In my fourth attempt to get information, I ask forum Democrats to provide proof that Russia...

Jantje_Smit, post: 17637737
Oh, I'm sure the orange twitter in chief and his $billionaire buddies have lots of crimes to hide but talking to Russians isn't evidence that the evil Putin stole Hillary's rightful crown

Since you don't live here guessing you don't know that anti Trump Americans are not saying Putin stole the election for Trump.

Attempted murder itself is a crime. Likewise foreign attempted interference in an an election is an attack on our democracy.

Russian democratic institutions are apparently not very precious as they are here.
Too lazy to read my replies I see. That was a British claim.

Please get informed.

After three months of UN inspections there were no claims such as that since no evidence of WMD had been found by the inspectors.

Revealed: the Iraqi colonel who told MI6 that Saddam could launch WMD within 45 ...
The Telegraph › uk › ... › Iraq
Dec 7, 2003 - Revealed: the Iraqi colonel who told MI6 that Saddam could launch WMD within 45 minutes. By Con Coughlin. 12:01AM GMT ...

Too lazy to get the point I see

But if you don't like that one, remember the yellow cake, aluminium tubes, mobile labs etc.? Remember how all those upstanding senators cheered the propaganda on? No need for any evidence, it was a slam dunk

So why believe them now?

Since you don't live here guessing you don't know that anti Trump Americans are not saying Putin stole the election for Trump.

I've been around 'discussing' american politics for a long time now (it's hobby I guess) and that's exactly what Hillary's brainwashed minions have been saying since the selections
Attempted murder itself is a crime. Likewise foreign attempted interference in an an election is an attack on our democracy.

You don't have a democracy comrade, just the illusion of one. Besides that, he point you keep avoiding is that there's less evidence of the vast Russian conspiracy than there was evidence of Saddam's WMD
Russian democratic institutions are apparently not very precious as they are here.

Who cares, that would be a problem for the Russians themselves and they seem to be quite happy with Putin

Russians hacked e-mails in an attempt, according to Democrats, to alter the 2016 elections.

By Comparison, This Is What The Democrats Did To TRY To Accomplish The Same Thing:

Rigged their primaries

Cheated during debates

Engaged in election fraud during their primaries

Protected a felon from going to jail just to keep her in the race

Allowed a felon, under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she DID commit, to stay in the race

Engaged in terrorism by threatening Electoral College Voters in an attempt to overturn the election results in Clinton's favor

Called for treasonous military coups

Called for the newly elected President's assassination

The former President and his administration illegally shared classified information, illegally unmasked Americans, and perpetrated felony Espionage in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected President

And snowflakes believe their fake news Russia interference is worse than what they did.

But if you don't like that one, remember the yellow cake, aluminium tubes, mobile labs etc.? Remember how all those upstanding senators cheered the propaganda on? No need for any evidence, it was a slam dunk

I got that your preceding point was a gross error. This one is equally invalid. Those beliefs were held by Senators when no Inspectors were in Iraq. By the time Bush decided to invade in March 2003 UN inspectors had debunked all three of your examples.

None of those were used by Bush to justify the invasion.

You need to pull your gun out of your holster before firing, you've shot yourself in the four times in a Row.
I got that your preceding point was a gross error. This one is equally invalid. Those beliefs were held by Senators when no Inspectors were in Iraq. By the time Bush decided to invade in March 2003 UN inspectors had debunked all three of your examples.

None of those were used by Bush to justify the invasion.

You need to pull your gun out of your holster before firing, you've shot yourself in the four times in a Row.

Damn, you just keep ignoring the basic point, let's keep it simple

Why do you think the words of paid corporate puppets in your corrupt congress are evidence of anything?

Russians hacked e-mails in an attempt, according to Democrats, to alter the 2016 elections.

By Comparison, This Is What The Democrats Did To TRY To Accomplish The Same Thing:

Rigged their primaries

Cheated during debates

Engaged in election fraud during their primaries

Protected a felon from going to jail just to keep her in the race

Allowed a felon, under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she DID commit, to stay in the race

Engaged in terrorism by threatening Electoral College Voters in an attempt to overturn the election results in Clinton's favor

Called for treasonous military coups

Called for the newly elected President's assassination

The former President and his administration illegally shared classified information, illegally unmasked Americans, and perpetrated felony Espionage in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected President

And snowflakes believe their fake news Russia interference is worse than what they did.

Again another diversion from the subject of Trumps involvement with the Russians
Not diversion, snowflake - TRUTH...REALITY.

A diversion is what the Fake News Trump-Russia Collusion story is, an attempt to distract from all the Democtats' crimes, subversion, sedition, and treason in attempting to steal what they could not win.
Not diversion, snowflake - TRUTH...REALITY.

A diversion is what the Fake News Trump-Russia Collusion story is, an attempt to distract from all the Democtats' crimes, subversion, sedition, and treason in attempting to steal what they could not win.
Unrelated to the investigation of the Trump campaign
Not diversion, snowflake - TRUTH...REALITY.

A diversion is what the Fake News Trump-Russia Collusion story is, an attempt to distract from all the Democtats' crimes, subversion, sedition, and treason in attempting to steal what they could not win.
Unrelated to the investigation of the Trump campaign

All you keep saying is Trumps people meeting with Russians, "talking points". No link, just talk. Is it illegal for private citizens to have meetings?

Look at the crap your Dims and MSM tried to hang on Sessions (most honorable in DC). Your track record indicates 100% unbelievability.
...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.
What credentials or experience do you have to indicate you would recognize evidence if it were shown to you? Evidence is often circumstantial and often a matter of subjective opinion. That is how you are able to deny or ignore evidence that is presented as a response to your inquiries.
Individuals connected to trump lied about contacts with Russian officials and contacts, even to the point of signing and submitting national security applications. That is evidence, but what you are looking for is a smoking gun, so you reject this evidence.
My credentials are not the issue, your lack of evidence is the issue. And I note you have not provided me with a link to back up what you say. Surely, you must have something?
I just gave you something and as predicted, you go into denial and play stupid mode. Do you really need a link to show that trump associated got caught hiding meetings with Russian contacts? It's been front page news for months and the trump associates have admitted the contacts.
Your response indicates you are not serious or seeking an honest discussion. You obviously prefer a circle jerk kind of trash talking game with others who will agree with your opinions. Another truth bashing thread for the poorly informed and.or brainwashed cult of trump.
So someone talked to a Russian. Then what happened?

You'll have to spend a little more time than 2 seconds on post # 19 on this thread & you can watch video's and read links and get answers to every question. No one is here to babysit you.

/----- Dems demanded proof Slick Willie had sex with Monica. The blue dress was produced. Slick Willie was proven a liar. That's what he means by providing evidence of Russian collusion. Hope that helps.

Sent from my iPhone using
Jantje_Smit, post: 17637778,
I've been around 'discussing' american politics for a long time now (it's hobby I guess) and that's exactly what Hillary's brainwashed minions have been saying since the selections

You are repeating US and Russian right wing propaganda of very common unintelligent variety? That is not 'discussing' that is parroting something. Not a robot, but close.
Not diversion, snowflake - TRUTH...REALITY.

A diversion is what the Fake News Trump-Russia Collusion story is, an attempt to distract from all the Democtats' crimes, subversion, sedition, and treason in attempting to steal what they could not win.
Unrelated to the investigation of the Trump campaign

All you keep saying is Trumps people meeting with Russians, "talking points". No link, just talk. Is it illegal for private citizens to have meetings?

Look at the crap your Dims and MSM tried to hang on Sessions (most honorable in DC). Your track record indicates 100% unbelievability.
Of course it is not illegal for private citizens to meet with Russians

But when the Russians are breaking our laws to help the Trump campaign and top representatives of Trumps campaign are meeting with the Russians while they are leaking is what is known as "suspicious"

Now, if Trump would only explain what they were meeting about....those suspicions would go away
Not diversion, snowflake - TRUTH...REALITY.

A diversion is what the Fake News Trump-Russia Collusion story is, an attempt to distract from all the Democtats' crimes, subversion, sedition, and treason in attempting to steal what they could not win.
Unrelated to the investigation of the Trump campaign

All you keep saying is Trumps people meeting with Russians, "talking points". No link, just talk. Is it illegal for private citizens to have meetings?

Look at the crap your Dims and MSM tried to hang on Sessions (most honorable in DC). Your track record indicates 100% unbelievability.
Of course it is not illegal for private citizens to meet with Russians

But when the Russians are breaking our laws to help the Trump campaign and top representatives of Trumps campaign are meeting with the Russians while they are leaking is what is known as "suspicious"

Now, if Trump would only explain what they were meeting about....those suspicions would go away
Sessions was not a private citizen when he met with Russians, nor is anyone else with official capacity with the government or a Presidential campaign. Lobbyist are required to register and some are required to register as agents. Flynn failed to register as a foreign agent. That is why he has registered "retroactively". Technically, Flynn has admitted to being a secret foreign agent. Let that sink in when discussing the legality of an American meeting with Russians. Flynn has admitted, by registering retroactively as a foreign agent, that he was a secret foreign agent.
Not diversion, snowflake - TRUTH...REALITY.

A diversion is what the Fake News Trump-Russia Collusion story is, an attempt to distract from all the Democtats' crimes, subversion, sedition, and treason in attempting to steal what they could not win.
Unrelated to the investigation of the Trump campaign

All you keep saying is Trumps people meeting with Russians, "talking points". No link, just talk. Is it illegal for private citizens to have meetings?

Look at the crap your Dims and MSM tried to hang on Sessions (most honorable in DC). Your track record indicates 100% unbelievability.
Of course it is not illegal for private citizens to meet with Russians

But when the Russians are breaking our laws to help the Trump campaign and top representatives of Trumps campaign are meeting with the Russians while they are leaking is what is known as "suspicious"

Now, if Trump would only explain what they were meeting about....those suspicions would go away
Sessions was not a private citizen when he met with Russians, nor is anyone else with official capacity with the government or a Presidential campaign. Lobbyist are required to register and some are required to register as agents. Flynn failed to register as a foreign agent. That is why he has registered "retroactively". Technically, Flynn has admitted to being a secret foreign agent. Let that sink in when discussing the legality of an American meeting with Russians. Flynn has admitted, by registering retroactively as a foreign agent, that he was a secret foreign agent.

Now Trump is going to claim dumb

He did not have any idea what his top staff was up to. He is the type of manager who likes to be kept in the dark
toobfreak, post: 17635934
No he hasn't! Where do you get that bull? He was just on TV two nights ago talking all about it! I wish I had written down his name so maybe I could link you to something on the web to look up!

His name is Kobach. I posted what he said Friday night on MSNBC.

He said it on live TV. Do you think MSNBC put an impersonator on TV and Kobach has not yet set the record straight.

Watch it live yourself.

Kris Kobach on Voter-Fraud Panel: 'Why Not Look at The Data'

". Appearing on MSNBC Friday, Kobach, who has a history of stoking fears about voter fraud, said the purpose of the panel wasn’t to confirm Trump’s unsubstantiated claim that millions voted illegally in the 2016 election. Kobach said Friday “we may never know” if that’s true."

That's the right guy, but I never said ANYTHING about his acting to confirm or deny Trump's claims! Though he might accomplish that indirectly. DO YOU HAVE A READING PROBLEM? Or is it all just MENTAL? He confirmed what I said he said, he is looking to get voter data to put up against the federal registry to see if there is any errors in the voter data, any dead people, any illegals, any inconsistencies to TEST just how good our voter data really is, whether it has been compromised, whether it is sound as a rock. All he is asking for is the public information to do what has been done a long time ago, to get to the TRUTH about what the democrats have been charging, accusing, denying, as to whether our voter database is ACCURATE, INACCURATE, COMPROMISED, SOUND, or whatever.

So why are so many people putting up a fight to find out??? Every american, every party, every state should be overjoyed to get this matter resolved, especially in light of all the accusations, and I hope this guy forces by law, digs, does whatever he has to do to get to the real truth.

I'd bet dollars to donuts that it turns out the democrats are hiding something HUGE. TIME TO FIND OUT. JUST ONCE, I'd like to see this country actually do something, and cooperate in getting it done, quickly, cheaply, efficiently, especially something so simple and basic as doing parity verification on our voter logs, instead of spending years in court fighting it every which way to Tuesday.

Is it the democratic wish of the people to have Russia freely decide who our President should be and have a President make decisions in Russia's interest?

Wow, imagine that. Another flaming jackass idiot who is either a total partisan political hack or a 100% obtuse bullshit idiot on the board. And ironically, fooled by EVERYTHING while claiming not fooled by anything. You make the fantastic leap to claiming that Russia is deciding our elections now without a whit of evidence ANYWHERE all the while Obama himself laughed at the idea just a few months ago. All Russia has done is TRY to get into databases, maybe put some shit out there, the same things they have done for many years, so if Russia determined THIS election,. then Russia determined both of Obama's elections, both of Bush's election, both of Clinton's elections--- ---where do you want to go with this, moron?

And have the President make decisions in Russia's interests? WHICH ONES? Name the decisions Trump has made in Russia's interests? NAME ONE??? Then I will give you a LONG list of decisions that Obama and Hillary DID DO in Russia's interests, including catching Obama on microphone TALKING ABOUT IT. Remember?

Of course you don't.

Of course you will claim something 180° opposite of know fact. You are what is known in the vernacular as a USEFUL IDIOT, a PLANT by the party, working cheaply, probably for free, stupid, brainwashed, plug full of bullshit sent out to try to infiltrate and spread around tying up message boards everywhere. Good thing I'm not the AG Sessions, I would label you guilty of sedition, a federal crime, hunt you down and lock you away as a danger to yourself and your country (if you even are a real person and legal citizen).
He is the type of manager who likes to be kept in the dark

You are the type of pernicious pinhead who can be counted on to say the exact opposite of long-established factual truth 100% of the time, never aware of what an idiot you actually make yourself out to be.
He is the type of manager who likes to be kept in the dark

You are the type of pernicious pinhead who can be counted on to say the exact opposite of long-established factual truth 100% of the time, never aware of what an idiot you actually make yourself out to be.
How else do you explain Trump not being aware that his top advisors were meeting with Russia at the time the emails were being leaked

Didn't Trump know it could look suspicious?

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