In my fourth attempt to get information, I ask forum Democrats to provide proof that Russia...

No Hillary Clinton did not lie to the FBI

Hillary gives new meaning to congenital, perennial liar.

Trump lies to the American voters almost every day and in almost every tweet.

Trump gives new meaning to congenital, perennial liar

Trump lies only to the liberals .

Then why does Trump lie to Conservatives all of the time?

Trump lies to the American voters almost every day and in almost every tweet.

Trump gives new meaning to congenital, perennial liar

Then maybe he ought to wear a Hillary mask the next time he body slams CNN.

Do you think if he wears a Hillary mask each time he lies to you, you will enjoy bending over and taking it more?
The problem is that Russia hacking our voting machines, Russia putting out fake news, several people close to Trump have lied about Russian contacts, sevreal people left because of it, several people getting money directly from Russia or Russian stooges, Trump telling Russia to find the emails Hillary deleted and they'll be rewarded, Russia hacking both political parties computers....none of that is proof of anything to you.

Not even 2 of them REGISTERING as Foreign agents isn't even proof of anything fishy at least.

Hell one guy received a friends hip award from Putin himself. BUT even that doesn't mean anything.

So when you say you've asked and never received an answer, the problem is that you don't accept any answer as being proof, circumstancial direct or even eye brow raising.
Still no proof though. Why is that?

Because the investigation is ongoing- and you don't get the 'proof' until the investigation is concluded.

Hopefully the investigation will conclude that there was no collusion.

Are you scared of the investigation being completed?
4th attempt to get the mods attention worked pretty good didnt it rook.

The problem is that Russia hacking our voting machines, Russia putting out fake news, several people close to Trump have lied about Russian contacts, sevreal people left because of it, several people getting money directly from Russia or Russian stooges, Trump telling Russia to find the emails Hillary deleted and they'll be rewarded, Russia hacking both political parties computers....none of that is proof of anything to you.

Not even 2 of them REGISTERING as Foreign agents isn't even proof of anything fishy at least.

Hell one guy received a friends hip award from Putin himself. BUT even that doesn't mean anything.

So when you say you've asked and never received an answer, the problem is that you don't accept any answer as being proof, circumstancial direct or even eye brow raising.
Still no proof though. Why is that?

Because the investigation is ongoing- and you don't get the 'proof' until the investigation is concluded.

Hopefully the investigation will conclude that there was no collusion.

Are you scared of the investigation being completed?
No, I'm scared it will never end.

But heck, I would have thought you need some kind of proof to begin investigating. Or can you just say "Russia", and that's proof of "something".
The problem is that Russia hacking our voting machines, Russia putting out fake news, several people close to Trump have lied about Russian contacts, sevreal people left because of it, several people getting money directly from Russia or Russian stooges, Trump telling Russia to find the emails Hillary deleted and they'll be rewarded, Russia hacking both political parties computers....none of that is proof of anything to you.

Not even 2 of them REGISTERING as Foreign agents isn't even proof of anything fishy at least.

Hell one guy received a friends hip award from Putin himself. BUT even that doesn't mean anything.

So when you say you've asked and never received an answer, the problem is that you don't accept any answer as being proof, circumstancial direct or even eye brow raising.
Still no proof though. Why is that?
Mueller isn't saying just yet, stay tuned! :lol:
The problem is that Russia hacking our voting machines, Russia putting out fake news, several people close to Trump have lied about Russian contacts, sevreal people left because of it, several people getting money directly from Russia or Russian stooges, Trump telling Russia to find the emails Hillary deleted and they'll be rewarded, Russia hacking both political parties computers....none of that is proof of anything to you.

Not even 2 of them REGISTERING as Foreign agents isn't even proof of anything fishy at least.

Hell one guy received a friends hip award from Putin himself. BUT even that doesn't mean anything.

So when you say you've asked and never received an answer, the problem is that you don't accept any answer as being proof, circumstancial direct or even eye brow raising.
Still no proof though. Why is that?

Because the investigation is ongoing- and you don't get the 'proof' until the investigation is concluded.

Hopefully the investigation will conclude that there was no collusion.

Are you scared of the investigation being completed?
No, I'm scared it will never end.

But heck, I would have thought you need some kind of proof to begin investigating. Or can you just say "Russia", and that's proof of "something".

What kind of proof do you need

Can you explain why key Trump aides were meeting with the Russians while Russia was releasing information to help the Trump campaign?
...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.

Why are you asking USMB members to prove something that is part of an ongoing investigation?

So far what we know is that Russia tried to influence the election- and that there is no evidence of collusion.

Hopefully- the investigation will conclude with more answers- including concluding that there was no collusion.

Meanwhile- if you want more information about Russia's attempt to corrupt our election, I refer you to the testimony of the FBI and CIA chiefs.

What proof came out of the testimony?

No one is on this board to babysit you. If you haven't been paying any attention to Senate testimony it's your problem, no one elses.

The CIA,QUOFBI, the Department of Homeland Security along with 14 other intelligence agencies are all in agreement that Russia hacked into the DNC databases. James Comey and others have already testified to that.
Why Experts Think Russia Hacked the DNC Emails

The only one that has continually denied it, (until Senate Intelligence committee members broke down his door, and he had a change of mind) was Trump.


Now if you want to go back to page 2--post # 19 on this thread you'll find Trump's involvement into this now Russian criminal investigation, and he himself is now under criminal investigation for Obstruction of Justice--an impeachable offense. You will find out what we know now.
Wash. Post: Mueller investigating Trump for obstruction -

Keeping in mind that this investigation is ongoing, and since it is now a criminal investigation, and no longer just a congressional probe, as Lindsey Graham explained, there won't be as much public information coming out, as they have all been told to clam up and lawyer up--which is what they've been doing.

Clapper disagrees with you that all 17 agencies agreed.
Not really. Your key link only clouds the issue further.
CLAPPER: Well, we didn’t go through that – that process, this was a special situation because of the time limits and my – what I knew to be to who could really contribute to this and the sensitivity of the situation, we decided it was a constant judgment to restrict it to those three. I’m not aware of anyone who dissented or – or disagreed when it came out.
WTF does he mean he wasn't aware of anyone who dissented or- or disagreed when it (the intell ) came out? Reading with the third eye that garbled response tells me Clapper hasn't a clue about interagency communications.
The problem is that Russia hacking our voting machines, Russia putting out fake news, several people close to Trump have lied about Russian contacts, sevreal people left because of it, several people getting money directly from Russia or Russian stooges, Trump telling Russia to find the emails Hillary deleted and they'll be rewarded, Russia hacking both political parties computers....none of that is proof of anything to you.

Not even 2 of them REGISTERING as Foreign agents isn't even proof of anything fishy at least.

Hell one guy received a friends hip award from Putin himself. BUT even that doesn't mean anything.

So when you say you've asked and never received an answer, the problem is that you don't accept any answer as being proof, circumstancial direct or even eye brow raising.
Still no proof though. Why is that?

Like they say trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to teach algebra to a chimpanzee.

For those interested go back to page 2 post # 19 on this thread and you can watch videos and read links to what has gone on, with these now 2 criminal investigations. Its in chronological order.
The problem is that Russia hacking our voting machines, Russia putting out fake news, several people close to Trump have lied about Russian contacts, sevreal people left because of it, several people getting money directly from Russia or Russian stooges, Trump telling Russia to find the emails Hillary deleted and they'll be rewarded, Russia hacking both political parties computers....none of that is proof of anything to you.

Not even 2 of them REGISTERING as Foreign agents isn't even proof of anything fishy at least.

Hell one guy received a friends hip award from Putin himself. BUT even that doesn't mean anything.

So when you say you've asked and never received an answer, the problem is that you don't accept any answer as being proof, circumstancial direct or even eye brow raising.
Still no proof though. Why is that?

Because the investigation is ongoing- and you don't get the 'proof' until the investigation is concluded.

Hopefully the investigation will conclude that there was no collusion.

Are you scared of the investigation being completed?
No, I'm scared it will never end.

But heck, I would have thought you need some kind of proof to begin investigating. Or can you just say "Russia", and that's proof of "something".
At this point, you guys are just lying about not getting shown proof. You could contest the validity or worth of the circumstantial evidence or preliminary evidence, but to go on with the denial game and the stupidity game is old and lame and as said, makes you into common liars. There have been plenty of links provided to answer your question.
The problem is that Russia hacking our voting machines, Russia putting out fake news, several people close to Trump have lied about Russian contacts, sevreal people left because of it, several people getting money directly from Russia or Russian stooges, Trump telling Russia to find the emails Hillary deleted and they'll be rewarded, Russia hacking both political parties computers....none of that is proof of anything to you.

Not even 2 of them REGISTERING as Foreign agents isn't even proof of anything fishy at least.

Hell one guy received a friends hip award from Putin himself. BUT even that doesn't mean anything.

So when you say you've asked and never received an answer, the problem is that you don't accept any answer as being proof, circumstancial direct or even eye brow raising.
Still no proof though. Why is that?

Because the investigation is ongoing- and you don't get the 'proof' until the investigation is concluded.

Hopefully the investigation will conclude that there was no collusion.

Are you scared of the investigation being completed?
No, I'm scared it will never end.

But heck, I would have thought you need some kind of proof to begin investigating. Or can you just say "Russia", and that's proof of "something".

If you have proof of the crime- why would you need to continue the investigation?

Hell- the GOP spents years investigating Obama and Clinton without any proof- all they had to do was say 'Whitewater'

Why do you suspect that the GOP is investigating this?
...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.

Why are you asking USMB members to prove something that is part of an ongoing investigation?

So far what we know is that Russia tried to influence the election- and that there is no evidence of collusion.

Hopefully- the investigation will conclude with more answers- including concluding that there was no collusion.

Meanwhile- if you want more information about Russia's attempt to corrupt our election, I refer you to the testimony of the FBI and CIA chiefs.

What proof came out of the testimony?

No one is on this board to babysit you. If you haven't been paying any attention to Senate testimony it's your problem, no one elses.

The CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security along with 14 other intelligence agencies are all in agreement that Russia hacked into the DNC databases. James Comey and others have already testified to that.
Why Experts Think Russia Hacked the DNC Emails

The only one that has continually denied it, (until Senate Intelligence committee members broke down his door, and he had a change of mind) was Trump.


Now if you want to go back to page 2--post # 19 on this thread you'll find Trump's involvement into this now Russian criminal investigation, and he himself is now under criminal investigation for Obstruction of Justice--an impeachable offense. You will find out what we know now.
Wash. Post: Mueller investigating Trump for obstruction -

Keeping in mind that this investigation is ongoing, and since it is now a criminal investigation, and no longer just a congressional probe, as Lindsey Graham explained, there won't be as much public information coming out, as they have all been told to clam up and lawyer up--which is what they've been doing.

Clapper disagrees with you that all 17 agencies agreed.

No Clapper never said that. Clapper said this:

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said he does not know if there was collusion between President Trump's campaign and Russia and that he was not privy to the details of the counterintelligence investigation. "I don't know if there was collusion or not," Clapper said during an interview Friday with MSNBC. "I don't know if there was evidence of collusion or not, nor should I have."

You can watch him say it on video at this link.
James Clapper doesn't know if there was Trump, Russia collusion

Adam Schiff cochair of the house intelligence committee had this to say, in response to Clappers first statement that he had seen no evidence of collusion.

I'm referring to the testimony that there were only 4 agencies in agreement. Not 17. That's why several news agencies AP and the NYT's made corrections to their stories that all 17 agencies were in agreement.
If Russia helped Trump win the election, please explain what they're getting for their help.

Hillary Clinton took a bribe from the Russians and they gained a huge pile of uranium.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Wouldn't the Russians have preferred Hillary, since they already had a great working relationship?
You guys work so hard on ignorance. There must must a reason for it. Because it feeds your delusions?

The Uranium deal goes through the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Not the State Department. Try to figure out why. Hint: Uranium - Nuclear? Is that clue enough?
What is the source for
Fox Noise of course

How's the New York mother trucking Times for you? I'm sick to death of the denials. It happened. It's real. Pay to play between the Clinton Foundation and foreign donors.
Eat this.

Donations to the Clinton Foundation, and a Russian Uranium Takeover

Uranium investors’ efforts to buy mining assets in Kazakhstan and the United States led to a takeover bid by a Russian state-owned energy company. The investors gave millions to the Clinton Foundation over the same period, while Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s office was involved with approving the Russian bid.

Uranium investors

September 2005

Frank Giustra, a Canadian mining financier, wins a major uranium deal in Kazakhstan for his company, UrAsia, days after visiting the country with former President Bill Clinton.


Uranium One

Mr. Giustra donates $31.3 million to the Clinton Foundation.

FebRuary 2007

UrAsia merges with a South African mining company and assumes the name Uranium One. In the next two months, the company expands into the United States.

June 2008

Negotations begin for an investment in Uranium One by the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom.



Uranium One and former UrAsia investors make $8.65 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One investors stand to profit on a Rosatom deal.

June 2009

Rosatom subsidiary ARMZ takes a 17 percent ownership stake in Uranium One.


Investors give millions more in donations to the Clinton Foundation.

June 2010

Rosatom seeks majority ownership of Uranium One, pending approval by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, of which the State Department is a member.

Rosatom says it does not plan to increase its stake in Uranium One or to take the company private.

June 29, 2010

Bill Clinton is paid $500,000 for a speech in Moscow by a Russian investment bank with ties to the Kremlin that assigned a buy rating to Uranium One stock.

Rest of timeline at link

Donations to the Clinton Foundation, and a Russian Uranium Takeover
If Russia helped Trump win the election, please explain what they're getting for their help.

Hillary Clinton took a bribe from the Russians and they gained a huge pile of uranium.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Wouldn't the Russians have preferred Hillary, since they already had a great working relationship?
You guys work so hard on ignorance. There must must a reason for it. Because it feeds your delusions?

The Uranium deal goes through the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Not the State Department. Try to figure out why. Hint: Uranium - Nuclear? Is that clue enough?
If Russia helped Trump win the election, please explain what they're getting for their help.

Hillary Clinton took a bribe from the Russians and they gained a huge pile of uranium.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Wouldn't the Russians have preferred Hillary, since they already had a great working relationship?
You guys work so hard on ignorance. There must must a reason for it. Because it feeds your delusions?

The Uranium deal goes through the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Not the State Department. Try to figure out why. Hint: Uranium - Nuclear? Is that clue enough?

The bitch had to approve the bid.
The problem is that Russia hacking our voting machines, Russia putting out fake news, several people close to Trump have lied about Russian contacts, sevreal people left because of it, several people getting money directly from Russia or Russian stooges, Trump telling Russia to find the emails Hillary deleted and they'll be rewarded, Russia hacking both political parties computers....none of that is proof of anything to you.

Not even 2 of them REGISTERING as Foreign agents isn't even proof of anything fishy at least.

Hell one guy received a friends hip award from Putin himself. BUT even that doesn't mean anything.

So when you say you've asked and never received an answer, the problem is that you don't accept any answer as being proof, circumstancial direct or even eye brow raising.
Still no proof though. Why is that?

Because the investigation is ongoing- and you don't get the 'proof' until the investigation is concluded.

Hopefully the investigation will conclude that there was no collusion.

Are you scared of the investigation being completed?
You don't have an investigation without proof, unless it's political.

I think that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is bank robber. That doesn't mean my suspicions warrants an official investigation.
The problem is that Russia hacking our voting machines, Russia putting out fake news, several people close to Trump have lied about Russian contacts, sevreal people left because of it, several people getting money directly from Russia or Russian stooges, Trump telling Russia to find the emails Hillary deleted and they'll be rewarded, Russia hacking both political parties computers....none of that is proof of anything to you.

Not even 2 of them REGISTERING as Foreign agents isn't even proof of anything fishy at least.

Hell one guy received a friends hip award from Putin himself. BUT even that doesn't mean anything.

So when you say you've asked and never received an answer, the problem is that you don't accept any answer as being proof, circumstancial direct or even eye brow raising.
Still no proof though. Why is that?

Because the investigation is ongoing- and you don't get the 'proof' until the investigation is concluded.

Hopefully the investigation will conclude that there was no collusion.

Are you scared of the investigation being completed?
No, I'm scared it will never end.

But heck, I would have thought you need some kind of proof to begin investigating. Or can you just say "Russia", and that's proof of "something".

What kind of proof do you need

Can you explain why key Trump aides were meeting with the Russians while Russia was releasing information to help the Trump campaign?
Yes. Because as the transition government, Trump aids were meeting many foreign officials to establish a relationships since they have to officially work with them soon.

What is wrong with that?
No Hillary Clinton did not lie to the FBI

Hillary gives new meaning to congenital, perennial liar.

Trump lies to the American voters almost every day and in almost every tweet.

Trump gives new meaning to congenital, perennial liar

Trump lies only to the liberals .

Then why does Trump lie to Conservatives all of the time?

Trump lies to the American voters almost every day and in almost every tweet.

Trump gives new meaning to congenital, perennial liar
Why don't you give us some examples please?
If Russia helped Trump win the election, please explain what they're getting for their help.

Hillary Clinton took a bribe from the Russians and they gained a huge pile of uranium.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Wouldn't the Russians have preferred Hillary, since they already had a great working relationship?
You guys work so hard on ignorance. There must must a reason for it. Because it feeds your delusions?

The Uranium deal goes through the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Not the State Department. Try to figure out why. Hint: Uranium - Nuclear? Is that clue enough?
What is the source for
Fox Noise of course

How's the New York mother trucking Times for you? I'm sick to death of the denials. It happened. It's real. Pay to play between the Clinton Foundation and foreign donors.
Eat this.

Donations to the Clinton Foundation, and a Russian Uranium Takeover

Uranium investors’ efforts to buy mining assets in Kazakhstan and the United States led to a takeover bid by a Russian state-owned energy company. The investors gave millions to the Clinton Foundation over the same period, while Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s office was involved with approving the Russian bid.

Uranium investors

September 2005

Frank Giustra, a Canadian mining financier, wins a major uranium deal in Kazakhstan for his company, UrAsia, days after visiting the country with former President Bill Clinton.


Uranium One

Mr. Giustra donates $31.3 million to the Clinton Foundation.

FebRuary 2007

UrAsia merges with a South African mining company and assumes the name Uranium One. In the next two months, the company expands into the United States.

June 2008

Negotations begin for an investment in Uranium One by the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom.



Uranium One and former UrAsia investors make $8.65 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One investors stand to profit on a Rosatom deal.

June 2009

Rosatom subsidiary ARMZ takes a 17 percent ownership stake in Uranium One.


Investors give millions more in donations to the Clinton Foundation.

June 2010

Rosatom seeks majority ownership of Uranium One, pending approval by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, of which the State Department is a member.

Rosatom says it does not plan to increase its stake in Uranium One or to take the company private.

June 29, 2010

Bill Clinton is paid $500,000 for a speech in Moscow by a Russian investment bank with ties to the Kremlin that assigned a buy rating to Uranium One stock.

Rest of timeline at link

Donations to the Clinton Foundation, and a Russian Uranium Takeover

Wow.....whole lots of stuff- and with no substance.

There were donations to the Clinton Foundation- but Hillary Clinton had no authority to approve any deal.

The closest you get is that the State Department was one of 9 Departments that at one point approved gave approval on the deal.

  1. Department of the Treasury (chair)
  2. Department of Justice
  3. Department of Homeland Security
  4. Department of Commerce
  5. Department of Defense
  6. Department of State
  7. Department of Energy
  8. Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
  9. Office of Science & Technology Policy
So where are the donations to Treasury Secretary? To the Attorney General? To the Secretary of Defense?

Making donations to the Clinton Foundation in order to 'swing' this deal- when State is only one of 9 Departments that has to approve the deal- and it also has to be approved of by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission

The fact is, Clinton was one of nine voting members on the foreign investments committee, which also includes the secretaries of the Treasury, Defense, Homeland Security, Commerce and Energy, the attorney general, and representatives from two White House offices — the United States Trade Representative and the Office of Science and Technology Policy. (Separately, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission needed to approve (and did approve) the transfer of two uranium recovery licenses as part of the sale.)

The committee, which is known by its acronym CFIUS, can approve a sale, but it cannot stop a sale. Only the president can do that, and only if the committee recommends or “any member of CFIUS recommends suspension or prohibition of the transaction,” according to guidelines issued by the Treasury Department in December 2008 after the department adopted its final rule a month earlier.

Treasury Department, Dec. 8, 2008: Only the President has the authority to suspend or prohibit a covered transaction. Pursuant to section 6(c) of Executive Order 11858, CFIUS refers a covered transaction to the President if CFIUS or any member of CFIUS recommends suspension or prohibition of the transaction, or if CFIUS otherwise seeks a Presidential determination on the transaction.
No Hillary Clinton did not lie to the FBI

Hillary gives new meaning to congenital, perennial liar.

Trump lies to the American voters almost every day and in almost every tweet.

Trump gives new meaning to congenital, perennial liar

Trump lies only to the liberals .

Then why does Trump lie to Conservatives all of the time?

Trump lies to the American voters almost every day and in almost every tweet.

Trump gives new meaning to congenital, perennial liar
Why don't you give us some examples please?

Sure- glad to

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

Jan. 21 “I wasn't a fan of Iraq. I didn't want to go into Iraq.” (He was for an invasion before he was against it.)Jan. 21 “A reporter for Time magazine — and I have been on their cover 14 or 15 times. I think we have the all-time record in the history of Time magazine.” (Trump was on the cover 11 times and Nixon appeared 55 times.)Jan. 23 “Between 3 million and 5 million illegal votes caused me to lose the popular vote.” (There's no evidence of illegal voting.)Jan. 25 “Now, the audience was the biggest ever. But this crowd was massive. Look how far back it goes. This crowd was massive.” (Official aerial photos show Obama's 2009 inauguration was much more heavily attended.)Jan. 25 “Take a look at the Pew reports (which show voter fraud.)” (The report never mentioned voter fraud.)Jan. 25 “You had millions of people that now aren't insured anymore.” (The real number is less than 1 million, according to the Urban Institute.)Jan. 25 “So, look, when President Obama was there two weeks ago making a speech, very nice speech. Two people were shot and killed during his speech. You can't have that.” (There were no gun homicide victims in Chicago that day.)Jan. 26 “We've taken in tens of thousands of people. We know nothing about them. They can say they vet them. They didn't vet them. They have no papers. How can you vet somebody when you don't know anything about them and you have no papers? How do you vet them? You can't.” (Vetting lasts up to two years.)Jan. 26 “I cut off hundreds of millions of dollars off one particular plane, hundreds of millions of dollars in a short period of time. It wasn't like I spent, like, weeks, hours, less than hours, and many, many hundreds of millions of dollars. And the plane's going to be better.” (Most of the cuts were already planned.)Jan. 28 “The coverage about me in the @nytimes and the @washingtonpost has been so false and angry that the Times actually apologized to its dwindling subscribers and readers.” (It never apologized.)Jan. 29 “The Cuban-Americans, I got 84 percent of that vote.” (There is no support for this.)Jan. 30 “Only 109 people out of 325,000 were detained and held for questioning. Big problems at airports were caused by Delta computer outage.” (At least 746 people were detained and processed, and the Delta outage happened two days later.)Feb. 3 “Professional anarchists, thugs and paid protesters are proving the point of the millions of people who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” (There is no evidence of paid protesters.)Feb. 4 “After being forced to apologize for its bad and inaccurate coverage of me after winning the election, the FAKE NEWS @nytimes is still lost!” (It never apologized.)Feb. 5 “We had 109 people out of hundreds of thousands of travelers and all we did was vet those people very, very carefully.” (About 60,000 people were affected.)Feb. 6 “I have already saved more than $700 million when I got involved in the negotiation on the F-35.” (Much of the price drop was projected before Trump took office.)Feb. 6 “It's gotten to a point where it is not even being reported. And in many cases, the very, very dishonest press doesn't want to report it.” (Terrorism has been reported on, often in detail.)Feb. 6 “The failing @nytimes was forced to apologize to its subscribers for the poor reporting it did on my election win. Now they are worse!” (It didn't apologize.)Feb. 6 “And the previous administration allowed it to happen because we shouldn't have been in Iraq, but we shouldn't have gotten out the way we got out. It created a vacuum, ISIS was formed.” (The group’s origins date to 2004.)Feb. 7 “And yet the murder rate in our country is the highest it’s been in 47 years, right? Did you know that? Forty-seven years.” (It was higher in the 1980s and '90s.)Feb. 7 “I saved more than $600 million. I got involved in negotiation on a fighter jet, the F-35.” (The Defense Department projected this price drop before Trump took office.)Feb. 9 “Chris Cuomo, in his interview with Sen. Blumenthal, never asked him about his long-term lie about his brave ‘service’ in Vietnam. FAKE NEWS!” (It was part of Cuomo's first question.)Feb. 9 Sen. Richard Blumenthal “now misrepresents what Judge Gorsuch told him?” (The Gorsuch comments were later corroborated.)Feb. 10 “I don’t know about it. I haven’t seen it. What report is that?” (Trump knew about Flynn's actions for weeks.)Feb. 12 “Just leaving Florida. Big crowds of enthusiastic supporters lining the road that the FAKE NEWS media refuses to mention. Very dishonest!” (The media did cover it.)Feb. 16 “We got 306 because people came out and voted like they've never seen before so that's the way it goes. I guess it was the biggest Electoral College win since Ronald Reagan.” (George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama all won bigger margins in the Electoral College.)Feb. 16 “That’s the other thing that was wrong with the travel ban. You had Delta with a massive problem with their computer system at the airports.” (Delta's problems happened two days later.)Feb. 16 “Walmart announced it will create 10,000 jobs in the United States just this year because of our various plans and initiatives.” (The jobs are a result of its investment plans announced in October 2016.)Feb. 16 “When WikiLeaks, which I had nothing to do with, comes out and happens to give, they’re not giving classified information.” (Not always. They have released classified information in the past.)Feb. 16 “We had a very smooth rollout of the travel ban. But we had a bad court. Got a bad decision.” (The rollout was chaotic.)Feb. 16 “They’re giving stuff — what was said at an office about Hillary cheating on the debates. Which, by the way, nobody mentions. Nobody mentions that Hillary received the questions to the debates.” (It was widely covered.)Feb. 18 “And there was no way to vet those people. There was no documentation. There was no nothing.” (Refugees receive multiple background checks, taking up to two years.)Feb. 18 “You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this?” (Trump implied there was a terror attack in Sweden, but there was no such attack.)Feb. 24 “By the way, you folks are in here — this place is packed, there are lines that go back six blocks.” (There was no evidence of long lines.)Feb. 24 “ICE came and endorsed me.” (Only its union did.)Feb. 24 “Obamacare covers very few people — and remember, deduct from the number all of the people that had great health care that they loved that was taken away from them — it was taken away from them.” (Obamacare increased coverage by a net of about 20 million.)Feb. 27 “Since Obamacare went into effect, nearly half of the insurers are stopped and have stopped from participating in the Obamacare exchanges.” (Many fewer pulled out.)Feb. 27 “On one plane, on a small order of one plane, I saved $725 million. And I would say I devoted about, if I added it up, all those calls, probably about an hour. So I think that might be my highest and best use.” (Much of the price cut was already projected.)Feb. 28 “And now, based on our very strong and frank discussions, they are beginning to do just that.” (NATO countries agreed to meet defense spending requirements in 2014.)Feb. 28 “The E.P.A.’s regulators were putting people out of jobs by the hundreds of thousands.” (There's no evidence that the Waters of the United States rule caused severe job losses.)Feb. 28 “We have begun to drain the swamp of government corruption by imposing a five-year ban on lobbying by executive branch officials.” (They can't lobby their former agency but can still become lobbyists.)March 3 “It is so pathetic that the Dems have still not approved my full Cabinet.” (Paperwork for the last two candidates was still not submitted to the Senate.)March 4 “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!” (There's no evidence of a wiretap.)March 4 “How low has President Obama gone to tap my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!” (There's no evidence of a wiretap.)March 7 “122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision!” (113 of them were released by President George W. Bush.)March 13 “I saved a lot of money on those jets, didn't I? Did I do a good job? More than $725 million on them.” (Much of the cost cuts were planned before Trump.)March 13 “First of all, it covers very few people.” (About 20 million people gained insurance under Obamacare.)March 15 “On the airplanes, I saved $725 million. Probably took me a half an hour if you added up all of the times.” (Much of the cost cuts were planned before Trump.)March 17 “I was in Tennessee — I was just telling the folks — and half of the state has no insurance company, and the other half is going to lose the insurance company.” (There's at least one insurer in every Tennessee county.)March 20 “With just one negotiation on one set of airplanes, I saved the taxpayers of our country over $700 million.” (Much of the cost cuts were planned before Trump.)March 21 “To save taxpayer dollars, I’ve already begun negotiating better contracts for the federal government — saving over $700 million on just one set of airplanes of which there are many sets.” (Much of the cost cuts were planned before Trump.)March 22 “I make the statement, everyone goes crazy. The next day they have a massive riot, and death, and problems.” (Riots in Sweden broke out two days later and there were no deaths.)March 22 “NATO, obsolete, because it doesn’t cover terrorism. They fixed that.” (It has fought terrorism since the 1980s.)March 22 “Well, now, if you take a look at the votes, when I say that, I mean mostly they register wrong — in other words, for the votes, they register incorrectly and/or illegally. And they then vote. You have tremendous numbers of people.” (There's no evidence of widespread voter fraud.)March 29 “Remember when the failing @nytimes apologized to its subscribers, right after the election, because their coverage was so wrong. Now worse!” (It didn't apologize.)March 31 “We have a lot of plants going up now in Michigan that were never going to be there if I — if I didn’t win this election, those plants would never even think about going back. They were gone.” (These investments were already planned.)April 2 “And I was totally opposed to the war in the Middle East which I think finally has been proven, people tried very hard to say I wasn’t but you’ve seen that it is now improving.” (He was for an invasion before he was against it.)April 2 “Now, my last tweet — you know, the one that you are talking about, perhaps — was the one about being, in quotes, wiretapped, meaning surveilled. Guess what, it is turning out to be true.” (There is still no evidence.)April 5 “You have many states coming up where they’re going to have no insurance company. O.K.? It’s already happened in Tennessee. It’s happening in Kentucky. Tennessee only has half coverage. Half the state is gone. They left.” (Every marketplace region in Tennessee had at least one insurer.)April 6 “If you look at the kind of cost-cutting we’ve been able to achieve with the military and at the same time ordering vast amounts of equipment — saved hundreds of millions of dollars on airplanes, and really billions, because if you take that out over a period of years it’s many billions of dollars — I think we’ve had a tremendous success.” (Much of the price cuts were already projected.)April 11 “I like Steve, but you have to remember he was not involved in my campaign until very late. I had already beaten all the senators and all the governors, and I didn’t know Steve.” (He knew Steve Bannon since 2011.)April 12 “You can't do it faster, because they're obstructing. They're obstructionists. So I have people — hundreds of people that we're trying to get through. I mean you have — you see the backlog. We can't get them through.” (At this point, he had not nominated anyone for hundreds of positions.)April 12 “The New York Times said the word wiretapped in the headline of the first edition. Then they took it out of there fast when they realized.” (There were separate headlines for print and web, but neither were altered.)April 12 “The secretary general and I had a productive discussion about what more NATO can do in the fight against terrorism. I complained about that a long time ago and they made a change, and now they do fight terrorism.” (NATO has been engaged in counterterrorism efforts since the 1980s.)April 12 “Mosul was supposed to last for a week and now they’ve been fighting it for many months and so many more people died.” (The campaign was expected to take months.)April 16 “Someone should look into who paid for the small organized rallies yesterday. The election is over!” (There's no evidence of paid protesters.)April 18 “The fake media goes, ‘Donald Trump changed his stance on China.’ I haven’t changed my stance.” (He did.)April 21 “On 90 planes I saved $725 million. It's actually a little bit more than that, but it's $725 million.” (Much of the price cuts were already projected.)April 21 “When WikiLeaks came out … never heard of WikiLeaks, never heard of it.” (He criticized it as early as 2010.)April 27 “I want to help our miners while the Democrats are blocking their healthcare.” (The bill to extend health benefits for certain coal miners was introduced by a Democrat and was co-sponsored by mostly Democrats.)April 28 “The trade deficit with Mexico is close to $70 billion, even with Canada it’s $17 billion trade deficit with Canada.” (The U.S. had an $8.1 billion trade surplus, not deficit, with Canada in 2016.)April 28 “She's running against someone who's going to raise your taxes to the sky, destroy your health care, and he's for open borders — lots of crime.” (Those are not Jon Ossoff's positions.)April 28 “The F-35 fighter jet program — it was way over budget. I’ve saved $725 million plus, just by getting involved in the negotiation.” (Much of the price cuts were planned before Trump.)April 29 “They're incompetent, dishonest people who after an election had to apologize because they covered it, us, me, but all of us, they covered it so badly that they felt they were forced to apologize because their predictions were so bad.” (The Times did not apologize.)April 29 “As you know, I've been a big critic of China, and I've been talking about currency manipulation for a long time. But I have to tell you that during the election, number one, they stopped.” (China stopped years ago.)April 29 “I've already saved more than $725 million on a simple order of F-35 planes. I got involved in the negotiation.” (Much of the price cuts were planned before Trump.)April 29 “We're also getting NATO countries to finally step up and contribute their fair share. They've begun to increase their contributions by billions of dollars, but we are not going to be satisfied until everyone pays what they owe.” (The deal was struck in 2014.)April 29 “When they talk about currency manipulation, and I did say I would call China, if they were, a currency manipulator, early in my tenure. And then I get there. Number one, they — as soon as I got elected, they stopped.” (China stopped in 2014.)April 29 “I was negotiating to reduce the price of the big fighter jet contract, the F-35, which was totally out of control. I will save billions and billions and billions of dollars.” (Most of the cuts were planned before Trump.)April 29 “I think our side's been proven very strongly. And everybody's talking about it.” (There's still no evidence Trump's phones were tapped.)May 1 “Well, we are protecting pre-existing conditions. And it'll be every good — bit as good on pre-existing conditions as Obamacare.” (The bill weakens protections for people with pre-existing conditions.)May 1 “The F-35 fighter jet — I saved — I got involved in the negotiation. It's 2,500 jets. I negotiated for 90 planes, lot 10. I got $725 million off the price.” (Much of the price cuts were planned before Trump.)May 1 “First of all, since I started running, they haven't increased their — you know, they have not manipulated their currency. I think that was out of respect to me and the campaign.” (China stopped years ago.)May 2 “I love buying those planes at a reduced price. I have been really — I have cut billions — I have to tell you this, and they can check, right, Martha? I have cut billions and billions of dollars off plane contracts sitting here.” (Much of the cost cuts were planned before Trump.)May 4 “Number two, they’re actually not a currency [manipulator]. You know, since I’ve been talking about currency manipulation with respect to them and other countries, they stopped.” (China stopped years ago.)May 4 “We’re the highest-taxed nation in the world.” (We're not.)May 4 “Nobody cares about my tax return except for the reporters.” (Polls show most Americans do care.)May 8 “You know we’ve gotten billions of dollars more in NATO than we’re getting. All because of me.” (The deal was struck in 2014.)May 8 “But when I did his show, which by the way was very highly rated. It was high — highest rating. The highest rating he’s ever had.” (Colbert's “Late Show” debut had nearly two million more viewers.)
The problem is that Russia hacking our voting machines, Russia putting out fake news, several people close to Trump have lied about Russian contacts, sevreal people left because of it, several people getting money directly from Russia or Russian stooges, Trump telling Russia to find the emails Hillary deleted and they'll be rewarded, Russia hacking both political parties computers....none of that is proof of anything to you.

Not even 2 of them REGISTERING as Foreign agents isn't even proof of anything fishy at least.

Hell one guy received a friends hip award from Putin himself. BUT even that doesn't mean anything.

So when you say you've asked and never received an answer, the problem is that you don't accept any answer as being proof, circumstancial direct or even eye brow raising.
Still no proof though. Why is that?

Because the investigation is ongoing- and you don't get the 'proof' until the investigation is concluded.

Hopefully the investigation will conclude that there was no collusion.

Are you scared of the investigation being completed?
No, I'm scared it will never end.

But heck, I would have thought you need some kind of proof to begin investigating. Or can you just say "Russia", and that's proof of "something".

What kind of proof do you need

Can you explain why key Trump aides were meeting with the Russians while Russia was releasing information to help the Trump campaign?
Yes. Because as the transition government, Trump aids were meeting many foreign officials to establish a relationships since they have to officially work with them soon.

What is wrong with that?
That's a great explanation

Now why doesn't Trump just say that and provide minutes of the meeting, recordings and a list of who was there

That will settle everything
Still no proof though. Why is that?

Because the investigation is ongoing- and you don't get the 'proof' until the investigation is concluded.

Hopefully the investigation will conclude that there was no collusion.

Are you scared of the investigation being completed?
No, I'm scared it will never end.

But heck, I would have thought you need some kind of proof to begin investigating. Or can you just say "Russia", and that's proof of "something".

What kind of proof do you need

Can you explain why key Trump aides were meeting with the Russians while Russia was releasing information to help the Trump campaign?
Yes. Because as the transition government, Trump aids were meeting many foreign officials to establish a relationships since they have to officially work with them soon.

What is wrong with that?
That's a great explanation

Now why doesn't Trump just say that and provide minutes of the meeting, recordings and a list of who was there

That will settle everything
No one has to explain anything to you, or anyone else.

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