In my fourth attempt to get information, I ask forum Democrats to provide proof that Russia...

Prove it lol
Is that funny to you?


Yes, you believing something without proof while begging for proof on things you don't believe is hilarious and duplicitous.
So no smoke with out fire? Yet you claim Trump is guilty of quaint


there are classified wiretaps to show Trump associates colluded with russians.

How much crack you smoking today fake Canadian?

Is it good?

That just the response I would expect from someone with proof
Russia hacking our voting machines? Which ones?

Russia putting out fake news? EVERYONE puts out fake news

Several people close to Trump lying about Russia contacts, you mean Flynn who did screw up

LOTS of people get money from Russia,

Trump telling Russia to find the emails? You mean that sarcastic remark

Russia and at least a half dozen other hostile countries have been breaking into computers all across this country

Not one denial that the info I presented was a lie. This poster just went post by post saying "yeah but.." then providing excuses for why it happened. Not that it didn't happen.


SEE? What, that you are a total ass wipe? What kind of total MORON is confronted with half a dozen denials and proofs that he ignores, then claims no denials or proofs were offered, and relabels them as all excuses. What a convenient way to "win" every argument, by never actually arguing! You merely claim to have invalidated the other party, so . . . . argument over. I shall not waste any more of my precious time trying to have an intelligent debate with a total toilet wand who uses a green clown face for himself while accusing others of being the clown.

You admitted to everything I said and never pointed out how I was wrong. So I win dummy.
Darkwind, post: 17634632
The media in this country is trying to influence the 2018 elections.

They are reporting facts, and opinion about those facts. They are reporting what Russia did as it is learned from intelligence and law enforcement. They are reporting what Trump and Trump's team did and didn't do and says.

If it influences the next election so be it. That is why we need a free press.

Sorry if you want a Trump press and that's it. We know where that leads.

You are a dark wind a blowin'.
I want an honest press. We've seen proof that these so-called media outlets are nothing more than employees of the Democrat party and their ideology. To top it all off, the information provided by WikiLeaks has been never been denied or disproven. So, who is actually telling the truth?

There is no 'there' there with the Russian collusion thing, we all know it. The fact that Russia provided information on a candidate in the US election is no different than an British newspaper reporting information on a candidate in a US election.

Interfering with our election can ONLY be done by changing a vote that has already been cast. Since we know that never happened, they have nothing.

Unless you want to say that information and the truth are the enemies of our system of governance.
toobfreak, post: 17634689
ANSWER: Because the fellow looking into this intends to cross the state databases with the federal to check parity and doing so will reveal all of the ILLEGAL ALIENS who voted not authorized in the federal database.

That fellow looking into this has denied what you have written to be untrue.

Do you take your comment back?

. Appearing on MSNBC Friday, Kobach, who has a history of stoking fears about voter fraud, said the purpose of the panel wasn’t to confirm Trump’s unsubstantiated claim that millions voted illegally in the 2016 election. Kobach said Friday “we may never know” if that’s true.

Trump Just Undermined The Work Of His Own 'Election Integrity' Probe | HuffPost

We will see if you hold yourself accountable for the erroneous comments you post here.
Darkwind, post: 17634736
There is no 'there' there with the Russian collusion thing, we all know it.

One of your problems; You alone are not speaking for all of us.

And to top it off there is no way for you yourself to know that there is no there there.

Why not admit it and stop deceiving yourself?
Darkwind, post: 17634736
There is no 'there' there with the Russian collusion thing, we all know it.

One of your problems; You alone are not speaking for all of us.

And to top it off there is no way for you yourself to know that there is no there there.

Why not admit it and stop deceiving yourself?
The people who are pushing have admitted to it. I have no need to speak for everyone. You can see it in their eyes and in the voracious manner in which they dive after every little tidbit only to turn away to the next when that one turns out to be nothing.

One thing is for certain. The US news media should be forced to file as 501(c)4 political entities.
Darkwind, post: 17634843
You can see it in their eyes and in the voracious manner in which they dive after every little tidbit only to turn away to the next when that one turns out to be nothing

Which ones have turned out to be nothing? The investigations have not concluded.
...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.
Constanze Stelzenmüller, a German at the Brookings Institute testified Wednesday before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Russian influence on the 2016 election. She said (paraphrasing):
We use paper ballots and have hardened security for the systems tallying the vote. We have consensus that the Russians do not interfere with the actual vote tally. What the Russians are trying to do is hack our brains. Influence our political perspectives using fake news and propaganda.

That is exactly what the Russians did in America in 2016. We should give a damn.
Sounds very like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, and a handful of Rags pretending to be newspapers.
? It was testimony before the Intelligence Committee 6/28 that I watched this morning on CSPAN. Straight from the horse's mouth. I happen to agree with her. That is the most important affect the Russians have meddling with any election.
I don't see how you can filter that through a political prism. Honest, I don't.
Let Me try this again.

The media in this country is trying to influence the 2018 elections. What they are doing is no different than what the Russians have done. So, if you think it was wrong for Rusisa to do this, then you must think it is wrong for the media to do this.
If our media is American, no, I don't think it is the same as Russia doing it. The American media may want a more liberal voice in Washington. That is what it is.
...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.
What credentials or experience do you have to indicate you would recognize evidence if it were shown to you? Evidence is often circumstantial and often a matter of subjective opinion. That is how you are able to deny or ignore evidence that is presented as a response to your inquiries.
Individuals connected to trump lied about contacts with Russian officials and contacts, even to the point of signing and submitting national security applications. That is evidence, but what you are looking for is a smoking gun, so you reject this evidence.
Did Putin make you vote Trump?
I and every other human on this planet IS affected by the information they take in. .

Old Lady, I like you. We often don't agree but I enjoy your POV nevertheless. But you greatly underestimate me. A Lilly grows in the pond but is yet not soiled by what it touches. Just because info is out there of all kinds does not mean all of it affects me. I am about the hardest person on the planet to sell anything to. I have a BS alarm about a mile wide. No Russians have influenced my thinking unless they made a valid point.
Good. A healthy dose of skepticism, especially when confronted with a guy in a suit, is a good thing. I do think we all were exposed to Russian attempts anyway.
What credentials or experience do you have to indicate you would recognize evidence if it were shown to you? Evidence is often circumstantial and often a matter of subjective opinion. That is how you are able to deny or ignore evidence that is presented as a response to your inquiries.
Individuals connected to trump lied about contacts with Russian officials and contacts, even to the point of signing and submitting national security applications. That is evidence, but what you are looking for is a smoking gun, so you reject this evidence.
My credentials are not the issue, your lack of evidence is the issue. And I note you have not provided me with a link to back up what you say. Surely, you must have something?
I just gave you something and as predicted, you go into denial and play stupid mode. Do you really need a link to show that trump associated got caught hiding meetings with Russian contacts? It's been front page news for months and the trump associates have admitted the contacts.
Your response indicates you are not serious or seeking an honest discussion. You obviously prefer a circle jerk kind of trash talking game with others who will agree with your opinions. Another truth bashing thread for the poorly informed and.or brainwashed cult of trump.
So someone talked to a Russian. Then what happened?
Then they fucked up our election and we got stuck with the orange shit-gibbon.

There is no proof the Russians did anything illegal in our election.
really? how do you know that? who told you that and why do you believe them?
Darkwind, post: 17634632
The media in this country is trying to influence the 2018 elections.

They are reporting facts, and opinion about those facts. They are reporting what Russia did as it is learned from intelligence and law enforcement. They are reporting what Trump and Trump's team did and didn't do and says.

If it influences the next election so be it. That is why we need a free press.

Sorry if you want a Trump press and that's it. We know where that leads.

You are a dark wind a blowin'.
I want an honest press. We've seen proof that these so-called media outlets are nothing more than employees of the Democrat party and their ideology. To top it all off, the information provided by WikiLeaks has been never been denied or disproven. So, who is actually telling the truth?

There is no 'there' there with the Russian collusion thing, we all know it. The fact that Russia provided information on a candidate in the US election is no different than an British newspaper reporting information on a candidate in a US election.

Interfering with our election can ONLY be done by changing a vote that has already been cast. Since we know that never happened, they have nothing.

Unless you want to say that information and the truth are the enemies of our system of governance.
Are you trying to tell me that Russia is providing us with information and the truth in order to "help" us with chosing our leaders?
I believe you're wrong. They want to help themselves, and distance us from NATO and Europe as much as possible, so that Russia can go in and turn half of Europe back into Russian satellites. Like the old days.
Darkwind, post: 17634632
The media in this country is trying to influence the 2018 elections.

They are reporting facts, and opinion about those facts. They are reporting what Russia did as it is learned from intelligence and law enforcement. They are reporting what Trump and Trump's team did and didn't do and says.

If it influences the next election so be it. That is why we need a free press.

Sorry if you want a Trump press and that's it. We know where that leads.

You are a dark wind a blowin'.
I want an honest press. We've seen proof that these so-called media outlets are nothing more than employees of the Democrat party and their ideology. To top it all off, the information provided by WikiLeaks has been never been denied or disproven. So, who is actually telling the truth?

There is no 'there' there with the Russian collusion thing, we all know it. The fact that Russia provided information on a candidate in the US election is no different than an British newspaper reporting information on a candidate in a US election.

Interfering with our election can ONLY be done by changing a vote that has already been cast. Since we know that never happened, they have nothing.

Unless you want to say that information and the truth are the enemies of our system of governance.
Are you trying to tell me that Russia is providing us with information and the truth in order to "help" us with chosing our leaders?
I believe you're wrong. They want to help themselves, and distance us from NATO and Europe as much as possible, so that Russia can go in and turn half of Europe back into Russian satellites. Like the old days.
Help us? No. But they have provided us with some truth. A truth that OUR media would never have exposed about Clinton or the DNC.

I don't think that a number or prominent news outlets in this country deserve protections under the 'media' clause of the First Amendment. They should be held to the same liability for their dishonesty that political action committees are held to. I, in fact, think they should register as PAC's and be subject to the same laws that PAC's are subject too.
Russia did not “hack” our voting machines .

They did apparently hack into computers (that's easy to do) but

See that double talk. They didn't hack but they did hack.

No double talk on my part, funny man. I said they didn't hack the voting machines but they did hack computers. If you see double talk in what I said you need therapy. You either have serious psychological problems or your reading comprehension and reasoning skills are woefully inadequate. Don't try to go one-on-one with me you mental midget. You are not in my league.

Now, since you offered no defense to what I said about you I will reasonably assume that you have nothing to offer.
Well, if I was a forum moderator, I think I would have conversation with the admin and other moderators to have all Trump-Russia threads put in the Conspiracy Theory section, because so far, that's all it is.

That's actually something that could be voted on.

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