In his closing pitch to Iowa Republicans, Trump says their votes can help him punish his enemies


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
“Donald Trump implored his supporters Sunday to brave frigid temperatures and deliver him a decisive victory in Monday’s Iowa caucuses, saying their vote would help bring to Washington the retribution he has repeatedly promised if he returns to the White House.”

And again, Trump’s ‘campaign’ is only about Trump, about revenge and retribution, having nothing to do with America or what’s best for the American people.

Further proof that Trump was – and is – unfit to be president.
“Donald Trump implored his supporters Sunday to brave frigid temperatures and deliver him a decisive victory in Monday’s Iowa caucuses, saying their vote would help bring to Washington the retribution he has repeatedly promised if he returns to the White House.”

And again, Trump’s ‘campaign’ is only about Trump, about revenge and retribution, having nothing to do with America or what’s best for the American people.

Further proof that Trump was – and is – unfit to be president.

There actually needs to be some kind of punishment for what your brood has done to the country.

That's the problem. There never really is any accountability.

So I can see why they're worried whenever the notion gets brought up.

It's kind of comparable to Dracula saying, hey, man, how dare my victims talk about driving a stake through my heart for being a no good, dirty, rotten, filthy, stinking, blood sucking tyrant.
Revoke their citizenship.

Most of em are likely first and second generation imports anyway, with no real regard or understanding of the fabric of our Republic.

That's a dangerous trend that's been affecting our upper levels of government in recent years.
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“Donald Trump implored his supporters Sunday to brave frigid temperatures and deliver him a decisive victory in Monday’s Iowa caucuses, saying their vote would help bring to Washington the retribution he has repeatedly promised if he returns to the White House.”

And again, Trump’s ‘campaign’ is only about Trump, about revenge and retribution, having nothing to do with America or what’s best for the American people.

Further proof that Trump was – and is – unfit to be president.

Nice try, loser.


Nice try.

The left pokes, insults, lies, pokes some more, deceives, cheats, lies some more, pokes and pokes, etc. Then they finally get busted in their nose and they whine about how violent conservatives are. Piss on 'em.
Revoke their citizenship.

Most of em are likely first and second generation imports anyway, with no real regard or understanding of the fabric of our Republic.

That's a dangerous trend that's been affecting our upper levels if government in recent years.
pffft....HELICOPTERS! :biggrin:
“Donald Trump implored his supporters Sunday to brave frigid temperatures and deliver him a decisive victory in Monday’s Iowa caucuses, saying their vote would help bring to Washington the retribution he has repeatedly promised if he returns to the White House.”

And again, Trump’s ‘campaign’ is only about Trump, about revenge and retribution, having nothing to do with America or what’s best for the American people.

Further proof that Trump was – and is – unfit to be president.

Thanks I was kinda souring on TRUMP and ready to switch to Biden after TRUMP said he wouldn't have time for revenge, so I'm glad to hear this...:auiqs.jpg:
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Trump punishes his enemies by inviting them to a diner. Except there is no dinner and he then locks the doors.
Then Trump gives and hour long speech on how great he is and why they are not.

Then they are released and realize that they have just been been subject to twaddle by the master twaddle one

Trump use to do it in a 1 story building but quickly realize that he could do it from a 3 story building with better results.
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“Donald Trump implored his supporters Sunday to brave frigid temperatures and deliver him a decisive victory in Monday’s Iowa caucuses, saying their vote would help bring to Washington the retribution he has repeatedly promised if he returns to the White House.”

And again, Trump’s ‘campaign’ is only about Trump, about revenge and retribution, having nothing to do with America or what’s best for the American people.

Further proof that Trump was – and is – unfit to be president.
So what...OBAMA said pretty much exactly the same thing and it got him elected!
“Donald Trump implored his supporters Sunday to brave frigid temperatures and deliver him a decisive victory in Monday’s Iowa caucuses, saying their vote would help bring to Washington the retribution he has repeatedly promised if he returns to the White House.”

And again, Trump’s ‘campaign’ is only about Trump, about revenge and retribution, having nothing to do with America or what’s best for the American people.

Further proof that Trump was – and is – unfit to be president.
Looks like it worked Mrs. Jones.....better find another hiding place besides mommy's basement.
Looks like it worked Mrs. Jones.....better find another hiding place besides mommy's basement.
Well...I mean does Trump have enemies? So what's the problem? They don't mind identifying themselves as his enemies. I should think they would be proud to be known as his enemies yes? How exactly are you supposed to react to people who WANT TO BE YOUR ENEMIES?
Well...I mean does Trump have enemies? So what's the problem? They don't mind identifying themselves as his enemies. I should think they would be proud to be known as his enemies yes? How exactly are you supposed to react to people who WANT TO BE YOUR ENEMIES? line yourself up against someone, say things and take actions against them, all well and good. Just don't be surprised if that someone then becomes your boss and deals with you.
Clearly democrats are afraid of Americans. They are frightened that what they did will be done to them. Nicolae Ceausescu must have been terrified of the Romanian people at the end. He too called on the military to shoot the Romanians. It didn't work.

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