In A Full-Scale Nuclear Attack By Russia On The US. Should The President Press The Red Button And Retaliate?

Oz and the Orchestra

Platinum Member
May 25, 2020
Lake District England
The reason I ask is that during his time as leader of the UK Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn said he would if becoming Prime Minister refuse
to retaliate if the UK was attacked with nuclear weapons by a foreign power.

We love Jeremy in the UK but was he right?
Much criticism resulted by those who said he was a threat to National Security and also because he had previously had talks with both Hamas and the IRA.

During the 1970's it was estimated the 8 well placed Nuclear Missiles would wipe out all life in the British Isles.

Consider that a full-scale nuclear attack on the US would involve both first & second wave strikes.
All life in the North & Central American continent will be dead within half an hour - there is no escape!
If the President launches a full-scale retaliation along with NATO allies you will kill not just millions of innocent Russians, but put so much radiation into the atmosphere that within a short time all life on Earth will have perished.

The answer of course from both a morality and Christian ethics point of view is of course Jeremy Corbyn is right!
How can we even consider being jointly responsible for destroying all life on earth barring perhaps only the cockroaches?

All Nations must unilaterally get rid of their Nuclear Weapons whether the Russians & Chinese do or not!
The solution to nuclear attack is simple...

Yea "duck and cover" that is really going to save you!
It's no wonder you yanks are not quite.....not quite.....O I can't think of the word?
Brought up on that bullshit propaganda the people responsible should have been jailed for child abuse!

By the way, have you been sent by Satan to torment me cos I can't get that stupid jingle out of my head now - "duck and cover"...."duck and .......for f*** sake!
The reason I ask is that during his time as leader of the UK Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn said he would if becoming Prime Minister refuse
to retaliate if the UK was attacked with nuclear weapons by a foreign power.

We love Jeremy in the UK but was he right?
Much criticism resulted by those who said he was a threat to National Security and also because he had previously had talks with both Hamas and the IRA.

During the 1970's it was estimated the 8 well placed Nuclear Missiles would wipe out all life in the British Isles.

Consider that a full-scale nuclear attack on the US would involve both first & second wave strikes.
All life in the North & Central American continent will be dead within half an hour - there is no escape!
If the President launches a full-scale retaliation along with NATO allies you will kill not just millions of innocent Russians, but put so much radiation into the atmosphere that within a short time all life on Earth will have perished.

The answer of course from both a morality and Christian ethics point of view is of course Jeremy Corbyn is right!
How can we even consider being jointly responsible for destroying all life on earth barring perhaps only the cockroaches?

All Nations must unilaterally get rid of their Nuclear Weapons whether the Russians & Chinese do or not!

What if we wanna strike first ...?

The reason I ask is that during his time as leader of the UK Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn said he would if becoming Prime Minister refuse
to retaliate if the UK was attacked with nuclear weapons by a foreign power.

We love Jeremy in the UK but was he right?
Much criticism resulted by those who said he was a threat to National Security and also because he had previously had talks with both Hamas and the IRA.

During the 1970's it was estimated the 8 well placed Nuclear Missiles would wipe out all life in the British Isles.

Consider that a full-scale nuclear attack on the US would involve both first & second wave strikes.
All life in the North & Central American continent will be dead within half an hour - there is no escape!
If the President launches a full-scale retaliation along with NATO allies you will kill not just millions of innocent Russians, but put so much radiation into the atmosphere that within a short time all life on Earth will have perished.

The answer of course from both a morality and Christian ethics point of view is of course Jeremy Corbyn is right!
How can we even consider being jointly responsible for destroying all life on earth barring perhaps only the cockroaches?

All Nations must unilaterally get rid of their Nuclear Weapons whether the Russians & Chinese do or not!

A nuclear arsenal is essentially a major deterrent to all out war but when you announce you would never use it, it kinda loses it's purpose. What an idiotic announcement to make, even if he has strong convictions against their use.
It's like going into a fight after you announced you'll only throw light slaps no matter what they do.
The reason I ask is that during his time as leader of the UK Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn said he would if becoming Prime Minister refuse
to retaliate if the UK was attacked with nuclear weapons by a foreign power.

We love Jeremy in the UK but was he right?
Much criticism resulted by those who said he was a threat to National Security and also because he had previously had talks with both Hamas and the IRA.

During the 1970's it was estimated the 8 well placed Nuclear Missiles would wipe out all life in the British Isles.

Consider that a full-scale nuclear attack on the US would involve both first & second wave strikes.
All life in the North & Central American continent will be dead within half an hour - there is no escape!
If the President launches a full-scale retaliation along with NATO allies you will kill not just millions of innocent Russians, but put so much radiation into the atmosphere that within a short time all life on Earth will have perished.

The answer of course from both a morality and Christian ethics point of view is of course Jeremy Corbyn is right!
How can we even consider being jointly responsible for destroying all life on earth barring perhaps only the cockroaches?

All Nations must unilaterally get rid of their Nuclear Weapons whether the Russians & Chinese do or not!

Tough titty. Mutually Assured Destruction keeps them thinking, eh?
The reason I ask is that during his time as leader of the UK Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn said he would if becoming Prime Minister refuse
to retaliate if the UK was attacked with nuclear weapons by a foreign power.

We love Jeremy in the UK but was he right?
Much criticism resulted by those who said he was a threat to National Security and also because he had previously had talks with both Hamas and the IRA.

During the 1970's it was estimated the 8 well placed Nuclear Missiles would wipe out all life in the British Isles.

Consider that a full-scale nuclear attack on the US would involve both first & second wave strikes.
All life in the North & Central American continent will be dead within half an hour - there is no escape!
If the President launches a full-scale retaliation along with NATO allies you will kill not just millions of innocent Russians, but put so much radiation into the atmosphere that within a short time all life on Earth will have perished.

The answer of course from both a morality and Christian ethics point of view is of course Jeremy Corbyn is right!
How can we even consider being jointly responsible for destroying all life on earth barring perhaps only the cockroaches?

All Nations must unilaterally get rid of their Nuclear Weapons whether the Russians & Chinese do or not!

The reason I ask is that during his time as leader of the UK Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn said he would if becoming Prime Minister refuse
to retaliate if the UK was attacked with nuclear weapons by a foreign power.

We love Jeremy in the UK but was he right?
Much criticism resulted by those who said he was a threat to National Security and also because he had previously had talks with both Hamas and the IRA.

During the 1970's it was estimated the 8 well placed Nuclear Missiles would wipe out all life in the British Isles.

Consider that a full-scale nuclear attack on the US would involve both first & second wave strikes.
All life in the North & Central American continent will be dead within half an hour - there is no escape!
If the President launches a full-scale retaliation along with NATO allies you will kill not just millions of innocent Russians, but put so much radiation into the atmosphere that within a short time all life on Earth will have perished.

The answer of course from both a morality and Christian ethics point of view is of course Jeremy Corbyn is right!
How can we even consider being jointly responsible for destroying all life on earth barring perhaps only the cockroaches?

All Nations must unilaterally get rid of their Nuclear Weapons whether the Russians & Chinese do or not!

Tough titty. Mutually Assured Destruction keeps them thinking, eh?

As with an armed homeowner or a big dog.
The reason I ask is that during his time as leader of the UK Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn said he would if becoming Prime Minister refuse
to retaliate if the UK was attacked with nuclear weapons by a foreign power.

We love Jeremy in the UK but was he right?
Much criticism resulted by those who said he was a threat to National Security and also because he had previously had talks with both Hamas and the IRA.

During the 1970's it was estimated the 8 well placed Nuclear Missiles would wipe out all life in the British Isles.

Consider that a full-scale nuclear attack on the US would involve both first & second wave strikes.
All life in the North & Central American continent will be dead within half an hour - there is no escape!
If the President launches a full-scale retaliation along with NATO allies you will kill not just millions of innocent Russians, but put so much radiation into the atmosphere that within a short time all life on Earth will have perished.

The answer of course from both a morality and Christian ethics point of view is of course Jeremy Corbyn is right!
How can we even consider being jointly responsible for destroying all life on earth barring perhaps only the cockroaches?

All Nations must unilaterally get rid of their Nuclear Weapons whether the Russians & Chinese do or not!

What if we wanna strike first ...?

That's about the dumbest song I've heard.

Why do you think everybody hates you - a little bit of paranoia perhaps. a snort of coke too many?
The reason I ask is that during his time as leader of the UK Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn said he would if becoming Prime Minister refuse
to retaliate if the UK was attacked with nuclear weapons by a foreign power.

We love Jeremy in the UK but was he right?
Much criticism resulted by those who said he was a threat to National Security and also because he had previously had talks with both Hamas and the IRA.

During the 1970's it was estimated the 8 well placed Nuclear Missiles would wipe out all life in the British Isles.

Consider that a full-scale nuclear attack on the US would involve both first & second wave strikes.
All life in the North & Central American continent will be dead within half an hour - there is no escape!
If the President launches a full-scale retaliation along with NATO allies you will kill not just millions of innocent Russians, but put so much radiation into the atmosphere that within a short time all life on Earth will have perished.

The answer of course from both a morality and Christian ethics point of view is of course Jeremy Corbyn is right!
How can we even consider being jointly responsible for destroying all life on earth barring perhaps only the cockroaches?

All Nations must unilaterally get rid of their Nuclear Weapons whether the Russians & Chinese do or not!

A nuclear arsenal is essentially a major deterrent to all out war but when you announce you would never use it, it kinda loses it's purpose. What an idiotic announcement to make, even if he has strong convictions against their use.
It's like going into a fight after you announced you'll only throw light slaps no matter what they do.

No, it isn't!
I would, and expect everybody else to defend themselves with whatever degree of violence necessary if someone has made it clear they are going to kill you, no matter how slight your chances of overcoming them.

Under nuclear attack, there is not a snowball's chance in hell you are going to survive. Retaliation is pointless unless you want to kill people who are totally innocent and risk killing all life on Earth.
The reason I ask is that during his time as leader of the UK Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn said he would if becoming Prime Minister refuse
to retaliate if the UK was attacked with nuclear weapons by a foreign power.

We love Jeremy in the UK but was he right?
Much criticism resulted by those who said he was a threat to National Security and also because he had previously had talks with both Hamas and the IRA.

During the 1970's it was estimated the 8 well placed Nuclear Missiles would wipe out all life in the British Isles.

Consider that a full-scale nuclear attack on the US would involve both first & second wave strikes.
All life in the North & Central American continent will be dead within half an hour - there is no escape!
If the President launches a full-scale retaliation along with NATO allies you will kill not just millions of innocent Russians, but put so much radiation into the atmosphere that within a short time all life on Earth will have perished.

The answer of course from both a morality and Christian ethics point of view is of course Jeremy Corbyn is right!
How can we even consider being jointly responsible for destroying all life on earth barring perhaps only the cockroaches?

All Nations must unilaterally get rid of their Nuclear Weapons whether the Russians & Chinese do or not!

How about the people in Iran who yell, "Death to America" while the 1/2 white faggot Obammy gave them billions of dollars so they can continue with their nuclear enhancements? Do you think that was a really good deal, or could it be that one day, the voters of that fag might rue the day?
The reason I ask is that during his time as leader of the UK Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn said he would if becoming Prime Minister refuse
to retaliate if the UK was attacked with nuclear weapons by a foreign power.

We love Jeremy in the UK but was he right?
Much criticism resulted by those who said he was a threat to National Security and also because he had previously had talks with both Hamas and the IRA.

During the 1970's it was estimated the 8 well placed Nuclear Missiles would wipe out all life in the British Isles.

Consider that a full-scale nuclear attack on the US would involve both first & second wave strikes.
All life in the North & Central American continent will be dead within half an hour - there is no escape!
If the President launches a full-scale retaliation along with NATO allies you will kill not just millions of innocent Russians, but put so much radiation into the atmosphere that within a short time all life on Earth will have perished.

The answer of course from both a morality and Christian ethics point of view is of course Jeremy Corbyn is right!
How can we even consider being jointly responsible for destroying all life on earth barring perhaps only the cockroaches?

All Nations must unilaterally get rid of their Nuclear Weapons whether the Russians & Chinese do or not!

A nuclear arsenal is essentially a major deterrent to all out war but when you announce you would never use it, it kinda loses it's purpose. What an idiotic announcement to make, even if he has strong convictions against their use.
It's like going into a fight after you announced you'll only throw light slaps no matter what they do.

No, it isn't!
I would, and expect everybody else to defend themselves with whatever degree of violence necessary if someone has made it clear they are going to kill you, no matter how slight your chances of overcoming them.

Under nuclear attack, there is not a snowball's chance in hell you are going to survive. Retaliation is pointless unless you want to kill people who are totally innocent and risk killing all life on Earth.

Did you know that the greatest thing created and never got a Nobel Peace Prize for it, was the Nuclear bomb? How many world wars have happened since the weapon was created? Zero (0) , Nil, Nada, because the countries know that if one pushes the button, the rest push the button. Now of course the 12 imam does come into play where people like the Mullahs of Iran want to die in a fiery blast, and take a bunch of infidels with them.

The reason I ask is that during his time as leader of the UK Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn said he would if becoming Prime Minister refuse
to retaliate if the UK was attacked with nuclear weapons by a foreign power.

We love Jeremy in the UK but was he right?
Much criticism resulted by those who said he was a threat to National Security and also because he had previously had talks with both Hamas and the IRA.

During the 1970's it was estimated the 8 well placed Nuclear Missiles would wipe out all life in the British Isles.

Consider that a full-scale nuclear attack on the US would involve both first & second wave strikes.
All life in the North & Central American continent will be dead within half an hour - there is no escape!
If the President launches a full-scale retaliation along with NATO allies you will kill not just millions of innocent Russians, but put so much radiation into the atmosphere that within a short time all life on Earth will have perished.

The answer of course from both a morality and Christian ethics point of view is of course Jeremy Corbyn is right!
How can we even consider being jointly responsible for destroying all life on earth barring perhaps only the cockroaches?

All Nations must unilaterally get rid of their Nuclear Weapons whether the Russians & Chinese do or not!

Tough titty. Mutually Assured Destruction keeps them thinking, eh?

Did you know back in the day when the Communists were developing their atomic weapons, we had the capability to shootdown their missiles? We actually had the technology back then, but those damn progressives(progs) thought it wasnt "FAIR", that we could kill them but they couldnt kill US, so they nixed the NIKE anti-missile defense so Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD, because Progs are always mad) would be enough.....
The U.K. could not strikes on North America that the British arsenal less than the American arsenal.
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The reason I ask is that during his time as leader of the UK Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn said he would if becoming Prime Minister refuse
to retaliate if the UK was attacked with nuclear weapons by a foreign power.

We love Jeremy in the UK but was he right?
Much criticism resulted by those who said he was a threat to National Security and also because he had previously had talks with both Hamas and the IRA.

During the 1970's it was estimated the 8 well placed Nuclear Missiles would wipe out all life in the British Isles.

Consider that a full-scale nuclear attack on the US would involve both first & second wave strikes.
All life in the North & Central American continent will be dead within half an hour - there is no escape!
If the President launches a full-scale retaliation along with NATO allies you will kill not just millions of innocent Russians, but put so much radiation into the atmosphere that within a short time all life on Earth will have perished.

The answer of course from both a morality and Christian ethics point of view is of course Jeremy Corbyn is right!
How can we even consider being jointly responsible for destroying all life on earth barring perhaps only the cockroaches?

All Nations must unilaterally get rid of their Nuclear Weapons whether the Russians & Chinese do or not!

How about the people in Iran who yell, "Death to America" while the 1/2 white faggot Obammy gave them billions of dollars so they can continue with their nuclear enhancements? Do you think that was a really good deal, or could it be that one day, the voters of that fag might rue the day?

Purely from memory, It wasn't just Obama the EU countries are all co sigs to the deal and the EU are trying to carry on with it. Trump said they were not sticking to the deal but the EU said their total compliance was independently verified. Now they are back to processing Uranium that could be used in nuclear weapons.
Good work Trump.
The reason I ask is that during his time as leader of the UK Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn said he would if becoming Prime Minister refuse
to retaliate if the UK was attacked with nuclear weapons by a foreign power.

We love Jeremy in the UK but was he right?
Much criticism resulted by those who said he was a threat to National Security and also because he had previously had talks with both Hamas and the IRA.

During the 1970's it was estimated the 8 well placed Nuclear Missiles would wipe out all life in the British Isles.

Consider that a full-scale nuclear attack on the US would involve both first & second wave strikes.
All life in the North & Central American continent will be dead within half an hour - there is no escape!
If the President launches a full-scale retaliation along with NATO allies you will kill not just millions of innocent Russians, but put so much radiation into the atmosphere that within a short time all life on Earth will have perished.

The answer of course from both a morality and Christian ethics point of view is of course Jeremy Corbyn is right!
How can we even consider being jointly responsible for destroying all life on earth barring perhaps only the cockroaches?

All Nations must unilaterally get rid of their Nuclear Weapons whether the Russians & Chinese do or not!

How about the people in Iran who yell, "Death to America" while the 1/2 white faggot Obammy gave them billions of dollars so they can continue with their nuclear enhancements? Do you think that was a really good deal, or could it be that one day, the voters of that fag might rue the day?

Purely from memory, It wasn't just Obama the EU countries are all co sigs to the deal and the EU are trying to carry on with it. Trump said they were not sticking to the deal but the EU said their total compliance was independently verified. Now they are back to processing Uranium that could be used in nuclear weapons.
Good work Trump.

Obama should apologize for shameful cash payment to Iran

In a pathetic attempt to hide behind semantics, the Obama administration finally did acknowledge that $400 million was delayed as “leverage” until the Americans were allowed to leave Iran.
While the Obama White House hid from the true definition of the word “leverage,” Iran’s state-run media was more than happy to brag that Iran had just forced the United States to pay a ransom.

Do you think that Iran who lies just as much as Joe Biden did, was telling the truth that they were going to not continue with Nuclear Enhancement? If so, why did they continue chanting Death to America, while sending missile into Iraq and other places, that ended up killing infidels?
The reason I ask is that during his time as leader of the UK Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn said he would if becoming Prime Minister refuse
to retaliate if the UK was attacked with nuclear weapons by a foreign power.

We love Jeremy in the UK but was he right?
Much criticism resulted by those who said he was a threat to National Security and also because he had previously had talks with both Hamas and the IRA.

During the 1970's it was estimated the 8 well placed Nuclear Missiles would wipe out all life in the British Isles.

Consider that a full-scale nuclear attack on the US would involve both first & second wave strikes.
All life in the North & Central American continent will be dead within half an hour - there is no escape!
If the President launches a full-scale retaliation along with NATO allies you will kill not just millions of innocent Russians, but put so much radiation into the atmosphere that within a short time all life on Earth will have perished.

The answer of course from both a morality and Christian ethics point of view is of course Jeremy Corbyn is right!
How can we even consider being jointly responsible for destroying all life on earth barring perhaps only the cockroaches?

All Nations must unilaterally get rid of their Nuclear Weapons whether the Russians & Chinese do or not!

A nuclear arsenal is essentially a major deterrent to all out war but when you announce you would never use it, it kinda loses it's purpose. What an idiotic announcement to make, even if he has strong convictions against their use.
It's like going into a fight after you announced you'll only throw light slaps no matter what they do.

No, it isn't!
I would, and expect everybody else to defend themselves with whatever degree of violence necessary if someone has made it clear they are going to kill you, no matter how slight your chances of overcoming them.

Under nuclear attack, there is not a snowball's chance in hell you are going to survive. Retaliation is pointless unless you want to kill people who are totally innocent and risk killing all life on Earth.

Are you saying it was a good idea to neuter his nuclear deterrent so his enemies know he is too weak to respond to an all out attack? So lay down and die?
This doesn't make any sense but since I don't speak p*$$y, maybe it's a simple miscommunication

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