In Case You Haven't Been Paying Attention...CNN and MSNBC Thinks We're In For A Recession


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Don't listen to them. These are the same A'holes that pushed Russian Collusion on us for over 2 years. They're hoping to convince enough people that we're headed for a recession so that they can counter the good Trump economy and make it a negative.

The Democrats have alot of chaos in store for us when it comes to the economy. They could care less if we lose our jobs. They screwed up the economy before, and if it means getting one of their candidates back in the WH they'll do it. But it takes alot of events to happen for them to screw up a strong economy. The first thing they have to destroy is consumer confidence. As long as we're still purchasing, the economy will keep rolling. So the Democrats and their corrupt media have to keep talking about Inverted Curves and other financial stuff that most people don't understand until they all start cutting back on everything. That's how you cause a recession.

Pedophile Bill Maher is talking about wanting a recession. Like Maxine Waters, he's tipping off what they're up to because he has a big mouth and doesn't know how to keep it shut. But bigmouths are good for this conspiracy because the more people talk about a recession the more real it becomes.

This is how the Democrats destroyed the economy beginning in 2007. They blamed the poor economy on Bush, but it was really just Democrats talking down the economy along with reckless actions by congress and banks that led to "The worst economy since the Great Depression". Cheap credit....lax governmental regulations. Hedge-funders betting on a crashing economy.

Bottom line: Don't believe a word the media says without verification. Reliable verification. Not snopes, or Not Drudge Report.....nothing.
Don't listen to them. These are the same A'holes that pushed Russian Collusion on us for over 2 years. They're hoping to convince enough people that we're headed for a recession so that they can counter the good Trump economy and make it a negative.

The Democrats have alot of chaos in store for us when it comes to the economy. They could care less if we lose our jobs. They screwed up the economy before, and if it means getting one of their candidates back in the WH they'll do it. But it takes alot of events to happen for them to screw up a strong economy. The first thing they have to destroy is consumer confidence. As long as we're still purchasing, the economy will keep rolling. So the Democrats and their corrupt media have to keep talking about Inverted Curves and other financial stuff that most people don't understand until they all start cutting back on everything. That's how you cause a recession.

Pedophile Bill Maher is talking about wanting a recession. Like Maxine Waters, he's tipping off what they're up to because he has a big mouth and doesn't know how to keep it shut. But bigmouths are good for this conspiracy because the more people talk about a recession the more real it becomes.

This is how the Democrats destroyed the economy beginning in 2007. They blamed the poor economy on Bush, but it was really just Democrats talking down the economy along with reckless actions by congress and banks that led to "The worst economy since the Great Depression". Cheap credit....lax governmental regulations. Hedge-funders betting on a crashing economy.

Bottom line: Don't believe a word the media says without verification. Reliable verification. Not snopes, or Not Drudge Report.....nothing.

I know.... there are absolutely no strong indicators that we are about to have recession except for a lot of political rhetoric.

The FED has already openly declared war on Trump so they're trying to do their part to trip a recession into motion.

The civil war that's taking place right now is between the forces of Soros which makes up about 90% of the left-wing persuasion and the forces of American Patriots which make up about 90% of trump voters.

Did you miss the largest drop in stock market history this past week and why it happened?
Hardly the largest. It was the 3rd largest in history.
I remember the crash in 95'. The Dow lost half of it's value in a very short period.
And as a was like slight correction compared to the 29' crash.
When the market is so high, losses like this can be shaken off with no problem.
Democrats are desperate for a recession....and that is a very bad thing for us.
So why in the Hell would you support self-centered jerks that only want to ruin you to further their political goals?
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Bush 43 said the same thing
Bush is in with the Globalists.
He and his father are part of the conspiracy.
You can tell by the people that they nominate for the Supreme Court.
Chief Justice Roberts is a back-stabbing liberal who made Obamacare constitutional all by himself.
Every chance he gets he stabs conservatives in the back.
We were told by the left that the economy would tank when Trump was nominated. We heard the same when he was elected. We heard the same when he was sworn in. We hear the same almost weekly.
We have heard almost every left leaner yelling that he was going to get us into a war. That by talking to a country he would start a war. When he talked to some he was owned by them. They screamed that we were headed for nuclear war.

The left is hopping for anything that they can lay at Trumps feet. It does not matter that it would ruin the country.

They don't "think" anything.

They repeat shit.

The DNC ministry of propaganda wants people to believe a recession is lurking, it's all Trump's fault, and more and more you will see bed wetters parrot that lie.

Just like 2006, a year before Nanzi Pillousy took the gavel and the recession actually happened, and the meat puppet faggot was elected in 2008 which led to 10 years of stagnation. They parroted that line about how bad the economy was, even though everyone was working who wanted too.

They can't predict economics any better than they do weather. They're marxists hacks after all, economics and math aren't exactly their areas of expertise.

Bush 43 said the same thing
Bush is in with the Globalists.
He and his father are part of the conspiracy.
You can tell by the people that they nominate for the Supreme Court.
Chief Justice Roberts is a back-stabbing liberal who made Obamacare constitutional all by himself.
Every chance he gets he stabs conservatives in the back.

I'll bet someone has a picture of Roberts at Jeff's Pedo Island doing some shit he should be in prison for.

I did read something about a John Roberts on one of the manifests, but I doubt anyone with a journalism credential wants to spend the rest of their lives in hiding if they were to find something like that out.

They WANT a recession.

These dickheads better hope Trump wins again.

If some boring Dimm wins POTUS, their ratings will drop even more!
Germany is headed towards a recession.

As Germany goes, so does the rest of Europe.

Their slowdown will lead to a slight slowdown on our part I think. It does not mean that President Trump is somehow causing a recession.
Don't listen to them. These are the same A'holes that pushed Russian Collusion on us for over 2 years. They're hoping to convince enough people that we're headed for a recession so that they can counter the good Trump economy and make it a negative.

The Democrats have alot of chaos in store for us when it comes to the economy. They could care less if we lose our jobs. They screwed up the economy before, and if it means getting one of their candidates back in the WH they'll do it. But it takes alot of events to happen for them to screw up a strong economy. The first thing they have to destroy is consumer confidence. As long as we're still purchasing, the economy will keep rolling. So the Democrats and their corrupt media have to keep talking about Inverted Curves and other financial stuff that most people don't understand until they all start cutting back on everything. That's how you cause a recession.

Pedophile Bill Maher is talking about wanting a recession. Like Maxine Waters, he's tipping off what they're up to because he has a big mouth and doesn't know how to keep it shut. But bigmouths are good for this conspiracy because the more people talk about a recession the more real it becomes.

This is how the Democrats destroyed the economy beginning in 2007. They blamed the poor economy on Bush, but it was really just Democrats talking down the economy along with reckless actions by congress and banks that led to "The worst economy since the Great Depression". Cheap credit....lax governmental regulations. Hedge-funders betting on a crashing economy.

Bottom line: Don't believe a word the media says without verification. Reliable verification. Not snopes, or Not Drudge Report.....nothing.
The Left knows that Trump will be reelected, if the economy stays the way it is now. So in an act of desperation, they're trying to talk the economy down and bullshit the public about the numbers.
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Don't listen to them. These are the same A'holes that pushed Russian Collusion on us for over 2 years. They're hoping to convince enough people that we're headed for a recession so that they can counter the good Trump economy and make it a negative.

The Democrats have alot of chaos in store for us when it comes to the economy. They could care less if we lose our jobs. They screwed up the economy before, and if it means getting one of their candidates back in the WH they'll do it. But it takes alot of events to happen for them to screw up a strong economy. The first thing they have to destroy is consumer confidence. As long as we're still purchasing, the economy will keep rolling. So the Democrats and their corrupt media have to keep talking about Inverted Curves and other financial stuff that most people don't understand until they all start cutting back on everything. That's how you cause a recession.

Pedophile Bill Maher is talking about wanting a recession. Like Maxine Waters, he's tipping off what they're up to because he has a big mouth and doesn't know how to keep it shut. But bigmouths are good for this conspiracy because the more people talk about a recession the more real it becomes.

This is how the Democrats destroyed the economy beginning in 2007. They blamed the poor economy on Bush, but it was really just Democrats talking down the economy along with reckless actions by congress and banks that led to "The worst economy since the Great Depression". Cheap credit....lax governmental regulations. Hedge-funders betting on a crashing economy.

Bottom line: Don't believe a word the media says without verification. Reliable verification. Not snopes, or Not Drudge Report.....nothing.
The Left knows that Trump will be elected, if the economy stays the way it is now. So in an act of desperation, they're trying to talk the economy down and bullshit the public about the numbers.

The pathetic thing is they want the economy to go south in order to regain power.
MSDNC and CNN are saying a recession is coming because they ARE HOPING for one. Same as Maher, they know it's their only hope of getting Trump out of office.

Sad when a party has to hope for bad news for the country to get elected.

Major things missing from this "recession":

1. Record low unemployment
2. Record retail sales
3. Stock market maintaining record levels with comebacks from every downturn.
4. 7 million people off of food stamps

Our economy is so strong it can weather a trade war easily. Obama's economy was so bad and so fragile if Obama sneezed 3 times in a row it would drop 600pts and take a year to recover.
Don't listen to them. These are the same A'holes that pushed Russian Collusion on us for over 2 years. They're hoping to convince enough people that we're headed for a recession so that they can counter the good Trump economy and make it a negative.

The Democrats have alot of chaos in store for us when it comes to the economy. They could care less if we lose our jobs. They screwed up the economy before, and if it means getting one of their candidates back in the WH they'll do it. But it takes alot of events to happen for them to screw up a strong economy. The first thing they have to destroy is consumer confidence. As long as we're still purchasing, the economy will keep rolling. So the Democrats and their corrupt media have to keep talking about Inverted Curves and other financial stuff that most people don't understand until they all start cutting back on everything. That's how you cause a recession.

Pedophile Bill Maher is talking about wanting a recession. Like Maxine Waters, he's tipping off what they're up to because he has a big mouth and doesn't know how to keep it shut. But bigmouths are good for this conspiracy because the more people talk about a recession the more real it becomes.

This is how the Democrats destroyed the economy beginning in 2007. They blamed the poor economy on Bush, but it was really just Democrats talking down the economy along with reckless actions by congress and banks that led to "The worst economy since the Great Depression". Cheap credit....lax governmental regulations. Hedge-funders betting on a crashing economy.

Bottom line: Don't believe a word the media says without verification. Reliable verification. Not snopes, or Not Drudge Report.....nothing.
The Left knows that Trump will be elected, if the economy stays the way it is now. So in an act of desperation, they're trying to talk the economy down and bullshit the public about the numbers.

The pathetic thing is they want the economy to go south in order to regain power.
Yes, of course. Power is all they care about, America. That is why they want to allow millions with no attachment or love for America, to illegally migrate into this country, it isn't because they "care" about them, it's all about expanding their voter base. Many Democratic run states are already talking about allowing non citizens and so called "undocumented" to vote. The Left will use and abuse them for decades and not do anything for them, just as they did with Blacks.
Don't listen to them. These are the same A'holes that pushed Russian Collusion on us for over 2 years. They're hoping to convince enough people that we're headed for a recession so that they can counter the good Trump economy and make it a negative.

The Democrats have alot of chaos in store for us when it comes to the economy. They could care less if we lose our jobs. They screwed up the economy before, and if it means getting one of their candidates back in the WH they'll do it. But it takes alot of events to happen for them to screw up a strong economy. The first thing they have to destroy is consumer confidence. As long as we're still purchasing, the economy will keep rolling. So the Democrats and their corrupt media have to keep talking about Inverted Curves and other financial stuff that most people don't understand until they all start cutting back on everything. That's how you cause a recession.

Pedophile Bill Maher is talking about wanting a recession. Like Maxine Waters, he's tipping off what they're up to because he has a big mouth and doesn't know how to keep it shut. But bigmouths are good for this conspiracy because the more people talk about a recession the more real it becomes.

This is how the Democrats destroyed the economy beginning in 2007. They blamed the poor economy on Bush, but it was really just Democrats talking down the economy along with reckless actions by congress and banks that led to "The worst economy since the Great Depression". Cheap credit....lax governmental regulations. Hedge-funders betting on a crashing economy.

Bottom line: Don't believe a word the media says without verification. Reliable verification. Not snopes, or Not Drudge Report.....nothing.

I know.... there are absolutely no strong indicators that we are about to have recession except for a lot of political rhetoric.

The FED has already openly declared war on Trump so they're trying to do their part to trip a recession into motion.

The civil war that's taking place right now is between the forces of Soros which makes up about 90% of the left-wing persuasion and the forces of American Patriots which make up about 90% of trump voters.

Oh? How did the fed do that?
Did you miss the largest drop in stock market history this past week and why it happened?
Hardly the largest. It was the 3rd largest in history.
I remember the crash in 95'. The Dow lost half of it's value in a very short period.
And as a was like slight correction compared to the 29' crash.
When the market is so high, losses like this can be shaken off with no problem.
Democrats are desperate for a recession....and that is a very bad thing for us.
So why in the Hell would you support self-centered jerks that only want to ruin you to further their political goals?
January 1987 – The Dow closes above 2000 for the first time.

October 1987 – The Dow “crashes”, closing at 1738.74

Days later the Dow is back above 2,000, but it will takes year for the blue-chip index to hit another milestone.

April 1991 – Following the end of the first Gulf War, the Dow closes above 3,000

February 1995 – The Dow breaks 4,000, thus beginning another major leg in the decade-long rally.

November 1995 – The Dow closes above 5,000

October 1996 – The Dow breaks 6,000.

Two months later Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan will warn of irrational exuberance.

April 1997 – The blue chip hits 7,000.
Milestones Of The Dow Industrials
you must of been on another planet.

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