In 2020 more youths under 24 died from Suicide (5,568) than died from Covid (1,420 in 8/2022) so why were schools closed?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Approximately one in three high school students experienced poor mental health (most of the time or always) during the COVID-19 pandemic (37.1%) and during the past 30 days (31.1%) (Table 2). During the 12 months before the survey, 44.2% experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness; that is, had ever felt so sad or hopeless almost every day for two weeks or more in a row that they stopped doing some usual activities.
The number of suicidal children in San Francisco has hit a record high and health experts say it is clear that keeping public schools closed “is catalyzing a mental health crisis among school-aged children,” according to a lawsuit the city filed Thursday to push its school district to reopen classrooms.

So why did the MSM, Teachers' Unions and Democrats so motivated to close schools?
In particular, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin (swing states...)— which President-elect Joe Biden won by a slim margin — would have remained red if cases had been five per cent lower.
NOTE: Trump lost the swing states of "just 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin separated Biden and Trump from a tie in the Electoral College."

I am so totally convinced that YOU people that believed the BIASED MSM's emphasis on Covid and the FALSE premise to close schools.
even though there were ONLY 1,420 COVID deaths under ages 24! Provisional COVID-19 Deaths: Focus on Ages 0-18 Years | Data | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
After they and other biased MSM donated 96% to Hillary and 90% to Biden that during a 3 month period ABC,CBS,NBC donated along with their personal donations, donated $400 million in free advertising. Over 32.7 hours of coverage, from 7/29/2020-10/20/20).
Everything You Need to Know About TV Advertising Costs $104,700/30 sec. The below link found network news provided 92% negative news about Trump!
"What they found was, over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history — 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive.from July 29 through October 20"
Negative news...during the campaign adding to votes for Biden !
I'm 100% confident that of the 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin that went to Biden over Trump was due to the BIASED NEGATIVE NEWS.
Those of you that believed the BIASED MSM... there were only 1,420 COVID deaths under 24 VERSUS In 2020 more youths under 24 died from Suicide (5,568) NEARLY 4 times from Suicides than from COVID... so why didn't the MSM TELL Americans that "COMORBIDITY" ,i.e. obesity, health problems caused most deaths especially in teenagers!
Provisional COVID-19 Deaths: Focus on Ages 0-18 Years | Data | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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Approximately one in three high school students experienced poor mental health (most of the time or always) during the COVID-19 pandemic (37.1%) and during the past 30 days (31.1%) (Table 2). During the 12 months before the survey, 44.2% experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness; that is, had ever felt so sad or hopeless almost every day for two weeks or more in a row that they stopped doing some usual activities.
The number of suicidal children in San Francisco has hit a record high and health experts say it is clear that keeping public schools closed “is catalyzing a mental health crisis among school-aged children,” according to a lawsuit the city filed Thursday to push its school district to reopen classrooms.

So why did the MSM, Teachers' Unions and Democrats so motivated to close schools?
In particular, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin (swing states...)— which President-elect Joe Biden won by a slim margin — would have remained red if cases had been five per cent lower.
NOTE: Trump lost the swing states of "just 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin separated Biden and Trump from a tie in the Electoral College."

I am so totally convinced that YOU people that believed the BIASED MSM's emphasis on Covid and the FALSE premise to close schools.
even though there were ONLY 1,420 COVID deaths under ages 24! Provisional COVID-19 Deaths: Focus on Ages 0-18 Years | Data | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
After they and other biased MSM donated 96% to Hillary and 90% to Biden that during a 3 month period ABC,CBS,NBC donated along with their personal donations, donated $400 million in free advertising. Over 32.7 hours of coverage, from 7/29/2020-10/20/20).
Everything You Need to Know About TV Advertising Costs $104,700/30 sec. The below link found network news provided 92% negative news about Trump!
"What they found was, over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history — 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive.from July 29 through October 20"
Negative news...during the campaign adding to votes for Biden !
I'm 100% confident that of the 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin that went to Biden over Trump was due to the BIASED NEGATIVE NEWS.
Those of you that believed the BIASED MSM... there were only 1,420 COVID deaths under 24 VERSUS In 2020 more youths under 24 died from Suicide (5,568) NEARLY 4 times from Suicides than from COVID... so why didn't the MSM TELL Americans that "COMORBIDITY" ,i.e. obesity, health problems caused most deaths especially in teenagers!
Provisional COVID-19 Deaths: Focus on Ages 0-18 Years | Data | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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so MORE would commit suicide?
Approximately one in three high school students experienced poor mental health (most of the time or always) during the COVID-19 pandemic (37.1%) and during the past 30 days (31.1%) (Table 2). During the 12 months before the survey, 44.2% experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness; that is, had ever felt so sad or hopeless almost every day for two weeks or more in a row that they stopped doing some usual activities.
The number of suicidal children in San Francisco has hit a record high and health experts say it is clear that keeping public schools closed “is catalyzing a mental health crisis among school-aged children,” according to a lawsuit the city filed Thursday to push its school district to reopen classrooms.

So why did the MSM, Teachers' Unions and Democrats so motivated to close schools?
In particular, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin (swing states...)— which President-elect Joe Biden won by a slim margin — would have remained red if cases had been five per cent lower.
NOTE: Trump lost the swing states of "just 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin separated Biden and Trump from a tie in the Electoral College."

I am so totally convinced that YOU people that believed the BIASED MSM's emphasis on Covid and the FALSE premise to close schools.
even though there were ONLY 1,420 COVID deaths under ages 24! Provisional COVID-19 Deaths: Focus on Ages 0-18 Years | Data | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
After they and other biased MSM donated 96% to Hillary and 90% to Biden that during a 3 month period ABC,CBS,NBC donated along with their personal donations, donated $400 million in free advertising. Over 32.7 hours of coverage, from 7/29/2020-10/20/20).
Everything You Need to Know About TV Advertising Costs $104,700/30 sec. The below link found network news provided 92% negative news about Trump!
"What they found was, over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history — 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive.from July 29 through October 20"
Negative news...during the campaign adding to votes for Biden !
I'm 100% confident that of the 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin that went to Biden over Trump was due to the BIASED NEGATIVE NEWS.
Those of you that believed the BIASED MSM... there were only 1,420 COVID deaths under 24 VERSUS In 2020 more youths under 24 died from Suicide (5,568) NEARLY 4 times from Suicides than from COVID... so why didn't the MSM TELL Americans that "COMORBIDITY" ,i.e. obesity, health problems caused most deaths especially in teenagers!
Provisional COVID-19 Deaths: Focus on Ages 0-18 Years | Data | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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WRONG! 5,900 kids and adults aged 10 to 24 died by suicide, separate CDC data shows.

Oh, wait, that was from 2015.

To protect the community. Kids spreading COVID to other kids spread it to adults who spread it to vulnerable adults.

The more COVID running around, the more deaths.
Yeah, That was the cover story. The reality is everything from the mask mandates to the school closures was about controlling the people. Just how much control can we exert and how much crap will the people take willingly?
Yeah, That was the cover story. The reality is everything from the mask mandates to the school closures was about controlling the people. Just how much control can we exert and how much crap will the people take willingly?
Sure dude. And this was all organized by the lizard people, right? I’m sure you threw out your microwave since they were using that to spy on you.
The schools were closed because they didn't know children wouldn't get it till years later, and also because teachers and other adults refused to work there.

I have some sympathy with this: children are SO CONTAGIOUS. They may not get stuff so bad, but they sure do spread it.
Yeah, That was the cover story. The reality is everything from the mask mandates to the school closures was about controlling the people. Just how much control can we exert and how much crap will the people take willingly?
And the BIASED MSM made it a nightly crisis which started off the news with COVID.
We analyzed 4,589 transcripts of the nightly news programs, amounting to 486,068 paragraphs of content
Amount of Coverage
• On average across the six networks, 45% of the coverage was about the coronavirus
• Fox News discussed the coronavirus the least and NBC Nightly News discussed it the most
Tone of coverage
• Fox News coverage was perceived as less negative and left people feeling prouder and more hopeful
• Broadcast news coverage generated significantly more worry and fear

For example, MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell said, “And the response to the coronavirus in the United States is being led by the most incompetent and ignorant president in history, who shook up his administration today by announcing the replacement of his White House chief of staff in the middle of this crisis” (The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell, March 6).
Fox News, alternatively, was more likely to mention “suicide,” the “flu,” and “underlying condition,” words that relate to a more minimal impact of the virus and the mental health consequences of staying home.
NOTE!!!! At the above time when Hydroxychloroquine + Azithromycin was being mentioned by Fox/Trump... the other MSM said they weren't affective...because Trump recommended it.
Hydroxychloroquine + Azithromycin therapy at a higher dose improved survival by nearly 200% in ventilated COVID patients
So again: the BIASED MSM presenting news with as NBC O’Donnell said, “And the response to the coronavirus in the United States is being led by the most incompetent and ignorant president in history...

This biased MSM at the time the country needed accurate and objective information, was being grossly manipulated especially our youth!
Totally responsible for the trillions of wasted dollars and more so the wasted lives especially of the teens!

Several words associated with possible treatments more likely to appear on Fox than on MSNBC. Words like “hydroxychloroquine” and “azithromycin’’ were more likely to appear on Fox. These two drugs were described by President Trump as “having a real chance
to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine.” For example, Fox News host Sean Hannity said, “According to reports we are getting from serious experts, hydroxychloroquine is now looking more and more like an important tool in treating this virus” (Hannity, April 7).
The schools were closed because they didn't know children wouldn't get it till years later, and also because teachers and other adults refused to work there.

I have some sympathy with this: children are SO CONTAGIOUS. They may not get stuff so bad, but they sure do spread it.
Many people like you were probably like me unaware of the term "Comorbidity"!
In fact according to the experts.. "Comorbidity" was the cause of 94% of the deaths!
According to the CDC, comorbidity is defined as: " more than one disease or condition is present in the same person at the same time. Conditions described as comorbidities are often chronic or long-term conditions. Other names to describe comorbid conditions are coexisting or co-occurring conditions and sometimes also “multimorbidity” or “multiple chronic conditions."
For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.

But did you hear about that from the biased MSM?
94% of deaths from Covid because of other health conditions...diabetes, obesity, heart problems... all exacerbated then by Covid!
AND guess who had most of those comorbidity conditions??? 75% of Covid deaths age 65 and over!
Did you know that? And again... which group do you think would have largest number of comorbidity symptoms?
Certainly not kids going to school age 0-17!
But did you hear that??? NO the teachers unions, the Democrats AND ESPECIALLY during this election period the MSM........ CRICKETS!!!

Many people like you were probably like me unaware of the term "Comorbidity"!
In fact according to the experts.. "Comorbidity" was the cause of 94% of the deaths!
According to the CDC, comorbidity is defined as: " more than one disease or condition is present in the same person at the same time. Conditions described as comorbidities are often chronic or long-term conditions. Other names to describe comorbid conditions are coexisting or co-occurring conditions and sometimes also “multimorbidity” or “multiple chronic conditions."
For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.

But did you hear about that from the biased MSM?
94% of deaths from Covid because of other health conditions...diabetes, obesity, heart problems... all exacerbated then by Covid!
AND guess who had most of those comorbidity conditions??? 75% of Covid deaths age 65 and over!
Did you know that? And again... which group do you think would have largest number of comorbidity symptoms?
Certainly not kids going to school age 0-17!
But did you hear that??? NO the teachers unions, the Democrats AND ESPECIALLY during this election period the MSM........ CRICKETS!!!
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I think we should give people a pass for not knowing what they couldn't know.

However, the masking and vaccination orders were completely unforgiveable. By then, we knew, and it was just authoritarianism all the way.
Many people like you were probably like me unaware of the term "Comorbidity"!
In fact according to the experts.. "Comorbidity" was the cause of 94% of the deaths!
According to the CDC, comorbidity is defined as: " more than one disease or condition is present in the same person at the same time. Conditions described as comorbidities are often chronic or long-term conditions. Other names to describe comorbid conditions are coexisting or co-occurring conditions and sometimes also “multimorbidity” or “multiple chronic conditions."
For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.

But did you hear about that from the biased MSM?
94% of deaths from Covid because of other health conditions...diabetes, obesity, heart problems... all exacerbated then by Covid!
AND guess who had most of those comorbidity conditions??? 75% of Covid deaths age 65 and over!
Did you know that? And again... which group do you think would have largest number of comorbidity symptoms?
Certainly not kids going to school age 0-17!
But did you hear that??? NO the teachers unions, the Democrats AND ESPECIALLY during this election period the MSM........ CRICKETS!!!
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Seldom has someone used so many words to say so little. And even the minute point you've struggled to make is patently false.

CBS Face the nation, May 2020:

ABC News, April 2020

CNN, May 2020:

NBC NEWS May 2020:

All of this was found in about 4 minutes of searching. Dude...shut the fuck up. You're lying out your ass.

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