Impeachment is the tyranny of the state vs. the liberty of the people.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The founders of our nation were careful to tell us that government should be limited by checks and balances to ensure that it did not walk so far in front of the common people that it lost sight of them. Obviously, the results of our last presidential election indicate that the people have lost sight of the government and are questioning the direction it is trying to lead us.

The government had a plan, a candidate and a platform that it decided was best for the people. The people had other ideas. Donald Trump was an unlikely choice, but the people really had no alternative if government of the people, by the people and for the people was going to endure. So, the people repudiated the determination made for them by government and went with an imperfect option as an emergency resort to save their nation from a government beyond their control, controlling them in ways the founders never intended.

The government has had many decades to erode the checks and balances in place to protect the people. Since Lyndon Johnson’s Great society, the iron boot of a central state has been crushing the cultural foundations of our society by swindling the will of the people to act as stewards of American Exceptionalism. Nothing in our constitution justifies the use of the government purse to martial education, media and partisan political correctness as propaganda to create discord between disparate groups and incite the notion that individualism and free thinking are sedition.

There is little doubt that Trump is an enemy of the state because he is encouraging citizens to question the state. Telling the government’s protected classes that they have nothing to lose is like yelling fire at a crowded welfare office; the deep state can only watch as its bloated bureaucracies are drained away while citizens vote with their feet to seek personal autonomy.

There are stark differences between being woke and waking up. Trump believes Americans can solve problems and interact peacefully with one another without the state thought police corrupting the checks and balances needed to maintain a free republic. Pure left-coast/right-coast urban democracy can trick the people into voting away their most important freedoms-it’s a protection racket to preserve centralized power.

Impeachment is the tyranny of the state vs. the liberty of the people. National sovereignty is abandoned, and replacements are beckoned-only fools cannot see this.
Conservatives don't care about anything except Trump anymore. The Republican party is now nothing more than a cult of personality and nothing about the constitution, the founders, justice, rule of law or common decency matters anymore. All that matters is making everything Trump wants to do legal and righteous. Get with the program.
You have to love the way the democrats brainwash their minions.
At one point they all said that impeachment should never be partisan. Yet somehow they now have their minions believing that not only should it be partisan but it does not matter that not all of the party would not jump on the impeachment wagon. The fellow that changed party rather then jump on was a traitor to the cause.
They have convinced them that as Pelosi so well stated it is not about the truth it is about innuendo and accuasations. They have rewritten the idea of juris prudence so that guilty until proven innocent is now the accepted norm. They have convinced them that rumor and what others think is as important as any evidence.

They started with impeachment before he took office. They have made it known that he was quilty of high crimes because he won an election that they cheated to win. They have told everyone that would listen that it was never about what he did it was because they knew that they risk again having the American public reject their candidate.

All in all they do have their brainwashing down to a science. Unfortunately there are large portions of the country that are free thinkers.
Conservatives don't care about anything except Trump anymore. The Republican party is now nothing more than a cult of personality and nothing about the constitution, the founders, justice, rule of law or common decency matters anymore. All that matters is making everything Trump wants to do legal and righteous. Get with the program.

So you don't agree with any of his contentions? There must be a reason Trump was not only able to win the GOP nomination against 16 others, but also beat the most Establishment candidate in history.
Nobody is above the law

If you’re referencing the impeachment, the law is not relevant during impeachment proceedings. Impeachment is a purely political exercise. I am glad it’s almost over, because I am getting tired of explain that to Democrats.
Trump shouldn't have been impeached and Clinton shouldn't have either. Both were partisan witch hunts.
The founders of our nation were careful to tell us that government should be limited by checks and balances to ensure that it did not walk so far in front of the common people that it lost sight of them. Obviously, the results of our last presidential election indicate that the people have lost sight of the government and are questioning the direction it is trying to lead us.

The government had a plan, a candidate and a platform that it decided was best for the people. The people had other ideas. Donald Trump was an unlikely choice, but the people really had no alternative if government of the people, by the people and for the people was going to endure. So, the people repudiated the determination made for them by government and went with an imperfect option as an emergency resort to save their nation from a government beyond their control, controlling them in ways the founders never intended.

The government has had many decades to erode the checks and balances in place to protect the people. Since Lyndon Johnson’s Great society, the iron boot of a central state has been crushing the cultural foundations of our society by swindling the will of the people to act as stewards of American Exceptionalism. Nothing in our constitution justifies the use of the government purse to martial education, media and partisan political correctness as propaganda to create discord between disparate groups and incite the notion that individualism and free thinking are sedition.

There is little doubt that Trump is an enemy of the state because he is encouraging citizens to question the state. Telling the government’s protected classes that they have nothing to lose is like yelling fire at a crowded welfare office; the deep state can only watch as its bloated bureaucracies are drained away while citizens vote with their feet to seek personal autonomy.

There are stark differences between being woke and waking up. Trump believes Americans can solve problems and interact peacefully with one another without the state thought police corrupting the checks and balances needed to maintain a free republic. Pure left-coast/right-coast urban democracy can trick the people into voting away their most important freedoms-it’s a protection racket to preserve centralized power.

Impeachment is the tyranny of the state vs. the liberty of the people. National sovereignty is abandoned, and replacements are beckoned-only fools cannot see this.

Impeachment represents the will of the people.

The Republican Senate represents tyranny, ignoring the will of the people.
The founders of our nation were careful to tell us that government should be limited by checks and balances to ensure that it did not walk so far in front of the common people that it lost sight of them. Obviously, the results of our last presidential election indicate that the people have lost sight of the government and are questioning the direction it is trying to lead us.

The government had a plan, a candidate and a platform that it decided was best for the people. The people had other ideas. Donald Trump was an unlikely choice, but the people really had no alternative if government of the people, by the people and for the people was going to endure. So, the people repudiated the determination made for them by government and went with an imperfect option as an emergency resort to save their nation from a government beyond their control, controlling them in ways the founders never intended.

The government has had many decades to erode the checks and balances in place to protect the people. Since Lyndon Johnson’s Great society, the iron boot of a central state has been crushing the cultural foundations of our society by swindling the will of the people to act as stewards of American Exceptionalism. Nothing in our constitution justifies the use of the government purse to martial education, media and partisan political correctness as propaganda to create discord between disparate groups and incite the notion that individualism and free thinking are sedition.

There is little doubt that Trump is an enemy of the state because he is encouraging citizens to question the state. Telling the government’s protected classes that they have nothing to lose is like yelling fire at a crowded welfare office; the deep state can only watch as its bloated bureaucracies are drained away while citizens vote with their feet to seek personal autonomy.

There are stark differences between being woke and waking up. Trump believes Americans can solve problems and interact peacefully with one another without the state thought police corrupting the checks and balances needed to maintain a free republic. Pure left-coast/right-coast urban democracy can trick the people into voting away their most important freedoms-it’s a protection racket to preserve centralized power.

Impeachment is the tyranny of the state vs. the liberty of the people. National sovereignty is abandoned, and replacements are beckoned-only fools cannot see this.

Impeachment represents the will of the people.

The Republican Senate represents tyranny, ignoring the will of the people.

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