In my fourth attempt to get information, I ask forum Democrats to provide proof that Russia...

The Professor, post: 17636350
Obama set up contact with Iran, death to America. Sent them pallets of cash (in secret) but got caught. Snake Jarret brought into WH.

Great post.

You are above no one on this post since you call a debunked outright Trump lie and RW MYTH. Too bad you didn't take Marine Corp honor into your advanced years.

Guess you can be forgiven since it could be a memory thing.

That was Iran's cash and it was delivered the way their cash has been delivered before. In Non US Currencies.

Lying about a Commander in Chief is dishonorable.
What democratic wishes of the people are you talking about? Is it the democratic wish of the people to have Russia freely decide who our President should be and have a President make decisions in Russia's interest?

Sorry, I forgot that muricans don't do irony or sarcasm

But is it the democratic wish of the people to invade oil rich countries/orchestrate regime changes and drone people to death all over the planet? Is it a democratic wish to pi$$ off the only other country with thousands of nukes? Is it a democratic wish to have your emails read by orwellian spy agencies? etc. etc.

You don't believe in a so called deep state acting out it's own agenda so it must be the will of the people, right?

Sorry, I forgot that muricans don't do irony or sarcasm

I caught your Irony quite well. Then I asked you a question you do not appear prepared to answer. Your message was about America.

And I can assure you the democratic wish of American people is not to be under the rule of Putin as you either are or want us to be.
Hey, I never said I was perfect.

But you did claim:

Don't try to go one-on-one with me you mental midget. You are not in my league.

If you really believe that that what I said about CLOSED CAPTION is equivalent to me saying I was perfect, then you are a board certified, USDA approved idiot Do you want to go one-on-one with me? Please say yes. I assure you that everyone on the USMB will be entertained.

I am primed and ready to engage you in debate. I am a 77-year old man with an MBA and JD (that's a doctorate in law). I am retired, my refrigerator and pantry are fully stocked; all my bills are current; my house and cars are in good repair, I have more $100,000 in cash for emergencies, my grass is freshly mowed and neither my wife nor I have significant medial problems. Frankly, I am a tad bored and I look forward to the prospect of exposing you for the ignorant, arrogant asshole that you are.

C'mon, don't be a pussy. Let's get it on. Let's see what you got. Question: Do you want to meet me in the bull ring to discuss this issue or are you as cowardly as you are ignorant?

For your pre-debate warm-up, I suggest you look up the word “perfect.” One does not suggest he is perfect by merely saying he is smarter than another person. Anyone with a few dozen fully functioning brain cells knows that. Everyone I have encountered in my lifetime knows that.... except you. Every inhabitant of this planet, including your unenlightened ass, believes they are superior to at least one other person. Do you feel that makes you perfect? While it's true that I am much more knowledgeable than either you or CLOSEDCAPTION, I fully acknowledge that knowing more than you two does not make me a genius. Most people are a lot smarter than you two intellectually challenged dimwits.

Damn, this thread has brought out the intellectual lightweights.

PS: I apologize for the coarse language. You can take a man out of the Marine Corps but you can't take the Marine Corps out of the man.
The Professor, post: 17636350
Obama set up contact with Iran, death to America. Sent them pallets of cash (in secret) but got caught. Snake Jarret brought into WH.

Great post.

You are above no one on this post since you call a debunked outright Trump lie and RW MYTH. Too bad you didn't take Marine Corp honor into your advanced years.

Guess you can be forgiven since it could be a memory thing.

That was Iran's cash and it was delivered the way their cash has been delivered before. In Non US Currencies.

Lying about a Commander in Chief is dishonorable.

Not worth a response.
I caught your Irony quite well. Then I asked you a question you do not appear prepared to answer. Your message was about America.

And I can assure you the democratic wish of American people is not to be under the rule of Putin as you either are or want us to be.

You don't seem to be prepared to answer my question either

I already said that this 'under the rule of Putin' bull$hit is just the deep state propaganda, you don't believe in the deep state so where do you think it's coming from?

Obviously it doesn't come from any evidence because if there was any the MSM would be screaming about it 24/7

Jantje_Smit, post: 17637410,
But is it the democratic wish of the people to invade oil rich countries/orchestrate regime changes and drone people to death all over the planet? Is it a democratic wish to pi$$ off the only other country with thousands of nukes? Is it a democratic wish to have your emails read by orwellian spy agencies? etc. etc.

My opposition to the invasion of Iraq is well documented on this type of medium since prior to it being wrongly started.

Unfortunately it was the democratic wish in our electoral college system and a Supreme Court decision to place liars Bush and Cheney in the White House. I am certain Gore would not have made that call even after the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks.

In 2000 I went with my wife and her father in Tver Russia where they cast their vote for Putin. My wife has been here since one year prior to the 9/11/01 attack. We live close to Dulles Airport and we were apart that morning and my new wife from Russia was near the Pentagon. Cell Phone activity was lost.

It was not a pleasant experience but nothing like those killed and injured and sickened on that day.

Regarding Bush's decision to invade Iraq I agreed fully with two leaders who told Bush not to do it. They are State Senator Obama and President Putin.

You must be aware that our current Republican President did not oppose the invasion of Iraq until after it was too late.

Senator Clinton at the time just before the invasion publically requested that Bush allow the UN inspectors be given more time. That was the majority view among Americans nearly 6 out of 10 mostly Democrats.

I have never voted for a Republican and never will.

On the 2008 Georgian attack on Russian people and soldiers in South Ossetia, my wife helped me translate Moscow TV on what was really going on. My wish at that time was for Putin to send his tanks all the way Sakaasvilli's Presidential residence and wait for the coward NYC lawyer to come home then detain him.

On Crimea Annexation to Russia - absolutely the right move and Putin handled it near perfectly without all but I believe one incident where blood was shed.

On Donbass - mixed emotions.

On Syria - Putin has disgraced his image siding so solidly behind mass murderer, genocidal Assad.

On interfering with our election. It is absolutely unacceptable.

So Is it a Russian democratic/kleptocracy wish to pi$$ off the only other country with thousands of nukes?

That goes two ways you know.

We are not droning people to death all over the planet. Do you have a better way of killing terrorists in lawless regions of the world such as the Afghanistan/Pakistan border. Do you appreciate that thousands of NATO Alliance lives have been lost ridding Russia's underbelly of the threat of terrorist and Taliban instability.

I have not studied the Chechen war fully but I do know the anti Russian elements there were treated with kid gloves.

No to having private lawful emails read by any nation's spy agencies.

Reason to believe terrorist activity is there - hell yes, read them.

Any further questions.

Proud to be a Democrat in a proud and strong and stable democratic nation. So is my wife.
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already said that this 'under the rule of Putin' bull$hit is just the deep state propaganda, you

My wife's father and brother live in Russia. We know what's going on long before we ever heard the term 'deep state'.

Your state is obviously very shallow. Putin is among the richest men in the world now. We heard about the rock dancing arena Putin built for his daughter. Is that a US deep state lie too?

I read much foreign news so we are not limited to gather information from wherever we want.
Obama set up contact with Iran, death to America. Sent them pallets of cash (in secret) but got caught. Snake Jarret brought into WH.

Trump tries to work with an ally. Obama is good, Trump is bad? Leftist goons lap it up like Mothers' milk. Oh please Wolfe Blitzer, may I have some more........hmmmm hmmmm good. feed me Jake....feed me.

Stupid lying DemWit Comey works on "Russia" for almost a year? A year! Now this new guy will start again? Can't re-use Comey crap and wrap it up quickly? correct?

Only in GOVT can anything so ridiculous be allowed to occur. Well maybe in the liberal lying courts?
At a time Trump was benefitting from hacked Emails from the Russians.....why were key Trump aides meeting with the Russians?

At a time Trump was benefitting from hacked Emails from the Russians.....why were key Trump aides meeting with the Russians?

I tried to find some stuff for you in WikiLeaks massive email storage but PC crashed. First off there were several "events". Campaign Manager Podesta logged into an online box query.....They copied his email. The DNC was hacked or leaked. No one knows?

WikiLeaks catalogged and published as many of these emails as they felt like doing. Maybe they have more? Holding a Trump card so to speak. I don't know and you don't know either. How this has anything to do with "Russia" is not clear at this time. Seth Rich is more likely the DNC leaker. Podesta got tricked.
Nice try but nothing to do with WHY Trump aides were meeting with Russians at the time the leaks were released
Jantje_Smit, post: 17637574
Yes, don't you find it just a bit odd that after months of whining about the vast Russian conspiracy not a shred of evidence has been presented?

We don't know all of what the CIA and FBI have, but I measure the degree with which Republican Senators and Congressmen are stating the need for a thorough investigation as a sign that enough evidence exists that election meddling here and in Europe is a serious matter that must continue to be investigated for as long as it takes.
...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.
I get it

I have to personally investigate the computer systems at election offices. I have to personally investigate the Trump campaign.

Because according to dumbass you, our intel agency reports are not proof.

The fact that Trump campaign members held secret meetings & lied and meetings with the Russians should be ignored because the press is just fake news.

Yea. Right.
...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.
What credentials or experience do you have to indicate you would recognize evidence if it were shown to you? Evidence is often circumstantial and often a matter of subjective opinion. That is how you are able to deny or ignore evidence that is presented as a response to your inquiries.
Individuals connected to trump lied about contacts with Russian officials and contacts, even to the point of signing and submitting national security applications. That is evidence, but what you are looking for is a smoking gun, so you reject this evidence.
My credentials are not the issue, your lack of evidence is the issue. And I note you have not provided me with a link to back up what you say. Surely, you must have something?
I just gave you something and as predicted, you go into denial and play stupid mode. Do you really need a link to show that trump associated got caught hiding meetings with Russian contacts? It's been front page news for months and the trump associates have admitted the contacts.
Your response indicates you are not serious or seeking an honest discussion. You obviously prefer a circle jerk kind of trash talking game with others who will agree with your opinions. Another truth bashing thread for the poorly informed and.or brainwashed cult of trump.
So someone talked to a Russian. Then what happened?
That is what Mueller is tasked with finding out.
We don't know all of what the CIA and FBI have, but I measure the degree with which Republican Senators and Congressmen are stating the need for a thorough investigation as a sign that enough evidence exists that election meddling here and in Europe is a serious matter that must continue to be investigated for as long as it takes.

"The degree with which Republican Senators and Congressmen are stating" is "a sign that enough evidence exists"??????

Really? I don't know how old you are but I for one certainly remember Saddam and his evil WMD that could be launched within 45 minutes

Now I don't like the orange clown in chief (except for the comedy he provides) but I like the thought of a deep state removing a (s)elected pretzeldent because he's an obstacle to their own agenda even less. But if you're really so upset about the possibility of other countries influencing the selections why not go after all the Israeli agents instead?

Any further questions.

Yes, don't you find it just a bit odd that after months of whining about the vast Russian conspiracy not a shred of evidence has been presented?

What a fucking idiot and liar you are. Just the fact that so many in the fat senile old orange clown's administration lied about the contacts is evidence that something that they were uncomfortable with being found out was going on. And to lie about it on signed security forms, well, that constitutes a crime.
What crime do we have so far

Flynn and Manafort (and others)dealing with the Russians and failing to disclose it on security forms

We have Kushner and others involved in financial dealing with a country under sanctions

Now, how does this impact Trump himself?

He may just be a paper leader unaware of what his key aides are involved in
If he was aware of their dealings, he can be criminally liable
What a fucking idiot and liar you are. Just the fact that so many in the fat senile old orange clown's administration lied about the contacts is evidence that something that they were uncomfortable with being found out was going on. And to lie about it on signed security forms, well, that constitutes a crime.

Oh, I'm sure the orange twitter in chief and his $billionaire buddies have lots of crimes to hide but talking to Russians isn't evidence that the evil Putin stole Hillary's rightful crown

Jantje_Smit, post: 17637692
Really? I don't know how old you are but I for one certainly remember Saddam and his evil WMD that could be launched within 45 minutes

Too lazy to read my replies I see. That was a British claim.

Please get informed.

After three months of UN inspections there were no claims used to justify war such as that one since no evidence of WMD had been found by the inspectors at all.

Revealed: the Iraqi colonel who told MI6 that Saddam could launch WMD within 45 ...
The Telegraph › uk › ... › Iraq
Dec 7, 2003 - Revealed: the Iraqi colonel who told MI6 that Saddam could launch WMD within 45 minutes. By Con Coughlin. 12:01AM GMT ...
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