In my fourth attempt to get information, I ask forum Democrats to provide proof that Russia...

As soon as someone explains why Trump representatives were meeting with the Russians while hacked information was being released we can end this investigation

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The media in this country is trying to influence the 2018 elections. What they are doing is no different than what the Russians have done. So, if you think it was wrong for Rusisa to do this, then you must think it is wrong for the media to do this.

There's a difference between US speech and foreign speech.
If Russia helped Trump win the election, please explain what they're getting for their help.

Hillary Clinton took a bribe from the Russians and they gained a huge pile of uranium.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Wouldn't the Russians have preferred Hillary, since they already had a great working relationship?

This isn't the FOX News Facebook page.--if you're going to make claims like that--get a verifiable trusted link to go along with it, as was done for all the evidence you have been asking for that was given to you on post # 19 on this thread.

This is not about Hillary Clinton, this is about Trump.

Partisan politics often leads to seeing the truth, knowing the truth while still defending and promoting the lies. Go back to post # 19 and try again.

Post#19 was too "busy". Go back and pull out top item and summarize it please. If that is found useful then you can do next important peice. Pareto it pls.
If Russia helped Trump win the election, please explain what they're getting for their help.

Hillary Clinton took a bribe from the Russians and they gained a huge pile of uranium.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Wouldn't the Russians have preferred Hillary, since they already had a great working relationship?

This isn't the FOX News Facebook page.--if you're going to make claims like that--get a verifiable trusted link to go along with it, as was done for all the evidence you have been asking for that was given to you on post # 19 on this thread.

This is not about Hillary Clinton, this is about Trump.

Partisan politics often leads to seeing the truth, knowing the truth while still defending and promoting the lies. Go back to post # 19 and try again.

Post#19 was too "busy". Go back and pull out top item and summarize it please. If that is found useful then you can do next important peice. Pareto it pls.

No I am not going to parse post # 19. It is in chronological order as to what has been going on for the last many months, and it is currently up to date.

It's not my problem that we've got a lot of new members on this board that haven't been paying any attention for the last several months or since Trump was inaugurated & or have been glued to right wing talk show hosts & other off brand news sites that haven't been reporting this information.
No double talk on my part, funny man. I said they didn't hack the voting machines but they did hack computers. If you see double talk in what I said you need therapy. You either have serious psychological problems or your reading comprehension and reasoning skills are woefully inadequate. .

You should have said the voter interfaces,and vote tabulators. The russians may have hacked the voter registration verification computers.
No double talk on my part, funny man. I said they didn't hack the voting machines but they did hack computers. If you see double talk in what I said you need therapy. You either have serious psychological problems or your reading comprehension and reasoning skills are woefully inadequate. .

You should have said the voter interfaces,and vote tabulators. The russians may have hacked the voter registration verification computers.

Hey, I never said I was perfect.
Obama set up contact with Iran, death to America. Sent them pallets of cash (in secret) but got caught. Snake Jarret brought into WH.

Trump tries to work with an ally. Obama is good, Trump is bad? Leftist goons lap it up like Mothers' milk. Oh please Wolfe Blitzer, may I have some more........hmmmm hmmmm good. feed me Jake....feed me.

Stupid lying DemWit Comey works on "Russia" for almost a year? A year! Now this new guy will start again? Can't re-use Comey crap and wrap it up quickly? correct?

Only in GOVT can anything so ridiculous be allowed to occur. Well maybe in the liberal lying courts?
Obama set up contact with Iran, death to America. Sent them pallets of cash (in secret) but got caught. Snake Jarret brought into WH.

Trump tries to work with an ally. Obama is good, Trump is bad? Leftist goons lap it up like Mothers' milk. Oh please Wolfe Blitzer, may I have some more........hmmmm hmmmm good. feed me Jake....feed me.

Stupid lying DemWit Comey works on "Russia" for almost a year? A year! Now this new guy will start again? Can't re-use Comey crap and wrap it up quickly? correct?

Only in GOVT can anything so ridiculous be allowed to occur. Well maybe in the liberal lying courts?
At a time Trump was benefitting from hacked Emails from the Russians.....why were key Trump aides meeting with the Russians?
Well, if I was a forum moderator, I think I would have conversation with the admin and other moderators to have all Trump-Russia threads put in the Conspiracy Theory section, because so far, that's all it is.
It is the right wing that insists, illegals voted. If, illegals voted, then the right wing must prove they all voted blue and not red. Low population red States can be more "easily influenced" by illegal voters.
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Hey, I never said I was perfect.

But you did claim:

Don't try to go one-on-one with me you mental midget. You are not in my league.

What you said has absolutely nothing to do with the issues discussed which were: Did Donald Trump collude with Russia to influence the election and did Russia hack the voting machines. You are just is intellectually disoriented and confused as CLOSEDCAPTION. He is not in my league and neither are you. I have always admitted that I am not the brightest bulb in the chandelier but you, my unenlightened adversary, have the intellectual luminosity of a single flickering birthday candle.

If you really believe that that what I said about CLOSED CAPTION is equivalent to me saying I was perfect, then you are a board certified USDA approved idiot Do you want to go one-on-one with me? Please say yes. I assure you that everyone on the USMB will be entertained.

I am primed and ready to engage you in debate. I am a 77-year old man with an MBA and JD (that's a doctorate in law). My refrigerator and pantry are fully stocked; all my bills are current; I have more $100,000 in cash for emergencies, my grass is freshly mowed and neither I my wife nor I have significant medial problems, Frankly, I am a tad bored and I look forward to the prospect of exposing you for the ignorant, arrogant asshole that you are.

C'mon, don't be a pussy. Let's get it on. Let's see what you got.
Obama set up contact with Iran, death to America. Sent them pallets of cash (in secret) but got caught. Snake Jarret brought into WH.

Trump tries to work with an ally. Obama is good, Trump is bad? Leftist goons lap it up like Mothers' milk. Oh please Wolfe Blitzer, may I have some more........hmmmm hmmmm good. feed me Jake....feed me.

Stupid lying DemWit Comey works on "Russia" for almost a year? A year! Now this new guy will start again? Can't re-use Comey crap and wrap it up quickly? correct?

Only in GOVT can anything so ridiculous be allowed to occur. Well maybe in the liberal lying courts?

Great post. I have no problem with those fools as long as they were not allowed to vote and couldn't reproduce.
Obama set up contact with Iran, death to America. Sent them pallets of cash (in secret) but got caught. Snake Jarret brought into WH.

Trump tries to work with an ally. Obama is good, Trump is bad? Leftist goons lap it up like Mothers' milk. Oh please Wolfe Blitzer, may I have some more........hmmmm hmmmm good. feed me Jake....feed me.

Stupid lying DemWit Comey works on "Russia" for almost a year? A year! Now this new guy will start again? Can't re-use Comey crap and wrap it up quickly? correct?

Only in GOVT can anything so ridiculous be allowed to occur. Well maybe in the liberal lying courts?
At a time Trump was benefitting from hacked Emails from the Russians.....why were key Trump aides meeting with the Russians?

At a time Trump was benefitting from hacked Emails from the Russians.....why were key Trump aides meeting with the Russians?

I tried to find some stuff for you in WikiLeaks massive email storage but PC crashed. First off there were several "events". Campaign Manager Podesta logged into an online box query.....They copied his email. The DNC was hacked or leaked. No one knows?

WikiLeaks catalogged and published as many of these emails as they felt like doing. Maybe they have more? Holding a Trump card so to speak. I don't know and you don't know either. How this has anything to do with "Russia" is not clear at this time. Seth Rich is more likely the DNC leaker. Podesta got tricked.
toobfreak, post: 17635934
No he hasn't! Where do you get that bull? He was just on TV two nights ago talking all about it! I wish I had written down his name so maybe I could link you to something on the web to look up!

His name is Kobach. I posted what he said Friday night on MSNBC.

He said it on live TV. Do you think MSNBC put an impersonator on TV and Kobach has not yet set the record straight.

Watch it live yourself.

Kris Kobach on Voter-Fraud Panel: 'Why Not Look at The Data'

". Appearing on MSNBC Friday, Kobach, who has a history of stoking fears about voter fraud, said the purpose of the panel wasn’t to confirm Trump’s unsubstantiated claim that millions voted illegally in the 2016 election. Kobach said Friday “we may never know” if that’s true."
Talk about tinfoil hats "Deep State"

That's nutjob talk for sure. thanks for pointing it out to those here wearing tinfoil hats their entire adult lives.

Yeah, it's insane to think that all those bureaucrats of the CIA/FBI/NASA, 'think' tanks, corporate puppets in congress etc. are anything other than loyal patriots, just executing the democratic wishes of the people....

Why worry about articles or what people say? If trump and the republicans are clean there should be no worries about the investigations.
Yeah, it's insane to think that all those bureaucrats of the CIA/FBI/NASA, 'think' tanks, corporate puppets in congress etc. are anything other than loyal patriots, just executing the democratic wishes of the people....

What democratic wishes of the people are you talking about? Is it the democratic wish of the people to have Russia freely decide who our President should be and have a President make decisions in Russia's interest?

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