In my fourth attempt to get information, I ask forum Democrats to provide proof that Russia...

If you want to read links & watch video's of all the evidence that Robert Mueller is looking at--just go back to Page 2--post # 19 on this thread. It's in chronological order and is up to date.
Russians hacked e-mails in an attempt, according to Democrats, to alter the 2016 elections.

By Comparison, This Is What The Democrats Did To TRY To Accomplish The Same Thing:

Rigged their primaries

Cheated during debates

Engaged in election fraud during their primaries

Protected a felon from going to jail just to keep her in the race

Allowed a felon, under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she DID commit, to stay in the race

Engaged in terrorism by threatening Electoral College Voters in an attempt to overturn the election results in Clinton's favor

Called for treasonous military coups

Called for the newly elected President's assassination

The former President and his administration illegally shared classified information, illegally unmasked Americans, and perpetrated felony Espionage in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected President

And snowflakes believe their fake news Russia interference is worse than what they did.



Democrats on 2016 election:

1). Rigged their primaries
2). Cheated during debates
3). Engaged in election fraud during their primaries
4). Protected a felon from going to jail just to keep her in the race
5). Allowed a felon, under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she DID commit, to stay in the race
6). Engaged in terrorism by threatening Electoral College Voters in an attempt to overturn the election
7). Called for treasonous military coups
8). Called for the newly elected President's assassination
9). Obama and his administration illegally shared classified information
10). Obama and his administration illegally unmasked Americans
11). Obama and his administration perpetrated felony Espionage in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected President

So what do they worry about? Russia playing computer games as they have for many years all around the globe? Russia putting out 1/1000th the fake news that the Liberal media puts out every day and claiming it swayed votes? Trump's passing conversation with former FBI director, then firing him for broad incompetence and partisanship? Tweets? Trump's hair? His weight? His golf?

We have liberal news media literally calling for the President to meet him out in the street for a brawl. DEMOCRATS ARE PUNKS. They are the shitstain on our society. They are the aborted fetus of society. Democrats have so revealed who and what they really are, they have so shamed themselves, I can't wait for next year to really hand them their heads in the next election. Sorry, that was supposed to be Kathy Griffin's line while Madonna plots to blow up the White House.

If you want to read links & watch video's of all the evidence that Robert Mueller is looking at--just go back to Page 2--post # 19 on this thread. It's in chronological order and is up to date.

Oreo, the suggestion that all of Mueller's investigation data is available to the public in web links is bad enough, but if YOU are the source of it, then we are ALL in trouble!!!
toobfreak, post: 17640275
You make the fantastic leap to claiming that Russia is deciding our elections now without a whit of evidence

Liar. Never said that. Do you understand what a question is?

Answer my question.
NotfooledbyW, post: 17637392
What democratic wishes of the people are you talking about? Is it the democratic wish of the people to have Russia freely decide who our President should be and have a President make decisions in Russia's interest?

Are you an American? What is your answer?

Take special notice of my use of the word "freely" in my question. That appears to be what Trump voters want. No investigation at all.
If you want to read links & watch video's of all the evidence that Robert Mueller is looking at--just go back to Page 2--post # 19 on this thread. It's in chronological order and is up to date.

Oreo, the suggestion that all of Mueller's investigation data is available to the public in web links is bad enough, but if YOU are the source of it, then we are ALL in trouble!!!
Guess what?

You will never see all the evidence against Trump. Most of it is classified and they can't divulge how it was obtained

But lucky you....that means you get to claim that because you can't see it, it doesn't exist
Jantje_Smit, post: 17637574
Yes, don't you find it just a bit odd that after months of whining about the vast Russian conspiracy not a shred of evidence has been presented?

Jantje is responding to this:

NotfooledbyW, post: 17637504
Unfortunately it was the democratic wish in our electoral college system and a Supreme Court decision to place liars Bush and Cheney in the White House. I am certain Gore would not have made that call {to invade Iraq} even after the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks.

Jantje's mind is empty because my response there destroys his foreign driven disdain for US Democrats that somehow comes accompanied with the whackjob deep-state conspiracy theory that the US has no democracy because the so called deep state anti-democratic embedded underworld puppeteers are responsible for the US invasion of Iraq.
toobfreak, post: 17640275
. All Russia has done is TRY to get into databases, maybe put some shit out there, the same things they have done for many years, so if Russia determined THIS election,. then Russia determined both of Obama's elections, both of Bush's election, both of Clinton's elections--- ---where do you want to go with this, moron?

You are the moron. You are responding to me asking potentially a poster from Russia if the American people should or would accept Putin "freely" interfereing in our elections with no actions taken to stop it. I don't think any true patroliotic civic minded American would. Didn't know there are Americans such as yourself that don't appear to care.

Your assinine rant based on a lack of comprehension is proof positive that you are the only raging moron betwixt the two of us.

Take time and read more carefully before going on an unhinged name calling rant, please.
Not diversion, snowflake - TRUTH...REALITY.

A diversion is what the Fake News Trump-Russia Collusion story is, an attempt to distract from all the Democtats' crimes, subversion, sedition, and treason in attempting to steal what they could not win.
Unrelated to the investigation of the Trump campaign

All you keep saying is Trumps people meeting with Russians, "talking points". No link, just talk. Is it illegal for private citizens to have meetings?

Look at the crap your Dims and MSM tried to hang on Sessions (most honorable in DC). Your track record indicates 100% unbelievability.
Of course it is not illegal for private citizens to meet with Russians

But when the Russians are breaking our laws to help the Trump campaign and top representatives of Trumps campaign are meeting with the Russians while they are leaking is what is known as "suspicious"

Now, if Trump would only explain what they were meeting about....those suspicions would go away
Sessions was not a private citizen when he met with Russians, nor is anyone else with official capacity with the government or a Presidential campaign. Lobbyist are required to register and some are required to register as agents. Flynn failed to register as a foreign agent. That is why he has registered "retroactively". Technically, Flynn has admitted to being a secret foreign agent. Let that sink in when discussing the legality of an American meeting with Russians. Flynn has admitted, by registering retroactively as a foreign agent, that he was a secret foreign agent.

Now Trump is going to claim dumb

He did not have any idea what his top staff was up to. He is the type of manager who likes to be kept in the dark
Was Barry truly clueless about so many of his Cabinet picks being tax cheats in 2008, or did he simply not give a damn and just wanted what he wanted?
easyt65, post: 17642124
Was Barry truly clueless about so many of his Cabinet picks being tax cheats in 2008, or did he simply not give a damn and just wanted what he wanted?

Barry released his tax returns unlike the current goon in the White House?

The current conversation is about Trump potentially playing dumb on treason by himself or some of the goons he put on his election team. Of course Trump is the head goon.

It's not about failure to catch some tax errors by lower administration officials in 2008 that were quickly resolved.
Unrelated to the investigation of the Trump campaign

All you keep saying is Trumps people meeting with Russians, "talking points". No link, just talk. Is it illegal for private citizens to have meetings?

Look at the crap your Dims and MSM tried to hang on Sessions (most honorable in DC). Your track record indicates 100% unbelievability.
Of course it is not illegal for private citizens to meet with Russians

But when the Russians are breaking our laws to help the Trump campaign and top representatives of Trumps campaign are meeting with the Russians while they are leaking is what is known as "suspicious"

Now, if Trump would only explain what they were meeting about....those suspicions would go away
Sessions was not a private citizen when he met with Russians, nor is anyone else with official capacity with the government or a Presidential campaign. Lobbyist are required to register and some are required to register as agents. Flynn failed to register as a foreign agent. That is why he has registered "retroactively". Technically, Flynn has admitted to being a secret foreign agent. Let that sink in when discussing the legality of an American meeting with Russians. Flynn has admitted, by registering retroactively as a foreign agent, that he was a secret foreign agent.

Now Trump is going to claim dumb

He did not have any idea what his top staff was up to. He is the type of manager who likes to be kept in the dark
Was Barry truly clueless about so many of his Cabinet picks being tax cheats in 2008, or did he simply not give a damn and just wanted what he wanted?
That's it?

You are really scraping to come up with something
easyt65, post: 17642124
"]Barry released his tax returns unlike the current goon in the White House?
Nice attempt to dodge the question.

Was Barry stupid, clueless that the vast majority of his 2008 Cabinet candidates were tax avoiders / cheats or did he simply think - as he did his entire 8 years in office - that he could do whatever he wanted?

The man's Secretary of the TREASURY was a known TAX AVOIDER / CHEAT, lil' Timmy 'Tax Cheat' Geittner.

As far as Trump goes, Rachel Madcow humiliated herself by having to admit YES, TRUMP PAID HIS TAXES.

The LAST thing 'Barry Bobbleheads' should be doing is questioning anyone else's Transparency after Obama failed to fulfill his promise as 'Most Transparent Administration Evuh'.

The man set a RECORD for breaking the law - Most Non-Compliance With FOIA Requests By A US President!

Trump is not required by law to show his tax return. Barry WAS required by law to adhere to the FOIA...and CHOSE not to....after which / while doing so he was protected from being held legally accountable!
That's it? You are really scraping to come up with something
Pointing out Democrats are criminals and Barry sought to fill his Cabinet with criminals who took tX dollars as pay but refused to pay taxes?!

Pointing out how corrupt Barry's administration was is not 'scraping'. No pun intended...It's EASY!
GOP Activist Who Sought Clinton Emails Cited Trump Campaign Officials

GOP operative who sought Clinton emails cited Trump aides: report

A Republican activist who sought last year to obtain Hillary Clinton's personal emails that had been deleted from a private email server had included the names of top Trump campaign officials in a recruiting document, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday.

Among those listed in the document are now-White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, now-counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway, now-Agriculture Department policy adviser Sam Clovis and former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

The document is dated Sept. 7, 2016, according to the Journal.

Around that time, GOP activist Peter Smith began assembling a team of lawyers, tech experts and Russian-speaking investigators to obtain 33,000 of Clinton's private emails that he believed had been stolen by hackers.

Smith, who died last month shortly after speaking with the newspaper, said that his operation was not tied to the Trump campaign, and the recruiting document does not suggest that he was coordinating with campaign officials.

It is not clear why the former campaign officials were listed in the document.

Smith told the Journal that his operation had been in contact with several hacker groups, including two that he had suspected of being tied to the Russian government.
The Time I Got Recruited to Collude with the Russians
By Matt Tait

I read the Wall Street Journal’s article yesterday on attempts by a GOP operative to recover missing Hillary Clinton emails with more than usual interest. I was involved in the events that reporter Shane Harris described, and I was an unnamed source for the initial story. What’s more, I was named in, and provided the documents to Harris that formed the basis of, this evening’s follow-up story, which reported that “A longtime Republican activist who led an operation hoping to obtain Hillary Clinton emails from hackers listed senior members of the Trump campaign, including some who now serve as top aides in the White House, in a recruitment document for his effort”:


In my conversations with Smith and his colleague, I tried to stress this point: if this dark web contact is a front for the Russian government, you really don’t want to play this game. But they were not discouraged. They appeared to be convinced of the need to obtain Clinton’s private emails and make them public, and they had a reckless lack of interest in whether the emails came from a Russian cut-out. Indeed, they made it quite clear to me that it made no difference to them who hacked the emails or why they did so, only that the emails be found and made public before the election.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

Top-Secret NSA Report Details Russian Hacking Effort Days Before 2016 Election

Russian Cyber Hacks on U.S. Electoral System Far Wider Than Previously Known STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

Cybersecurity Expert Is Convinced Russia Was Behind DNC Hacking

NPR: Matt Tait is CEO of Capital Alpha Security, a British cybersecurity firm. I asked him why he was skeptical.

TAIT: Well, it just seemed to fantastical to be true. Russia has very good hackers. You know ,this is a government agency. So initially, what I decided, I’m going to prove Crowd Strike wrong.

NPR: They were hired by the Democratic National Committee to look into this.

TAIT: Absolutely. And so I basically went through all of the technical evidence published by them. I looked through the malware signatures they had come up with, and eventually what you start to discover is there’s a very large number of little pieces of information, some of which point to Russia, some of them point to Russia very, very strongly. And eventually, I came to the conclusion that there’s no other reasonable conclusion you can make.

NPR: Why couldn’t it have been any Joe Blow sitting in their bed, as Donald Trump suggested, masquerading as Russian and putting on a good disguise here?

TAIT: So there’s two different hacks that took place. There’s one hack that was of the DNC, and there was a different hack of John Podesta.

NPR: Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman.

TAIT: Absolutely. And there‘s a series of other smaller hacks of other Democratic members, but those are the two main hacks that took place. And the DNC hack used malware, it hacked into the DNC and placed malware on the DNC network, and we’re able to look at this malware and we’re able to analyze it and see where it talks to, which other companies have been hacked by similar malware, and quite quickly we’re able to see that this is malware that is communicating with servers that also were involved in the hack of the German parliament, the Bundestag. And one of the things that was very interesting is that this is a group we know quite well in the cybersecurity industry. This is a group called APT28. They’re very prolific. They’ve been involved in the hack of NATO organizations. They’ve been involved in the hack of journalists. They’ve been involved in the hack of people investigating the MH-17 airline that was shot down in Ukraine. And so this is a group that is so prolific that it is not really credible that this is an individual group.

NPR: Russia’s really good at this. Wouldn’t they disguise themselves better? Would Russia really want to put so many visible signs out there in the cybersecurity world that it was them and be identified?

TAIT: This wasn’t deliberate. They accidentally did this. And this is one of the problems of when you’re hacking at a really big scale, you look for efficiencies. There’s just not enough members of staff that Russia has in order to be able to hacks on this kind of scale and make sure they never screw up. What happens is that people make small mistakes, which means that when they’ve hacked a person A you might be able to say well that’s the same group, they’ve used the same malware, they’ve used the same control infrastructure as the hacker person B. Once you start to discover that there’s not just the DNC, there’s a thousand other people that have been hacked, all of whom are very narrowly tied to Russian military interests. The hacks of NATO, the hacks of the German parliament, the hacks of journalists reporting on things that Russia is not very happy about being reported on, you start quite quickly to build up this picture where in order for it to be someone else, it really has to be someone who is very prolific, who is doing this full time. There’s nobody else who would be willing to put that sort of cash, that sort of effort, into doing those types of hacks.

NPR: You said something very important there. You’re saying Russia, in your words, screwed up here.

TAIT: Absolutely. And this is normal. It’s actually very common that we see mistakes in malware, we see mistakes in hacking campaigns which allow us to work out who it was that did this.

NPR: Another major cybersecurity firm, Kaspersky Lab, very respected. We should mention Kaspersky is an NPR funder, and we do work with them on our computers. They said that there can be false flags. There can be a lack of reliable metrics. And Americans have gone through a situation with the Iraq War where there was talk of weapons of mass destruction, the intelligence community’s credibility was really called into question after that, but a President took this nation to war based on intelligence. I mean, are you absolutely certain here, or could we find later on down the road that there was some amazing hacker out there who was able to pull this off and make it look like Russia?

TAIT: One of the pieces of evidence that to me is more compelling than any other one is an email that was sent to John Podesta saying, hey we’re from Google, you need to change your password, and they sent him a link to click on. And when clicked on that link it took him to a page that wasn’t Google and asked him to input his password, and that’s how they hacked his account. But the URL shortening service that they used were able to basically look at the user that was logged in and discover all the other URLs they were shortening, and discovered this was not just the hack of John Podesta, it was the hack of a thousand people, and it becomes immediately, once you look at this, incredible to suggest this was a false flag operation. This was someone’s entire intelligence operation that was accidentally exposed due to this one error. So while false flag operations do exist and we have to always be on the lookout for them, the only plausible alternative explanation is that Russian intelligence was hacked. So it’s not credible to suggest this particular hack was a false flag operation.

NPR: It’s impossible that Russia’s intelligence community was hacked?

TAIT: In attribution, nothing is impossible, but this is about as impossible as it comes.

NPR: Matt Tait is founder and CEO of Capital Alpha Security, a cybersecurity firm in Britain. We should also note here Kaspersky Lab, whose doubts about the hack that we cited, has its headquarters in Moscow.

Face the Nation transcript April 2, 2017: Haley, Cornyn, King

DICKERSON: Vladimir Putin said that Russia did not interfere in the U.S. election. Did he lie?

HALEY: Well, I have always said we don’t trust Russia. And I think we’re all aware that Russia was involved in the elections.

You're welcome.
Why hasn't Debbie Wasserman-Schultz been PERP WALKED IN HANDCUFFS yet for hiring 3 pakistani terrorist-connected spies...TWICE, ignoring a House Ban, ignoring an espionage invetigation, and giving 3 Pakistani terrorist-connected spies who had no security clearances - but did have criminal records - access to classified House Files...even after they were caught and fired?
...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.
Clinton and the DNC got caught rigging the election and then they made up the TrumPutin conspiracy theory as a distraction.

A lot of SADFIs voted Democrat anyways, but the dems still got their asses handed to them bit by bit.
Why hasn't Debbie Wasserman-Schultz been PERP WALKED IN HANDCUFFS yet for hiring 3 pakistani terrorist-connected spies...TWICE, ignoring a House Ban, ignoring an espionage invetigation, and giving 3 Pakistani terrorist-connected spies who had no security clearances - but did have criminal records - access to classified House Files...even after they were caught and fired?

VERY GOOD QUESTIONS. If the laws were actually applied, I suspect a third to half the democratic party would be behind bars! The question is why is none of this investigated? Even when investigated, why does nothing ever come out of it? I suspect Dale has the answers. ; ^ ) I would suggest we twist him by the wrist to tell us but that would be too cruel.
If you want to read links & watch video's of all the evidence that Robert Mueller is looking at--just go back to Page 2--post # 19 on this thread. It's in chronological order and is up to date.

Oreo, the suggestion that all of Mueller's investigation data is available to the public in web links is bad enough, but if YOU are the source of it, then we are ALL in trouble!!!
Guess what?

You will never see all the evidence against Trump. Most of it is classified and they can't divulge how it was obtained

But lucky you....that means you get to claim that because you can't see it, it doesn't exist

If it doesn't exist there wouldn't be two ongoing criminal investigations regarding it right now. One for Flynn & Russian collusion, and another for Obstruction of Justice.

Clearly there is much more to this that we don't know,, nor will we know until this investigation is complete. I was posting what we do know on Page 2 post # 19 on this thread.

Everyone has been told to clam up and lawyer up which is what they've been doing.

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham on Thursday said it’s clear that after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein briefed the Senate on the investigation into Russian involvement in the presidential electionthat it has become a criminal probe.“The shock to the body is that this is now a criminal investigation,” Graham (R-SC) told reporters moments after he exited the Senate chamber. He said now that it has become a criminal investigation instead of an counterintelligence probe Congress may be impeded in carrying out its own examinations.“You’ve got a special counsel who has prosecutorial powers now, and I think we in Congress have to be very careful not to interfere,” Graham said. “Public access to this is probably going to be very limited now. It’s going to really limit what the public will know about this.”
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If it doesn't exist there wouldn't be two ongoing criminal investigations regarding it right now. One for Flynn & Russian collusion, and another for Obstruction of Justice.

Tell me Oreo, I am a Special Investigator with virtually unlimited power. Even the President of the United States must comply with me. I have a whole team, a virtual Who's Who of top attorneys to assist me. You hire me to look into a suspicion of Obstruction of Justice. Obstruct what? Interfere with an ongoing investigation into Flynn. It all centers around a few comments made one afternoon in a room.

Now, how long does that take to look into? Minutes, hours, days?

What would you think if after WEEKS, I still hadn't come to a conclusion? Months? Just WTF have I been doing? If you hired me to "investigate" such a matter and still could not reach a conclusion after many weeks, all the while charging huge fees, what would you think of your decision to hire me?

Can you think of a single job out there where such delays would be permissible and tolerated? IN ANY OTHER POSITION, such slowness would be deemed incompetence and get you fired. Why then do we look upon investigators and instead call it "thoroughness?" The longer they spend, the more "thorough" and "competent" we call them, yet in ANY OTHER FIELD, you would be seen the other way!

JUST HOW LONG does it take to decide if a few comments made over a 2 minute period constitutes Obstruction of an Investigation? And how long does it really take to decide whether a person's actions constitute colluding, working with another party or not? Especially when you have absolute power to order any and all materials available disclosed to you at the snap of a finger?
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