In general I agree with the premise by the author


Gold Member
Mar 6, 2013
Blog: Obamacare: Repeal immediately or let it crash

However there are some things the government can do short of controlling 1/6 of the economy which the blood sucking Democrat bottom feeders are trying to do. The rats claim they are helping the poor who don't have insurance. What they won't tell you in so many words that there are a number of immigrants on BO care, legal and illegal. The rats also want as many people government dependent as possible figuring they have lifetime dem voters doing their bidding so to speak. Of course the dems won't admit to driving up insurance rates high than before BO care on most everyone else. It looks like Trump and Ryan are not addressing the problem head on....yet. This is just the first phase of the process. I do agree with the author Trump AND Congress should tackle the tax issues first along with national security. And those BO holdover sabotage jerks out of the government.
Q. Where is Sarah Palin?

A. Donald J. Trump assigned her to the death panel along with Monica Goodling, et al, to establish the Solyant Green Committee for feeding future generations.

The GOP is not going to risk repealing ACA without something in its place that the Senate will pass.

Some are telling Ryan to pass something, then make the Senate eat its words.

Cotton, Paul, Rubio, Cruz, Collins, and four or five others have said they will not go along with that.
View attachment 117268

The GOP is not going to risk repealing ACA without something in its place that the Senate will pass.

Some are telling Ryan to pass something, then make the Senate eat its words.

Cotton, Paul, Rubio, Cruz, Collins, and four or five others have said they will not go along with that.

And the left continues to sink deeper in useless rhetorical abyss.
View attachment 117268

The GOP is not going to risk repealing ACA without something in its place that the Senate will pass.

Some are telling Ryan to pass something, then make the Senate eat its words.

Cotton, Paul, Rubio, Cruz, Collins, and four or five others have said they will not go along with that.

And the left continues to sink deeper in useless rhetorical abyss.
You just did, Alinskyite, what you accuse others of: useless rhetoric.
Q. Where is Sarah Palin?

A. Donald J. Trump assigned her to the death panel along with Monica Goodling, et al, to establish the Solyant Green Committee for feeding future generations.
Actually, Palin dubbed the word "rinocare" to characterized the current rendition of obamacare-lite.
View attachment 117268

The GOP is not going to risk repealing ACA without something in its place that the Senate will pass.

Some are telling Ryan to pass something, then make the Senate eat its words.

Cotton, Paul, Rubio, Cruz, Collins, and four or five others have said they will not go along with that.

And the left continues to sink deeper in useless rhetorical abyss.
You just did, Alinskyite, what you accuse others of: useless rhetoric.

I leave that to your side of the fence.
View attachment 117268

The GOP is not going to risk repealing ACA without something in its place that the Senate will pass.

Some are telling Ryan to pass something, then make the Senate eat its words.

Cotton, Paul, Rubio, Cruz, Collins, and four or five others have said they will not go along with that.

And the left continues to sink deeper in useless rhetorical abyss.
You just did, Alinskyite, what you accuse others of: useless rhetoric.

I leave that to your side of the fence.
You did it two posts above. The GOP in the Senate have said they will not go along with TrumpCare. Your rhetoric in rebuttal is useless.
View attachment 117268

The GOP is not going to risk repealing ACA without something in its place that the Senate will pass.

Some are telling Ryan to pass something, then make the Senate eat its words.

Cotton, Paul, Rubio, Cruz, Collins, and four or five others have said they will not go along with that.

And the left continues to sink deeper in useless rhetorical abyss.
You just did, Alinskyite, what you accuse others of: useless rhetoric.

I leave that to your side of the fence.
You did it two posts above. The GOP in the Senate have said they will not go along with TrumpCare. Your rhetoric in rebuttal is useless.

hey genius if you my WHOLE post you would recall I said this is just the first phase. Try again.
View attachment 117268

The GOP is not going to risk repealing ACA without something in its place that the Senate will pass.

Some are telling Ryan to pass something, then make the Senate eat its words.

Cotton, Paul, Rubio, Cruz, Collins, and four or five others have said they will not go along with that.

Blog: Obamacare: Repeal immediately or let it crash
What a snowflake^^^

Just tell the poor to die. OK?

It's not even certain in my mind that O-care will "crash." It's not as though it's a thing like a business or market that can crash; it's just a set of laws.

As far as O-care goes, it seems to me that:
  • People who like it are people who have health insurance and who previously didn't and/or could not obtain it.
  • People who don't like it are people who have to, post O-care, pay more for their health insurance.
Now my personal view on the matter is that I'd just as soon the entire concept of health insurance be eliminated. I'd do the same with life insurance. Why? Because it's a given that everyone's health is sooner or later going to "go south," and everyone is going to die. It seems absurd to insure against those risks and outcomes when we know damn well they are going to materialize into realities.

I think people should live for as long as they live. Some folks will live longer lives and others will live shorter ones. Humanity endured all the way to the 1930s without health insurance, then in the wake of some hospitals offering a prepaid option, the Blue Cross insurance organizations came about. That probably should never have happened in the first place, but it did. Perhaps now is the time to put an end to the whole idea and practice of health insurance.

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