In case you haven't noticed gas prices approaching record highs...

Interestingly enough, the oil and gas companies are posting record profits.

And........................some of the reason is because of taxpayer funded subsidies.

Wanna talk about wealth redristribution? If you're a middle class or poor person, the oil companies are screwing you at the pumps, and your duly elected representatives are screwing you by giving them money.
the government makes more on a gallon of gas than the oil companies do in the US.

Really? Do you have a link to prove this?

Otherwise, I'm gonna have to call bullshit on this.
true,after katrina gas prices sky rocketed ,and then Bush lifted the ban on off shore drilling and gas prices plummeted . gas was about $1.80 a gallon when Bush left office,and one of the dear leaders 1st actions in office was to reinstate the ban which helped cause fuel prices to soar during a economic downturn .

This is bullshit, I follow the commodity markets and watch the data on offshore oil leases being auctioned. Let's see the data to prove what you claim!

Prove this lie, too!

Quote: Originally Posted by yidnar
one of the dear leaders 1st actions in office was to reinstate the ban
sooo are you fucking trying to say gas prices did not sky rocket when Katrina hit ?? are you trying to say Bush did not lift the offshore ban?? are you trying to say gas was not under $2.00 a gallon at the end of his term ?? increase in supply affects the futures market dumb ass .
Katrina had nothing to do with the record high gas prices during the Bush Regime and Bush ending the ban did not produce one single drop of oil, offshore drilling was still banned by the individual states. Just because the things you cite may have happened does not mean that they are in any way relevant.

The record gas and oil prices were because Iran was test firing rockets that could reach Israel and Israel threatened to bomb them causing speculators to drive the price up.
Interestingly enough, the oil and gas companies are posting record profits.

And........................some of the reason is because of taxpayer funded subsidies.

Wanna talk about wealth redristribution? If you're a middle class or poor person, the oil companies are screwing you at the pumps, and your duly elected representatives are screwing you by giving them money.
the government makes more on a gallon of gas than the oil companies do in the US.

Really? Do you have a link to prove this?

Otherwise, I'm gonna have to call bullshit on this.
This is a typical CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood lie built on the half truth.

What the professional liars leave out is they are only counting the profit on the final sale of the gas at the pump. They do not count the profit pumping the oil from the ground and the profit from refining the crude into its products.
Were you born in January 2009?

Way to miss the point entirely.

Oh, I have quite the firm grip on this I repeat, were you born in January 2009?

Which do you prefer??? A few months of record gas prices then a return to relatively reasonable prices, or four years of near record prices with no possibility of of a reprieve in sight. This isn't so difficult. And you can save your stupid question about being born in 2009 for someone more willing to play your adolescent games.
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Way to miss the point entirely.

Oh, I have quite the firm grip on this I repeat, were you born in January 2009?

Which do you prefer??? A few months of record gas prices then a return to relatively reasonable prices, or four years of near record prices with no possibility of of a reprieve in sight. This isn't so difficult. And you can save your stupid question about being born in 2009 for someone more willing to play your adolescent games.

I prefer to live in reality and not your false dilemma.

Outside of the massive plummeting of gas prices in the wake of the economy collapsing the floor was already about $3.00 by the time Bush walked out of the door.

The prices you are seeing now are right in line with that trend and with normal fluctuations.
true,after katrina gas prices sky rocketed ,and then Bush lifted the ban on off shore drilling and gas prices plummeted . gas was about $1.80 a gallon when Bush left office,and one of the dear leaders 1st actions in office was to reinstate the ban which helped cause fuel prices to soar during a economic downturn .

This is bullshit, I follow the commodity markets and watch the data on offshore oil leases being auctioned. Let's see the data to prove what you claim!

Prove this lie, too!

Quote: Originally Posted by yidnar
one of the dear leaders 1st actions in office was to reinstate the ban
sooo are you fucking trying to say gas prices did not sky rocket when Katrina hit ?? are you trying to say Bush did not lift the offshore ban?? are you trying to say gas was not under $2.00 a gallon at the end of his term ?? increase in supply affects the futures market dumb ass .

Do you have problems reading? Get someone to help explain it to you, because I can't make the words more simple than they were.

Going off on some tangent is just admitting you were lying.
Like the pathological liars in the GOP House would ever tell the truth about Obama! How gullible do you have to be to swallow that bullshit.

House Committee on Natural Resources is not a viable source? Perhaps this might help you understand: .gov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A REPUBLICAN House committee is not a viable source for anything other than misinformation for the Misinformation Voter. The GOP has no credibility.
Oh, I have quite the firm grip on this I repeat, were you born in January 2009?

Which do you prefer??? A few months of record gas prices then a return to relatively reasonable prices, or four years of near record prices with no possibility of of a reprieve in sight. This isn't so difficult. And you can save your stupid question about being born in 2009 for someone more willing to play your adolescent games.

I prefer to live in reality and not your false dilemma.

Outside of the massive plummeting of gas prices in the wake of the economy collapsing the floor was already about $3.00 by the time Bush walked out of the door.

The prices you are seeing now are right in line with that trend and with normal fluctuations.

It was $1.84 when Obama took office, which coincidentally was the same time Bush left office. It was not $3.00 a gallon. You can fluff Obama's nuts all you want to, but facts remain facts. Obama's inaction has doubled the price of gas, and turned high price trends from months under Bush into Obama's entire first term. Gas Prices Doubled, Obama Locks Up National Petroleum Reserve -
Like the pathological liars in the GOP House would ever tell the truth about Obama! How gullible do you have to be to swallow that bullshit.

House Committee on Natural Resources is not a viable source? Perhaps this might help you understand: .gov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A REPUBLICAN House committee is not a viable source for anything other than misinformation for the Misinformation Voter. The GOP has no credibility.

Bullshit...Then I suppose the Democrat members in the following link are a figment of people's imagination: Meet Our Members - House Committee on Natural Resources

From the link: The House Committee on Natural Resources membership consists of 47 Representatives, 26 Republicans and 21 Democrats, listed in order of seniority.
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Which do you prefer??? A few months of record gas prices then a return to relatively reasonable prices, or four years of near record prices with no possibility of of a reprieve in sight. This isn't so difficult. And you can save your stupid question about being born in 2009 for someone more willing to play your adolescent games.

I prefer to live in reality and not your false dilemma.

Outside of the massive plummeting of gas prices in the wake of the economy collapsing the floor was already about $3.00 by the time Bush walked out of the door.

The prices you are seeing now are right in line with that trend and with normal fluctuations.

It was $1.84 when Obama took office, which coincidentally was the same time Bush left office. It was not $3.00 a gallon. You can fluff Obama's nuts all you want to, but facts remain facts. Obama's inaction has doubled the price of gas, and turned high price trends from months under Bush into Obama's entire first term. Gas Prices Doubled, Obama Locks Up National Petroleum Reserve -

Clearly, you missed the part of my post where I said "Outside of the massive plummeting of gas prices in the wake of the economy collapsing....."

So again, you're a moron.
Srsrly....people who complain about gas prices "doubling" under Obama are some of the dumbest people on the Internet.
Srsrly....people who complain about gas prices "doubling" under Obama are some of the dumbest people on the Internet.

Oh, the fact that gas prices doubled since Obama took office is imaginary. And you have the nerve to call others stupid? :cuckoo:
House Committee on Natural Resources is not a viable source? Perhaps this might help you understand: .gov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A REPUBLICAN House committee is not a viable source for anything other than misinformation for the Misinformation Voter. The GOP has no credibility.

Bullshit...Then I suppose the Democrat members in the following link are a figment of people's imagination: Meet Our Members - House Committee on Natural Resources

From the link: The House Committee on Natural Resources membership consists of 47 Representatives, 26 Republicans and 21 Democrats, listed in order of seniority.
The Dems are a powerless MINORITY on the committee chaired by a Republican hack. All that committee does is use taxpayer money to generate Republican Party propaganda fed to gullible suckers stupid enough to swallow it.
Like the pathological liars in the GOP House would ever tell the truth about Obama! How gullible do you have to be to swallow that bullshit.

House Committee on Natural Resources is not a viable source? Perhaps this might help you understand: .gov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A REPUBLICAN House committee is not a viable source for anything other than misinformation for the Misinformation Voter. The GOP has no credibility.

I guess it's a pretty difficult fact for you to accept: The House Committee on Natural Resources membership consists of 47 Representatives, 26 Republicans and 21 Democrats
Srsrly....people who complain about gas prices "doubling" under Obama are some of the dumbest people on the Internet.

Oh, the fact that gas prices doubled since Obama took office is imaginary. And you have the nerve to call others stupid? :cuckoo:

In a sense, yes. The idea that it "doubled" is an illusion based off of the market bottoming out and then rebounding during Obama's tenure.

You're either a moron who doesn't get it or a disengenous liar who does.
A REPUBLICAN House committee is not a viable source for anything other than misinformation for the Misinformation Voter. The GOP has no credibility.

Bullshit...Then I suppose the Democrat members in the following link are a figment of people's imagination: Meet Our Members - House Committee on Natural Resources

From the link: The House Committee on Natural Resources membership consists of 47 Representatives, 26 Republicans and 21 Democrats, listed in order of seniority.
The Dems are a powerless MINORITY on the committee chaired by a Republican hack. All that committee does is use taxpayer money to generate Republican Party propaganda fed to gullible suckers stupid enough to swallow it.

So those 21 Democrats have no recourse whatsoever if one of the Republican members were to blatantly lie about the facts presented? Sure thing, and I have a bridge to sell you.

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