In normal world, this is known as "fraud".

Who's that? Those who know applying repetitive deceptive measures for gain is fraud even if they're unsuccessful at gaining anything?
Trump is a hoodlum....there's no debate there.
Having said that however one cannot ignore the
the same misapplications in the judiciary. They won't prevail because they can't...the misteps and mistakes already made in all of the cases will eventually derail them. As for Trump...he is no more and no less than the typical NY State businessman. Not the cleanest and absolutely not the dirtiest. NY state already knows this.
Which is why Trump was never charged with colluding with Russia.

And removing Biden's name from a warrant was consistent with department policy to not put out public information about presidential candidates in advance of an election. I have no doubt you get your information from sites which try to make that event sound nefarious.
I don’t usually get my info from the liberal main stream sites. In my opinion liberal news is just propaganda for the Democratic Party. Lots of lies and coverups.

I don’t usually get my info from the liberal main stream sites. In my opinion liberal news is just propaganda for the Democratic Party. Lots of lies and coverups.

Good thing for me, my info didn't come from left or right wing media.
Such unbiased media is hard to find today.

Top 4 Unbiased Independent World News Sources​

UPDATED JUN 11, 2023

Try the Department of Justice, which sets its own policy of non-interference with elections. No media needed.
If the answer to either one of those is no then there was no fraud or if there was there was no victim. If there is no victim is there a crime at all?
According to New York law, there does not have to be a victim. The fraud itself is all that has to be proven.
I don’t usually get my info from the liberal main stream sites. In my opinion liberal news is just propaganda for the Democratic Party. Lots of lies and coverups.

Lara Logan calling others propagandists.

Oh, man. That's priceless! :lol:
We live on roughly 1000 sq ft lot in an older three bedroom, two bath home without a lot of amenities inside or out. The neighborhood is mostly well kept but is an older neighborhood of not what you would call high value homes.

Zillow estimates the value of our property at $500,000. That's way high but at least gives a marker to start from.

When you figure Mar-a-lago is 20 acres (871,200 sq ft), has a very large exquisite building on it plus other structures, a well kept golf course, beautifully landscaped, magnificently appointed and maintained, located in one of Florida's highest rent districts, I think most of us couldn't imagine what that would be worth to a buyer with unlimited cash.
I find it very interesting you rubes completely ignore the fact Trump fraudulently declared his Trump Tower apartment is three times its actual size, and overvalued it by hundreds of millions of dollars.

I bet you would be stupid enough to buy a used car from Crooked Donald.
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Sorry, but the trial is ridiculous.
The statute being used if for securities exchanges, and not at all legal to apply to a loan application.
Lenders start with gross financial statements, but never use any customer guess as to the value of any assets.
The idea Trump as an amateur at evaluating things, could possibly have defrauded the bank that is the ultimate experts are evaluating things, is just totally ludicrous.
The trial is a total farce.
Makes no sense at all.
Like an impatient judge fining the lawyers.
That is insanely illegal.
Gee, that must be why Deutsche Bank is the primary prosecution witness against Trump.

There is something very fishy about his relationship with Deutsche Bank. Crooked Donald defaulted on $640 million of loans from Deutsche, and yet they still kept lending him money.

This coincided with Deutsche Bank seeking ways to launder dirty Russian money, and real estate is the most common method used to launder money.

Upon being informed Defendant Donald gave them fraudulent SFCs, Deutsche Bank immediately terminated their relationship with him, and now they are a prosecution witness. They've been testifying for the past few days.
In Normal World, when you overstate the value of your holdings on official documents for the purpose of obtaining loans, that's known as "fraud". When you VASTLY overstate them, that's known as "another day in TrumpWorld™".

Defrauding people is "bad" It's "dishonest". People who commit fraud are "lying".

Here are just a few examples of how Trump commits fraud on financial documents to MAKE IT SEEM that he has a LOT more money than he does.

Trump Tower Triplex
Trump's claim: 30,000 sq ft
Actual appraisal: 10,996 sq ft

Seven Springs Estate Value
Trump's claim: $291 million
Actual appraisal: $30 million

40 Wall Street
Trump's claim: $527 million
Actual appraisal: $220 million

Trump's claim: $612 million
Actual value: $27.6 million

TNGC Briarcliff and TNGC LA
Trump's claim: $73 million
Actual value: $16 million


So I guess the question is, why are his followers so willing to overlook blatant fraud like this? Would any of you like to answer that question?

Let the deflection and personal attacks begin!

Source: Page 21 and beyond, DocumentCloud
Your fraudulent definition of “fraud” fails the test for accuracy (or honesty).

I’ll help you out by asking you a question:

Who is the alleged victim?
I find it very interesting you rubes completely ignore the fact Trump fraudulently declared his Trump Tower apartment is three times its actual size, and overvalued it by hundreds of millions of dollars.

I bet you would be stupid enough to buy a used car from Crooked Donald.
I bet you think banks or other lenders loan large amounts of money based on the value the borrower set on the collateral. Maybe somewhere there is a lender that stupid, but I've never known one. But there are people so stupid they believe everything a dishonest and biased media feed them.
Correct. These anti Trump assholes will tell any lie to keep their 'Orange Man Bad' lie alive. Either that or they're just dumb as a box of rocks. Maybe both.
They just don’t want to know the truth about how things work. It destroys their narrative,
I bet you think banks or other lenders loan large amounts of money based on the value the borrower set on the collateral. Maybe somewhere there is a lender that stupid, but I've never known one. But there are people so stupid they believe everything a dishonest and biased media feed them.

Sad you still think that's relevant.
It's relevant because it is the way it is. Sad that you don't understand that.

Nope. You don't understand fraud is committed by the intent to deceive, not by the success of the deception.
Nope. You don't understand fraud is committed by the intent to deceive, not by the success of the deception.
Like no one believes the election was not stolen? There is a fraud that fooled no one.
Nope. You don't understand fraud is committed by the intent to deceive, not by the success of the deception.
No fraud is committed by those who DO deceive. Nobody can defraud a lender or even attempt to defraud a lender by overvaluing his property because the lender will not take the borrower's word for the value of the collateral. You can take that fact to the bank.
Your fraudulent definition of “fraud” fails the test for accuracy (or honesty).

I’ll help you out by asking you a question:

Who is the alleged victim?
The State of New York, as I have explained multiple times. When you break a jurisidiction's laws, the jurisdiction is the victim.

That's why many cases are called "The People of (Jurisdiction) vs. (Defendant's Name)". I'll bet you've heard that phrase many times, whether you'll admit it or not.

My goodnesss, you people and your intellectual rabbit hole. You are hopeless.

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