Implied Threats to get vaccinated by hhs

The antivaxxer death-cult keeps getting more an more shrill.

However, since there are fewer and fewer of them, the total volume level stays about the same.
Our interest, which hasn't changed since before Reagan, is to stop Russia from swallowing smaller European countries.

If it was our troops being sent over there I may agree with you a bit regarding our presence but shit, they are doing the fighting. Ukrainian men and women fighting for their freedoms and country (unlike a lot wars we get involved in) and all we are doing is providing financing and weapons.

Seems like a no brainier to me.
What freedoms? Zelensky has outlawed other political parties and is arresting priests.
Trump left office billions or (depending on whose numbers you use) at least many million $ less wealthy than when he took office. He is maybe the only President in at least the last 100 years to do so. The Trump organization also took some heavy hits in choosing not to do any new overseas business while President Trump was in office.

Yeah, his criminal activity and poor business decisions really hurt him.

That said nobody really knows what Trump is worth from year to year because he lies about it so much.

Chose not to do overseas business because he was president? How the hell do you know?

Also, Ivanka appreciated the fast track patents Trump's buddy Xi did for her but of course there was no overseas business

As for getting kickbacks from big pharma or paying big pharma to develop a vaccine, no. Didn't happen. He did ask Food & Drug Adm. to authorize a couple of billion to pay big pharma to provide the vaccine otherwise free to American citizens which it did.
Right. Socialist money in public but we need Gym Jordan to follow any money trails that lead directly to Trump in a private capacity.

No way all that socialist money had no strings to benefit Trump.
Constant advertisements about vaccines is in itself a form of a threat. Stop the constant barrage, we don’t need your harassment multiple times a day you morons!

Go the hell away and take your commercials.

This time, if they do another "vax mandate," some of the ones with vax cards who never go the shot WILL GET SHOT THIS TIME....

just not with a needle.
Yeah, his criminal activity and poor business decisions really hurt him.

That said nobody really knows what Trump is worth from year to year because he lies about it so much.

Chose not to do overseas business because he was president? How the hell do you know?

Also, Ivanka appreciated the fast track patents Trump's buddy Xi did for her but of course there was no overseas business

Right. Socialist money in public but we need Gym Jordan to follow any money trails that lead directly to Trump in a private capacity.

No way all that socialist money had no strings to benefit Trump.
Good Lord, how do you live with yourself when you get up everyday? You take TDS to a whole new level. Well, whatever, have a nice day anyway.
What freedoms? Zelensky has outlawed other political parties and is arresting priests.
They are at war. No elections. That is what countries do.

Which priest did he arrest so I can see context that you conveniently omitted?

You really parrot a lot of Russian disinformation. What's the deal?
Constant advertisements about vaccines is in itself a form of a threat. Stop the constant barrage, we don’t need your harassment multiple times a day you morons!

Go the hell away and take your commercials.

It does seem obsessive sometimes. The taxpayers no doubt fund the development of those ads but I don't know if they pay the television networks et al to air them.

I'm a live and let live person when it comes to the vaccines. We lost two healthy, not old family members and one good friend to COVID and none were vaxxed. At least a half dozen others who didn't get the vax are still experiencing some residual side effects after having COVID. Most of my friends and family are vaxxed and only one of those--my sister who already suffered from congestive heart failure--died from COVID. None who got the vax and then got COVID had long lasting side effects from it.

I don't know anybody who died or was injured as a result of the vax but I do believe such people exist.

Here in New Mexico there are only a few hospitalizations of people testing positive and no new recent case for a week or two now. 75% of the population is vaccinated--95% of the high risk elderly are vaccinated. COVID isn't much problem at all here now.

So there is a lot of testimony pro and con out there.

I think it wrong for those who ridicule or disrespect those who choose to get vaccinated and it is wrong for the vaccinated to demonize those who don't.
Good for us.

Many countries don't have elections during war despite the Russian propaganda you seem to be digesting.
What is the Russia shit? It is no more than a distraction from the real problem the country turning to shit. You got it bad. You are not thinking clearly.
My parents told me when they were kids they yanked grade school students out of classrooms, limed them up, and gave them the polio vaccine.
That might have been because we had proof it actually worked. We never got that with the Covid vaccine they had to change the meaning of vaccine to even call it one. It is a bio weapon.
What is the Russia shit? It is no more than a distraction from the real problem the country turning to shit. You got it bad. You are not thinking clearly.
Are you lost already?

Russians are the ones attacking Ukraine.

I think the same about you... thus this political forum to rant back and forth.

Having fun yet?
Commercials are now threats? You know how to stop the barrage of commercials? Turn the TV off.

As long as someone can buy the commercial time, you will see what they want you to see.

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