In my fourth attempt to get information, I ask forum Democrats to provide proof that Russia...

...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.

Why are you asking USMB members to prove something that is part of an ongoing investigation?

So far what we know is that Russia tried to influence the election- and that there is no evidence of collusion.

Hopefully- the investigation will conclude with more answers- including concluding that there was no collusion.

Meanwhile- if you want more information about Russia's attempt to corrupt our election, I refer you to the testimony of the FBI and CIA chiefs.

What proof came out of the testimony?
No evidence of a crime.
No evidence of criminal activity.
No evidence of collusion.
There is no proof other than that nonsensical story "17 Intelligence Agencies"......what a crock.

note: Day 1 I asked. $20T debt. Why do we have at least 17 "intelligence agencies". I am always out front. Combine down to TWO. Foreign and Domestic. Done. Cut Cut Cut.

Turns out the 17 intelligence agencies was actually only 4.
There really are 17 U.S. Intelligence agencies, & I can name every one of them.
There is no proof other than that nonsensical story "17 Intelligence Agencies"......what a crock.

note: Day 1 I asked. $20T debt. Why do we have at least 17 "intelligence agencies". I am always out front. Combine down to TWO. Foreign and Domestic. Done. Cut Cut Cut.

Turns out the 17 intelligence agencies was actually only 4.
There really are 17 U.S. Intelligence agencies, & I can name every one of them.

Well good for you, Junior. Now all you need to work on is your reading skills. No one was disputing the existence of the 17 agencies, only the number who had the info in question. Four of them, not all seventeen.
...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.

Why are you asking USMB members to prove something that is part of an ongoing investigation?

So far what we know is that Russia tried to influence the election- and that there is no evidence of collusion.

Hopefully- the investigation will conclude with more answers- including concluding that there was no collusion.

Meanwhile- if you want more information about Russia's attempt to corrupt our election, I refer you to the testimony of the FBI and CIA chiefs.

What proof came out of the testimony?

No one is on this board to babysit you. If you haven't been paying any attention to Senate testimony it's your problem, no one elses.

The CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security along with 14 other intelligence agencies are all in agreement that Russia hacked into the DNC databases. James Comey and others have already testified to that.
Why Experts Think Russia Hacked the DNC Emails

The only one that has continually denied it, (until Senate Intelligence committee members broke down his door, and he had a change of mind) was Trump.


Now if you want to go back to page 2--post # 19 on this thread you'll find Trump's involvement into this now Russian criminal investigation, and he himself is now under criminal investigation for Obstruction of Justice--an impeachable offense. You will find out what we know now.
Wash. Post: Mueller investigating Trump for obstruction -

Keeping in mind that this investigation is ongoing, and since it is now a criminal investigation, and no longer just a congressional probe, as Lindsey Graham explained, there won't be as much public information coming out, as they have all been told to clam up and lawyer up--which is what they've been doing.
Last edited:
There is no proof other than that nonsensical story "17 Intelligence Agencies"......what a crock.

note: Day 1 I asked. $20T debt. Why do we have at least 17 "intelligence agencies". I am always out front. Combine down to TWO. Foreign and Domestic. Done. Cut Cut Cut.

Turns out the 17 intelligence agencies was actually only 4.
There really are 17 U.S. Intelligence agencies, & I can name every one of them.

Well good for you, Junior. Now all you need to work on is your reading skills. No one was disputing the existence of the 17 agencies, only the number who had the info in question. Four of them, not all seventeen.
There are myriad ways all 17 agencies could have been involved. Whether by direct involvement or by some other validation iit is possible for all 17 agencies to concur. What makes you so sure that didn't happen?
There is no proof other than that nonsensical story "17 Intelligence Agencies"......what a crock.

note: Day 1 I asked. $20T debt. Why do we have at least 17 "intelligence agencies". I am always out front. Combine down to TWO. Foreign and Domestic. Done. Cut Cut Cut.

Turns out the 17 intelligence agencies was actually only 4.
There really are 17 U.S. Intelligence agencies, & I can name every one of them.

Well good for you, Junior. Now all you need to work on is your reading skills. No one was disputing the existence of the 17 agencies, only the number who had the info in question. Four of them, not all seventeen.
There are myriad ways all 17 agencies could have been involved. Whether by direct involvement or by some other validation iit is possible for all 17 agencies to concur. What makes you so sure that didn't happen?

It was originally British intelligence (a member of the 5 eyes--countries that share intelligence with us)--that notified the CIA about all this contact between Trump associates and Russia.

Britain's Government Communications Headquarters became aware of suspicious "interactions" between associates of Donald Trump and suspected or known Russian operatives in late 2015. The European agencies "were saying: 'There are contacts going on between people close to Mr. Trump and people we believe are Russian intelligence agents. You should be wary of this.' The message was: 'Watch out. There's something not right here.'" The Guardian reported on Thursday.
'There's something not right here': British spies warned the US about 'extensive' contact between Trump team and Russia

Then the CIA warned the FBI
The CIA alerted the FBI to a troubling pattern of contacts between Russian officials and associates of the Trump campaign last year, former agency director John Brennan testified on Tuesday, shedding new light on the origin of a criminal probe that now reaches into the White House.
CIA director alerted FBI to pattern of contacts between Russian officials and Trump campaign associates

It blew up when Trump surrogates met the Russian ambassador at the RNC convention in July and actually sat down with him to write foreign policy--(on an election they were even close to winning.)

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

This is also when James Comey testified that the Russian investigation started.
Comey says FBI began investigation into Russia meddling in July

Just last week, Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort, was forced to register as a Foreign agent by the DOJ--receiving 17 million dollars from Russia for work he did for them in the 2012-2014 era--regarding the Ukraine--Russia-- in relation to policy of the United States.
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent

Go back to page 2 post # 19 and you'll learn a lot more.
Last edited:
There is no proof other than that nonsensical story "17 Intelligence Agencies"......what a crock.

note: Day 1 I asked. $20T debt. Why do we have at least 17 "intelligence agencies". I am always out front. Combine down to TWO. Foreign and Domestic. Done. Cut Cut Cut.

Turns out the 17 intelligence agencies was actually only 4.
There really are 17 U.S. Intelligence agencies, & I can name every one of them.

Well good for you, Junior. Now all you need to work on is your reading skills. No one was disputing the existence of the 17 agencies, only the number who had the info in question. Four of them, not all seventeen.
There are myriad ways all 17 agencies could have been involved. Whether by direct involvement or by some other validation iit is possible for all 17 agencies to concur. What makes you so sure that didn't happen?

It was originally British intelligence (a member of the 5 eyes--countries that share intelligence with us)--that notified the CIA about all this contact between Trump associates and Russia.

Britain's Government Communications Headquarters became aware of suspicious "interactions" between associates of Donald Trump and suspected or known Russian operatives in late 2015. The European agencies "were saying: 'There are contacts going on between people close to Mr. Trump and people we believe are Russian intelligence agents. You should be wary of this.' The message was: 'Watch out. There's something not right here.'" The Guardian reported on Thursday.
'There's something not right here': British spies warned the US about 'extensive' contact between Trump team and Russia

Then the CIA warned the FBI
The CIA alerted the FBI to a troubling pattern of contacts between Russian officials and associates of the Trump campaign last year, former agency director John Brennan testified on Tuesday, shedding new light on the origin of a criminal probe that now reaches into the White House.
CIA director alerted FBI to pattern of contacts between Russian officials and Trump campaign associates

It blew up when Trump surrogates met the Russian ambassador at the RNC convention in July and actually sat down with him to write foreign policy--(on an election they were even close to winning.)

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

This is also when James Comey testified that the Russian investigation started.
Comey says FBI began investigation into Russia meddling in July

Just last week, Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort, was forced to register as a Foreign agent by the DOJ--receiving 17 million dollars from Russia for work he did for them in the 2012-2014 era--regarding the Ukraine--Russia-- in relation to policy of the United States.
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent

Go back to page 2 post # 19 and you'll learn a lot more.
The following excerpt from post #19 was the only relevance I saw there pertaining to U.S. Intelligence involvement in the Trump/associates Russian scandal.
Frankly, that blurb is ambiguous at best. The word "source" is made plural to indicate multiple agencies warned Israeli Intelligence of apparent skulduggery but stops short of enumeration or identification of those agencies.

t appears that U.S. Intelligence sources warned Israeli Intelligence to not give sensitive information to Trump, out of concern that he was compromised by the Russians.
The source of the intel Trump shared with Russia reportedly was warned months ago not to give it to him

US spies 'warned Israel not to share intelligence with Trump'

That excerpt from post #19 is better supported by this:

Quietly oh so quietly the New York Times issued a mega correction to the claim that all 17 agencies agreed it was the Russians.

You know the one. The one all the freaking liberal left wing whackos have been quoting all these months.


Correction: June 29, 2017
A White House Memo article on Monday about President Trump’s deflections and denials about Russia referred incorrectly to the source of an intelligence assessment that said Russia orchestrated hacking attacks during last year’s presidential election.

The assessment was made by four intelligence agencies — the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency. The assessment was not approved by all 17 organizations in the American intelligence community.

Trump’s Deflections and Denials on Russia Frustrate Even His Allies

Well, I thought that summed it up until I read this:

Clapper was the head of the DNI and said that he represented all the other agencies under him, and all of the heads of those agencies agreed with his assessment.

No, only 4 actively took part in the intelligence gathering process. You have your stuff backwards. He represents 14 total agencies, and he spoke with the leaders of the other agencies and shared the intelligence with them, and they all agreed Russia hacked the election.

All agencies agreed with Clapper's assessment.

After sifting through all of the above, I found myself holding onto my original premise that all 17 agencies had some part in collecting or adding some component to collecting evidence of Russian hacking. That 4 agencies assessed the collected evidence didn't change my mind. Obscure semantics and lexicon obfuscation could work either way here. As an aside, I don't find it unreasonable to think each of the 17 U.S. Intelligence agencies have Russian operatives under some kind of surveillance. I would surmise that those 17 reports are coordinated frequently, probably by the CIA. It sounds good!
Oh for crying freaking out loud do you left wing whackos now believe Clapper was lying when he said there were only four agencies that signed on? He specifically states and here's the key that as far as he knew no one disagreed with the report.

That's one hell of a far cry from "all 17 agencies agreed...."

His testimony:

While the U.S. Intelligence Community is indeed made up of 17 agencies, Clapper made clear in his testimony yesterday that the community’s assessments regarding alleged Russian interference were not the product of all seventeen agencies but of three – the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the National Security Agency (NSA).

Referring to the assessments, Clapper stated: “As you know, the I.C. was a coordinated product from three agencies; CIA, NSA and the FBI, not all 17 components of the intelligence community. Those three under the aegis of my former office.”

Later in the hearing, Clapper corrected Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) when Franken claimed that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies concluded Russia attempted to influence the election.

Here is a transcript of that exchange:

FRANKEN: And I want to thank General Clapper and – and Attorney General Yates for – for appearing today. We have – the intelligence communities have concluded all 17 of them that Russia interfered with this election. And we all know how that’s right.

CLAPPER: Senator, as I pointed out in my statement Senator Franken, it was there were only three agencies that directly involved in this assessment plus my office…

FRANKEN: But all 17 signed on to that?

CLAPPER: Well, we didn’t go through that – that process, this was a special situation because of the time limits and my – what I knew to be to who could really contribute to this and the sensitivity of the situation, we decided it was a constant judgment to restrict it to those three. I’m not aware of anyone who dissented or – or disagreed when it came out.

The January 6 U.S. intelligence community report is titled, “Background to ‘Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections’: The Analytic Process and Cyber Incident Attribution.”

The report makes clear it is a product of three intelligence agencies and not 17.

James Clapper Corrects Left’s Narrative On Russia Election Interference: 'Not All 17' Intel Agencies Affirmed

James Clapper Corrects Left’s Narrative On Russia Election Interference: 'Not All 17' Intel Agencies Affirmed
Turns out the 17 intelligence agencies was actually only 4.
There really are 17 U.S. Intelligence agencies, & I can name every one of them.

Well good for you, Junior. Now all you need to work on is your reading skills. No one was disputing the existence of the 17 agencies, only the number who had the info in question. Four of them, not all seventeen.
There are myriad ways all 17 agencies could have been involved. Whether by direct involvement or by some other validation iit is possible for all 17 agencies to concur. What makes you so sure that didn't happen?

It was originally British intelligence (a member of the 5 eyes--countries that share intelligence with us)--that notified the CIA about all this contact between Trump associates and Russia.

Britain's Government Communications Headquarters became aware of suspicious "interactions" between associates of Donald Trump and suspected or known Russian operatives in late 2015. The European agencies "were saying: 'There are contacts going on between people close to Mr. Trump and people we believe are Russian intelligence agents. You should be wary of this.' The message was: 'Watch out. There's something not right here.'" The Guardian reported on Thursday.
'There's something not right here': British spies warned the US about 'extensive' contact between Trump team and Russia

Then the CIA warned the FBI
The CIA alerted the FBI to a troubling pattern of contacts between Russian officials and associates of the Trump campaign last year, former agency director John Brennan testified on Tuesday, shedding new light on the origin of a criminal probe that now reaches into the White House.
CIA director alerted FBI to pattern of contacts between Russian officials and Trump campaign associates

It blew up when Trump surrogates met the Russian ambassador at the RNC convention in July and actually sat down with him to write foreign policy--(on an election they were even close to winning.)

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

This is also when James Comey testified that the Russian investigation started.
Comey says FBI began investigation into Russia meddling in July

Just last week, Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort, was forced to register as a Foreign agent by the DOJ--receiving 17 million dollars from Russia for work he did for them in the 2012-2014 era--regarding the Ukraine--Russia-- in relation to policy of the United States.
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent

Go back to page 2 post # 19 and you'll learn a lot more.
The following excerpt from post #19 was the only relevance I saw there pertaining to U.S. Intelligence involvement in the Trump/associates Russian scandal.
Frankly, that blurb is ambiguous at best. The word "source" is made plural to indicate multiple agencies warned Israeli Intelligence of apparent skulduggery but stops short of enumeration or identification of those agencies.

t appears that U.S. Intelligence sources warned Israeli Intelligence to not give sensitive information to Trump, out of concern that he was compromised by the Russians.
The source of the intel Trump shared with Russia reportedly was warned months ago not to give it to him

US spies 'warned Israel not to share intelligence with Trump'

That excerpt from post #19 is better supported by this:

Quietly oh so quietly the New York Times issued a mega correction to the claim that all 17 agencies agreed it was the Russians.

You know the one. The one all the freaking liberal left wing whackos have been quoting all these months.


Correction: June 29, 2017
A White House Memo article on Monday about President Trump’s deflections and denials about Russia referred incorrectly to the source of an intelligence assessment that said Russia orchestrated hacking attacks during last year’s presidential election.

The assessment was made by four intelligence agencies — the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency. The assessment was not approved by all 17 organizations in the American intelligence community.

Trump’s Deflections and Denials on Russia Frustrate Even His Allies

Well, I thought that summed it up until I read this:

Clapper was the head of the DNI and said that he represented all the other agencies under him, and all of the heads of those agencies agreed with his assessment.

No, only 4 actively took part in the intelligence gathering process. You have your stuff backwards. He represents 14 total agencies, and he spoke with the leaders of the other agencies and shared the intelligence with them, and they all agreed Russia hacked the election.

All agencies agreed with Clapper's assessment.

After sifting through all of the above, I found myself holding onto my original premise that all 17 agencies had some part in collecting or adding some component to collecting evidence of Russian hacking. That 4 agencies assessed the collected evidence didn't change my mind. Obscure semantics and lexicon obfuscation could work either way here. As an aside, I don't find it unreasonable to think each of the 17 U.S. Intelligence agencies have Russian operatives under some kind of surveillance. I would surmise that those 17 reports are coordinated frequently, probably by the CIA. It sounds good!

James Clapper admitted that he wouldn't have been privy to all of this information--as I agree with you that intelligence was coming in from everywhere (not just the CIA or FBI.) Another thing that is interesting--after Barack Obama watched what James Comey did to Hillary Clinton--would have trusted him to be the source of information or lead on this investigation. I think not. Comey was also and stll is under investigation for his interference into this election.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Remember it was Obama that ordered this investigation to be done before he left office. And it is stated that he preserved intelligence, meaning he had no intentions of turning it over to James Comey or the Trump administration or anyone with an R behind their name.

In the final hours of Barack Obama's presidency, some White House officials reportedly raced to spread and preserve information about possible communications between associates of then-candidate Donald Trump and Russians. The New York Times, citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

So this indicates that most of this intelligence is coming in from other places and not just U.S. sources. Clearly Trump and his associates were being closely watched by several foreign intelligence agencies that share information with us.
Last edited:
There really are 17 U.S. Intelligence agencies, & I can name every one of them.

Well good for you, Junior. Now all you need to work on is your reading skills. No one was disputing the existence of the 17 agencies, only the number who had the info in question. Four of them, not all seventeen.
There are myriad ways all 17 agencies could have been involved. Whether by direct involvement or by some other validation iit is possible for all 17 agencies to concur. What makes you so sure that didn't happen?

It was originally British intelligence (a member of the 5 eyes--countries that share intelligence with us)--that notified the CIA about all this contact between Trump associates and Russia.

Britain's Government Communications Headquarters became aware of suspicious "interactions" between associates of Donald Trump and suspected or known Russian operatives in late 2015. The European agencies "were saying: 'There are contacts going on between people close to Mr. Trump and people we believe are Russian intelligence agents. You should be wary of this.' The message was: 'Watch out. There's something not right here.'" The Guardian reported on Thursday.
'There's something not right here': British spies warned the US about 'extensive' contact between Trump team and Russia

Then the CIA warned the FBI
The CIA alerted the FBI to a troubling pattern of contacts between Russian officials and associates of the Trump campaign last year, former agency director John Brennan testified on Tuesday, shedding new light on the origin of a criminal probe that now reaches into the White House.
CIA director alerted FBI to pattern of contacts between Russian officials and Trump campaign associates

It blew up when Trump surrogates met the Russian ambassador at the RNC convention in July and actually sat down with him to write foreign policy--(on an election they were even close to winning.)

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

This is also when James Comey testified that the Russian investigation started.
Comey says FBI began investigation into Russia meddling in July

Just last week, Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort, was forced to register as a Foreign agent by the DOJ--receiving 17 million dollars from Russia for work he did for them in the 2012-2014 era--regarding the Ukraine--Russia-- in relation to policy of the United States.
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent

Go back to page 2 post # 19 and you'll learn a lot more.
The following excerpt from post #19 was the only relevance I saw there pertaining to U.S. Intelligence involvement in the Trump/associates Russian scandal.
Frankly, that blurb is ambiguous at best. The word "source" is made plural to indicate multiple agencies warned Israeli Intelligence of apparent skulduggery but stops short of enumeration or identification of those agencies.

t appears that U.S. Intelligence sources warned Israeli Intelligence to not give sensitive information to Trump, out of concern that he was compromised by the Russians.
The source of the intel Trump shared with Russia reportedly was warned months ago not to give it to him

US spies 'warned Israel not to share intelligence with Trump'

That excerpt from post #19 is better supported by this:

Quietly oh so quietly the New York Times issued a mega correction to the claim that all 17 agencies agreed it was the Russians.

You know the one. The one all the freaking liberal left wing whackos have been quoting all these months.


Correction: June 29, 2017
A White House Memo article on Monday about President Trump’s deflections and denials about Russia referred incorrectly to the source of an intelligence assessment that said Russia orchestrated hacking attacks during last year’s presidential election.

The assessment was made by four intelligence agencies — the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency. The assessment was not approved by all 17 organizations in the American intelligence community.

Trump’s Deflections and Denials on Russia Frustrate Even His Allies

Well, I thought that summed it up until I read this:

Clapper was the head of the DNI and said that he represented all the other agencies under him, and all of the heads of those agencies agreed with his assessment.

No, only 4 actively took part in the intelligence gathering process. You have your stuff backwards. He represents 14 total agencies, and he spoke with the leaders of the other agencies and shared the intelligence with them, and they all agreed Russia hacked the election.

All agencies agreed with Clapper's assessment.

After sifting through all of the above, I found myself holding onto my original premise that all 17 agencies had some part in collecting or adding some component to collecting evidence of Russian hacking. That 4 agencies assessed the collected evidence didn't change my mind. Obscure semantics and lexicon obfuscation could work either way here. As an aside, I don't find it unreasonable to think each of the 17 U.S. Intelligence agencies have Russian operatives under some kind of surveillance. I would surmise that those 17 reports are coordinated frequently, probably by the CIA. It sounds good!

James Clapper admitted that he wouldn't have been privy to all of this information--as I agree with you that intelligence was coming in from everywhere (not just the CIA or FBI.) Another thing that is interesting--after Barack Obama watched what James Comey did to Hillary Clinton--would have trusted him to be the source of information or lead on this investigation. I think not. Comey was also and stll is under investigation for his interference into this election.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Remember it was Obama that ordered this investigation to be done before he left office. And it is stated that he preserved intelligence, meaning he had no intentions of turning it over to James Comey or the Trump administration or anyone with an R behind their name.

In the final hours of Barack Obama's presidency, some White House officials reportedly raced to spread and preserve information about possible communications between associates of then-candidate Donald Trump and Russians. The New York Times, citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

So this indicates that most of this intelligence is coming in from other places and not just U.S. sources. Clearly Trump and his associates were being closely watched by several foreign intelligence agencies that share information with us.
Haven't you wondered why foreign intelligence agencies were watching Trump and his associates so closely? For one thing, his anti-NATO stance got their attention.But don't think our intelligence agencies didn't notice also.
And when Trump decided to publicly deride U.S. Intelligence he just did not know what he was getting himself into.
I suspect the U.S. Intelligence agencies knew about the Trump/associates connections to Russia before the foreign agencies did. But when it became clearer that Trump would be president, the U.S. agencies shared the data with foreign associate agencies to act as surrogates in disseminating Information that would have been problematic for U.S. intelligence to make public.
...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.

Why are you asking USMB members to prove something that is part of an ongoing investigation?

So far what we know is that Russia tried to influence the election- and that there is no evidence of collusion.

Hopefully- the investigation will conclude with more answers- including concluding that there was no collusion.

Meanwhile- if you want more information about Russia's attempt to corrupt our election, I refer you to the testimony of the FBI and CIA chiefs.

What proof came out of the testimony?

No one is on this board to babysit you. If you haven't been paying any attention to Senate testimony it's your problem, no one elses.

The CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security along with 14 other intelligence agencies are all in agreement that Russia hacked into the DNC databases. James Comey and others have already testified to that.
Why Experts Think Russia Hacked the DNC Emails

The only one that has continually denied it, (until Senate Intelligence committee members broke down his door, and he had a change of mind) was Trump.


Now if you want to go back to page 2--post # 19 on this thread you'll find Trump's involvement into this now Russian criminal investigation, and he himself is now under criminal investigation for Obstruction of Justice--an impeachable offense. You will find out what we know now.
Wash. Post: Mueller investigating Trump for obstruction -

Keeping in mind that this investigation is ongoing, and since it is now a criminal investigation, and no longer just a congressional probe, as Lindsey Graham explained, there won't be as much public information coming out, as they have all been told to clam up and lawyer up--which is what they've been doing.

Clapper disagrees with you that all 17 agencies agreed.
g5000, post: 17648213
Evidence? I see no evidence!

You are a good looking monkey for sure.

You see when you cover your eyes though you cannot see what suspicious activity Trump and his clown posse have done to warrant the investigation.

Take your hands off your eyes or are they glued there with Trump Glue.
Of course it is not illegal for private citizens to meet with Russians

But when the Russians are breaking our laws to help the Trump campaign and top representatives of Trumps campaign are meeting with the Russians while they are leaking is what is known as "suspicious"

Now, if Trump would only explain what they were meeting about....those suspicions would go away
Sessions was not a private citizen when he met with Russians, nor is anyone else with official capacity with the government or a Presidential campaign. Lobbyist are required to register and some are required to register as agents. Flynn failed to register as a foreign agent. That is why he has registered "retroactively". Technically, Flynn has admitted to being a secret foreign agent. Let that sink in when discussing the legality of an American meeting with Russians. Flynn has admitted, by registering retroactively as a foreign agent, that he was a secret foreign agent.

Now Trump is going to claim dumb

He did not have any idea what his top staff was up to. He is the type of manager who likes to be kept in the dark
Was Barry truly clueless about so many of his Cabinet picks being tax cheats in 2008, or did he simply not give a damn and just wanted what he wanted?

Is Trump a mass murderer like you accused Obama of being?

Your quote last year:

He dragged the nation into the middle of a Syrian civil war - on his own - between another dictator and another set of terrorists to ally himself - again- with terrorists...Obama has also been waging his own personal drone war....

The results are in: Add another 116 dead to Obama's body count...all civilians.

Since this is as an UN-sanctioned war, could this make Obama a 'War Criminal'?

In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?!" In the end, Obama's war has killed 116 civilians...

Trump has done all of those things- were you lying about Obama when you posted that?

Or do you just not care when Trump is a 'mass-murderer'?

(this is a classic example of a hyper right wing hypocritical partisan attack)
No Trump isn't...then no Preident has ever had so much innocent blood on his hands while helping so many of this country's enemies achieve so much.
Of course it is not illegal for private citizens to meet with Russians

But when the Russians are breaking our laws to help the Trump campaign and top representatives of Trumps campaign are meeting with the Russians while they are leaking is what is known as "suspicious"

Now, if Trump would only explain what they were meeting about....those suspicions would go away
Sessions was not a private citizen when he met with Russians, nor is anyone else with official capacity with the government or a Presidential campaign. Lobbyist are required to register and some are required to register as agents. Flynn failed to register as a foreign agent. That is why he has registered "retroactively". Technically, Flynn has admitted to being a secret foreign agent. Let that sink in when discussing the legality of an American meeting with Russians. Flynn has admitted, by registering retroactively as a foreign agent, that he was a secret foreign agent.

Now Trump is going to claim dumb

He did not have any idea what his top staff was up to. He is the type of manager who likes to be kept in the dark
Was Barry truly clueless about so many of his Cabinet picks being tax cheats in 2008, or did he simply not give a damn and just wanted what he wanted?

Is Trump a mass murderer like you accused Obama of being?

Your quote last year:

He dragged the nation into the middle of a Syrian civil war - on his own - between another dictator and another set of terrorists to ally himself - again- with terrorists...Obama has also been waging his own personal drone war....

The results are in: Add another 116 dead to Obama's body count...all civilians.

Since this is as an UN-sanctioned war, could this make Obama a 'War Criminal'?

In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?!" In the end, Obama's war has killed 116 civilians...

Trump has done all of those things- were you lying about Obama when you posted that?

Or do you just not care when Trump is a 'mass-murderer'?

(this is a classic example of a hyper right wing hypocritical partisan attack)
No, Trump doesn't have as much blood on his hands as Barry.

Then again, no President has ever had as much innocent blood on his hands while helping this nation's enemies achieve so much as Barry.

Approx 150 dead as a result of Barry's gun running to Mexican Drug include 4 Americans.

4 Americans needlessly killed in Benghazi...

7 Americans needlessly killed in Ca

Americans killed in the Boston Marathon Bombing because Barry failed to act to protect citizens from known terrorists...

He killed 1 American citizen abroad, without a trial, killed by his own personal drone assassination program.

Countless killed in Egypt after helping terrorists take over.

Countless killed in Libya when / after he helped Al Qaeda - the terrorists who killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 - take over Libya in his 1st Un-Constitutional War

Countless killed by ISIS in Syria, Iraq, Germany, France, the UK, the US, etc due to Barry financing, supplying, arming, training, defending, and protecting them...

The one I really can't understand, though, is how anyone - ANYONE - could support that treasonous M*ther F*cker when he dragged the US into his own personal, terrorist-supporting, Un-Constitutional, Un-approved war to help AL QAEDA - the MURDERERS of THREE THOUSAND AMERICANS in the worst attack on the US on American soil - take over their own country!

Forget Impeachment - along with the 'honor' of being the 1st Black President, he should have been the 1st President Traitor to end up on the inside of Gitmo staring out from behind bars!

Are you Mike Flynn's son?

You are one friggin' nutjob.,
Sessions was not a private citizen when he met with Russians, nor is anyone else with official capacity with the government or a Presidential campaign. Lobbyist are required to register and some are required to register as agents. Flynn failed to register as a foreign agent. That is why he has registered "retroactively". Technically, Flynn has admitted to being a secret foreign agent. Let that sink in when discussing the legality of an American meeting with Russians. Flynn has admitted, by registering retroactively as a foreign agent, that he was a secret foreign agent.

Now Trump is going to claim dumb

He did not have any idea what his top staff was up to. He is the type of manager who likes to be kept in the dark
Was Barry truly clueless about so many of his Cabinet picks being tax cheats in 2008, or did he simply not give a damn and just wanted what he wanted?

Is Trump a mass murderer like you accused Obama of being?

Your quote last year:

He dragged the nation into the middle of a Syrian civil war - on his own - between another dictator and another set of terrorists to ally himself - again- with terrorists...Obama has also been waging his own personal drone war....

The results are in: Add another 116 dead to Obama's body count...all civilians.

Since this is as an UN-sanctioned war, could this make Obama a 'War Criminal'?

In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?!" In the end, Obama's war has killed 116 civilians...

Trump has done all of those things- were you lying about Obama when you posted that?

Or do you just not care when Trump is a 'mass-murderer'?

(this is a classic example of a hyper right wing hypocritical partisan attack)
No Trump isn't...then no Preident has ever had so much innocent blood on his hands while helping so many of this country's enemies achieve so much.
Sessions was not a private citizen when he met with Russians, nor is anyone else with official capacity with the government or a Presidential campaign. Lobbyist are required to register and some are required to register as agents. Flynn failed to register as a foreign agent. That is why he has registered "retroactively". Technically, Flynn has admitted to being a secret foreign agent. Let that sink in when discussing the legality of an American meeting with Russians. Flynn has admitted, by registering retroactively as a foreign agent, that he was a secret foreign agent.

Now Trump is going to claim dumb

He did not have any idea what his top staff was up to. He is the type of manager who likes to be kept in the dark
Was Barry truly clueless about so many of his Cabinet picks being tax cheats in 2008, or did he simply not give a damn and just wanted what he wanted?

Is Trump a mass murderer like you accused Obama of being?

Your quote last year:

He dragged the nation into the middle of a Syrian civil war - on his own - between another dictator and another set of terrorists to ally himself - again- with terrorists...Obama has also been waging his own personal drone war....

The results are in: Add another 116 dead to Obama's body count...all civilians.

Since this is as an UN-sanctioned war, could this make Obama a 'War Criminal'?

In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?!" In the end, Obama's war has killed 116 civilians...

Trump has done all of those things- were you lying about Obama when you posted that?

Or do you just not care when Trump is a 'mass-murderer'?

(this is a classic example of a hyper right wing hypocritical partisan attack)
No, Trump doesn't have as much blood on his hands as Barry.

Then again, no President has ever had as much innocent blood on his hands while helping this nation's enemies achieve so much as Barry.

Approx 150 dead as a result of Barry's gun running to Mexican Drug include 4 Americans.

4 Americans needlessly killed in Benghazi...

7 Americans needlessly killed in Ca

Americans killed in the Boston Marathon Bombing because Barry failed to act to protect citizens from known terrorists...

He killed 1 American citizen abroad, without a trial, killed by his own personal drone assassination program.

Countless killed in Egypt after helping terrorists take over.

Countless killed in Libya when / after he helped Al Qaeda - the terrorists who killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 - take over Libya in his 1st Un-Constitutional War

Countless killed by ISIS in Syria, Iraq, Germany, France, the UK, the US, etc due to Barry financing, supplying, arming, training, defending, and protecting them...

The one I really can't understand, though, is how anyone - ANYONE - could support that treasonous M*ther F*cker when he dragged the US into his own personal, terrorist-supporting, Un-Constitutional, Un-approved war to help AL QAEDA - the MURDERERS of THREE THOUSAND AMERICANS in the worst attack on the US on American soil - take over their own country!

Forget Impeachment - along with the 'honor' of being the 1st Black President, he should have been the 1st President Traitor to end up on the inside of Gitmo staring out from behind bars!

Are you Mike Flynn's son?

You are one friggin' nutjob.,
I'm not the one unable to handle reality, snowflake.
Haven't you wondered why foreign intelligence agencies were watching Trump and his associates so closely? For one thing, his anti-NATO stance got their attention.But don't think our intelligence agencies didn't notice also.
And when Trump decided to publicly deride U.S. Intelligence he just did not know what he was getting himself into.
I suspect the U.S. Intelligence agencies knew about the Trump/associates connections to Russia before the foreign agencies did. But when it became clearer that Trump would be president, the U.S. agencies shared the data with foreign associate agencies to act as surrogates in disseminating Information that would have been problematic for U.S. intelligence to make public.

Just a little more bologna from you and I could make a helluva couple of sandwiches!
Haven't you wondered why foreign intelligence agencies were watching Trump and his associates so closely? For one thing, his anti-NATO stance got their attention.But don't think our intelligence agencies didn't notice also.
And when Trump decided to publicly deride U.S. Intelligence he just did not know what he was getting himself into.
I suspect the U.S. Intelligence agencies knew about the Trump/associates connections to Russia before the foreign agencies did. But when it became clearer that Trump would be president, the U.S. agencies shared the data with foreign associate agencies to act as surrogates in disseminating Information that would have been problematic for U.S. intelligence to make public.

Just a little more bologna from you and I could make a helluva couple of sandwiches!
And you could
wash them down with all the Kool-Aid you've been handed by the Republican.
...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.

Why are you asking USMB members to prove something that is part of an ongoing investigation?

So far what we know is that Russia tried to influence the election- and that there is no evidence of collusion.

Hopefully- the investigation will conclude with more answers- including concluding that there was no collusion.

Meanwhile- if you want more information about Russia's attempt to corrupt our election, I refer you to the testimony of the FBI and CIA chiefs.

What proof came out of the testimony?

No one is on this board to babysit you. If you haven't been paying any attention to Senate testimony it's your problem, no one elses.

The CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security along with 14 other intelligence agencies are all in agreement that Russia hacked into the DNC databases. James Comey and others have already testified to that.
Why Experts Think Russia Hacked the DNC Emails

The only one that has continually denied it, (until Senate Intelligence committee members broke down his door, and he had a change of mind) was Trump.


Now if you want to go back to page 2--post # 19 on this thread you'll find Trump's involvement into this now Russian criminal investigation, and he himself is now under criminal investigation for Obstruction of Justice--an impeachable offense. You will find out what we know now.
Wash. Post: Mueller investigating Trump for obstruction -

Keeping in mind that this investigation is ongoing, and since it is now a criminal investigation, and no longer just a congressional probe, as Lindsey Graham explained, there won't be as much public information coming out, as they have all been told to clam up and lawyer up--which is what they've been doing.

Clapper disagrees with you that all 17 agencies agreed.[/QUO

You'll have to post a link to that--tthat is something I have never heard nor read.

Here's what Clapper clarified in his statement.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said he does not know if there was collusion between President Trump’s campaign and Russia and that he was not privy to the details of the counterintelligence investigation.“I don’t know if there was collusion or not,” Clapper said during an interview Friday with MSNBC. “I don’t know if there was evidence of collusion or not, nor should I have.”
James Clapper destroys Trump talking point about collusion, says US institutions are ‘under assault’ from Trump

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