In Nov- I'll Vote For Who Deploys Troops to Defeat ISIS

won't that "worsen the deficit" ....:2up:

Acceptable cost.

But Obama could always cut some entitlements somewhere if he wanted to pay for it.

Now that I think about we just have not had enough war expenditures ....:2up:

Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan

Acceptable cost to slaughter murdering Muslims.

so are ya joining up

Not a rational question. But I have served, How about you?

too old did 30 years
That's it. Time to deploy our might in the ME again. Turn our boyz loose is the only answer. Cruz gets my vote based on this critical requirement

Will you fight?

Dumb question which exposes your lack of rational response. But I did answer it lol

You have any disposable loved ones you might want to see in heroics ?

My son is an Army Medic

Acceptable cost.

But Obama could always cut some entitlements somewhere if he wanted to pay for it.

Now that I think about we just have not had enough war expenditures ....:2up:

Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan

Acceptable cost to slaughter murdering Muslims.

so are ya joining up

Not a rational question. But I have served, How about you?

too old did 30 years


That's it. Time to deploy our might in the ME again. Turn our boyz loose is the only answer. Cruz gets my vote based on this critical requirement

Will you fight?

Dumb question which exposes your lack of rational response. But I did answer it lol

You have any disposable loved ones you might want to see in heroics ?
Maybe he has a 15 year old son he can send to fight in 3 years.
That's it. Time to deploy our might in the ME again. Turn our boyz loose is the only answer. Cruz gets my vote based on this critical requirement

Will you fight?

Dumb question which exposes your lack of rational response. But I did answer it lol

You have any disposable loved ones you might want to see in heroics ?

My son is an Army Medic

want to send him in "harms way" ?
When guys like Geaux get scared....they are cool with sending other people's kids to die needlessly.
That is the exact wrong thing to do.

Wow. You deranged idiot. How do you propose dealing with filthy, woman hating, inbred Muslim savages who have invaded the West as a result of Jewish policies?
Muslims didn't invade the West because of Jewish policies. Muslims believe that Islam must dominate the world. This is about infiltration and takeover of nations and ultimately the world.
That's it. Time to deploy our might in the ME again. Turn our boyz loose is the only answer. Cruz gets my vote based on this critical requirement

That’s idiotic.

It’s exactly what the terrorists want.

Conventional American ground forces would only prolong the conflict, empower and benefit the terrorists, and result in more Americans dying pointlessly in the ME.

The right’s propensity for war is one of many reasons why a republican has no business being president.

Indeed, it was a republican president who started a failed, illegal war in Iraq that destabilized the entire region to begin with, giving rise to ISIS and other terrorist entities.
That's it. Time to deploy our might in the ME again. Turn our boyz loose is the only answer. Cruz gets my vote based on this critical requirement

Will you fight?

Dumb question which exposes your lack of rational response. But I did answer it lol

You have any disposable loved ones you might want to see in heroics ?
Maybe he has a 15 year old son he can send to fight in 3 years.
You know kids who were 4 or 5 when NumbNuts 43 started his war of choice in Iraq can now also have a chance to have their nuts shot off ...its been war since then 34/7/365...its a white Christian thing apparently..and they mean to continue the long string of war time because they explicitly trust the Gov when it says we have to blow up stuff and kill folks ...its a white Christian thing seemingly
That's it. Time to deploy our might in the ME again. Turn our boyz loose is the only answer. Cruz gets my vote based on this critical requirement

Will you fight?

Dumb question which exposes your lack of rational response. But I did answer it lol

You have any disposable loved ones you might want to see in heroics ?

My son is an Army Medic

want to send him in "harms way" ?

When guys like Geaux get scared....they are cool with sending other people's kids to die needlessly.

Needlessly? No so. It's required, Big difference

Will you fight?

Dumb question which exposes your lack of rational response. But I did answer it lol

You have any disposable loved ones you might want to see in heroics ?

My son is an Army Medic

want to send him in "harms way" ?

When guys like Geaux get scared....they are cool with sending other people's kids to die needlessly.

Needlessly? No so. It's required, Big difference


You are in an emotional state. You are not capable of determining what is and what is not required.

Ted and Donald know this....and are telling you what you want to hear. You are a dupe.
That's it. Time to deploy our might in the ME again. Turn our boyz loose is the only answer. Cruz gets my vote based on this critical requirement

That’s idiotic.

It’s exactly what the terrorists want.

Conventional American ground forces would only prolong the conflict, empower and benefit the terrorists, and result in more Americans dying pointlessly in the ME.

The right’s propensity for war is one of many reasons why a republican has no business being president.

Indeed, it was a republican president who started a failed, illegal war in Iraq that destabilized the entire region to begin with, giving rise to ISIS and other terrorist entities.

We have to kill them as long as they muster new ones to kill. We can command victory at their expense. As Patton said, "

"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country"

France. LMAO... They need not apply, they are part of the problem

I for one don't want to wait for ISIS to bring it here to us, which they want to do, lets take it to them. Let our troops slaughter as many as they can muster

The greatest threat doesn’t come from terrorists, it comes from this sort of rightwing idiocy and recklessness.
Dumb question which exposes your lack of rational response. But I did answer it lol

You have any disposable loved ones you might want to see in heroics ?

My son is an Army Medic

want to send him in "harms way" ?

When guys like Geaux get scared....they are cool with sending other people's kids to die needlessly.

Needlessly? No so. It's required, Big difference


You are in an emotional state. You are not capable of determining what is and what is not required.

Ted and Donald know this....and are telling you what you want to hear. You are a dupe.

You see we consider Muslims the enemy but we do not consider homelessness, ignorance, lack of Medical care, lack of jobs etc to be enemies of the US in spite of the damage and hurt it causes to Americans ...they will always spend to kill, tear down and blow up but not to help our fellow Americans...its a white Christian thing assuredly
France. LMAO... They need not apply, they are part of the problem

I for one don't want to wait for ISIS to bring it here to us, which they want to do, lets take it to them. Let our troops slaughter as many as they can muster

The greatest threat doesn’t come from terrorists, it comes from this sort of rightwing idiocy and recklessness.

^^^^^^^ LIE *******

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