In case you haven't noticed gas prices approaching record highs...

The price of everything is going up because the value of our money keeps going down. It's what happens when the government constantly prints money to pay it's debts.
Article, one of the biggest problems in trying to communicate with a rethug, is that they never understand context. Never. Everything exists in a vacumn for them.

They were never able to make the connection of rising gas prices during the Iraqi war with the fact that there was an Iraqi war. It was like, sure you can invade a country that is a big oil producer and nothing would happen to gas prices. Ignorant or purposefully stupid, either way, you are to generous. IMO.
The price was an illusion because of what was happening in the market at the time. You're an intelligent guy who is obviously aware of what was happening and why. I get your point that the price is what the price is but like you said, that wasn't the norm or even approaching was a flash in the pan.

Rising gas prices: an illusion or -- Bush's fault

Falling Gas Prices: the magnificence of Obama, Praise be his Holy Name


Rising gas prices: increase in world demand initially, now is the market settling back after the epic economic collapse

Plummeting gas prices like we saw from the end of 2008 into early 2009: epic economic collapse

^I don't see BOOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHHHHH or Fartbongo mentioned there at all

Seek help for your ODS
Seek help yourself for ignoring the writing on the wall for 4 years. Here's a short course in current history:

[ame=""]The Obama Presidency: High Gas Prices, More Debt, High Unemployment - YouTube[/ame]​
Rising gas prices: an illusion or -- Bush's fault

Falling Gas Prices: the magnificence of Obama, Praise be his Holy Name


Rising gas prices: increase in world demand initially, now is the market settling back after the epic economic collapse

Plummeting gas prices like we saw from the end of 2008 into early 2009: epic economic collapse

^I don't see BOOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHHHHH or Fartbongo mentioned there at all

Seek help for your ODS
Seek help yourself for ignoring the writing on the wall for 4 years. Here's a short course in current history:

[ame=""]The Obama Presidency: High Gas Prices, More Debt, High Unemployment - YouTube[/ame]​

You wouldn't know history if I wrote backwards on my dick and slapped your forehead with it before the ink dried.

Oh, and I disagree with your post.
Umm the market is near all time highs.
But of course gasoline commodity trading has nothing to do with inflating gas prices does it?

And the cheap gas in the end of the Bush admin was due to the recession.

You know that.

I know that.

I suspect a majority of the posters who disegenuously attack the President over it know it too.....but they do it anyway.

you obama apologists are hilarious.

Gas prices hit a historic high: What's driving them up? -
I prefer to live in reality and not your false dilemma.

Outside of the massive plummeting of gas prices in the wake of the economy collapsing the floor was already about $3.00 by the time Bush walked out of the door.

The prices you are seeing now are right in line with that trend and with normal fluctuations.

It was $1.84 when Obama took office, which coincidentally was the same time Bush left office. It was not $3.00 a gallon. You can fluff Obama's nuts all you want to, but facts remain facts. Obama's inaction has doubled the price of gas, and turned high price trends from months under Bush into Obama's entire first term. Gas Prices Doubled, Obama Locks Up National Petroleum Reserve -

Clearly, you missed the part of my post where I said "Outside of the massive plummeting of gas prices in the wake of the economy collapsing....."

So again, you're a moron.

So the economy has improved soooo much that the price of gasoline has doubled....ya right. Stooge.
Gas prices are up because Obama wanted to give the rethugs something else to complain about.
That's the only reason. Approaching war in the ME has nothing to do with this. If the Iranians close the shipping lanes, that will have nothing to do with increasing gas prices. If we invade Iran, that will do nothing. If Iran bombs Isreal, no effect on gas prices.

No, this is on Obama. As he prepares to take away all the rethugs guns, he is using gas prices as a diversion.

Notice how well it is working. There are only 15 threads on guns today.
here's a video of barry stating he wants higher gas prices.
notice how he tries and parsecs his words.
the money he took outta my pocket last month would pay for a tank of gas.

[ame=]Obama says he wants high gas prices - YouTube[/ame]

Thank you, George Dubya Bush!

Let's keep going past 2006... Thanks Barry Soetoro!!

Thank you rich people for manipulating the commodities market!
here's a video of barry stating he wants higher gas prices.
notice how he tries and parsecs his words.
the money he took outta my pocket last month would pay for a tank of gas.

Obama says he wants high gas prices - YouTube

Dude, see my post above. Obama is doing the gas price thing to keep you from focusing on his gun grab. You are being duped by the greatest duber ever. Obama controls the price of oil and gas internationally. Why don't you know this shit? He is personally profitting from each and every gallon of gas sold. It goes to his offshore bank account. How come you don't know this shit. I saw it on FOX and Friends.

Better protect your guns so that you will be able to steal a gallon of gas. Or maybe you could trade ammo for gas? Isn't that the next great currency; ammo? I think he is trying to get a parallel price. One bullet to equal the price of one gallon of gas. This is big dude.
You could be the first of your rethug friends to bring this to their attention.

Spread the word. btw, how much gas does it take to go from your bedroom to your computer? Is it one tank or two? Get a job and maybe you could afford to buy some gas.
Interestingly enough, the oil and gas companies are posting record profits.

And........................some of the reason is because of taxpayer funded subsidies.

Wanna talk about wealth redristribution? If you're a middle class or poor person, the oil companies are screwing you at the pumps, and your duly elected representatives are screwing you by giving them money.

Funny how Obama never took care of this in his first couple years when he had majorities in both houses to fix this. I wonder why?
High crude oil prices (and consequently high gasoline prices) are funding the resurgence in two of the very, very few industries that are booming... and hiring. And creating much needed economic activity that contributes to the GDP, reduces imports, contributes exports, puts money in state and federal treasuries, etc. etc.

You're getting bang for your buck. Get over it.
Interestingly enough, the oil and gas companies are posting record profits.

And........................some of the reason is because of taxpayer funded subsidies.

Wanna talk about wealth redristribution? If you're a middle class or poor person, the oil companies are screwing you at the pumps, and your duly elected representatives are screwing you by giving them money.

Funny how Obama never took care of this in his first couple years when he had majorities in both houses to fix this. I wonder why?

So now you want the POTUS to intercede in the private business markets? Why do you not want the oil and gasoline companies to make record profits? I thought you rethugs were all about "private inteprise" and "free markets".

But now you want to president to "fix" the oil markets. WTF is wrong with you. And like I said about another whiner on here, if you would get a job, maybe you could afford the price of gas.
Disengenous? So $1.84 avg. at the pump when Obama took office was just an illusion? :confused: Sorry... The extra cash disappearing from my wallet when I fill my tank today versus 2008 is no illusion.

Yes, disengenuous and yes, the price was an illusion.

How is a price an illusion? The price for Jan 2009 was an outlier, sure, as gas prices, after being extraordinarily high Summmer of 2008 dropped massively from September to December and just started to go back up again, more slowly, in Jan 2009.

It's disingenuous to imply that the Jan 2009 prices were the norm and to ignore the extreme volatility of those years, but strictly speaking, gas prices are now almost twice as high as when Obama took office (average regular unleaded is about 90% higher). Of course in July 2008 the price for regular unleaded was 160% higher than when Bush took office.

Then it would be just as disingenuous to imply that July of 2008 prices were the norm and to ignore the extreme volatility of those as you put it "years."
High crude oil prices (and consequently high gasoline prices) are funding the resurgence in two of the very, very few industries that are booming... and hiring. And creating much needed economic activity that contributes to the GDP, reduces imports, contributes exports, puts money in state and federal treasuries, etc. etc.

You're getting bang for your buck. Get over it.

Sure...fracking. Something that elements in the Obama Administration are now trying to stop to placate the environmental lobby which loaths everything remotely connected to fossil fuels.

The truth is...Obama has no energy policy that seeks to lower the price of oil or gas. The "resurgence" that you speak of has occurred where progressives have no control. Production is up on State owned and privately owned land while it is down substantially on land owned by the Feds.
Interestingly enough, the oil and gas companies are posting record profits.

And........................some of the reason is because of taxpayer funded subsidies.

Wanna talk about wealth redristribution? If you're a middle class or poor person, the oil companies are screwing you at the pumps, and your duly elected representatives are screwing you by giving them money.

Funny how Obama never took care of this in his first couple years when he had majorities in both houses to fix this. I wonder why?

So now you want the POTUS to intercede in the private business markets? Why do you not want the oil and gasoline companies to make record profits? I thought you rethugs were all about "private inteprise" and "free markets".

But now you want to president to "fix" the oil markets. WTF is wrong with you. And like I said about another whiner on here, if you would get a job, maybe you could afford the price of gas.

Try reading bikers comments then mine and keep them in context. Your buddy was talking about GOVERNMENT subsidies.

I was wondering why Obama didn't take GOVERNMENT subsidies away, thus taking government OUT of private business markets.

Next time comprehend what you read, instead of knee jerk reactions.
Gas prices take bigger bite of Americans' income - Feb. 4, 2013

inflation has to be running at least 10 pct, and yet obama wants more or your money

What are you doing your only supposed to mention high gas prices when it's a Republican President. On the flip side I love the lefts counter to this it was higher under Bush yeah for a time it was four dollars a gallon under Bush shortly before the 2008 election gas was well under two dollars a gallon it was $1.35 a gallon here. Gas prices went on a steady rise under Obama and has been near or above three dollars a gallon for his whole Presidency.So which is worse a spike at four a gallon then a dramatic drop under Bush or the consistent near or above three dollars under Obama?

Damn, you people are professionals at obtuse stupidity. Neither Bush nor Obama set fuel prices. That is set by the worldwide demand. This is free trade. A high demand in Europe and Asia equals a high price for fuel here. And as the economy improves in Europe, the price will continue to go up. You people talk free market and capitalism out of one side of your mouths, and government price controls out of the other. Do you really have any idea of what you want at all?
High crude oil prices (and consequently high gasoline prices) are funding the resurgence in two of the very, very few industries that are booming... and hiring. And creating much needed economic activity that contributes to the GDP, reduces imports, contributes exports, puts money in state and federal treasuries, etc. etc.

You're getting bang for your buck. Get over it.

Sure...fracking. Something that elements in the Obama Administration are now trying to stop to placate the environmental lobby which loaths everything remotely connected to fossil fuels.

The truth is...Obama has no energy policy that seeks to lower the price of oil or gas. The "resurgence" that you speak of has occurred where progressives have no control. Production is up on State owned and privately owned land while it is down substantially on land owned by the Feds.

Good points. But the goal of energy policy should not be to drive down prices, but to create a regulatory and taxing environment that encourages production.

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