp. He's hired the worst peole, half of whom have already been fired, and some jobs he's on his 3rd of 4th replacement. He hasn't kept his promises on jobs, trade or infrastructure - the things he was hired to fix. The tax cuts are a disaster for everyone who isn't mega-wealthy. And the world is a far more dangerous place than when Trump was elected.

The other problem is that like the mid-terms, the decent Republicans are retiring and the people who will be running against the Democrats are the racists, bigots and opportunists that Trump surrounds himself with and which decent Americans will not vote for. Roy Moore anyone? If your down ticket candidates are the dregs, the crooks and the scum, they may win the primaries, but they're dead meat in the general.

Could well be, although to this point all of that seems to have been taking a back seat to the drumbeat of #collusion and #notmypresident.

If the dems do have such a platform they'd best get a whole lot better at articulating what it is, how it will be implemented and how it will help Joe Average Voter or we'll likely be looking at another term for Trump.

If all you're hearing is #collusion and #notmypresident, then you're not paying attention. Democrats have already passed a new Voters Rights Act, which of course, McConnel refuses to bring to the floor of the Senate.

Trump presides over an every shrinking base. Republicans keep insulting the brown women American voters elected to work for them. Calling them stupid, crazy, and un-American. For a party already underwater with women and blacks, this is hardly a winning strategy. Ignoring the working people who voted for tax cuts and jobs, and a solution to the opioid epidemnic, the focus on the wall and immigration won't work.

Trump is trying to brand Republicans as the "party of health care". Good luck with that. Republicans have already taken access to health care away from 4 million Americans. It cost you the mid-terms. Keep trying to destroy Obamacare. It was a winning strategy for you at the mid-terms. Oh yeah and keep attacking women's rights, and reproductive choices. Winning strategies all of them.

I pay attention and am obviously politically aware, as are most here.

There may be other planks forthcoming, although the overwhelming noise has been about #trumpbad.

As previously stated, the dems are going to need to do a much better job of projecting their platform as, to this point, I have seen very little of it.

The rest of your rant is noted, and dismissed.
The term impeachment really means that a public trial will be held..........

But, in this case, it may NOT be Trump.......but people within Trump;s cabinet.....

If hapless and clueless Mnuchin keeps refusing to hand over Trump's tax returns.......he may face BOTH an impeachment process AND possible prison time for DEFYING the clear and explicit law (IRS Code 6103(f))

.........AND, one has to wonder if Barr is also aware that just being a STOOGE for Trump and covering Trump's ass may ALSO be grounds for that kind of a public trial.

Fun days ahead if House democrats show some balls.

Damn, you come up with some of the funniest shit. 2/3rds vote in the senate ain't gonna happen. LMAO

might want to think of an actual platform with a fairly large election looming in the near future, but if they want to double down on the last couple of years of hari-kari politics who are we to stop them.

It's not clear which party you're referring to. The Democrats have a platform: health care, infrastructure, education, climate change, voters' rights, right wing terrorism, and women's reproductive choice. All the things Republicans are ignoring while Trump picks fights with everyone, and attacks immigration, focuses on getting even with Democrats who weren't even the ones investigating him for the past two years. It worked so well in the mid-Terms they're going to focus on this stuff in the Presidential election. Biggest mid-term defeat in history for the President.

Unlike the last election, Trump can't campaign on being an outsider out to drain the swamp. He's hired the worst peole, half of whom have already been fired, and some jobs he's on his 3rd of 4th replacement. He hasn't kept his promises on jobs, trade or infrastructure - the things he was hired to fix. The tax cuts are a disaster for everyone who isn't mega-wealthy. And the world is a far more dangerous place than when Trump was elected.

The other problem is that like the mid-terms, the decent Republicans are retiring and the people who will be running against the Democrats are the racists, bigots and opportunists that Trump surrounds himself with and which decent Americans will not vote for. Roy Moore anyone? If your down ticket candidates are the dregs, the crooks and the scum, they may win the primaries, but they're dead meat in the general.

Could well be, although to this point all of that seems to have been taking a back seat to the drumbeat of #collusion and #notmypresident.

If the dems do have such a platform they'd best get a whole lot better at articulating what it is, how it will be implemented and how it will help Joe Average Voter or we'll likely be looking at another term for Trump.

If all you're hearing is #collusion and #notmypresident, then you're not paying attention. Democrats have already passed a new Voters Rights Act, which of course, McConnel refuses to bring to the floor of the Senate.

Trump presides over an every shrinking base. Republicans keep insulting the brown women American voters elected to work for them. Calling them stupid, crazy, and un-American. For a party already underwater with women and blacks, this is hardly a winning strategy. Ignoring the working people who voted for tax cuts and jobs, and a solution to the opioid epidemnic, the focus on the wall and immigration won't work.

Trump is trying to brand Republicans as the "party of health care". Good luck with that. Republicans have already taken access to health care away from 4 million Americans. It cost you the mid-terms. Keep trying to destroy Obamacare. It was a winning strategy for you at the mid-terms. Oh yeah and keep attacking women's rights, and reproductive choices. Winning strategies all of them.
might want to think of an actual platform with a fairly large election looming in the near future, but if they want to double down on the last couple of years of hari-kari politics who are we to stop them.

It's not clear which party you're referring to. The Democrats have a platform: health care, infrastructure, education, climate change, voters' rights, right wing terrorism, and women's reproductive choice. All the things Republicans are ignoring while Trump picks fights with everyone, and attacks immigration, focuses on getting even with Democrats who weren't even the ones investigating him for the past two years. It worked so well in the mid-Terms they're going to focus on this stuff in the Presidential election. Biggest mid-term defeat in history for the President.

Unlike the last election, Trump can't campaign on being an outsider out to drain the swamp. He's hired the worst peole, half of whom have already been fired, and some jobs he's on his 3rd of 4th replacement. He hasn't kept his promises on jobs, trade or infrastructure - the things he was hired to fix. The tax cuts are a disaster for everyone who isn't mega-wealthy. And the world is a far more dangerous place than when Trump was elected.

The other problem is that like the mid-terms, the decent Republicans are retiring and the people who will be running against the Democrats are the racists, bigots and opportunists that Trump surrounds himself with and which decent Americans will not vote for. Roy Moore anyone? If your down ticket candidates are the dregs, the crooks and the scum, they may win the primaries, but they're dead meat in the general.

Could well be, although to this point all of that seems to have been taking a back seat to the drumbeat of #collusion and #notmypresident.

If the dems do have such a platform they'd best get a whole lot better at articulating what it is, how it will be implemented and how it will help Joe Average Voter or we'll likely be looking at another term for Trump.

If all you're hearing is #collusion and #notmypresident, then you're not paying attention. Democrats have already passed a new Voters Rights Act, which of course, McConnel refuses to bring to the floor of the Senate.

Trump presides over an every shrinking base. Republicans keep insulting the brown women American voters elected to work for them. Calling them stupid, crazy, and un-American. For a party already underwater with women and blacks, this is hardly a winning strategy. Ignoring the working people who voted for tax cuts and jobs, and a solution to the opioid epidemnic, the focus on the wall and immigration won't work.

Trump is trying to brand Republicans as the "party of health care". Good luck with that. Republicans have already taken access to health care away from 4 million Americans. It cost you the mid-terms. Keep trying to destroy Obamacare. It was a winning strategy for you at the mid-terms. Oh yeah and keep attacking women's rights, and reproductive choices. Winning strategies all of them.

I pay attention and am obviously politically aware, as are most here.

There may be other planks forthcoming, although the overwhelming noise has been about #trumpbad.

As previously stated, the dems are going to need to do a much better job of projecting their platform as, to this point, I have seen very little of it.

The rest of your rant is noted, and dismissed.

And again I say, you're not paying attention.

It hasn't been Democrats who have been talking about impeachment, it's been Republicans who claim that the Russia Investigation is all about Trump. They've gone on and one about it, while Democrats running for office focused on the issues. Democrats have been really clear about criticizing Trump's policies and his rhetoric.

It's not Democrats talking about violence against the other side. It's not Democrats who are shooting up churches, synagogues and mosques, and it's not Democrats marching throught the streets chanting "The Jews will not replace us". It's not Democrats calling the press the "enemy of the people", and trying to keep refugees from claiming asylum.

The Democrats ran the 2018 mid-terms on the real issues of health care and income inequity.
It hasn't been Democrats who have been talking about impeachment, it's been Republicans who claim that the Russia Investigation is all about Trump. They've gone on and one about it, while Democrats running for office focused on the issues.
Wow. The delusion is strong with this one!
might want to think of an actual platform with a fairly large election looming in the near future, but if they want to double down on the last couple of years of hari-kari politics who are we to stop them.

It's not clear which party you're referring to. The Democrats have a platform: health care, infrastructure, education, climate change, voters' rights, right wing terrorism, and women's reproductive choice. All the things Republicans are ignoring while Trump picks fights with everyone, and attacks immigration, focuses on getting even with Democrats who weren't even the ones investigating him for the past two years. It worked so well in the mid-Terms they're going to focus on this stuff in the Presidential election. Biggest mid-term defeat in history for the President.

Unlike the last election, Trump can't campaign on being an outsider out to drain the swamp. He's hired the worst peole, half of whom have already been fired, and some jobs he's on his 3rd of 4th replacement. He hasn't kept his promises on jobs, trade or infrastructure - the things he was hired to fix. The tax cuts are a disaster for everyone who isn't mega-wealthy. And the world is a far more dangerous place than when Trump was elected.

The other problem is that like the mid-terms, the decent Republicans are retiring and the people who will be running against the Democrats are the racists, bigots and opportunists that Trump surrounds himself with and which decent Americans will not vote for. Roy Moore anyone? If your down ticket candidates are the dregs, the crooks and the scum, they may win the primaries, but they're dead meat in the general.

Could well be, although to this point all of that seems to have been taking a back seat to the drumbeat of #collusion and #notmypresident.

If the dems do have such a platform they'd best get a whole lot better at articulating what it is, how it will be implemented and how it will help Joe Average Voter or we'll likely be looking at another term for Trump.

If all you're hearing is #collusion and #notmypresident, then you're not paying attention. Democrats have already passed a new Voters Rights Act, which of course, McConnel refuses to bring to the floor of the Senate.

Trump presides over an every shrinking base. Republicans keep insulting the brown women American voters elected to work for them. Calling them stupid, crazy, and un-American. For a party already underwater with women and blacks, this is hardly a winning strategy. Ignoring the working people who voted for tax cuts and jobs, and a solution to the opioid epidemnic, the focus on the wall and immigration won't work.

Trump is trying to brand Republicans as the "party of health care". Good luck with that. Republicans have already taken access to health care away from 4 million Americans. It cost you the mid-terms. Keep trying to destroy Obamacare. It was a winning strategy for you at the mid-terms. Oh yeah and keep attacking women's rights, and reproductive choices. Winning strategies all of them.
might want to think of an actual platform with a fairly large election looming in the near future, but if they want to double down on the last couple of years of hari-kari politics who are we to stop them.

It's not clear which party you're referring to. The Democrats have a platform: health care, infrastructure, education, climate change, voters' rights, right wing terrorism, and women's reproductive choice. All the things Republicans are ignoring while Trump picks fights with everyone, and attacks immigration, focuses on getting even with Democrats who weren't even the ones investigating him for the past two years. It worked so well in the mid-Terms they're going to focus on this stuff in the Presidential election. Biggest mid-term defeat in history for the President.

Unlike the last election, Trump can't campaign on being an outsider out to drain the swamp. He's hired the worst peole, half of whom have already been fired, and some jobs he's on his 3rd of 4th replacement. He hasn't kept his promises on jobs, trade or infrastructure - the things he was hired to fix. The tax cuts are a disaster for everyone who isn't mega-wealthy. And the world is a far more dangerous place than when Trump was elected.

The other problem is that like the mid-terms, the decent Republicans are retiring and the people who will be running against the Democrats are the racists, bigots and opportunists that Trump surrounds himself with and which decent Americans will not vote for. Roy Moore anyone? If your down ticket candidates are the dregs, the crooks and the scum, they may win the primaries, but they're dead meat in the general.

Could well be, although to this point all of that seems to have been taking a back seat to the drumbeat of #collusion and #notmypresident.

If the dems do have such a platform they'd best get a whole lot better at articulating what it is, how it will be implemented and how it will help Joe Average Voter or we'll likely be looking at another term for Trump.

If all you're hearing is #collusion and #notmypresident, then you're not paying attention. Democrats have already passed a new Voters Rights Act, which of course, McConnel refuses to bring to the floor of the Senate.

Trump presides over an every shrinking base. Republicans keep insulting the brown women American voters elected to work for them. Calling them stupid, crazy, and un-American. For a party already underwater with women and blacks, this is hardly a winning strategy. Ignoring the working people who voted for tax cuts and jobs, and a solution to the opioid epidemnic, the focus on the wall and immigration won't work.

Trump is trying to brand Republicans as the "party of health care". Good luck with that. Republicans have already taken access to health care away from 4 million Americans. It cost you the mid-terms. Keep trying to destroy Obamacare. It was a winning strategy for you at the mid-terms. Oh yeah and keep attacking women's rights, and reproductive choices. Winning strategies all of them.

I pay attention and am obviously politically aware, as are most here.

There may be other planks forthcoming, although the overwhelming noise has been about #trumpbad.

As previously stated, the dems are going to need to do a much better job of projecting their platform as, to this point, I have seen very little of it.

The rest of your rant is noted, and dismissed.

And again I say, you're not paying attention.

It hasn't been Democrats who have been talking about impeachment, it's been Republicans who claim that the Russia Investigation is all about Trump. They've gone on and one about it, while Democrats running for office focused on the issues. Democrats have been really clear about criticizing Trump's policies and his rhetoric.

It's not Democrats talking about violence against the other side. It's not Democrats who are shooting up churches, synagogues and mosques, and it's not Democrats marching throught the streets chanting "The Jews will not replace us". It's not Democrats calling the press the "enemy of the people", and trying to keep refugees from claiming asylum.

The Democrats ran the 2018 mid-terms on the real issues of health care and income inequity.

Sure I'm not. The dems just lost the last presidential election in large part because they were tone deaf. Now we've got a clown car full of candidates, which simply would not be the case if there was a clear standardbearer and message, while none other than Obama has issued a warning on the same bullheaded crazy that cost the dems the White House last time around and I'm the one not paying attention.

You run with that one. Good grief...
The term impeachment really means that a public trial will be held..........

But, in this case, it may NOT be Trump.......but people within Trump;s cabinet.....

If hapless and clueless Mnuchin keeps refusing to hand over Trump's tax returns.......he may face BOTH an impeachment process AND possible prison time for DEFYING the clear and explicit law (IRS Code 6103(f))

.........AND, one has to wonder if Barr is also aware that just being a STOOGE for Trump and covering Trump's ass may ALSO be grounds for that kind of a public trial.

Fun days ahead if House democrats show some balls.

Omg Jake!!

This is fun!!!

Maybe Trump can bleach bit his tax returns?
What is the latest news on Russian collusion?

Collusion was NEVER a crime........However, obstruction of justice sure hell is.....and, from the little bit that STOOGE Barr has revealed, Mueller DI NOT EXONERATE Trump from obstruction....

Next question please?

FYI Keeping Hillary's warmongering ass out of the White House is still not obstruction of justice
It's not clear which party you're referring to. The Democrats have a platform: health care, infrastructure, education, climate change, voters' rights, right wing terrorism, and women's reproductive choice. All the things Republicans are ignoring while Trump picks fights with everyone, and attacks immigration, focuses on getting even with Democrats who weren't even the ones investigating him for the past two years. It worked so well in the mid-Terms they're going to focus on this stuff in the Presidential election. Biggest mid-term defeat in history for the President.

Unlike the last election, Trump can't campaign on being an outsider out to drain the swamp. He's hired the worst peole, half of whom have already been fired, and some jobs he's on his 3rd of 4th replacement. He hasn't kept his promises on jobs, trade or infrastructure - the things he was hired to fix. The tax cuts are a disaster for everyone who isn't mega-wealthy. And the world is a far more dangerous place than when Trump was elected.

The other problem is that like the mid-terms, the decent Republicans are retiring and the people who will be running against the Democrats are the racists, bigots and opportunists that Trump surrounds himself with and which decent Americans will not vote for. Roy Moore anyone? If your down ticket candidates are the dregs, the crooks and the scum, they may win the primaries, but they're dead meat in the general.

Could well be, although to this point all of that seems to have been taking a back seat to the drumbeat of #collusion and #notmypresident.

If the dems do have such a platform they'd best get a whole lot better at articulating what it is, how it will be implemented and how it will help Joe Average Voter or we'll likely be looking at another term for Trump.

If all you're hearing is #collusion and #notmypresident, then you're not paying attention. Democrats have already passed a new Voters Rights Act, which of course, McConnel refuses to bring to the floor of the Senate.

Trump presides over an every shrinking base. Republicans keep insulting the brown women American voters elected to work for them. Calling them stupid, crazy, and un-American. For a party already underwater with women and blacks, this is hardly a winning strategy. Ignoring the working people who voted for tax cuts and jobs, and a solution to the opioid epidemnic, the focus on the wall and immigration won't work.

Trump is trying to brand Republicans as the "party of health care". Good luck with that. Republicans have already taken access to health care away from 4 million Americans. It cost you the mid-terms. Keep trying to destroy Obamacare. It was a winning strategy for you at the mid-terms. Oh yeah and keep attacking women's rights, and reproductive choices. Winning strategies all of them.
It's not clear which party you're referring to. The Democrats have a platform: health care, infrastructure, education, climate change, voters' rights, right wing terrorism, and women's reproductive choice. All the things Republicans are ignoring while Trump picks fights with everyone, and attacks immigration, focuses on getting even with Democrats who weren't even the ones investigating him for the past two years. It worked so well in the mid-Terms they're going to focus on this stuff in the Presidential election. Biggest mid-term defeat in history for the President.

Unlike the last election, Trump can't campaign on being an outsider out to drain the swamp. He's hired the worst peole, half of whom have already been fired, and some jobs he's on his 3rd of 4th replacement. He hasn't kept his promises on jobs, trade or infrastructure - the things he was hired to fix. The tax cuts are a disaster for everyone who isn't mega-wealthy. And the world is a far more dangerous place than when Trump was elected.

The other problem is that like the mid-terms, the decent Republicans are retiring and the people who will be running against the Democrats are the racists, bigots and opportunists that Trump surrounds himself with and which decent Americans will not vote for. Roy Moore anyone? If your down ticket candidates are the dregs, the crooks and the scum, they may win the primaries, but they're dead meat in the general.

Could well be, although to this point all of that seems to have been taking a back seat to the drumbeat of #collusion and #notmypresident.

If the dems do have such a platform they'd best get a whole lot better at articulating what it is, how it will be implemented and how it will help Joe Average Voter or we'll likely be looking at another term for Trump.

If all you're hearing is #collusion and #notmypresident, then you're not paying attention. Democrats have already passed a new Voters Rights Act, which of course, McConnel refuses to bring to the floor of the Senate.

Trump presides over an every shrinking base. Republicans keep insulting the brown women American voters elected to work for them. Calling them stupid, crazy, and un-American. For a party already underwater with women and blacks, this is hardly a winning strategy. Ignoring the working people who voted for tax cuts and jobs, and a solution to the opioid epidemnic, the focus on the wall and immigration won't work.

Trump is trying to brand Republicans as the "party of health care". Good luck with that. Republicans have already taken access to health care away from 4 million Americans. It cost you the mid-terms. Keep trying to destroy Obamacare. It was a winning strategy for you at the mid-terms. Oh yeah and keep attacking women's rights, and reproductive choices. Winning strategies all of them.

I pay attention and am obviously politically aware, as are most here.

There may be other planks forthcoming, although the overwhelming noise has been about #trumpbad.

As previously stated, the dems are going to need to do a much better job of projecting their platform as, to this point, I have seen very little of it.

The rest of your rant is noted, and dismissed.

And again I say, you're not paying attention.

It hasn't been Democrats who have been talking about impeachment, it's been Republicans who claim that the Russia Investigation is all about Trump. They've gone on and one about it, while Democrats running for office focused on the issues. Democrats have been really clear about criticizing Trump's policies and his rhetoric.

It's not Democrats talking about violence against the other side. It's not Democrats who are shooting up churches, synagogues and mosques, and it's not Democrats marching throught the streets chanting "The Jews will not replace us". It's not Democrats calling the press the "enemy of the people", and trying to keep refugees from claiming asylum.

The Democrats ran the 2018 mid-terms on the real issues of health care and income inequity.

Sure I'm not. The dems just lost the last presidential election in large part because they were tone deaf. Now we've got a clown car full of candidates, which simply would not be the case if there was a clear standardbearer and message, while none other than Obama has issued a warning on the same bullheaded crazy that cost the dems the White House last time around and I'm the one not paying attention.

You run with that one. Good grief...

The Democrats lost the last Presidential election because the American public feels that their government is being run for the wealthy, by the wealthy and that they're being asked to finance social programs because the rich shouldn't have to pay taxes. They voted for "Hope and Change" with Obama and while he saved the economy and reformed health care, he did nothing to deal with the opioid epidemic, income inequality, and the lack of "good jobs" for working Americans.

Trump has done NOTHING to address health care, other than to try to destroy the ACA. He doesn't have a replacement. He said he did, and he lied. Now he's trying to tell people he has a great health care plan but you'll have to wait to until after the election to see it. That's the lie he used in 2016, and while it may have worked then, it didn't work in the mid-terms, and it won't work in 2020.

Americans have seen how President Trump runs the country. Chaos, lies, and picking useless fights firing half the people he hires, is the reason why his companies have always been so poorly run, and why he holds the record for business failures by an American businessman. The real reason Trump refuses to release his tax returns is because he isn't nearly as rich or doing nearly as well as he tells people.

Nobody's impressed with the man or his methods. Decent Americans are ashamed of this bigotted clown.
Poor little Gnat! He keeps throwing bull shit against the barn hoping that SOMETHING will stick! Meanwhile Trump keeps right on rolling's driving poor Gnat CRAZY!
Could well be, although to this point all of that seems to have been taking a back seat to the drumbeat of #collusion and #notmypresident.

If the dems do have such a platform they'd best get a whole lot better at articulating what it is, how it will be implemented and how it will help Joe Average Voter or we'll likely be looking at another term for Trump.

If all you're hearing is #collusion and #notmypresident, then you're not paying attention. Democrats have already passed a new Voters Rights Act, which of course, McConnel refuses to bring to the floor of the Senate.

Trump presides over an every shrinking base. Republicans keep insulting the brown women American voters elected to work for them. Calling them stupid, crazy, and un-American. For a party already underwater with women and blacks, this is hardly a winning strategy. Ignoring the working people who voted for tax cuts and jobs, and a solution to the opioid epidemnic, the focus on the wall and immigration won't work.

Trump is trying to brand Republicans as the "party of health care". Good luck with that. Republicans have already taken access to health care away from 4 million Americans. It cost you the mid-terms. Keep trying to destroy Obamacare. It was a winning strategy for you at the mid-terms. Oh yeah and keep attacking women's rights, and reproductive choices. Winning strategies all of them.
Could well be, although to this point all of that seems to have been taking a back seat to the drumbeat of #collusion and #notmypresident.

If the dems do have such a platform they'd best get a whole lot better at articulating what it is, how it will be implemented and how it will help Joe Average Voter or we'll likely be looking at another term for Trump.

If all you're hearing is #collusion and #notmypresident, then you're not paying attention. Democrats have already passed a new Voters Rights Act, which of course, McConnel refuses to bring to the floor of the Senate.

Trump presides over an every shrinking base. Republicans keep insulting the brown women American voters elected to work for them. Calling them stupid, crazy, and un-American. For a party already underwater with women and blacks, this is hardly a winning strategy. Ignoring the working people who voted for tax cuts and jobs, and a solution to the opioid epidemnic, the focus on the wall and immigration won't work.

Trump is trying to brand Republicans as the "party of health care". Good luck with that. Republicans have already taken access to health care away from 4 million Americans. It cost you the mid-terms. Keep trying to destroy Obamacare. It was a winning strategy for you at the mid-terms. Oh yeah and keep attacking women's rights, and reproductive choices. Winning strategies all of them.

I pay attention and am obviously politically aware, as are most here.

There may be other planks forthcoming, although the overwhelming noise has been about #trumpbad.

As previously stated, the dems are going to need to do a much better job of projecting their platform as, to this point, I have seen very little of it.

The rest of your rant is noted, and dismissed.

And again I say, you're not paying attention.

It hasn't been Democrats who have been talking about impeachment, it's been Republicans who claim that the Russia Investigation is all about Trump. They've gone on and one about it, while Democrats running for office focused on the issues. Democrats have been really clear about criticizing Trump's policies and his rhetoric.

It's not Democrats talking about violence against the other side. It's not Democrats who are shooting up churches, synagogues and mosques, and it's not Democrats marching throught the streets chanting "The Jews will not replace us". It's not Democrats calling the press the "enemy of the people", and trying to keep refugees from claiming asylum.

The Democrats ran the 2018 mid-terms on the real issues of health care and income inequity.

Sure I'm not. The dems just lost the last presidential election in large part because they were tone deaf. Now we've got a clown car full of candidates, which simply would not be the case if there was a clear standardbearer and message, while none other than Obama has issued a warning on the same bullheaded crazy that cost the dems the White House last time around and I'm the one not paying attention.

You run with that one. Good grief...

The Democrats lost the last Presidential election because the American public feels that their government is being run for the wealthy, by the wealthy and that they're being asked to finance social programs because the rich shouldn't have to pay taxes. They voted for "Hope and Change" with Obama and while he saved the economy and reformed health care, he did nothing to deal with the opioid epidemic, income inequality, and the lack of "good jobs" for working Americans.

Trump has done NOTHING to address health care, other than to try to destroy the ACA. He doesn't have a replacement. He said he did, and he lied. Now he's trying to tell people he has a great health care plan but you'll have to wait to until after the election to see it. That's the lie he used in 2016, and while it may have worked then, it didn't work in the mid-terms, and it won't work in 2020.

Americans have seen how President Trump runs the country. Chaos, lies, and picking useless fights firing half the people he hires, is the reason why his companies have always been so poorly run, and why he holds the record for business failures by an American businessman. The real reason Trump refuses to release his tax returns is because he isn't nearly as rich or doing nearly as well as he tells people.

Nobody's impressed with the man or his methods. Decent Americans are ashamed of this bigotted clown.

Trump holds the "record" for business failures by an American businessman? How did that feel when you were pulling that "stat" out of your ass, Dragonlady? Just making it up as you go...aren't you!
Could well be, although to this point all of that seems to have been taking a back seat to the drumbeat of #collusion and #notmypresident.

If the dems do have such a platform they'd best get a whole lot better at articulating what it is, how it will be implemented and how it will help Joe Average Voter or we'll likely be looking at another term for Trump.

If all you're hearing is #collusion and #notmypresident, then you're not paying attention. Democrats have already passed a new Voters Rights Act, which of course, McConnel refuses to bring to the floor of the Senate.

Trump presides over an every shrinking base. Republicans keep insulting the brown women American voters elected to work for them. Calling them stupid, crazy, and un-American. For a party already underwater with women and blacks, this is hardly a winning strategy. Ignoring the working people who voted for tax cuts and jobs, and a solution to the opioid epidemnic, the focus on the wall and immigration won't work.

Trump is trying to brand Republicans as the "party of health care". Good luck with that. Republicans have already taken access to health care away from 4 million Americans. It cost you the mid-terms. Keep trying to destroy Obamacare. It was a winning strategy for you at the mid-terms. Oh yeah and keep attacking women's rights, and reproductive choices. Winning strategies all of them.
Could well be, although to this point all of that seems to have been taking a back seat to the drumbeat of #collusion and #notmypresident.

If the dems do have such a platform they'd best get a whole lot better at articulating what it is, how it will be implemented and how it will help Joe Average Voter or we'll likely be looking at another term for Trump.

If all you're hearing is #collusion and #notmypresident, then you're not paying attention. Democrats have already passed a new Voters Rights Act, which of course, McConnel refuses to bring to the floor of the Senate.

Trump presides over an every shrinking base. Republicans keep insulting the brown women American voters elected to work for them. Calling them stupid, crazy, and un-American. For a party already underwater with women and blacks, this is hardly a winning strategy. Ignoring the working people who voted for tax cuts and jobs, and a solution to the opioid epidemnic, the focus on the wall and immigration won't work.

Trump is trying to brand Republicans as the "party of health care". Good luck with that. Republicans have already taken access to health care away from 4 million Americans. It cost you the mid-terms. Keep trying to destroy Obamacare. It was a winning strategy for you at the mid-terms. Oh yeah and keep attacking women's rights, and reproductive choices. Winning strategies all of them.

I pay attention and am obviously politically aware, as are most here.

There may be other planks forthcoming, although the overwhelming noise has been about #trumpbad.

As previously stated, the dems are going to need to do a much better job of projecting their platform as, to this point, I have seen very little of it.

The rest of your rant is noted, and dismissed.

And again I say, you're not paying attention.

It hasn't been Democrats who have been talking about impeachment, it's been Republicans who claim that the Russia Investigation is all about Trump. They've gone on and one about it, while Democrats running for office focused on the issues. Democrats have been really clear about criticizing Trump's policies and his rhetoric.

It's not Democrats talking about violence against the other side. It's not Democrats who are shooting up churches, synagogues and mosques, and it's not Democrats marching throught the streets chanting "The Jews will not replace us". It's not Democrats calling the press the "enemy of the people", and trying to keep refugees from claiming asylum.

The Democrats ran the 2018 mid-terms on the real issues of health care and income inequity.

Sure I'm not. The dems just lost the last presidential election in large part because they were tone deaf. Now we've got a clown car full of candidates, which simply would not be the case if there was a clear standardbearer and message, while none other than Obama has issued a warning on the same bullheaded crazy that cost the dems the White House last time around and I'm the one not paying attention.

You run with that one. Good grief...

The Democrats lost the last Presidential election because the American public feels that their government is being run for the wealthy, by the wealthy and that they're being asked to finance social programs because the rich shouldn't have to pay taxes. They voted for "Hope and Change" with Obama and while he saved the economy and reformed health care, he did nothing to deal with the opioid epidemic, income inequality, and the lack of "good jobs" for working Americans.

Trump has done NOTHING to address health care, other than to try to destroy the ACA. He doesn't have a replacement. He said he did, and he lied. Now he's trying to tell people he has a great health care plan but you'll have to wait to until after the election to see it. That's the lie he used in 2016, and while it may have worked then, it didn't work in the mid-terms, and it won't work in 2020.

Americans have seen how President Trump runs the country. Chaos, lies, and picking useless fights firing half the people he hires, is the reason why his companies have always been so poorly run, and why he holds the record for business failures by an American businessman. The real reason Trump refuses to release his tax returns is because he isn't nearly as rich or doing nearly as well as he tells people.

Nobody's impressed with the man or his methods. Decent Americans are ashamed of this bigotted clown.

If that's what you believe, fine. I honestly don't care, the loss is yours and the dems, who refuse to believe or acknowledge for a single second that they are part of the problem that resulted in them losing. That in itself is ridiculous. When you lose a contest and blame the other guy, in anything from a baseball game to an election, instead of learning from your mistakes, it is immature and foolish.

The dems have not learned anything here, opting instead to attack Trump, blame everything from Russians to racism for losing the last election and are running pell-mell into 2020 with the same thickheaded belief that their own belief in their rectitude is enough. It's laughable.

You have your opinion and are welcome to it. I think it's absurd and utterly wrong, and so obviously so I feel like I'm arguing about whether the grass is green, but carry on. Just don't blame anyone but yourselves if you're looking at another 4 years of Trump.
The term impeachment really means that a public trial will be held..........

But, in this case, it may NOT be Trump.......but people within Trump;s cabinet.....

If hapless and clueless Mnuchin keeps refusing to hand over Trump's tax returns.......he may face BOTH an impeachment process AND possible prison time for DEFYING the clear and explicit law (IRS Code 6103(f))

.........AND, one has to wonder if Barr is also aware that just being a STOOGE for Trump and covering Trump's ass may ALSO be grounds for that kind of a public trial.

Fun days ahead if House democrats show some balls.

Yeah, let House Democrats have balls, waste time with useless impeachment hearings, investigations and then enjoy fun days in November 2020.
The term impeachment really means that a public trial will be held..........

But, in this case, it may NOT be Trump.......but people within Trump;s cabinet.....

If hapless and clueless Mnuchin keeps refusing to hand over Trump's tax returns.......he may face BOTH an impeachment process AND possible prison time for DEFYING the clear and explicit law (IRS Code 6103(f))

.........AND, one has to wonder if Barr is also aware that just being a STOOGE for Trump and covering Trump's ass may ALSO be grounds for that kind of a public trial.

Fun days ahead if House democrats show some balls.
Just stop......I hope they do try and impeach Mnuchin......fucking please do that.......

When will you people wake up to reality? For people who are "woke" you guys sleepwalk through life and defend the worst people and positions.

2020: It's Her Turn!
nat4900 Only 2 more years until Hillary claims her rightful place upon the White House Iron Throne

You have this NEED to repeatedly show what an asshole you are......
Who the hell is talking about Hillary BUT morons like you?

Come up with another piece of stupidity......LMAO
Yeah, let House Democrats have balls, waste time with useless impeachment hearings, investigations and then enjoy fun days in November 2020.

The above dimwit does NOT like for legislators to uphold the LAW.......and ALL for the love of an orange moron.

Go figure.....LOL

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