In Politics and Society: Is it Intolerant to be Intolerant of Intolerance?

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Then by what right do you have to judge Christians? I tolerate homosexuals, and I disapprove of their practices. Until you have experienced Christianity first hand, I don't believe you have the proper standing to judge people of my faith. You would say likewise of homosexuality no doubt, since I don't know what it's like (nor do I care to).

I was raised Catholic. I know what Christianity is. I went to Church every Sunday.

You're still not getting it. I am not judging your faith. I am judging people who are hateful of gay people.

But again, do you approve of GLAAD demanding that A&E fire Phil Robertson because, in your point of view, he was 'hateful of gay people'? Or if you expect Christians to be tolerant of homosexuality, does it not follow that homosexuals should be tolerant of an expressed fundamentalist Christian view expressed by a fundamentalist Christian?

Then by what right do you have to judge Christians? I tolerate homosexuals, and I disapprove of their practices. Until you have experienced Christianity first hand, I don't believe you have the proper standing to judge people of my faith. You would say likewise of homosexuality no doubt, since I don't know what it's like (nor do I care to).

I was raised Catholic. I know what Christianity is. I went to Church every Sunday.

You're still not getting it. I am not judging your faith. I am judging people who are hateful of gay people.

You said you 'weren't a Christian' so which is it my friend? Being a Christian isn't merely doing the motions, Billy, going to Church everyday does not assure you a place in heaven. There are many other factors involved. Did you think that by just "doing the motions" that you were a Christian. I have bad news, Billy, that isn't the case at all.

Dude come on lol. The obvious explanation was that I was raised Catholic but now I am not lol. It's something I left behind in my teen years.
I was raised Catholic. I know what Christianity is. I went to Church every Sunday.

You're still not getting it. I am not judging your faith. I am judging people who are hateful of gay people.

But again, do you approve of GLAAD demanding that A&E fire Phil Robertson because, in your point of view, he was 'hateful of gay people'? Or if you expect Christians to be tolerant of homosexuality, does it not follow that homosexuals should be tolerant of an expressed fundamentalist Christian view expressed by a fundamentalist Christian?

A person who believes gays should be compared to terrorists is not a true Christian in my opinion. Period. They can all themselves anything they want.

Where did he compare them to terrorists? I read the interview myself. Even if he did, and if you want to get technical, GLAAD is a militant gay rights group, so he is partially correct. When you use coercion to force someone to accept you and your lifestyle, you are no better than a terrorist. When you seek someone out to destroy them for opposing your way of life, you are no better than a terrorist.

When you're making the rules, you get to decide when a line is crossed; you get to decide when a word or thought is punishable; you get to create your own little game.

Their game is over when we say it is.

As a citizen, a consumer of Televison? Sure. WE hold the ultimate power...until it's usurped by the intolerant.
I think the majority of Americans agree that Duck Dynasty guy should not be suspended for expressing his religious beliefs. Rather people find his opinions hatful or ignorant is inconsequential. The bigger topic we are having concerns the application of tolerance. It's a good conversation to have. I tend to side with the majority of people who say that A&E had a legal right to suspend Duck Dynasty guy but believe, ethically, that people should not be punished for expressing their religious views.

No, what is the issue are the remarks themselves. They were disrespectful and insulting. Had he simply stated homosexuality goes against his beliefs, he wouldn't have been suspended. He took it too far.

I don't understand why people aren't getting that.

So what if his comments were disrespectful and insulting? I've heard many insulting and disrespectful comments on television. I'm a conservative and I've been called every name in the book by people on television. So what? I've been called a racist, xenophobic, sexist, terrorist, etc by people who classify conservatives in the dumbest and angriest language possible. I find Pierce Morgan and Chris Mathews as insulting and disrespectful as I'm sure you find Duck Dynasty guy. However, it would never occur to me to suspend them because of their vile remarks. I'm far more interested in the rights of the individual to express their opinions than I am about forcibly shutting other people's arguments down.

The obvious difference is that gay people were born gay. Conservatives are not. And I am against the idea of calling all conservatives dumb. They aren't.

I would like to know what they exactly have said about conservatives.
I was raised Catholic. I know what Christianity is. I went to Church every Sunday.

You're still not getting it. I am not judging your faith. I am judging people who are hateful of gay people.

But again, do you approve of GLAAD demanding that A&E fire Phil Robertson because, in your point of view, he was 'hateful of gay people'? Or if you expect Christians to be tolerant of homosexuality, does it not follow that homosexuals should be tolerant of an expressed fundamentalist Christian view expressed by a fundamentalist Christian?

I was raised Catholic. I know what Christianity is. I went to Church every Sunday.

You're still not getting it. I am not judging your faith. I am judging people who are hateful of gay people.

You said you 'weren't a Christian' so which is it my friend? Being a Christian isn't merely doing the motions, Billy, going to Church everyday does not assure you a place in heaven. There are many other factors involved. Did you think that by just "doing the motions" that you were a Christian. I have bad news, Billy, that isn't the case at all.

Dude come on lol. The obvious explanation was that I was raised Catholic but now I am not lol. It's something I left behind in my teen years.

Then my original question remains. How can you judge Christians? How do you know what a real Christian is? You aren't one, you chose to leave us behind for whatever reason it was that moved you. I don't feel you have the right to play the judge.
But again, do you approve of GLAAD demanding that A&E fire Phil Robertson because, in your point of view, he was 'hateful of gay people'? Or if you expect Christians to be tolerant of homosexuality, does it not follow that homosexuals should be tolerant of an expressed fundamentalist Christian view expressed by a fundamentalist Christian?

A person who believes gays should be compared to terrorists is not a true Christian in my opinion. Period. They can all themselves anything they want.

Where did he compare them to terrorists? I read the interview myself. Even if he did, and if you want to get technical, GLAAD is a militant gay rights group, so he is partially correct. When you use coercion to force someone to accept you and your lifestyle, you are no better than a terrorist. When you seek someone out to destroy them for opposing your way of life, you are no better than a terrorist.

No, you fool he referred to gays collectively. Not some gays. All gays.
I was raised Catholic. I know what Christianity is. I went to Church every Sunday.

You're still not getting it. I am not judging your faith. I am judging people who are hateful of gay people.

But again, do you approve of GLAAD demanding that A&E fire Phil Robertson because, in your point of view, he was 'hateful of gay people'? Or if you expect Christians to be tolerant of homosexuality, does it not follow that homosexuals should be tolerant of an expressed fundamentalist Christian view expressed by a fundamentalist Christian?

I was raised Catholic. I know what Christianity is. I went to Church every Sunday.

You're still not getting it. I am not judging your faith. I am judging people who are hateful of gay people.

You said you 'weren't a Christian' so which is it my friend? Being a Christian isn't merely doing the motions, Billy, going to Church everyday does not assure you a place in heaven. There are many other factors involved. Did you think that by just "doing the motions" that you were a Christian. I have bad news, Billy, that isn't the case at all.

Dude come on lol. The obvious explanation was that I was raised Catholic but now I am not lol. It's something I left behind in my teen years.
Fine. YOU stated YOU were please? Don't get upset when you are met with your own standard.:eusa_hand:
But again, do you approve of GLAAD demanding that A&E fire Phil Robertson because, in your point of view, he was 'hateful of gay people'? Or if you expect Christians to be tolerant of homosexuality, does it not follow that homosexuals should be tolerant of an expressed fundamentalist Christian view expressed by a fundamentalist Christian?

You said you 'weren't a Christian' so which is it my friend? Being a Christian isn't merely doing the motions, Billy, going to Church everyday does not assure you a place in heaven. There are many other factors involved. Did you think that by just "doing the motions" that you were a Christian. I have bad news, Billy, that isn't the case at all.

Dude come on lol. The obvious explanation was that I was raised Catholic but now I am not lol. It's something I left behind in my teen years.

Then my original question remains. How can you judge Christians? How do you know what a real Christian is? You aren't one, you chose to leave us behind for whatever reason it was that moved you. I don't feel you have the right to play the judge.

Dude your skull is a foot deep. I already explained what I think a true Chistian is.
No, what is the issue are the remarks themselves. They were disrespectful and insulting. Had he simply stated homosexuality goes against his beliefs, he wouldn't have been suspended. He took it too far.

I don't understand why people aren't getting that.

So what if his comments were disrespectful and insulting? I've heard many insulting and disrespectful comments on television. I'm a conservative and I've been called every name in the book by people on television. So what? I've been called a racist, xenophobic, sexist, terrorist, etc by people who classify conservatives in the dumbest and angriest language possible. I find Pierce Morgan and Chris Mathews as insulting and disrespectful as I'm sure you find Duck Dynasty guy. However, it would never occur to me to suspend them because of their vile remarks. I'm far more interested in the rights of the individual to express their opinions than I am about forcibly shutting other people's arguments down.

The obvious difference is that gay people were born gay. Conservatives are not. And I am against the idea of calling all conservatives dumb. They aren't.

I would like to know what they exactly have said about conservatives.

WRONG. Science has proven that homosexuality is not genetic. The precursors to homosexuality is epigenetic. No man is more "born gay" than I am born a Christian. It's all a choice, pure and simple. And furthermore, you don't like calling conservatives dumb, but don't mind referring to them as bigots. How do you reconcile such reasoning?
But again, do you approve of GLAAD demanding that A&E fire Phil Robertson because, in your point of view, he was 'hateful of gay people'? Or if you expect Christians to be tolerant of homosexuality, does it not follow that homosexuals should be tolerant of an expressed fundamentalist Christian view expressed by a fundamentalist Christian?

You said you 'weren't a Christian' so which is it my friend? Being a Christian isn't merely doing the motions, Billy, going to Church everyday does not assure you a place in heaven. There are many other factors involved. Did you think that by just "doing the motions" that you were a Christian. I have bad news, Billy, that isn't the case at all.

Dude come on lol. The obvious explanation was that I was raised Catholic but now I am not lol. It's something I left behind in my teen years.
Fine. YOU stated YOU were please? Don't get upset when you are met with your own standard.:eusa_hand:

Yeah no shit I am judging.
Dude come on lol. The obvious explanation was that I was raised Catholic but now I am not lol. It's something I left behind in my teen years.
Fine. YOU stated YOU were please? Don't get upset when you are met with your own standard.:eusa_hand:

Yeah no shit I am judging.
So WHOM is intolerant in the spirit of the thread? YOU? Or those that oppose your thinking?
There are gay Christians, TK. Are they any less Christians because they are gay? Is their faith and belief any different to that of their straight brethren? Should they be treated any differently?

I realize that.

And this might sound a little barbaric to you, but anyone who is "gay" and is a "christian" isn't a Christian to me. I've read the Bible, studied the Bible, nowhere does it speak of letting gays become leaders of a church or being a Christian while doing things that fly in the face of God's teachings. It is disingenuous to force your lifestyle on a religion that has unanimously rejected the notion of gay marriage. It is also disingenuous for the homosexual to put himself in a hostile environment that isn't conducive to his lifestyle. I would admonish his brethren to treat him with love and kindness, but I will not force them to accept his way of life.

I see homosexuality as an affront to the God's divine order of creation. Scientifically speaking in my opinion, homosexuality is contrary to natural procreation. If you have to resort to artificial insemination so a gay couple can reproduce, it is therefore unnatural.

What do you think of gay people on a personal level? Are you polite to gay people? Would you be friends with one?

what do basic good manners have to do with the internal beliefs of a person?
I'm an atheist but I hate those idiots who scream holy murder against having a Christmas tree in the town square.

I'm an animal lover but I believe any PETA member who throws paint at a person wearing a fur coat should be skinned alive and turned into a scarf.

I'm pro gay marriage but I think the people of GLADD should smoke a joint, mellow out and stop playing fascistic fashionista with free speech.

It seems to me that the extremists always drive the conversation. On television I have seen both liberals and homosexuals defend Duck Dynasty guy's right to speak his mind without fear of punishment. It's only the peace code fanatics that are frothing at the mouth.
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How do you know what a true Christian is? Hmm? Where do you get off making such an inflammatory remark?

My opinion is based on his blatant inflammatory remarks. You can be against homosexuality and still treat homosexual people with respect. Like it or not, they exist.

But his blatant inflammatory remarks are inflammatory only to those who think such people should not be allowed to speak those remarks. If you simply disagree with him or wrinkle your nose because he expressed himself more crudely or judgmentally than was necessary, that is your right too. Your right to say so even.

But when you seek to punish him physically or materially because you didn't like what he said or how he said it, you've crossed over a line from opinion to destructive activism. I think that is wrong. Even evil. And I think good people have to start standing up and pushing back on that kind of activism because it is harmful and destructive and is very bad for us.

I'm an atheist but I hate those idiots who scream holy murder against having a Christmas tree in the town square.

I'm an animal lover but I believe any PETA member who throws paint at a person wearing a fur coat should be skinned alive and turned into a scarf.

I'm pro gay marriage but I think the people of GLADD should smoke a joint, mellow out and stop playing fascistic fashionista with free speech.

It seems to me that the extremists always drive the conversation. On television I have seen both liberals and homosexuals defend Duck Dynasty guy's right to speak his mind without fear of punishment. It's only the peace code fanatics that are frothing at the mouth.
I'm opposed to a lot of things...and state it, outright...but NEVER do I call for others that oppose my sensibilities to be silenced. AS a free society? It's called the arena of ideas...some tend to skew it to their favour that makes them worse than what they rally against by insistence on silencing others.

The price of liberty. I like your stance. Kudos.
I was raised Catholic. I know what Christianity is. I went to Church every Sunday.

You're still not getting it. I am not judging your faith. I am judging people who are hateful of gay people.

But again, do you approve of GLAAD demanding that A&E fire Phil Robertson because, in your point of view, he was 'hateful of gay people'? Or if you expect Christians to be tolerant of homosexuality, does it not follow that homosexuals should be tolerant of an expressed fundamentalist Christian view expressed by a fundamentalist Christian?

A person who believes gays should be compared to terrorists is not a true Christian in my opinion. Period. They can all themselves anything they want.

Phil did not compare gays to terrorists. Here is what he said regarding terrorists:
“We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job. We just love ’em, give ’em the good news about Jesus—whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ’em out later, you see what I’m saying?”

But I am not concerned about who is or who is not a 'true Christian' and I earnestly beg everybody to get off that schtick. Who is or is not a 'true Christian' is not the subject of this thread.

But you didn't answer my question. Do you approve of GLAAD demanding that A&E fire Phil Robertson? And if you do, is that not GLAAD being intolerant of somebody because of something that person believes and said?

Do you approve of people trying to hurt Chick-fil-a's business with a protest because the CEO expressed his opinion that defended traditional marriage?

Should I lose my job if I say a loving two parent family consisting of a mom and dad is a far superior environment for raising children than any other?

Should anybody lose their job for expressing an opinion that able-bodied welfare recipients should be required to perform civic duty in return for the welfare benefits they receive?

Should you lose your job for expressing your opinion about what is or is not a true Christian?
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So what if his comments were disrespectful and insulting? I've heard many insulting and disrespectful comments on television. I'm a conservative and I've been called every name in the book by people on television. So what? I've been called a racist, xenophobic, sexist, terrorist, etc by people who classify conservatives in the dumbest and angriest language possible. I find Pierce Morgan and Chris Mathews as insulting and disrespectful as I'm sure you find Duck Dynasty guy. However, it would never occur to me to suspend them because of their vile remarks. I'm far more interested in the rights of the individual to express their opinions than I am about forcibly shutting other people's arguments down.

The obvious difference is that gay people were born gay. Conservatives are not. And I am against the idea of calling all conservatives dumb. They aren't.

I would like to know what they exactly have said about conservatives.

WRONG. Science has proven that homosexuality is not genetic. The precursors to homosexuality is epigenetic. No man is more "born gay" than I am born a Christian. It's all a choice, pure and simple. And furthermore, you don't like calling conservatives dumb, but don't mind referring to them as bigots. How do you reconcile such reasoning?

Show me the evidence of that. Give a link to the research.

Here's a question to you Christians. If homosexuality is such a big deal, why did Jesus himself NOT to mention it in the Bible anywhere?
The obvious difference is that gay people were born gay. Conservatives are not. And I am against the idea of calling all conservatives dumb. They aren't.

I would like to know what they exactly have said about conservatives.

WRONG. Science has proven that homosexuality is not genetic. The precursors to homosexuality is epigenetic. No man is more "born gay" than I am born a Christian. It's all a choice, pure and simple. And furthermore, you don't like calling conservatives dumb, but don't mind referring to them as bigots. How do you reconcile such reasoning?

Show me the evidence of that. Give a link to the research.

Here's a question to you Christians. If homosexuality is such a big deal, why did Jesus himself NOT to mention it in the Bible anywhere?

Again dragging the train back on the tracks. The topic is NOT who is or is not a true Christian. The topic is NOT how people become gay. The topic is NOT what Jesus thought about homosexuality.

The topic is tolerance and/or the lack thereof. Could you answer the question please. Should Phil Robertson be able to express what he believes without an outside group demanding he be fired purely because they didn't like what he said?
The obvious difference is that gay people were born gay. Conservatives are not. And I am against the idea of calling all conservatives dumb. They aren't.

I would like to know what they exactly have said about conservatives.

WRONG. Science has proven that homosexuality is not genetic. The precursors to homosexuality is epigenetic. No man is more "born gay" than I am born a Christian. It's all a choice, pure and simple. And furthermore, you don't like calling conservatives dumb, but don't mind referring to them as bigots. How do you reconcile such reasoning?

Show me the evidence of that. Give a link to the research.

Here's a question to you Christians. If homosexuality is such a big deal, why did Jesus himself NOT to mention it in the Bible anywhere?

Read up, bud.

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Jesus, Marriage, and Homosexuality | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views

[MENTION=6847]Foxfyre[/MENTION]: I am simply responding to his inquiry. I will not engage in any further irrelevant discourse.
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He needs to limit his beliefs, opinions and statements.
It is what Billy wants. Billy shows himself to be intolerant, while saying he's tolerant. BILLY is a classic case of hypocrisy.

So me voicing my opinion that he should have been suspended means I am intolerant?

Yes, you are EXTREMELY intolerant:

No, what is the issue are the remarks themselves. They were disrespectful and insulting. Had he simply stated homosexuality goes against his beliefs, he wouldn't have been suspended. He took it too far.

I don't understand why people aren't getting that.

He needs to limit his beliefs, opinions and statements.

Freedom of speech has consequences. He had the right to say what he said, and A&E had the right to suspend them. I'm glad they did, but part of that is because I sincerely hate that show lol
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