In All Fairness,If "Everything Confederate"Needs To Go,Then"Everything Yankee"Needs To Go Also.

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:argue: Anyone agree? Yankees are pretty much anyone native or relatives of those who settled in the Northeast. And aren't Yankees racists also? The left is trashing anything confederate and the people of the south as racists, therefore the flag has to go! But what about "Those Damn Yankees" in the north? Does anyone actually believe none of them are racists? Do all of the Northeast States have a clean history of never discriminating against blacks? Never referring to them as {all of those black slang words}. According to the far left, "All White People Are Racists", so lets diss the Union Flag, and anything Yankees! So now we need to come up with a new name for those Goddamn New York Yankees!:crybaby::eusa_boohoo:
Oh I already did that. They're the New York Wankers.

Normal Americans are trashing Confederate crap.

They simply will not tolerate the bad old ways and says.

Sux to be you, but let the butt hurt flow and you will recover.
how about renaming the NY Yankees, "The New York Pussies". thats clean. cats aren't racists.
how about renaming the NY Yankees, "The New York Pussies". thats clean. cats aren't racists.
I have two free roaming black cats..and they hate the neighbors white cat. Go figure….
But is it a white, or white hispanic cat?
I have never had a chance to take a closer look to profile, he gets hated out from the territory before I could ...Geesh….
well what about that Yankee Doodle Dandy song? Damn! now we have to change the lyrics? got any sugesstions? hmm, Wankee Doodle Dandy? Skittles and Ice -Tea Doodle Dandy?

In the late 80's and early 90's a lot of us Yankees were recruited for industry down here. Why? because the ployboys, hayseeds and slack jawed southern yahoos didn't have technical skills, so they had to import the skills from the Industrialized NORTH for the new Plants being constructed and to run the factories, and that is a fact

And what is even funnier, the plants that were recruited to come down south for ignorant cheap docile southern labor picked up and moved overseas and mexico leaving the dumb uneducated southern goobers holding their dick in small hillbilly towns all over jesusland while the educated technical labor from up north easly got another job:badgrin:
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then again, the northeast is run by liberals, so its ok for them to be racists and treat blacks as second class citizens, but not the south, they wont have it! take those confederate bikini's off dem white women!!!
Toyota to build 100,000 vehicles per year in Woodstock, Ont., starting 2008
05:42 PM EDT Jul 09


WOODSTOCK, Ont. (CP) - Ontario workers are well-trained.

That simple explanation was cited as a main reason why Toyota turned its back on hundreds of millions of dollars in subsidies offered from several American states in favour of building a second Ontario plant.

Industry experts say Ontarians are easier and cheaper to train - helping make it more cost-efficient to train workers when the new Woodstock plant opens in 2008, 40 kilometres away from its skilled workforce in Cambridge.

"The level of the workforce in general is so high that the training program you need for people, even for people who have not worked in a Toyota plant before, is minimal compared to what you have to go through in the southeastern United States," said Gerry Fedchun, president of the Automotive Parts Manufacturers' Association, whose members will see increased business with the new plant.

Acknowledging it was the "worst-kept secret" throughout Ontario's automotive industry, Toyota confirmed months of speculation Thursday by announcing plans to build a 1,300-worker factory in the southwestern Ontario city.

"Welcome to Woodstock - that's something I've been waiting a long time to say," Ray Tanguay, president of Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada, told hundreds gathered at a high school gymnasium.

The plant will produce the RAV-4, dubbed by some as a "mini sport-utility vehicle" that Toyota currently makes only in Japan. It plans to build 100,000 vehicles annually.

The factory will cost $800 million to build, with the federal and provincial governments kicking in $125 million of that to help cover research, training and infrastructure costs.

Several U.S. states were reportedly prepared to offer more than double that amount of subsidy. But Fedchun said much of that extra money would have been eaten away by higher training costs than are necessary for the Woodstock project.

He said Nissan and Honda have encountered difficulties getting new plants up to full production in recent years in Mississippi and Alabama due to an untrained - and often illiterate - workforce. In Alabama, trainers had to use "pictorials" to teach some illiterate workers how to use high-tech plant equipment.

"The educational level and the skill level of the people down there is so much lower than it is in Ontario," Fedchun said.

In addition to lower training costs, Canadian workers are also $4 to $5 cheaper to employ partly thanks to the taxpayer-funded health-care system in Canada, said federal Industry Minister David Emmerson.

"Most people don't think of our health-care system as being a competitive advantage," he said.

Tanguay said Toyota's decision on where to build its seventh North American plant was "not only about money."

"It's about being in the right place," he said, noting the company can rely on the expertise of experienced Cambridge workers to help get Woodstock up and running.

Premier Dalton McGuinty said the money the province and Ottawa are pledging for the project is well-spent. His government has committed $400 million, including the latest Toyota package, to the province's auto sector, which helped finance $5-billion worth of industry projects.

"I think that's a great investment that will more than pay for itself in terms of new jobs and new economic returns," McGuinty said.

The provincial funds for the auto sector were drawn from a fund set up to attract investments specifically in that industry. McGuinty said no similar industry funds are being planned for other sectors, but added the province wants to attract biotechnology companies - those working on multibillion-dollar advanced medical research.

"What we have done for auto we would like to be able to do for biotech," he said. "That's where we're lending some real focus to at the present time."

Similarly, Emmerson said Ottawa is looking to help out industries that create "clusters" of jobs around them - such as in aerospace, shipbuilding, telecommunications and forestry - where supply bases build around a large manufacturer.

Toyota build 2nd plant in Ontario say Americans are illiterate and hard to train - Winamp SHOUTcast Forums
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Given the yankees didn't start a treasonous war to preserve slavery, why would any yankee symbols have to go? That's just stupid.

But then, look who made the thread. Some folks are desperate to excuse their support of slavery.
Sorry rebs, but you people lost your bid for acceptance years ago.

"Yankee" is the norm of the country. Get used to it.
what i am getting at is, why was it ok for northerns to treat blacks the way they did in the 40's/50's/60's/70's, but if southerners treated them the same way, they are evil SOB's?
"Yankee" should all should stay. Then everyone can poke each other in the eye with their flag of choice. lol

I saw the biggest confederate flag ever, flying on the back of a truck in Oregon.
It was so huge, I'm surprised the guy didn't get pulled over.
I loved it.:eusa_dance:
Oh I already did that. They're the New York Wankers.

if the flag was so racist, then why didnt those 17th century faggot liberals demand the confederate flag banned in the 1800's? why did they wait so long? where was Brian Williams all this time? lol, I thought he was there interviewing Abe Lincoln.
now wasn't it liberals who hated blacks since the beginning of time?

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