In present times, is there a difference between a prostitute, pornstar and a normal woman?

You don't understand the concept, right wingers; that is all the Proof, some of us need.

The law is Employment at the Will of Either party; no lie.

Your reading comprehension is pathetic. What I stated was a lie was "You don't believe in being Legal to the law, but like to call other illegals, illegal?".

And yes, Employment at the Will of Either party is the law. But you are only paid for working. You can get unemployment if you worked 20 weeks. And there is a set limit for how long you can draw unemployment compensation.

But the kicker is that you must be unemployed through no fault of your own. You cannot quit and draw unemployment. But you can certainly quit.

Your proposal that people be able to quit a job and still draw a check is ridiculous.
you don't complain about less fortunate illegals?

too bad, right wingers; too many right wing bakers indulging too many bakers morals for credibility on the right wing. it takes morals to insist on morals from the Age of Iron in modern, corporate welfare times.

YOu post like you know what I think.

Have you EVER seen me complain about illegal immigrants? I would love for you to find a single post where I did so.

Have you EVER seen me post in support of the bakers who refused to bake a cake for the gay couple? I would love for you to find a single post where I did so.

Of course, it is much easier to spout your indignation if you get to make up what I believe. But so far you have done nothing but lie.

Your claims that I belittle or complain about illegal immigrants is a lie.
Your claims that I supported the bakers who discriminated against gays is a lie.

But keep on lying, and posting that I am a storyteller. The hypocrisy is hilarious.
You don't understand the concept, right wingers; that is all the Proof, some of us need.

The law is Employment at the Will of Either party; no lie.

Your reading comprehension is pathetic. What I stated was a lie was "You don't believe in being Legal to the law, but like to call other illegals, illegal?".

And yes, Employment at the Will of Either party is the law. But you are only paid for working. You can get unemployment if you worked 20 weeks. And there is a set limit for how long you can draw unemployment compensation.

But the kicker is that you must be unemployed through no fault of your own. You cannot quit and draw unemployment. But you can certainly quit.

Your proposal that people be able to quit a job and still draw a check is ridiculous.
you don't complain about less fortunate illegals?

too bad, right wingers; too many right wing bakers indulging too many bakers morals for credibility on the right wing. it takes morals to insist on morals from the Age of Iron in modern, corporate welfare times.

YOu post like you know what I think.

Have you EVER seen me complain about illegal immigrants? I would love for you to find a single post where I did so.

Have you EVER seen me post in support of the bakers who refused to bake a cake for the gay couple? I would love for you to find a single post where I did so.

Of course, it is much easier to spout your indignation if you get to make up what I believe. But so far you have done nothing but lie.

Your claims that I belittle or complain about illegal immigrants is a lie.
Your claims that I supported the bakers who discriminated against gays is a lie.

But keep on lying, and posting that I am a storyteller. The hypocrisy is hilarious.
it takes morals to have moral forms of indignation, right wingers.

the law is the law; why only complain about less fortunate illegals?
You don't understand the concept, right wingers; that is all the Proof, some of us need.

The law is Employment at the Will of Either party; no lie.

Your reading comprehension is pathetic. What I stated was a lie was "You don't believe in being Legal to the law, but like to call other illegals, illegal?".

And yes, Employment at the Will of Either party is the law. But you are only paid for working. You can get unemployment if you worked 20 weeks. And there is a set limit for how long you can draw unemployment compensation.

But the kicker is that you must be unemployed through no fault of your own. You cannot quit and draw unemployment. But you can certainly quit.

Your proposal that people be able to quit a job and still draw a check is ridiculous.
you don't complain about less fortunate illegals?

too bad, right wingers; too many right wing bakers indulging too many bakers morals for credibility on the right wing. it takes morals to insist on morals from the Age of Iron in modern, corporate welfare times.

YOu post like you know what I think.

Have you EVER seen me complain about illegal immigrants? I would love for you to find a single post where I did so.

Have you EVER seen me post in support of the bakers who refused to bake a cake for the gay couple? I would love for you to find a single post where I did so.

Of course, it is much easier to spout your indignation if you get to make up what I believe. But so far you have done nothing but lie.

Your claims that I belittle or complain about illegal immigrants is a lie.
Your claims that I supported the bakers who discriminated against gays is a lie.

But keep on lying, and posting that I am a storyteller. The hypocrisy is hilarious.
it takes morals to have moral forms of indignation, right wingers.

the law is the law; why only complain about less fortunate illegals?

The law is the law. Why ask me about things I have not done?
Daniel, why do you think other people should be forced to provide you with food, clothing, housing ect?
INCEL for excellent reasons.

You are an ugly n.i.g.g.e.r. And retards like you cannot be expected to understand that incel is an oxymoron.

Oh please. Spare me the drama. You demand that others forego what they want because of what you need. And yet, when someone suggests you do the same, you come unglued?

A couple of things came to mind after my previous post.

First of all, I am a white guy. I am the whitest of white. I did one of those DNA test thingies, and there is nothing but white in my DNA.

Second, your passive sexuality is certainly not beyond my understanding. But what seems to be beyond your understanding is the fact that, in order for YOUR demands (needs) to be met, someone else must sacrifice their own needs. YOu have no problem demanding that women, because of some imaginary social contract, do what YOU want when you are completely unwilling to do the same. YOu are a hypocrite and a whiner.

I don't care what DNA results show, you look black to me.

Passive sexuality is definitely beyond your understanding, because you are a sub-human lowlife and an ugly n.i.g.g.e.r

As explained before my needs take precedence and these bitches are interfering in satisfaction of passive sexuality by their passive sexuality, it is pure evil! And for that each and every American bitch's and each every bitch responsible for it, their anus has to be stuffed with explosives and detonated.
Daniel, why do you think other people should be forced to provide you with food, clothing, housing ect?
What are you talking about?

Congress has the Power to Tax, to solve problems in our Republic.

Raising taxes to solve the problems in our Republic is one thing. Raising taxes so you can quit your job and still get paid is another.
INCEL for excellent reasons.

You are an ugly n.i.g.g.e.r. And retards like you cannot be expected to understand that incel is an oxymoron.

Oh please. Spare me the drama. You demand that others forego what they want because of what you need. And yet, when someone suggests you do the same, you come unglued?

A couple of things came to mind after my previous post.

First of all, I am a white guy. I am the whitest of white. I did one of those DNA test thingies, and there is nothing but white in my DNA.

Second, your passive sexuality is certainly not beyond my understanding. But what seems to be beyond your understanding is the fact that, in order for YOUR demands (needs) to be met, someone else must sacrifice their own needs. YOu have no problem demanding that women, because of some imaginary social contract, do what YOU want when you are completely unwilling to do the same. YOu are a hypocrite and a whiner.

I don't care what DNA results show, you look black to me.

Passive sexuality is definitely beyond your understanding, because you are a sub-human lowlife and an ugly n.i.g.g.e.r

As explained before my needs take precedence and these bitches are interfering in satisfaction of passive sexuality by their passive sexuality, it is pure evil! And for that each and every American bitch's and each every bitch responsible for it, their anus has to be stuffed with explosives and detonated.

Your passive sexuality does NOT take precedence over someone else's life. Period. Your hostility towards women makes me wonder about your sexuality though.

You might want to check the settings on your monitor is I look black. Or get an eye exam.
Daniel, why do you think other people should be forced to provide you with food, clothing, housing ect?
What are you talking about?

Congress has the Power to Tax, to solve problems in our Republic.

Raising taxes to solve the problems in our Republic is one thing. Raising taxes so you can quit your job and still get paid is another.
If it solves simple poverty; why do you care, right winger?
Daniel, why do you think other people should be forced to provide you with food, clothing, housing ect?
What are you talking about?

Congress has the Power to Tax, to solve problems in our Republic.

Raising taxes to solve the problems in our Republic is one thing. Raising taxes so you can quit your job and still get paid is another.
If it solves simple poverty; why do you care, right winger?

Because it takes my money out of my pocket.

Plus, solving a problem in an immoral way is not something I favor.
Daniel, why do you think other people should be forced to provide you with food, clothing, housing ect?
What are you talking about?

Congress has the Power to Tax, to solve problems in our Republic.

Raising taxes to solve the problems in our Republic is one thing. Raising taxes so you can quit your job and still get paid is another.
If it solves simple poverty; why do you care, right winger?

Because it takes my money out of my pocket.

Plus, solving a problem in an immoral way is not something I favor.
lol. quit and go on unemployment. don't whine about it.
Daniel, why do you think other people should be forced to provide you with food, clothing, housing ect?
What are you talking about?

Congress has the Power to Tax, to solve problems in our Republic.

Raising taxes to solve the problems in our Republic is one thing. Raising taxes so you can quit your job and still get paid is another.
If it solves simple poverty; why do you care, right winger?

Because it takes my money out of my pocket.

Plus, solving a problem in an immoral way is not something I favor.
lol. quit and go on unemployment. don't whine about it.

Why would I quit my job? I like what I do. I like making decent money and having benefits.

YOu are the one advocating that people should be able to quit a job and still get paid.
What are you talking about?

Congress has the Power to Tax, to solve problems in our Republic.

Raising taxes to solve the problems in our Republic is one thing. Raising taxes so you can quit your job and still get paid is another.
If it solves simple poverty; why do you care, right winger?

Because it takes my money out of my pocket.

Plus, solving a problem in an immoral way is not something I favor.
lol. quit and go on unemployment. don't whine about it.

Why would I quit my job? I like what I do. I like making decent money and having benefits.

YOu are the one advocating that people should be able to quit a job and still get paid.
Then, stop whining. Only immoral people have a problem helping out the Poor.

Only lousy Christians, do that.

Not enough manly morals to go around, right wingers.
Raising taxes to solve the problems in our Republic is one thing. Raising taxes so you can quit your job and still get paid is another.
If it solves simple poverty; why do you care, right winger?

Because it takes my money out of my pocket.

Plus, solving a problem in an immoral way is not something I favor.
lol. quit and go on unemployment. don't whine about it.

Why would I quit my job? I like what I do. I like making decent money and having benefits.

YOu are the one advocating that people should be able to quit a job and still get paid.
Then, stop whining. Only immoral people have a problem helping out the Poor.

Only lousy Christians, do that.

Not enough manly morals to go around, right wingers.

Once again you lie about what I said.

I have stated, several times, that I am very much in favor of helping the poor. What I take issue with is having money I earned being taken away to feed and house someone who quit their job. If you have a job and need help, I am happy to do so. But if you quit your job and expect someone else to take care of you? Not so much.

It is hypocritical of you to call me immoral for not helping when the person in question quit their job and is not helping themselves or anyone else.
If it solves simple poverty; why do you care, right winger?

Because it takes my money out of my pocket.

Plus, solving a problem in an immoral way is not something I favor.
lol. quit and go on unemployment. don't whine about it.

Why would I quit my job? I like what I do. I like making decent money and having benefits.

YOu are the one advocating that people should be able to quit a job and still get paid.
Then, stop whining. Only immoral people have a problem helping out the Poor.

Only lousy Christians, do that.

Not enough manly morals to go around, right wingers.

Once again you lie about what I said.

I have stated, several times, that I am very much in favor of helping the poor. What I take issue with is having money I earned being taken away to feed and house someone who quit their job. If you have a job and need help, I am happy to do so. But if you quit your job and expect someone else to take care of you? Not so much.

It is hypocritical of you to call me immoral for not helping when the person in question quit their job and is not helping themselves or anyone else.
who is the hypocrite? I am advocating equal protection of the law.

all you offer is the immorality of selfish greed.
Because it takes my money out of my pocket.

Plus, solving a problem in an immoral way is not something I favor.
lol. quit and go on unemployment. don't whine about it.

Why would I quit my job? I like what I do. I like making decent money and having benefits.

YOu are the one advocating that people should be able to quit a job and still get paid.
Then, stop whining. Only immoral people have a problem helping out the Poor.

Only lousy Christians, do that.

Not enough manly morals to go around, right wingers.

Once again you lie about what I said.

I have stated, several times, that I am very much in favor of helping the poor. What I take issue with is having money I earned being taken away to feed and house someone who quit their job. If you have a job and need help, I am happy to do so. But if you quit your job and expect someone else to take care of you? Not so much.

It is hypocritical of you to call me immoral for not helping when the person in question quit their job and is not helping themselves or anyone else.
who is the hypocrite? I am advocating equal protection of the law.

all you offer is the immorality of selfish greed.

Greed? It is greed to want to keep the money I earned and being opposed to being forced to give it to someone who voluntarily quit their job? No.

What is selfish and greedy is to quit a job and demand that someone else work extra hard to support you, while you do nothing but sit on your ass.
quit, and collect unemployment compensation; don't whine about taxes. You Choose to Work. Only fools choose to work and whine about Taxes. Even horses, have more sense.

I guess we figured out who all the practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy are;

they Volunteer to Work in at-will employment States, and then Whine about Taxes.
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quit, and collect unemployment compensation; don't whine about taxes. You Choose to Work. Only fools choose to work and whine about Taxes. Even horses, have more sense.

And who pays the unemployment? Why should others work so that you can sit on your ass? Until you can answer that question, you are just spouting nonsense.
quit, and collect unemployment compensation; don't whine about taxes. You Choose to Work. Only fools choose to work and whine about Taxes. Even horses, have more sense.

And who pays the unemployment? Why should others work so that you can sit on your ass? Until you can answer that question, you are just spouting nonsense.
only practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy, say that.
quit, and collect unemployment compensation; don't whine about taxes. You Choose to Work. Only fools choose to work and whine about Taxes. Even horses, have more sense.

And who pays the unemployment? Why should others work so that you can sit on your ass? Until you can answer that question, you are just spouting nonsense.
only practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy, say that.

There is no hypocrisy in working to support yourself.

The hypocrisy is calling people who work "fools" and yet depending on their money to survive. You are the "practitioner of the abomination of hypocrisy"

So why should others work to support you while you sit on your ass?

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