Impeachment inquiry off to a great start for the Repubs...

Trying to shake down a foreign leader in an attempt to rig his own election wasn`t stupid? He was caught and impeached.
And he was not convicted by the Senate, it was a political move by the opposing party that did nothing but waste time and energy. Clinton was another fiasco that was all political. Every President we hear this talk from the opposing party and it divides our nation and results in nothing. Quite frankly I would love to see both parties collapse and we start over and try to unite, instead of divide.
And he was not convicted by the Senate, it was a political move by the opposing party that did nothing but waste time and energy
Because of a corrupt senate. But you go ahead and blame the people on the right side of ethics, history, and the law. It's a fine illustration of where our country is.
Because of a corrupt senate. But you go ahead and blame the people on the right side of ethics, history, and the law. It's a fine illustration of where our country is.
Right and now a corrupt House, it is always the other side, my take is both sides are looking out for their interests and not those they claim to serve, which Americans. Their history shows the rich take care of the rich. Spare me that on side is right, because under Obama and Biden the greatest transfer of wealth to the rich has happened.
Right and now a corrupt House, it is always the other side, my take is both sides are looking out for their interests and not those they claim to serve, which Americans. Their history shows the rich take care of the rich. Spare me that on side is right, because under Obama and Biden the greatest transfer of wealth to the rich has happened.
No. No other side. The house was on the right side of ethics and the law. The corrupt senate was not.

I won't entertain this tap dancing.
No. No other side. The house was on the right side of ethics and the law. The corrupt senate was not.

I won't entertain this tap dancing.
Good for you, you have your opinion and I disagree, I am not defending the stupidity or corruption of the House or the Senate.
Good for you, you have your opinion and I disagree, I am not defending the stupidity or corruption of the House or the Senate.
Then you're just wrong. It's not a matter of opinion.

The House was objectively on the correct side of ethics and the law.

The senators admitted he was guilty, but said they didn't want to remove him from office. And this is because he was a republican.

There is nothing there to disagree with.

Star witness, legal expert Jonathan Turley...“I do not believe that the current evidence would support articles of impeachment,”

Good job Repubs! :itsok:
Good move by Republicans starting out with a bang
Then you're just wrong. It's not a matter of opinion.

The House was objectively on the correct side of ethics and the law.

The senators admitted he was guilty, but said they didn't want to remove him from office. And this is because he was a republican.

There is nothing there to disagree with.
Nope, you are not a moral authority, you are free to pretend you are right, you have a right to your opinion believing I am wrong but I am not.
A traitor who shows our Top Secret Iran war plans to his country club friends?

Dear Augustine,
CLAIMED but not proven.
And claimed by people who we now know have lied to us before with a decided agenda just to GET TRUMP, so, ZERO credibility, Ace.

Meantime, Joe Biden stole secret documents as a senator and VP where there was never even a hint of authority to have anything, ever, anywhere, PERIOD, clearly, a felony and treason. Then the bum left them for years, decades in open boxes in his garage and in a Chinese-owned office room where the red Chinese, Hunter and all s foreign friends who paid him millions, the grass cutter, ANYONE had access to them.

Have you seen the list of all that were in those boxes?

Really SUCKS to throw stones in a GLASS HOUSE, huh, Augustine, you fucking fruity dumbass partisan bastard.

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