In Between Trials


One of the interns on the defense team has leaked some of the questions they were going to ask Joshy if he had decided to take the stand.

Joshy, have you ever seen a grown man naked??

Joshy, have you ever been in a Turkish prison??

Joshy, do you like movies about gladiators??

Joshy, do you like it when Gouker grabs onto your leg and rubs up and down??

Joshy, have you ever been in a cockpit before???

No sir, I've never even been in a plane before.
Do you want to see why it's called a cockpit??


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

:rofl: :rofl:

You are the spoiler toy king of the universe!
I watched hln for a few on vacation cable.

They don't have a clue which way to screech on Joshy. LOL
Judge Hogg is going to tell the jury to ignore the testimony by Gouker about his polygraph test.

They didn't bother to go over the jury instructions like they were supposed to.

Recess until 9:00 tomorrow for closing arguments.
This poor kid is just getting bulldozed by the system. He's going to be spending the rest of his life in a prison cell wondering "What the Hell happened?????"
This poor kid is just getting bulldozed by the system. He's going to be spending the rest of his life in a prison cell wondering "What the Hell happened?????"

Hln showed an old shot of him tearing up with Annie looking so lost and I almost bawled my head off.

This is so not fair.

All the grown ups ganging up on the kid.

For what?
My vacation cable hotel has justin bieber staying at it. There is bieber fever everywhere.

Shoot me.
On the way!

Joshy needs our support for his last few hours of life.

Hope they brought him a case of bottled water.
Joshy is trying out the Fancy Grapes "finger on the cheek" look.


It doesn't work for him like it does for her.
Judge tells them no smoking in the jury room or bathroom.

Where the hell are the smokers allowed to burn one??
Judge is listing all the websites they cannot visit. After telling them their sail foams will be confiscated by the deputy. :cuckoo:

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