in a sociolgy class last year, I said.


May 5, 2014
"I don't owe you ANYTHING other than to not interfere with you". and "taxes are taken at the point of a gun". All the kids were OUTRAGED, but they couldn't come up with any valid opposition to my points. :) Cause there AINT any.
srlip, you are stupid, not dumb.

There's a difference, you know what it is, yet you jump willingly into the void.
taxes aren't taken at the point of a gun. you're an idiot.

What's that on his hip?:eusa_whistle:


or here?:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:


or what's that..on his hip:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:


What an ignorant twit...
We the People have given our governments a monopoly on violence in the name of We the People.

Taxation is not theft.

Refusal to pay taxation as approved by We the People is theft and is punished accordingly.
taxes aren't taken at the point of a gun. you're an idiot.
Taxes are not volunteered. They are taken. "[A]t the point of a gun" is hyperbole; a figure of speech.


taxes are volunteered. if you don't like them, you are free to move elsewhere where they don't require them. i hear somalia is pretty nice.
Taxes are not volunteered. Who pays the government more than the government assesses? You? Are you the idiot, maybe?

Believe me, when a government is oppressive enough, people do emigrate. Or are you unaware of that as well?
"I don't owe you ANYTHING other than to not interfere with you". and "taxes are taken at the point of a gun". All the kids were OUTRAGED, but they couldn't come up with any valid opposition to my points. :) Cause there AINT any.

so you were surprised that when you made absurd statements for shock value, they didn't approve?

your points are absurd.... and childish... like most pretend libertarians.
right, fool. try NOT paying your taxes, and then try to resist when they come to arrest you. SEE what gets pointed at you (and fired at you, if need be). You'll find out, morons.
taxes aren't taken at the point of a gun. you're an idiot.
Taxes are not volunteered. They are taken. "[A]t the point of a gun" is hyperbole; a figure of speech.


they are neither taken at the point of a gun nor volunteered

they are legal, government sanctioned and pay our bills.

if you have a problem with that, feel free never to ride on a road again, use a sink or indoor plumbing.... or any of the other myriad of things government does
the government assesses? You? Are you the idiot, maybe?

Believe me, when a government is oppressive enough, people do emigrate. Or are you unaware of that as well?

doesn't that fact make taxes voluntary?

taxes are the fees we pay to live in a governed society. if and when we deem the opportunity cost of paying those fees too large we're free to move somewhere else. we may not like them, or want to pay more than we do, but they are still voluntary.
Volunteer may be a word that's not in the vocabularies of some board lefties. Please allow me to 'splain it. It means we may decline to remit without fear of penalty or retribution.
taxes are volunteered. if you don't like them, you are free to move elsewhere where they don't require them. i hear somalia is pretty nice.


Good to know! I'm volunteering only to pay a quarter as much in taxes this year.

If anyone complains, I'll just tell them that some ignorant leftist troll (redundant) on the internet told me that taxes are voluntary....
Theft is when one party transfers assets of another party without that party's consent.
Living in the United States may not be for everyone, it seems some want a free ride.
They all want to live in the greatest country in the world but none of them want to pay for it.

And they talk about the left wanting free shit . . .
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right, fool. try NOT paying your taxes, and then try to resist when they come to arrest you. SEE what gets pointed at you (and fired at you, if need be). You'll find out, morons.

How old are you?
Volunteer may be a word that's not in the vocabularies of some board lefties. Please allow me to 'splain it. It means we may decline to remit without fear of penalty or retribution.

Not so, bonzo.

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