In America is it easier for you if you are white?

Like with police or authorities, or in clubs, or to get a job, in school, in hospital etc. Or this is wrong?

No, but it's not as simple as that. It's harder for poor blacks because they grow up with self inflicted handicaps.

Blacks who grow up in middle and upper class families have no trouble at all and likely have advantages that whites will never have.

If youre born poor your handicaps are not self inflicted. Your condition came about as a result of systemic racism. You were born into it.

My children are I guess upper middle class and they still see racism. However, they learned from me to never let whites hold them back.
Cool! I never realized that I was born poor due to systematic racism...
Sorry I was talking only about Blacks and other people of color.
Wow! So now white isn't a color... And only self pitying blacks are born poor due to racism... Riiiight!
White people are not a color. They are a recessive mutation. People of color includes the majority of the human population that are non white.
You think the Senate is better depending on what color/gender the senators are?
I think who is put forward as a leader and who we vote for is an indication of who the majority of us consider to be "leaders." The rule makers. The ones who are in charge.
I think more diversity would be helpful. Minorities bring a different perspective to policy making that a bunch of white guys might not have thought of. Of course, having more women as senators is awesome because women as a rule have a lot of sense.
Minorities bring a different perspective? Are you saying it is OK, then, to make assumptions about people's views based on their race?
You are trying to make it impossible to have a discussion about this by posing questions that do nothing but shut down other people's views.
Another way to look at that is that I exposed a flaw in your presuppositions. Which is a great benefit to you. As you know, the argument that "diversity" is good because it "brings different perspectives" is everywhere. It governs corporate America, the government, academia, and so much else. Not only is it just plain wrong (making it a bad predicate for public policy), but it is exceedingly dangerous. So, of course, I am going to object when I see it on this board. If a question feels like it "shuts down debate" that just means you don't have an answer for it, to illuminate which I posed the question in the first place.
Why is it just plain wrong?
The cult of diversity makes race the sledgehammer arbiter of all morality. It amplifies race's already lethal capacity for mass violence.

Societies are stronger and more stable the more homogeneous they are. Homogeneous societies debate issues like whether to mandate maternity leave and so on. The more diverse a society becomes, the more its public debate becomes about that diversity, i.e., race, and it soon turns into a Kenya-style spoils democracy.

"Racism" wasn't even a thing in the United States until after World War II when some of the Jews to whom we'd given refuge began to teach us all about it. In actuality, it's an empty word to describe an empty philosophy. Since a race is just a really large family, to call someone a "racist" is to call someone a "familyist". The proper response if someone calls you a familyist is: huh? um, so? That's also the proper response if someone calls you a racist.

Some rabbi introduced the "racism" demon into Russia about a hundred years before Jews introduced the idea here. In Russia, the philosophy of racism followed the similar path that it is taking here culminating in the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution, which occurred one hundred years ago next month, lasted two generations and cost 66 million white Christian Russians their lives. It destroyed Russia, and high IQ Russians and many of their children were specifically mass murdered.

The "diversity is our strength" lie is just Jewish propaganda pimped by Jewish organs like the Washington Post and New York Times, among many others. It's a chant to hypnotize gullible white Christians into willingly put their own necks in a noose. Diversity, if left unchecked, will eventually lead to our extermination. Count on it.

All the Jews on this board and their dupes spit venom at me constantly for writing these things. But they can never refute me, because I am saying the truth. All they can do is snarl "Nazi!" Jew-hater! and shit like that. That works for most white Americans--they collapse into a quivering puddle of obsequious denials if a Jew calls them an "anti-Semite", whatever that is. I didn't get that gene. Being called a Nazi by a Jew is like being called a fox by a chicken. I will continue saying what I believe to be the truth, no matter what.
If you are a "person of color" in this country and you can't get ahead, you only have to look in the mirror to find the reason why. Until this fact is finally accepted, the situation will never change.
If you are a "person of color" in this country and you can't get ahead, you only have to look in the mirror to find the reason why. Until this fact is finally accepted, the situation will never change.
Thats pretty much true for everyone. The problem is that racism adds additional obstacles that people are forced to tackle and not quit. When you are Black you have the normal obstacles everyone else has plus the ones introduced by racism.
Things could be worse, though. Imagine being a Black, flat broke, crippled, ugly midget .rotten teeth and involuntary bowel movements.

Some Afro-bozos here, are basically the internet's form of a involuntary bowel movement.
Youre just upset because you lack testosterone and you are recessive.

LOL, do I look like a guy with low testosterone in my icon av, doofus?
Steroids hurt your testosterone levels buddy.

Except, I've never taken steroids.
Is it easier being left handed gay female and black in the fifth dimension? What is point the OP wanted to put across here? How does anyone compare their life to something they aren't? And What is the POINT the OP is trying to make, anyway?
Are Asians born smarter or do they have a more rigorous education system? Nurture vs nature.

I'm not really speaking about physical traits like athleticism...

Oh I see. Racial differences in physical traits are ok but not the taboo question of IQ? Brains are part of your physical body.
Physical traits vary across the board, look at Yao Ming.
I think physical traits as well as personality traits vary among all races. I know nice blacks, mean whites, loud Asians etc.

Many racists seem to think personality traits don't vary. That all blacks are lazy, all blacks are loud, all blacks are stupid, all blacks are violent etc. And that all of these traits are caused by their race.

If you haven't noticed sweeping disparities between the way Whites treat Humans, and animals vs other races, you're probably a little slow.
That's however not to deny individual differences or curves within races.
Are Asians born smarter or do they have a more rigorous education system? Nurture vs nature.

I'm not really speaking about physical traits like athleticism...

Oh I see. Racial differences in physical traits are ok but not the taboo question of IQ? Brains are part of your physical body.
Physical traits vary across the board, look at Yao Ming.
I think physical traits as well as personality traits vary among all races. I know nice blacks, mean whites, loud Asians etc.

Many racists seem to think personality traits don't vary. That all blacks are lazy, all blacks are loud, all blacks are stupid, all blacks are violent etc. And that all of these traits are caused by their race.

If you haven't noticed sweeping disparities between the way Whites treat Humans, and animals vs other races, you're probably a little slow.
That's however not to deny individual differences or curves within races.
I know white males have a penchant for raping animals. Otherwise I notice no differences.
Are Asians born smarter or do they have a more rigorous education system? Nurture vs nature.

I'm not really speaking about physical traits like athleticism...

Oh I see. Racial differences in physical traits are ok but not the taboo question of IQ? Brains are part of your physical body.
Physical traits vary across the board, look at Yao Ming.
I think physical traits as well as personality traits vary among all races. I know nice blacks, mean whites, loud Asians etc.

Many racists seem to think personality traits don't vary. That all blacks are lazy, all blacks are loud, all blacks are stupid, all blacks are violent etc. And that all of these traits are caused by their race.

If you haven't noticed sweeping disparities between the way Whites treat Humans, and animals vs other races, you're probably a little slow.
That's however not to deny individual differences or curves within races.
And I also notice that black culture, by and large are violent territorial A TYPE male dominated jerks with the loud radios and the purple cars with the Bling. For me : When I see poor blacks I want them to stop like acting like negative racial stereotypes. Blacks need to get out of that acting like a racist stereotype, it might actually do more to end racism than MLK ever dreamed of in bazillion years. Try it, stop the blame game.
Are Asians born smarter or do they have a more rigorous education system? Nurture vs nature.

I'm not really speaking about physical traits like athleticism...

Oh I see. Racial differences in physical traits are ok but not the taboo question of IQ? Brains are part of your physical body.
Physical traits vary across the board, look at Yao Ming.
I think physical traits as well as personality traits vary among all races. I know nice blacks, mean whites, loud Asians etc.

Many racists seem to think personality traits don't vary. That all blacks are lazy, all blacks are loud, all blacks are stupid, all blacks are violent etc. And that all of these traits are caused by their race.

If you haven't noticed sweeping disparities between the way Whites treat Humans, and animals vs other races, you're probably a little slow.
That's however not to deny individual differences or curves within races.
And I also notice that black culture, by and large are violent territorial A TYPE male dominated jerks with the loud radios and the purple cars with the Bling. For me : When I see poor blacks I want them to stop like acting like negative racial stereotypes. Blacks need to get out of that acting like a racist stereotype, it might actually do more to end racism than MLK ever dreamed of in bazillion years. Try it, stop the blame game.
Ouch. I can't agree with anything you just said. I know many black men, none have purple cars, and they are respectful hard working people. I work among many black colleagues in a professional setting and they are all.. not at all like you described..
Are Asians born smarter or do they have a more rigorous education system? Nurture vs nature.

I'm not really speaking about physical traits like athleticism...

Oh I see. Racial differences in physical traits are ok but not the taboo question of IQ? Brains are part of your physical body.
Physical traits vary across the board, look at Yao Ming.
I think physical traits as well as personality traits vary among all races. I know nice blacks, mean whites, loud Asians etc.

Many racists seem to think personality traits don't vary. That all blacks are lazy, all blacks are loud, all blacks are stupid, all blacks are violent etc. And that all of these traits are caused by their race.

If you haven't noticed sweeping disparities between the way Whites treat Humans, and animals vs other races, you're probably a little slow.
That's however not to deny individual differences or curves within races.
And I also notice that black culture, by and large are violent territorial A TYPE male dominated jerks with the loud radios and the purple cars with the Bling. For me : When I see poor blacks I want them to stop like acting like negative racial stereotypes. Blacks need to get out of that acting like a racist stereotype, it might actually do more to end racism than MLK ever dreamed of in bazillion years. Try it, stop the blame game.
Ouch. I can't agree with anything you just said. I know many black men, none have purple cars, and they are respectful hard working people. I work among many black colleagues in a professional setting and they are all.. not at all like you described..

I think Mary was one of those people that admitted to me she was involved with a drug dealing thug of a Black guy that dumped her.
Are Asians born smarter or do they have a more rigorous education system? Nurture vs nature.

I'm not really speaking about physical traits like athleticism...

Oh I see. Racial differences in physical traits are ok but not the taboo question of IQ? Brains are part of your physical body.
Physical traits vary across the board, look at Yao Ming.
I think physical traits as well as personality traits vary among all races. I know nice blacks, mean whites, loud Asians etc.

Many racists seem to think personality traits don't vary. That all blacks are lazy, all blacks are loud, all blacks are stupid, all blacks are violent etc. And that all of these traits are caused by their race.

If you haven't noticed sweeping disparities between the way Whites treat Humans, and animals vs other races, you're probably a little slow.
That's however not to deny individual differences or curves within races.
And I also notice that black culture, by and large are violent territorial A TYPE male dominated jerks with the loud radios and the purple cars with the Bling. For me : When I see poor blacks I want them to stop like acting like negative racial stereotypes. Blacks need to get out of that acting like a racist stereotype, it might actually do more to end racism than MLK ever dreamed of in bazillion years. Try it, stop the blame game.
Ouch. I can't agree with anything you just said. I know many black men, none have purple cars, and they are respectful hard working people. I work among many black colleagues in a professional setting and they are all.. not at all like you described..

Black guys in my neighborhood stand outside at 4am yelling: shaniqua ayyy shaniqua
Oh I see. Racial differences in physical traits are ok but not the taboo question of IQ? Brains are part of your physical body.
Physical traits vary across the board, look at Yao Ming.
I think physical traits as well as personality traits vary among all races. I know nice blacks, mean whites, loud Asians etc.

Many racists seem to think personality traits don't vary. That all blacks are lazy, all blacks are loud, all blacks are stupid, all blacks are violent etc. And that all of these traits are caused by their race.

If you haven't noticed sweeping disparities between the way Whites treat Humans, and animals vs other races, you're probably a little slow.
That's however not to deny individual differences or curves within races.
And I also notice that black culture, by and large are violent territorial A TYPE male dominated jerks with the loud radios and the purple cars with the Bling. For me : When I see poor blacks I want them to stop like acting like negative racial stereotypes. Blacks need to get out of that acting like a racist stereotype, it might actually do more to end racism than MLK ever dreamed of in bazillion years. Try it, stop the blame game.
Ouch. I can't agree with anything you just said. I know many black men, none have purple cars, and they are respectful hard working people. I work among many black colleagues in a professional setting and they are all.. not at all like you described..

Black guys in my neighborhood stand outside at 4am yelling: shaniqua ayyy shaniqua
I told you to go back to school and get a better job. You cant work as head fry cook all your life if you want to move out of the ghetto.
Are Asians born smarter or do they have a more rigorous education system? Nurture vs nature.

I'm not really speaking about physical traits like athleticism...

Oh I see. Racial differences in physical traits are ok but not the taboo question of IQ? Brains are part of your physical body.
Physical traits vary across the board, look at Yao Ming.
I think physical traits as well as personality traits vary among all races. I know nice blacks, mean whites, loud Asians etc.

Many racists seem to think personality traits don't vary. That all blacks are lazy, all blacks are loud, all blacks are stupid, all blacks are violent etc. And that all of these traits are caused by their race.

If you haven't noticed sweeping disparities between the way Whites treat Humans, and animals vs other races, you're probably a little slow.
That's however not to deny individual differences or curves within races.
And I also notice that black culture, by and large are violent territorial A TYPE male dominated jerks with the loud radios and the purple cars with the Bling. For me : When I see poor blacks I want them to stop like acting like negative racial stereotypes. Blacks need to get out of that acting like a racist stereotype, it might actually do more to end racism than MLK ever dreamed of in bazillion years. Try it, stop the blame game.
Ouch. I can't agree with anything you just said. I know many black men, none have purple cars, and they are respectful hard working people. I work among many black colleagues in a professional setting and they are all.. not at all like you described..
Are Asians born smarter or do they have a more rigorous education system? Nurture vs nature.

I'm not really speaking about physical traits like athleticism...

Oh I see. Racial differences in physical traits are ok but not the taboo question of IQ? Brains are part of your physical body.
Physical traits vary across the board, look at Yao Ming.
I think physical traits as well as personality traits vary among all races. I know nice blacks, mean whites, loud Asians etc.

Many racists seem to think personality traits don't vary. That all blacks are lazy, all blacks are loud, all blacks are stupid, all blacks are violent etc. And that all of these traits are caused by their race.

If you haven't noticed sweeping disparities between the way Whites treat Humans, and animals vs other races, you're probably a little slow.
That's however not to deny individual differences or curves within races.
And I also notice that black culture, by and large are violent territorial A TYPE male dominated jerks with the loud radios and the purple cars with the Bling. For me : When I see poor blacks I want them to stop like acting like negative racial stereotypes. Blacks need to get out of that acting like a racist stereotype, it might actually do more to end racism than MLK ever dreamed of in bazillion years. Try it, stop the blame game.
Ouch. I can't agree with anything you just said. I know many black men, none have purple cars, and they are respectful hard working people. I work among many black colleagues in a professional setting and they are all.. not at all like you described..
Are Asians born smarter or do they have a more rigorous education system? Nurture vs nature.

I'm not really speaking about physical traits like athleticism...

Oh I see. Racial differences in physical traits are ok but not the taboo question of IQ? Brains are part of your physical body.
Physical traits vary across the board, look at Yao Ming.
I think physical traits as well as personality traits vary among all races. I know nice blacks, mean whites, loud Asians etc.

Many racists seem to think personality traits don't vary. That all blacks are lazy, all blacks are loud, all blacks are stupid, all blacks are violent etc. And that all of these traits are caused by their race.

If you haven't noticed sweeping disparities between the way Whites treat Humans, and animals vs other races, you're probably a little slow.
That's however not to deny individual differences or curves within races.
And I also notice that black culture, by and large are violent territorial A TYPE male dominated jerks with the loud radios and the purple cars with the Bling. For me : When I see poor blacks I want them to stop like acting like negative racial stereotypes. Blacks need to get out of that acting like a racist stereotype, it might actually do more to end racism than MLK ever dreamed of in bazillion years. Try it, stop the blame game.
Ouch. I can't agree with anything you just said. I know many black men, none have purple cars, and they are respectful hard working people. I work among many black colleagues in a professional setting and they are all.. not at all like you described..
I think you live in a weird fantasy world. I have lived with blacks since the 60'a and it hasn't been a hayride. I see assholes that want to dominate using race telling me racism is bad all the while trying to dominate me because I am WHITE, an they are sexist swine talking about BITCHES and we ca and ahwothe want to stop hate .bfg?><n
Oh I see. Racial differences in physical traits are ok but not the taboo question of IQ? Brains are part of your physical body.
Physical traits vary across the board, look at Yao Ming.
I think physical traits as well as personality traits vary among all races. I know nice blacks, mean whites, loud Asians etc.

Many racists seem to think personality traits don't vary. That all blacks are lazy, all blacks are loud, all blacks are stupid, all blacks are violent etc. And that all of these traits are caused by their race.

If you haven't noticed sweeping disparities between the way Whites treat Humans, and animals vs other races, you're probably a little slow.
That's however not to deny individual differences or curves within races.
And I also notice that black culture, by and large are violent territorial A TYPE male dominated jerks with the loud radios and the purple cars with the Bling. For me : When I see poor blacks I want them to stop like acting like negative racial stereotypes. Blacks need to get out of that acting like a racist stereotype, it might actually do more to end racism than MLK ever dreamed of in bazillion years. Try it, stop the blame game.
Ouch. I can't agree with anything you just said. I know many black men, none have purple cars, and they are respectful hard working people. I work among many black colleagues in a professional setting and they are all.. not at all like you described..

I think Mary was one of those people that admitted to me she was involved with a drug dealing thug of a Black guy that dumped her.
Physical traits vary across the board, look at Yao Ming.
I think physical traits as well as personality traits vary among all races. I know nice blacks, mean whites, loud Asians etc.

Many racists seem to think personality traits don't vary. That all blacks are lazy, all blacks are loud, all blacks are stupid, all blacks are violent etc. And that all of these traits are caused by their race.

If you haven't noticed sweeping disparities between the way Whites treat Humans, and animals vs other races, you're probably a little slow.
That's however not to deny individual differences or curves within races.
And I also notice that black culture, by and large are violent territorial A TYPE male dominated jerks with the loud radios and the purple cars with the Bling. For me : When I see poor blacks I want them to stop like acting like negative racial stereotypes. Blacks need to get out of that acting like a racist stereotype, it might actually do more to end racism than MLK ever dreamed of in bazillion years. Try it, stop the blame game.
Ouch. I can't agree with anything you just said. I know many black men, none have purple cars, and they are respectful hard working people. I work among many black colleagues in a professional setting and they are all.. not at all like you described..

Black guys in my neighborhood stand outside at 4am yelling: shaniqua ayyy shaniqua
I told you to go back to school and get a better job. You cant work as head fry cook all your life if you want to move out of the ghetto.
You "told me" to get a better job? Really? But lets get that same message out all these lazy ass stereotyped black males laying drinking 40's about that playing a negative racial stereotypes excuses NOT going out there and NOT finding jobs? Yeah, lets look a little deeper into that, why not?
Last time a black guy in real life spoke to me he walked up and asked "do you have anything to do with dog food?" I was all he said "DO YOU WANT TO BUY SOME DOG FOOD?" I was all like "heh uh no thx".

Then he marched off without another word.
Oh I see. Racial differences in physical traits are ok but not the taboo question of IQ? Brains are part of your physical body.
Physical traits vary across the board, look at Yao Ming.
I think physical traits as well as personality traits vary among all races. I know nice blacks, mean whites, loud Asians etc.

Many racists seem to think personality traits don't vary. That all blacks are lazy, all blacks are loud, all blacks are stupid, all blacks are violent etc. And that all of these traits are caused by their race.

If you haven't noticed sweeping disparities between the way Whites treat Humans, and animals vs other races, you're probably a little slow.
That's however not to deny individual differences or curves within races.
And I also notice that black culture, by and large are violent territorial A TYPE male dominated jerks with the loud radios and the purple cars with the Bling. For me : When I see poor blacks I want them to stop like acting like negative racial stereotypes. Blacks need to get out of that acting like a racist stereotype, it might actually do more to end racism than MLK ever dreamed of in bazillion years. Try it, stop the blame game.
Ouch. I can't agree with anything you just said. I know many black men, none have purple cars, and they are respectful hard working people. I work among many black colleagues in a professional setting and they are all.. not at all like you described..
Oh I see. Racial differences in physical traits are ok but not the taboo question of IQ? Brains are part of your physical body.
Physical traits vary across the board, look at Yao Ming.
I think physical traits as well as personality traits vary among all races. I know nice blacks, mean whites, loud Asians etc.

Many racists seem to think personality traits don't vary. That all blacks are lazy, all blacks are loud, all blacks are stupid, all blacks are violent etc. And that all of these traits are caused by their race.

If you haven't noticed sweeping disparities between the way Whites treat Humans, and animals vs other races, you're probably a little slow.
That's however not to deny individual differences or curves within races.
And I also notice that black culture, by and large are violent territorial A TYPE male dominated jerks with the loud radios and the purple cars with the Bling. For me : When I see poor blacks I want them to stop like acting like negative racial stereotypes. Blacks need to get out of that acting like a racist stereotype, it might actually do more to end racism than MLK ever dreamed of in bazillion years. Try it, stop the blame game.
Ouch. I can't agree with anything you just said. I know many black men, none have purple cars, and they are respectful hard working people. I work among many black colleagues in a professional setting and they are all.. not at all like you described..
Oh I see. Racial differences in physical traits are ok but not the taboo question of IQ? Brains are part of your physical body.
Physical traits vary across the board, look at Yao Ming.
I think physical traits as well as personality traits vary among all races. I know nice blacks, mean whites, loud Asians etc.

Many racists seem to think personality traits don't vary. That all blacks are lazy, all blacks are loud, all blacks are stupid, all blacks are violent etc. And that all of these traits are caused by their race.

If you haven't noticed sweeping disparities between the way Whites treat Humans, and animals vs other races, you're probably a little slow.
That's however not to deny individual differences or curves within races.
And I also notice that black culture, by and large are violent territorial A TYPE male dominated jerks with the loud radios and the purple cars with the Bling. For me : When I see poor blacks I want them to stop like acting like negative racial stereotypes. Blacks need to get out of that acting like a racist stereotype, it might actually do more to end racism than MLK ever dreamed of in bazillion years. Try it, stop the blame game.
Ouch. I can't agree with anything you just said. I know many black men, none have purple cars, and they are respectful hard working people. I work among many black colleagues in a professional setting and they are all.. not at all like you described..
I think you live in a weird fantasy world. I have lived with blacks since the 60'a and it hasn't been a hayride. I see assholes that want to dominate using race telling me racism is bad all the while trying to dominate me because I am WHITE, an they are sexist swine talking about BITCHES and we ca and ahwothe want to stop hate .bfg?><n
Physical traits vary across the board, look at Yao Ming.
I think physical traits as well as personality traits vary among all races. I know nice blacks, mean whites, loud Asians etc.

Many racists seem to think personality traits don't vary. That all blacks are lazy, all blacks are loud, all blacks are stupid, all blacks are violent etc. And that all of these traits are caused by their race.

If you haven't noticed sweeping disparities between the way Whites treat Humans, and animals vs other races, you're probably a little slow.
That's however not to deny individual differences or curves within races.
And I also notice that black culture, by and large are violent territorial A TYPE male dominated jerks with the loud radios and the purple cars with the Bling. For me : When I see poor blacks I want them to stop like acting like negative racial stereotypes. Blacks need to get out of that acting like a racist stereotype, it might actually do more to end racism than MLK ever dreamed of in bazillion years. Try it, stop the blame game.
Ouch. I can't agree with anything you just said. I know many black men, none have purple cars, and they are respectful hard working people. I work among many black colleagues in a professional setting and they are all.. not at all like you described..

I think Mary was one of those people that admitted to me she was involved with a drug dealing thug of a Black guy that dumped her.
If you haven't noticed sweeping disparities between the way Whites treat Humans, and animals vs other races, you're probably a little slow.
That's however not to deny individual differences or curves within races.
And I also notice that black culture, by and large are violent territorial A TYPE male dominated jerks with the loud radios and the purple cars with the Bling. For me : When I see poor blacks I want them to stop like acting like negative racial stereotypes. Blacks need to get out of that acting like a racist stereotype, it might actually do more to end racism than MLK ever dreamed of in bazillion years. Try it, stop the blame game.
Ouch. I can't agree with anything you just said. I know many black men, none have purple cars, and they are respectful hard working people. I work among many black colleagues in a professional setting and they are all.. not at all like you described..

Black guys in my neighborhood stand outside at 4am yelling: shaniqua ayyy shaniqua
I told you to go back to school and get a better job. You cant work as head fry cook all your life if you want to move out of the ghetto.
You "told me" to get a better job? Really? But lets get that same message out all these lazy ass stereotyped black males laying drinking 40's about that playing a negative racial stereotypes excuses NOT going out there and NOT finding jobs? Yeah, lets look a little deeper into that, why not?
You must have started drinking early Mary. I wasnt talking to you.
Last time a black guy in real life spoke to me he walked up and asked "do you have anything to do with dog food?" I was all he said "DO YOU WANT TO BUY SOME DOG FOOD?" I was all like "heh uh no thx".

Then he marched off without another word.
The last black man that spoke to me in real life was yesterday at work, and he told me he just finished up his master's degree :2up: seems like you hang around the wrong crowd

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