In Between Trials

This is nutso!

Why didn't the defense get all up on Detective Backwardass about his interrogating techniques.

Guess that's how it normally rolls in KY. Nothing to get excited about to have a convict threat witnesses for statements for the cops.
This is nutso!

Why didn't the defense get all up on Detective Backwardass about his interrogating techniques.

Guess that's how it normally rolls in KY. Nothing to get excited about to have a convict threat witnesses for statements for the cops.

They bounced him from the stand to take this witness.

But the jury is gone, so what's the point??
Witness went to McDonald's with Amanda and Trey.

They took a right on Hick Road and a left on Stumblefuck Drive.
This is nutso!

Why didn't the defense get all up on Detective Backwardass about his interrogating techniques.

Guess that's how it normally rolls in KY. Nothing to get excited about to have a convict threat witnesses for statements for the cops.

They bounced him from the stand to take this witness.

But the jury is gone, so what's the point??


I don't remember seeing a trial where a witness testified for the prosecution and defense before. ;-)
This is nutso!

Why didn't the defense get all up on Detective Backwardass about his interrogating techniques.

Guess that's how it normally rolls in KY. Nothing to get excited about to have a convict threat witnesses for statements for the cops.

They bounced him from the stand to take this witness.

But the jury is gone, so what's the point??


I don't remember seeing a trial where a witness testified for the prosecution and defense before. ;-)

Wait...what??? You don't remember this beauty???

WAT feed back up, court is in session.

Annie Lennox is questioning Detective Pawn about the phone calls.
Quick Fancy Grapes update.

Fancy had Gouker's lawyer on the show. She was outraged, OUTRAGED!!!, that Gouker was sentenced to life with possibility of parole in 20. She wants him to be electrocuted, or at least have gotten LWOP. She also kept badgering the lawyer about "how could you defend that monster?"

The lawyer tried to explain to her that the state didn't charge any aggrevators in their case, so LWOP & death were off the table, to which Fancy actually said "I don't care about the law, the judge should have sentenced him to LWOP anyway". :eek:
Defense really soft-balled their cross. Annie didn't pound him after he made that statement.

This whole farce is really starting to look very fishy.
Detective Pawn didn't take anything from the garage because it was dirty, so he didn't see any evidential value. :cuckoo:
Commonwealth rests their case. Jury released until 9:00 AM tomorrow.

Judge expects jury to get the case on Friday.

Judge tells jury that even though they get to leave early, they still get the whole whopping $12.50 for their service today. :woohoo:
Defense is now asking for dismissal, saying there is not a "scintilla" of evidence for the jury to deliberate.

I'm pretty sure he's going to be shot down on that one.
This case gets more fucked up by the second.

Commonwealth has rested, now they are talking about more witnesses they want to call. :cuckoo:

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