In normal world, this is known as "fraud".

We live on roughly 1000 sq ft lot in an older three bedroom, two bath home without a lot of amenities inside or out. The neighborhood is mostly well kept but is an older neighborhood of not what you would call high value homes.

Zillow estimates the value of our property at $500,000. That's way high but at least gives a marker to start from.

When you figure Mar-a-lago is 20 acres (871,200 sq ft), has a very large exquisite building on it plus other structures, a well kept golf course, beautifully landscaped, magnificently appointed and maintained, located in one of Florida's highest rent districts, I think most of us couldn't imagine what that would be worth to a buyer with unlimited cash.
Neither can a dried out version of Doby Gillis on the NY Bench.
We live on roughly 1000 sq ft lot in an older three bedroom, two bath home without a lot of amenities inside or out. The neighborhood is mostly well kept but is an older neighborhood of not what you would call high value homes.

Zillow estimates the value of our property at $500,000. That's way high but at least gives a marker to start from.

When you figure Mar-a-lago is 20 acres (871,200 sq ft), has a very large exquisite building on it plus other structures, a well kept golf course, beautifully landscaped, magnificently appointed and maintained, located in one of Florida's highest rent districts, I think most of us couldn't imagine what that would be worth to a buyer with unlimited cash.
That's a pretty small lot. Sure you meant that?
Sorry, but you don't know what you are talking about. Yes, the lenders use financial statements, compiled by reputable firms, submitted by the borrower. Follow the trial.

Sorry, but the trial is ridiculous.
The statute being used if for securities exchanges, and not at all legal to apply to a loan application.
Lenders start with gross financial statements, but never use any customer guess as to the value of any assets.
The idea Trump as an amateur at evaluating things, could possibly have defrauded the bank that is the ultimate experts are evaluating things, is just totally ludicrous.
The trial is a total farce.
Makes no sense at all.
Like an impatient judge fining the lawyers.
That is insanely illegal.
We live on roughly 1000 sq ft lot in an older three bedroom, two bath home without a lot of amenities inside or out. The neighborhood is mostly well kept but is an older neighborhood of not what you would call high value homes.

Zillow estimates the value of our property at $500,000. That's way high but at least gives a marker to start from.

When you figure Mar-a-lago is 20 acres (871,200 sq ft), has a very large exquisite building on it plus other structures, a well kept golf course, beautifully landscaped, magnificently appointed and maintained, located in one of Florida's highest rent districts, I think most of us couldn't imagine what that would be worth to a buyer with unlimited cash.
Like I said...a guy who does this sort of thing for a living called it a billion-dollar property.
Hey kids, WWIII is forming up. Stop worrying about Trump properties' valuations.
That's a pretty small lot. Sure you meant that?
That's pretty close I think. Oh wait. I see I left off a zero. Make that 100 x 100 = 10,000 sq ft. Better? :) Our house is about 2000 sq ft plus an enclosed back porch and attached double garage. All the residential lots in our area are about that size.
I'm not keeping score. Children do that. Your assumptions are what get you in trouble as they have oce again.
The score part was a joke. The comment was about reality. A reality you accuse me of being detached from. Yet I look at reality, and it seems I am much more aligned with it than you are.
Actually at this point they have more evidence of Joe Biden’s malfeasance than they ever had of Trump colluding with Putin. We should have a competent and totally independent investigator looking into the situation but unfortunately it does seem the DOJ and FBI are corrupt at the top.

DOJ ordered Hunter Biden investigators to 'remove any reference' to Joe Biden in FARA probe warrant: House GOPThey​

Link …MSN

Which is why Trump was never charged with colluding with Russia.

And removing Biden's name from a warrant was consistent with department policy to not put out public information about presidential candidates in advance of an election. I have no doubt you get your information from sites which try to make that event sound nefarious.
Borrowers are not supposed to be good at doing evaluation documents.
The POINT is Trump did not default, cost the bank any lost profit, so there was no harm done.
The evaluation had to be accurate, since it correctly predicted that Trump could afford the loan.
It is ONLY "fraud" is it harms someone else.
No one was harmed.
So then it was NOT "fraud", by any rational definition.

Too bad for trump is acolytes are idiots who can't understand that fraud is not defined by getting away with it.
Too bad for trump is acolytes are idiots who can't understand that fraud is not defined by getting away with it.
It is also not defined by adjudicators with zero real estate acumen. That appears to be the case here....
It is also not defined by adjudicators with zero real estate acumen. That appears to be the case here....

Who's that? Those who know applying repetitive deceptive measures for gain is fraud even if they're unsuccessful at gaining anything?

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