In just the last 24 hours, Trump's VERY broad spectrum of lies and the people who defend him.

Oh, I missed a big lie.

Trump said the Obama administration couldn't bring the three Americans back from North Korea.

That part was true. Because two of the three were arrested since Trump became president.

He still beat hitlary.

He is still accomplishing great things.

Your meat puppet faggot didn't open his cock holster without a wad of dick snot getting shot in, or a lie falling out.

Everyone knows political whores LIE.

Whores, like Stormy, lie.

I give not one fuck about Trump lying about banging Stormy 10 years ago, and you mindless servile bed wetters have no moral leg to stand on after Slick Bill committed PERJURY, was impeached for it, and not one of you bed wetters gave any more of a fuck than I do now.

Hitlary LOST.... To The World's Richest Professional Clown....


And the thousands of troll threads you sniveling parasites post on a monthly basis will not undo that.

Accomplishing great things? Really?

Wait until October when tens of millions of Trump's voting base find out they have no health care next year. Just two weeks before the election.
They think they were screwed before paying what they thought was too much for healthcare. When they find out they have no healthcare at all, boy are they going to be pissed. And I don't mean the fun Donald Trump golden shower type of pissed. I mean the we've been lied to type of pissed.

Why won't we have healthcare?
Are all the doctors and hospitals going out of business at the same time?
Republicans ended the subsidies which help mostly Trump supporters in Red States.

What was 200 bucks a month in October will be 1200 a month in January.

Don't take my word for it.

October is just 5 months away. You'll see.
so first:
Russian collusion
campaign financing crime:
so --you keep reaching and reaching--failing and failing others have said--you people will keep trying ANYTHING and everything---till you die to somehow find Trump guilty of the most insignificant CRAP

you are like trying to catch the wind
You might want to talk to Trump's sons.
I suspect they will disagree with your analysis.


I guess you don't know the difference between I and we.
Or the difference between corporate assets and personal assets.
He still beat hitlary.

He is still accomplishing great things.

Your meat puppet faggot didn't open his cock holster without a wad of dick snot getting shot in, or a lie falling out.

Everyone knows political whores LIE.

Whores, like Stormy, lie.

I give not one fuck about Trump lying about banging Stormy 10 years ago, and you mindless servile bed wetters have no moral leg to stand on after Slick Bill committed PERJURY, was impeached for it, and not one of you bed wetters gave any more of a fuck than I do now.

Hitlary LOST.... To The World's Richest Professional Clown....


And the thousands of troll threads you sniveling parasites post on a monthly basis will not undo that.

Accomplishing great things? Really?

Wait until October when tens of millions of Trump's voting base find out they have no health care next year. Just two weeks before the election.
They think they were screwed before paying what they thought was too much for healthcare. When they find out they have no healthcare at all, boy are they going to be pissed. And I don't mean the fun Donald Trump golden shower type of pissed. I mean the we've been lied to type of pissed.

Why won't we have healthcare?
Are all the doctors and hospitals going out of business at the same time?
Republicans ended the subsidies which help mostly Trump supporters in Red States.

What was 200 bucks a month in October will be 1200 a month in January.

Don't take my word for it.

October is just 5 months away. You'll see.

So they have 5 months to get a job.
Or they can cancel their cable tv, smart phone, and broadband internet service.
A total fucking moron aka deanturd said:
Something totally stupid as usual that was not even read
Why won't we have healthcare?
Are all the doctors and hospitals going out of business at the same time?

That's why I ignore these pieces of shit. When the responses are that utterly inane you can only assume you're dealing with a complete imbecile, or a posting bot programmed by a complete imbecile.

The fact that my income jumped 25% in the first year since Trump was elected, and only went up 3% during the entire grueling 8 years of that meat puppet faggot is enough to tell me Trump is doing good shit.

The fact that the Norks are totally prostrated like a mooselimb carpet pilot praying to lucifer, the chinks are opening up their markets and playing nice with their smaller neighbors, and ISIS is on it's way to becoming a margin note in history should delight bed wetters because the world is actually entering a more peaceful era than the entire 8 years of global chaos the moonbat messiah got a nobel prize prior to causing.

so first:
Russian collusion
campaign financing crime:
so --you keep reaching and reaching--failing and failing others have said--you people will keep trying ANYTHING and everything---till you die to somehow find Trump guilty of the most insignificant CRAP

you are like trying to catch the wind
You might want to talk to Trump's sons.
I suspect they will disagree with your analysis.


I guess you don't know the difference between I and we.
Or the difference between corporate assets and personal assets.
Or the difference between secret meetings and backdoor communications with the Russians and being a patriot.

Oh wait, I know the difference.
A total fucking moron aka deanturd said:
Something totally stupid as usual that was not even read
Why won't we have healthcare?
Are all the doctors and hospitals going out of business at the same time?

That's why I ignore these pieces of shit. When the responses are that utterly inane you can only assume you're dealing with a complete imbecile, or a posting bot programmed by a complete imbecile.

The fact that my income jumped 25% in the first year since Trump was elected, and only went up 3% during the entire grueling 8 years of that meat puppet faggot is enough to tell me Trump is doing good shit.

The fact that the Norks are totally prostrated like a mooselimb carpet pilot praying to lucifer, the chinks are opening up their markets and playing nice with their smaller neighbors, and ISIS is on it's way to becoming a margin note in history should delight bed wetters because the world is actually entering a more peaceful era than the entire 8 years of global chaos the moonbat messiah got a nobel prize prior to causing.

You are so full of sh!t your eyes are brown. I've talked to your kind before.
For one, the budget of the previous administration continues until September of the year the current president was sworn in. So any gain that you insist you got you owe Obama.
But since you didn't even know that, it's pretty obvious you are a LPOS.
He still beat hitlary.

He is still accomplishing great things.

Your meat puppet faggot didn't open his cock holster without a wad of dick snot getting shot in, or a lie falling out.

Everyone knows political whores LIE.

Whores, like Stormy, lie.

I give not one fuck about Trump lying about banging Stormy 10 years ago, and you mindless servile bed wetters have no moral leg to stand on after Slick Bill committed PERJURY, was impeached for it, and not one of you bed wetters gave any more of a fuck than I do now.

Hitlary LOST.... To The World's Richest Professional Clown....


And the thousands of troll threads you sniveling parasites post on a monthly basis will not undo that.

Accomplishing great things? Really?

Wait until October when tens of millions of Trump's voting base find out they have no health care next year. Just two weeks before the election.
They think they were screwed before paying what they thought was too much for healthcare. When they find out they have no healthcare at all, boy are they going to be pissed. And I don't mean the fun Donald Trump golden shower type of pissed. I mean the we've been lied to type of pissed.

Why won't we have healthcare?
Are all the doctors and hospitals going out of business at the same time?
Republicans ended the subsidies which help mostly Trump supporters in Red States.

What was 200 bucks a month in October will be 1200 a month in January.

Don't take my word for it.

October is just 5 months away. You'll see.

So they have 5 months to get a job.
Or they can cancel their cable tv, smart phone, and broadband internet service.
Careful, we are talking about Trump voters. Some of the poorest people in the country. Many don't even have electricity or running water. Nice other Republicans think they have too much.

It's just so unbelievable.

I was watching Laura Ingraham last night when news of the Trump/Cohen payment broke. And I can safely say Laura was shell shocked. As a previous prosecutor herself, that news left her sputtering.

Since a candidate can put an unlimited amount of their own money into their own campaign, Rudy's reasoning was that since Trump paid himself, there was no breaking of campaign finance laws.

Then Rudy fuked up.

And let me use the "F" word here. FELONY! Rudy said when Cohen was paid it was small amounts over months and that's called "structuring" and it's against the law. If you pay someone over 10 grand for a business transaction, you have to pay taxes. What Trump did was pay 9 grand, 9 grand, ....................9 grand to avoid paying taxes. That breaks federal laws. It's called TAX EVASION and it's a FELONY! Period!

Now let's look at Ukraine.

When Paul Manafort fled the Ukraine, he fled with millions of dollars of Ukrainian money. When Vladimir's puppet was chased out of the country, he left behind reams of paperwork. Included was enough material to bring Manafort up on four separate lawsuits.

Apparently, the US made a deal with the Ukrainian government to give them Javelin missiles in exchange for dropping lawsuits against Manafort. The Ukraine went from working with Mueller to cutting off all contact. Trump lied saying this is evidence that he is "hard on Russia" when the truth is, he was trying to save the ass of his own campaign manager who knows where bodies are buried.

Trump's lie about his doctor exposed.

Trump denied that he himself wrote the spectacular results of his own medical exam. Trump's doctor admitted it was dictated to him by Trump himself. Oddly enough, the language of the first doctor is very similar to the language of the second doctor.

Documents Trump won't show his own lawyers.

The seized documents from Trump and Cohen are apparently so sensitive, they won't show the documents to their own lawyers. I've heard using a rubber is like washing your feet with your socks on. Refusing to share documents with your lawyers seems to be similar. How can they defend you if you keep secrets from them? Trump's lawyers keep abandoning ship because of the golden stream of lies he tells them.

If I've missed any of the lies, people help me out here.

Unbelievable? That’s rich. You idiots paid no mind to 0bama’s constant stream of lies and all of a sudden it’s unbelievable?
What are the unemployment figures today?

Do unemployment numbers void our criminal laws?

Is lying against the law nowadays, have you ever lied? I have , so maybe we shouldn’t cast the first stone.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Next time you talk to a judge, ask him if lying is against the law. Let me know what he tells you

That's under oath, genius.
It's not a crime to lie to the fucking scummy media.
In fact one should receive a medal for it.
It's just so unbelievable.

I was watching Laura Ingraham last night when news of the Trump/Cohen payment broke. And I can safely say Laura was shell shocked. As a previous prosecutor herself, that news left her sputtering.

Since a candidate can put an unlimited amount of their own money into their own campaign, Rudy's reasoning was that since Trump paid himself, there was no breaking of campaign finance laws.

Then Rudy fuked up.

And let me use the "F" word here. FELONY! Rudy said when Cohen was paid it was small amounts over months and that's called "structuring" and it's against the law. If you pay someone over 10 grand for a business transaction, you have to pay taxes. What Trump did was pay 9 grand, 9 grand, ....................9 grand to avoid paying taxes. That breaks federal laws. It's called TAX EVASION and it's a FELONY! Period!

Now let's look at Ukraine.

When Paul Manafort fled the Ukraine, he fled with millions of dollars of Ukrainian money. When Vladimir's puppet was chased out of the country, he left behind reams of paperwork. Included was enough material to bring Manafort up on four separate lawsuits.

Apparently, the US made a deal with the Ukrainian government to give them Javelin missiles in exchange for dropping lawsuits against Manafort. The Ukraine went from working with Mueller to cutting off all contact. Trump lied saying this is evidence that he is "hard on Russia" when the truth is, he was trying to save the ass of his own campaign manager who knows where bodies are buried.

Trump's lie about his doctor exposed.

Trump denied that he himself wrote the spectacular results of his own medical exam. Trump's doctor admitted it was dictated to him by Trump himself. Oddly enough, the language of the first doctor is very similar to the language of the second doctor.

Documents Trump won't show his own lawyers.

The seized documents from Trump and Cohen are apparently so sensitive, they won't show the documents to their own lawyers. I've heard using a rubber is like washing your feet with your socks on. Refusing to share documents with your lawyers seems to be similar. How can they defend you if you keep secrets from them? Trump's lawyers keep abandoning ship because of the golden stream of lies he tells them.

If I've missed any of the lies, people help me out here.

Unbelievable? That’s rich. You idiots paid no mind to 0bama’s constant stream of lies and all of a sudden it’s unbelievable?
3,000 in a year? 6 a day?
No, that would be Trump.
so first:
Russian collusion
campaign financing crime:
so --you keep reaching and reaching--failing and failing others have said--you people will keep trying ANYTHING and everything---till you die to somehow find Trump guilty of the most insignificant CRAP

you are like trying to catch the wind
You might want to talk to Trump's sons.
I suspect they will disagree with your analysis.


I guess you don't know the difference between I and we.
Or the difference between corporate assets and personal assets.
For Trump, there is no "us".


me Me ME!
What are the unemployment figures today?

Do unemployment numbers void our criminal laws?

Is lying against the law nowadays, have you ever lied? I have , so maybe we shouldn’t cast the first stone.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Next time you talk to a judge, ask him if lying is against the law. Let me know what he tells you

That's under oath, genius.
It's not a crime to lie to the fucking scummy media.
In fact one should receive a medal for it.
Then every Republican should have dozens of medals.

People who rabidly support a party of liars.

Are they brain damaged? Or is it their values?
What are the unemployment figures today?

Do unemployment numbers void our criminal laws?

Is lying against the law nowadays, have you ever lied? I have , so maybe we shouldn’t cast the first stone.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Next time you talk to a judge, ask him if lying is against the law. Let me know what he tells you

That's under oath, genius.
It's not a crime to lie to the fucking scummy media.
In fact one should receive a medal for it.

I guess that's why you are one of the deplorables. Honorable people respect honesty.
It's just so unbelievable.

I was watching Laura Ingraham last night when news of the Trump/Cohen payment broke. And I can safely say Laura was shell shocked. As a previous prosecutor herself, that news left her sputtering.

Since a candidate can put an unlimited amount of their own money into their own campaign, Rudy's reasoning was that since Trump paid himself, there was no breaking of campaign finance laws.

Then Rudy fuked up.

And let me use the "F" word here. FELONY! Rudy said when Cohen was paid it was small amounts over months and that's called "structuring" and it's against the law. If you pay someone over 10 grand for a business transaction, you have to pay taxes. What Trump did was pay 9 grand, 9 grand, ....................9 grand to avoid paying taxes. That breaks federal laws. It's called TAX EVASION and it's a FELONY! Period!

Now let's look at Ukraine.

When Paul Manafort fled the Ukraine, he fled with millions of dollars of Ukrainian money. When Vladimir's puppet was chased out of the country, he left behind reams of paperwork. Included was enough material to bring Manafort up on four separate lawsuits.

Apparently, the US made a deal with the Ukrainian government to give them Javelin missiles in exchange for dropping lawsuits against Manafort. The Ukraine went from working with Mueller to cutting off all contact. Trump lied saying this is evidence that he is "hard on Russia" when the truth is, he was trying to save the ass of his own campaign manager who knows where bodies are buried.

Trump's lie about his doctor exposed.

Trump denied that he himself wrote the spectacular results of his own medical exam. Trump's doctor admitted it was dictated to him by Trump himself. Oddly enough, the language of the first doctor is very similar to the language of the second doctor.

Documents Trump won't show his own lawyers.

The seized documents from Trump and Cohen are apparently so sensitive, they won't show the documents to their own lawyers. I've heard using a rubber is like washing your feet with your socks on. Refusing to share documents with your lawyers seems to be similar. How can they defend you if you keep secrets from them? Trump's lawyers keep abandoning ship because of the golden stream of lies he tells them.

If I've missed any of the lies, people help me out here.

Unbelievable? That’s rich. You idiots paid no mind to 0bama’s constant stream of lies and all of a sudden it’s unbelievable?
3,000 in a year? 6 a day?
No, that would be Trump.

No, that is the lie YOU tell. Trumps actual lies are far fewer and not yet equaling 0bama’s. You idiots think you can just call something a lie and is magically is.
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