In my fourth attempt to get information, I ask forum Democrats to provide proof that Russia...

If it doesn't exist there wouldn't be two ongoing criminal investigations regarding it right now. One for Flynn & Russian collusion, and another for Obstruction of Justice.

Tell me Oreo, I am a Special Investigator with virtually unlimited power. Even the President of the United States must comply with me. I have a whole team, a virtual Who's Who of top attorneys to assist me. You hire me to look into a suspicion of Obstruction of Justice. Obstruct what? Interfere with an ongoing investigation into Flynn. It all centers around a few comments made one afternoon in a room.

Now, how long does that take to look into? Minutes, hours, days?

What would you think if after WEEKS, I still hadn't come to a conclusion? Months? Just WTF have I been doing? If you hired me to "investigate" such a matter and still could not reach a conclusion after many weeks, all the while charging huge fees, what would you think of your decision to hire me?

Can you think of a single job out there where such delays would be permissible and tolerated? IN ANY OTHER POSITION, such slowness would be deemed incompetence and get you fired. Why then do we look upon investigators and instead call it "thoroughness?" The longer they spend, the more "thorough" and "competent" we call them, yet in ANY OTHER FIELD, you would be seen the other way!

Watergate took 2 years 7 months--and in comparison this investigation is moving at the speed of light. I believe they have a lot of evidence at this point in time--and the last time I heard anything they were looking into banking accounts, trying to track the money back into who or what company may be involved in this, if any.

Just last week, Paul Manafort, Trump's former campaign manager was required by the Justice department to register as a foreign agent. He was working for the Russians in the 2012-2014 era actually receiving 17 million from them regarding Russian/Ukraine and as an adviser to them to advise on U.S relations.
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent

Trump surrogates met with the Russian ambassador in Cleveland at the RNC convention and actually were writing foreign policy with him. They installed into the Republican platform that "We will not arm the Ukranians against pro-Russian separtists." Since Comey testified that July was the month that this investigation started, it was probably because of this.

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

So we have this clause tying into Paul Manafort right now--and John McCain wanted to know why this was inserted into the Republican platform a couple of months ago.

There's really no reason to have this kind of communication going back & forth with the Russians in the middle of a campaign season, on an election you're not even close to winning. Russians can't vote or donate campaign cash, and it's clear they weren't trading cookie recipes. This is not a "ruse"--there is definitely something going on with this administration and the Russians. I believe Robert Mueller is looking for the MOTIVE right now. We don't know it all yet--but it's coming.
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it's clear they weren't trading cookie recipes.

Why not? Hillary asked us to believe all she had in her emails was yoga appointments and recipes, no government email, and Loretta Lynch, what did she talk to Bill about on that airplane? Just dropped by to ask how the family was doing. ; ^ )
it's clear they weren't trading cookie recipes.

Why not? Hillary asked us to believe all she had in her emails was yoga appointments and recipes, no government email, and Loretta Lynch, what did she talk to Bill about on that airplane? Just dropped by to ask how the family was doing. ; ^ )

Benghazi and all the emails you can dig up don't hold a matchstick to Treason, Obstruction and Lies.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi it's not to hard to imagine what Democrats will do with this in 2018 and beyond.
If you want to read links & watch video's of all the evidence that Robert Mueller is looking at--just go back to Page 2--post # 19 on this thread. It's in chronological order and is up to date.

Oreo, the suggestion that all of Mueller's investigation data is available to the public in web links is bad enough, but if YOU are the source of it, then we are ALL in trouble!!!
Guess what?

You will never see all the evidence against Trump. Most of it is classified and they can't divulge how it was obtained

But lucky you....that means you get to claim that because you can't see it, it doesn't exist

If it doesn't exist there wouldn't be two ongoing criminal investigations regarding it right now. One for Flynn & Russian collusion, and another for Obstruction of Justice.

Clearly there is much more to this that we don't know,, nor will we know until this investigation is complete. I was posting what we do know on Page 2 post # 19 on this thread.

Everyone has been told to clam up and lawyer up which is what they've been doing.

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham on Thursday said it’s clear that after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein briefed the Senate on the investigation into Russian involvement in the presidential electionthat it has become a criminal probe.“The shock to the body is that this is now a criminal investigation,” Graham (R-SC) told reporters moments after he exited the Senate chamber. He said now that it has become a criminal investigation instead of an counterintelligence probe Congress may be impeded in carrying out its own examinations.“You’ve got a special counsel who has prosecutorial powers now, and I think we in Congress have to be very careful not to interfere,” Graham said. “Public access to this is probably going to be very limited now. It’s going to really limit what the public will know about this.”
I just love the current GOP tactic of.......if you don't have all the evidence now, you should not even investigate
Benghazi and all the emails you can dig up don't hold a matchstick to Treason, Obstruction and Lies.

But . . . but . . . Benghazi and all of the emails WERE nothing but TREASON, OBSTRUCTION and LIES! A long, long list of obstruction and lies--- and several unfortunate deaths. How is it that you don't see that?

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi it's not to hard to imagine what Democrats will do with this in 2018 and beyond.

There were 8 or how many investigations into Benghazi because every one of them was fraught with OBSTRUCTION and LIES. And a lot of clear evidence. So far, I am aware of no clear evidence into much of anything with the current matter, just a lot of hopes, wishes and accusations, but if it helps you to think something big will come of it, go right ahead. Hope you deal well with disappointment.
Benghazi and all the emails you can dig up don't hold a matchstick to Treason, Obstruction and Lies.

But . . . but . . . Benghazi and all of the emails WERE nothing but TREASON, OBSTRUCTION and LIES! A long, long list of obstruction and lies--- and several unfortunate deaths. How is it that you don't see that?

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi it's not to hard to imagine what Democrats will do with this in 2018 and beyond.

There were 8 or how many investigations into Benghazi because every one of them was fraught with OBSTRUCTION and LIES. And a lot of clear evidence. So far, I am aware of no clear evidence into much of anything with the current matter, just a lot of hopes, wishes and accusations, but if it helps you to think something big will come of it, go right ahead. Hope you deal well with disappointment.
Given the obstruction and lies from Trump we need about twenty investigations
Benghazi and all the emails you can dig up don't hold a matchstick to Treason, Obstruction and Lies.

But . . . but . . . Benghazi and all of the emails WERE nothing but TREASON, OBSTRUCTION and LIES! A long, long list of obstruction and lies--- and several unfortunate deaths. How is it that you don't see that?

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi it's not to hard to imagine what Democrats will do with this in 2018 and beyond.

There were 8 or how many investigations into Benghazi because every one of them was fraught with OBSTRUCTION and LIES. And a lot of clear evidence. So far, I am aware of no clear evidence into much of anything with the current matter, just a lot of hopes, wishes and accusations, but if it helps you to think something big will come of it, go right ahead. Hope you deal well with disappointment.

This is no longer about Hillary Clinton, no matter how much you would like to make it so. Every other President has had their own share of Benghazi's. We can only be Thankful that Democrats didn't drag up 280 grieving mothers of 280 U.S. marines that were killed in Lebanon and call Ronald Reagan a murderer.


All eyeballs are focused on Trump--you can go back to page 2 Post # 19 on this thread and read all about it.

Partisan politics often results is seeing the truth, knowing the truth, while still defending and promoting the lies.
Benghazi and all the emails you can dig up don't hold a matchstick to Treason, Obstruction and Lies.

But . . . but . . . Benghazi and all of the emails WERE nothing but TREASON, OBSTRUCTION and LIES! A long, long list of obstruction and lies--- and several unfortunate deaths. How is it that you don't see that?

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi it's not to hard to imagine what Democrats will do with this in 2018 and beyond.

There were 8 or how many investigations into Benghazi because every one of them was fraught with OBSTRUCTION and LIES. And a lot of clear evidence. So far, I am aware of no clear evidence into much of anything with the current matter, just a lot of hopes, wishes and accusations, but if it helps you to think something big will come of it, go right ahead. Hope you deal well with disappointment.

No Hillary Clinton did not lie to the FBI, like Flynn, who is currently under criminal investigation for lying to the FBI among other assorted crimes that he has committed.

Hillary Clinton's emails and Benghazi were nothing more than right wing political dog & pony shows that were put on by Republicans at an enormous expense to the taxpayers of this country.

The bottom line: Democrats may try to turn the revelations about the email accounts used by Powell and Rice’s staff into a scandal. They may release press statements condemning the former secretaries of state; they may call for scores of unnecessary congressional hearings; they may go to the press and confidently proclaim that crimes were committed by these honorable Republicans. But it would all be lies. Powell and Rice did nothing wrong. This could be considered a scandal only by ignorant or lying partisans.So there is no Powell or Rice email scandal. And no doubt, that will infuriate the Republicans who are trying so hard to trick people into believing Clinton committed a crime by doing the exact same thing as her predecessors.
The shocking truth: Colin Powell’s emails don’t matter
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

James Comey went to great links to describe the difference between the Hillary Clinton's case and one four star General & former CIA director, David Petraeous, and why he was charged and Hillary Clinton wasn't. But I am certain this WAS NOT reported on FOX News or any of the right wing talk show hosts that you listen too. (David Petraeous is who Trump was considering for his Secretary of State.)
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails -

We have two ongoing CRIMINAL investigations--one for collusion with the Russians, and the other for Obstruction of Justice, an impeachable offense. You can go back to page 2 post # 19 on this thread and watch an NBC video of Trump in an interview with Lester Holt admitting that he fired Comey over the Russian investigation.
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This is no longer about Hillary Clinton, no matter how much you would like to make it so.

The unsolved murders of Benghazi will always be about Hillary no matter how much you don't want them to be. They weren't just KIA, this was a gross example of vast neglect and contempt for the lives of Americans, just like all of the many many other unsolved scandals of vast Clinton criminal empire and no modern scandal debate can ever be complete without putting them in the context of Hillary Clinton.
No Hillary Clinton did not lie to the FBI

Hillary lied to the FBI.
Hillary lied to the CIA.
Hillary lied to the President.
Hillary lied in the debates.
Hillary lied to the American people.
Hillary lied to Bill.
Hillary lied to the DNC.
Hillary has never told the truth about anything to anyone anywhere a single day of her life.
She was even fired from the Watergate Hearings for lying.
Hillary gives new meaning to congenital, perennial liar.
...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.

Why are you asking USMB members to prove something that is part of an ongoing investigation?

So far what we know is that Russia tried to influence the election- and that there is no evidence of collusion.

Hopefully- the investigation will conclude with more answers- including concluding that there was no collusion.

Meanwhile- if you want more information about Russia's attempt to corrupt our election, I refer you to the testimony of the FBI and CIA chiefs.
easyt65, post: 17642124
"]Barry released his tax returns unlike the current goon in the White House?
Nice attempt to dodge the question.

Was Barry stupid, clueless that the vast majority of his 2008 Cabinet candidates were tax avoiders / cheats or did he simply think - as he did his entire 8 years in office - that he could do whatever he wanted?!

Vast majority? LOL

Of course if we knew more about Trump's picks....we would find more
Some Trump nominees have tax problems. Will it sink them?
then consider the matter of President Donald Trump's nominee for labor secretary, Andrew Puzder, who failed to pay taxes on a maid he hired. She happened to be an undocumented immigrant. Puzder has said that when he learned about her immigration status, he went back and paid the taxes.

Trump's nominee for budget director, U.S. Rep. Mick Mulvaney, a Republican from South Carolina, has acknowledged failure to pay more than $15,000 in payroll taxes for a babysitter. Employers, whether corporations or individuals, are obligated by law to pay these taxes, which fund Social Security and Medicare.

Mulvaney says he has since made good.
Unrelated to the investigation of the Trump campaign

All you keep saying is Trumps people meeting with Russians, "talking points". No link, just talk. Is it illegal for private citizens to have meetings?

Look at the crap your Dims and MSM tried to hang on Sessions (most honorable in DC). Your track record indicates 100% unbelievability.
Of course it is not illegal for private citizens to meet with Russians

But when the Russians are breaking our laws to help the Trump campaign and top representatives of Trumps campaign are meeting with the Russians while they are leaking is what is known as "suspicious"

Now, if Trump would only explain what they were meeting about....those suspicions would go away
Sessions was not a private citizen when he met with Russians, nor is anyone else with official capacity with the government or a Presidential campaign. Lobbyist are required to register and some are required to register as agents. Flynn failed to register as a foreign agent. That is why he has registered "retroactively". Technically, Flynn has admitted to being a secret foreign agent. Let that sink in when discussing the legality of an American meeting with Russians. Flynn has admitted, by registering retroactively as a foreign agent, that he was a secret foreign agent.

Now Trump is going to claim dumb

He did not have any idea what his top staff was up to. He is the type of manager who likes to be kept in the dark
Was Barry truly clueless about so many of his Cabinet picks being tax cheats in 2008, or did he simply not give a damn and just wanted what he wanted?

Is Trump a mass murderer like you accused Obama of being?

Your quote last year:

He dragged the nation into the middle of a Syrian civil war - on his own - between another dictator and another set of terrorists to ally himself - again- with terrorists...Obama has also been waging his own personal drone war....

The results are in: Add another 116 dead to Obama's body count...all civilians.

Since this is as an UN-sanctioned war, could this make Obama a 'War Criminal'?

In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?!" In the end, Obama's war has killed 116 civilians...

Trump has done all of those things- were you lying about Obama when you posted that?

Or do you just not care when Trump is a 'mass-murderer'?

(this is a classic example of a hyper right wing hypocritical partisan attack)
No Hillary Clinton did not lie to the FBI

Hillary gives new meaning to congenital, perennial liar.

Trump lies to the American voters almost every day and in almost every tweet.

Trump gives new meaning to congenital, perennial liar

Trump lies only to the liberals because they cannot handle hearing the truth. They can't even handle the truth about their own candidates, party and lost elections.
No Hillary Clinton did not lie to the FBI

Hillary gives new meaning to congenital, perennial liar.

Trump lies to the American voters almost every day and in almost every tweet.

Trump gives new meaning to congenital, perennial liar

Trump lies only to the liberals because they cannot handle hearing the truth. They can't even handle the truth about their own candidates, party and lost elections.
Trump does not lie to the liberals anywhere near as much as he lies to you Chumps. And you keep getting back in line BEGGING to be lied to again and again and again.
No Hillary Clinton did not lie to the FBI

Hillary lied to the FBI.
Hillary lied to the CIA.
Hillary lied to the President.
Hillary lied in the debates.
Hillary lied to the American people.
Hillary lied to Bill.
Hillary lied to the DNC.
Hillary has never told the truth about anything to anyone anywhere a single day of her life.
She was even fired from the Watergate Hearings for lying.
Hillary gives new meaning to congenital, perennial liar.
No she didn't

Given the daily lies you accept from Trump on a daily basis, Hillary never told a lie
All you keep saying is Trumps people meeting with Russians, "talking points". No link, just talk. Is it illegal for private citizens to have meetings?

Look at the crap your Dims and MSM tried to hang on Sessions (most honorable in DC). Your track record indicates 100% unbelievability.
Of course it is not illegal for private citizens to meet with Russians

But when the Russians are breaking our laws to help the Trump campaign and top representatives of Trumps campaign are meeting with the Russians while they are leaking is what is known as "suspicious"

Now, if Trump would only explain what they were meeting about....those suspicions would go away
Sessions was not a private citizen when he met with Russians, nor is anyone else with official capacity with the government or a Presidential campaign. Lobbyist are required to register and some are required to register as agents. Flynn failed to register as a foreign agent. That is why he has registered "retroactively". Technically, Flynn has admitted to being a secret foreign agent. Let that sink in when discussing the legality of an American meeting with Russians. Flynn has admitted, by registering retroactively as a foreign agent, that he was a secret foreign agent.

Now Trump is going to claim dumb

He did not have any idea what his top staff was up to. He is the type of manager who likes to be kept in the dark
Was Barry truly clueless about so many of his Cabinet picks being tax cheats in 2008, or did he simply not give a damn and just wanted what he wanted?

Is Trump a mass murderer like you accused Obama of being?

Your quote last year:

He dragged the nation into the middle of a Syrian civil war - on his own - between another dictator and another set of terrorists to ally himself - again- with terrorists...Obama has also been waging his own personal drone war....

The results are in: Add another 116 dead to Obama's body count...all civilians.

Since this is as an UN-sanctioned war, could this make Obama a 'War Criminal'?

In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?!" In the end, Obama's war has killed 116 civilians...

Trump has done all of those things- were you lying about Obama when you posted that?

Or do you just not care when Trump is a 'mass-murderer'?

(this is a classic example of a hyper right wing hypocritical partisan attack)
No Trump isn't...then no Preident has ever had so much innocent blood on his hands while helping so many of this country's enemies achieve so much.
All you keep saying is Trumps people meeting with Russians, "talking points". No link, just talk. Is it illegal for private citizens to have meetings?

Look at the crap your Dims and MSM tried to hang on Sessions (most honorable in DC). Your track record indicates 100% unbelievability.
Of course it is not illegal for private citizens to meet with Russians

But when the Russians are breaking our laws to help the Trump campaign and top representatives of Trumps campaign are meeting with the Russians while they are leaking is what is known as "suspicious"

Now, if Trump would only explain what they were meeting about....those suspicions would go away
Sessions was not a private citizen when he met with Russians, nor is anyone else with official capacity with the government or a Presidential campaign. Lobbyist are required to register and some are required to register as agents. Flynn failed to register as a foreign agent. That is why he has registered "retroactively". Technically, Flynn has admitted to being a secret foreign agent. Let that sink in when discussing the legality of an American meeting with Russians. Flynn has admitted, by registering retroactively as a foreign agent, that he was a secret foreign agent.

Now Trump is going to claim dumb

He did not have any idea what his top staff was up to. He is the type of manager who likes to be kept in the dark
Was Barry truly clueless about so many of his Cabinet picks being tax cheats in 2008, or did he simply not give a damn and just wanted what he wanted?

Is Trump a mass murderer like you accused Obama of being?

Your quote last year:

He dragged the nation into the middle of a Syrian civil war - on his own - between another dictator and another set of terrorists to ally himself - again- with terrorists...Obama has also been waging his own personal drone war....

The results are in: Add another 116 dead to Obama's body count...all civilians.

Since this is as an UN-sanctioned war, could this make Obama a 'War Criminal'?

In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?!" In the end, Obama's war has killed 116 civilians...

Trump has done all of those things- were you lying about Obama when you posted that?

Or do you just not care when Trump is a 'mass-murderer'?

(this is a classic example of a hyper right wing hypocritical partisan attack)
No, Trump doesn't have as much blood on his hands as Barry.

Then again, no President has ever had as much innocent blood on his hands while helping this nation's enemies achieve so much as Barry.

Approx 150 dead as a result of Barry's gun running to Mexican Drug include 4 Americans.

4 Americans needlessly killed in Benghazi...

7 Americans needlessly killed in Ca

Americans killed in the Boston Marathon Bombing because Barry failed to act to protect citizens from known terrorists...

He killed 1 American citizen abroad, without a trial, killed by his own personal drone assassination program.

Countless killed in Egypt after helping terrorists take over.

Countless killed in Libya when / after he helped Al Qaeda - the terrorists who killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 - take over Libya in his 1st Un-Constitutional War

Countless killed by ISIS in Syria, Iraq, Germany, France, the UK, the US, etc due to Barry financing, supplying, arming, training, defending, and protecting them...

The one I really can't understand, though, is how anyone - ANYONE - could support that treasonous M*ther F*cker when he dragged the US into his own personal, terrorist-supporting, Un-Constitutional, Un-approved war to help AL QAEDA - the MURDERERS of THREE THOUSAND AMERICANS in the worst attack on the US on American soil - take over their own country!

Forget Impeachment - along with the 'honor' of being the 1st Black President, he should have been the 1st President Traitor to end up on the inside of Gitmo staring out from behind bars!

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