In present times, is there a difference between a prostitute, pornstar and a normal woman?

Both genders make sacrifices and deal with things that aren't fair.

What sacrifices is the female gender making and what unfair things are they dealing with?

Things you don't notice or care about because they don't affect you. Society has a tendency to see women as less intelligent and less capable than men. A lot of women that have an online presence pretend to be men because there's a clear difference in how seriously people take them. Men naturally get more respect and recognition than women.

Then there's the part where women tend to have a weaker libido than men and feel pressured to have sex they don't want to keep fragile egos like yours from collapsing. There's more, but I think that's good enough for now.

Sex is a very different thing for women in general than it is for men, and most of us deal with pressure from MULTIPLE directions to have this attitude, or that attitude, or some other attitude over here, toward it.

Men may be castigated for being or encouraged to be horny sperm producers, but at least it's the same simple role for them either way.
In present times, is there a difference between a prostitute, pornstar and a normal woman?

I'm talking about the time from the 50s, is there? Normal women, the ones who you see and interact with in your normal day-to-day activities, have brought down men to a state, where men are respectful of women's sexual liberty, etc. Normal women have more than one sexual partner, whether you like it or not, they engage in these sexual relations for something in return, how is that different than prostitution? They also have their clips and pics taken in nude and while performing sexual activities with their previous sexual partners(which no doubt would be many), and these circulate among a group of people, or eventually find their way onto the Internet, so how does this make them any different than pornstars?

All this situation panders to only women's passive sexuality. Things were worse for men from the beginning, men never had any upper hand, from that time, if a woman were to want to have sex, all they had to do was put it out, and hundreds of men would line up to have sex with her, but similar situation didn't and doesn't exist for men, if a man were to want to have sex, he has to buy it or jump through hundreds of hoops.

Isn't this a very wicked, evil and cruel situation?

Most women I know engage in sexual relations for pleasure. Just like men do. Yes, most normal women have had more than one sexual partner. The days of men going out and getting laid and then demanding their wives be virgins has died away. And good riddance. To expect that men be allowed to play around and "sow their wild oats" while women sat at home knitting was simply stupid.

So they have pics and such of them having fun. So what? Most guys I have known who sweat that are the ones who simply don't want to be compared to other men. But they will always compare their women to the plastic Barbi types they see on tv.

If you want to have sex you don't have to buy it. And the only hoop you have to jump through is getting to know a woman who enjoys sex.
What a tiresome oration.

Are you telling us your wife is a battle-hardened skank and you are proud of this fact?

The sexual revolution was just a technique to use women and discard them when they became inconvenient.

Nothing I said remotely resembles me claiming that my girlfriend is a “battle-hardened skank”. To the contrary, she is a delightful lady
And why haven’t you sought out a battle-hardened skank? Do you have something against sluts you bigot?
As for the sexual revolution being a technique to use women and discard them, that is simply nonsense. The sexual revolution gave women the option to choose for themselves.
So naive! The sexual revolution empowered rich cynical men who wanted to use women.

weinstein model - Bing video

I said nothing negative about negative about battle-hardened skanks. I simply pointed out that I said nothing to suggest that my girlfriend is not one.

Before the sexual revolution, women who had sex before marriage were labeled sluts. Women were expected to be virgins when they married. After the revolution, women took their sexuality under their own control. And maybe st women are no longer virgins when they marry.
Prostitution is a memorial to the fragility and vulnerability of the men. Most "porn" (whatever that may be) is as well. Because hormones and other bits of nature push males to have sex quickly and often, their 'needs' exceed those of the female of the human species. Women exploiting that merely use what is offered to them by their surroundings.
Men still have so much to learn!

Women are just better at self-control, is all; the consequences of sex are much greater for them than it is for horny boys and men. They are just as 'horny', if not more so, and even more avid for human contact than males, who would be just as satisfied with 'hit and run' than hanging around afterwards. Most men are stupid and untrustworthy re relationships, and women learn that early, at least most do.

FYI, Amazon's biggest online sale category is sex toys, as in dildos and other fun things for women; apparently those are over half its revenues.

I hate to break it to you, but most women are NOT "just as horny" as men, and not in the same way. However many times we are all told that women are just like men when it comes to sex, it isn't true and never will be.
Prostitution is a memorial to the fragility and vulnerability of the men. Most "porn" (whatever that may be) is as well. Because hormones and other bits of nature push males to have sex quickly and often, their 'needs' exceed those of the female of the human species. Women exploiting that merely use what is offered to them by their surroundings.
Men still have so much to learn!

Women are just better at self-control, is all; the consequences of sex are much greater for them than it is for horny boys and men. They are just as 'horny', if not more so, and even more avid for human contact than males, who would be just as satisfied with 'hit and run' than hanging around afterwards. Most men are stupid and untrustworthy re relationships, and women learn that early, at least most do.

FYI, Amazon's biggest online sale category is sex toys, as in dildos and other fun things for women; apparently those are over half its revenues.

I hate to break it to you, but most women are NOT "just as horny" as men, and not in the same way. However many times we are all told that women are just like men when it comes to sex, it isn't true and never will be.

There are different biological imperatives. For men their biological imperative is to spread their sperm to as many females as possible. For women the biological imperative is to obtain the best sperm for their individual egg.
Both genders make sacrifices and deal with things that aren't fair.

What sacrifices is the female gender making and what unfair things are they dealing with?

How about this. Living with a society full of men who still want to be men, but an America full of men who can't act like men because their generation has told them this is "toxic". Being a man. "Toxic"

Living with a society full of men who are hobbled by addictions to porn. So they are unable to perform otherwise.

And a bunch of other stuff. We're in late-stage Rome territory now, no doubt about that.
a society full of men who still want to be men, but an America full of men who can't act like men because their generation has told them this is "toxic".
What kind of things are you referring to as "toxic," SweetSue92 ?
I'd like an explanation of "toxic" according to that poster also.

I would as well. I would guess the poster is upset that society has decided that the time honored tradition of beating your wife is now considered “toxic”.
I certainly hope that isn't the case, but we will see.
What sacrifices is the female gender making and what unfair things are they dealing with?

How about this. Living with a society full of men who still want to be men, but an America full of men who can't act like men because their generation has told them this is "toxic". Being a man. "Toxic"

Living with a society full of men who are hobbled by addictions to porn. So they are unable to perform otherwise.

And a bunch of other stuff. We're in late-stage Rome territory now, no doubt about that.
a society full of men who still want to be men, but an America full of men who can't act like men because their generation has told them this is "toxic".
What kind of things are you referring to as "toxic," SweetSue92 ?
I'd like an explanation of "toxic" according to that poster also.

I would as well. I would guess the poster is upset that society has decided that the time honored tradition of beating your wife is now considered “toxic”.
I certainly hope that isn't the case, but we will see.

I may be wrong. I don’t know the person.
Prostitution is a memorial to the fragility and vulnerability of the men. Most "porn" (whatever that may be) is as well. Because hormones and other bits of nature push males to have sex quickly and often, their 'needs' exceed those of the female of the human species. Women exploiting that merely use what is offered to them by their surroundings.
Men still have so much to learn!

Women are just better at self-control, is all; the consequences of sex are much greater for them than it is for horny boys and men. They are just as 'horny', if not more so, and even more avid for human contact than males, who would be just as satisfied with 'hit and run' than hanging around afterwards. Most men are stupid and untrustworthy re relationships, and women learn that early, at least most do.

FYI, Amazon's biggest online sale category is sex toys, as in dildos and other fun things for women; apparently those are over half its revenues.

I hate to break it to you, but most women are NOT "just as horny" as men, and not in the same way. However many times we are all told that women are just like men when it comes to sex, it isn't true and never will be.

There are different biological imperatives. For men their biological imperative is to spread their sperm to as many females as possible. For women the biological imperative is to obtain the best sperm for their individual egg.

We also have a biological imperative to choose the best person to help raise and protect the offspring. Oddly enough, some studies have found that our two biological imperatives aren't necessarily selecting for the same qualities.
You have no arguments at all. You want women to fuck anyone who asks, whether they want to fuck them or not.

News flash, men will turn down women too.
dude; hypocrisy is an abomination unto a lord.

i have Arguments, not stories.

No hypocrisy in my posts.

The hypocrisy is in your posts.
you only have stories, not arguments. anyone can Talk; Men have arguments.

You make claims. That is all. Unless you can point out any hypocrisy in my posts, you are simply dodging the discussion.
dude; nothing but red herrings is a fallacy.
"Strawmen" "red herrings".......any more phrases to drop?
In present times, is there a difference between a prostitute, pornstar and a normal woman?

I'm talking about the time from the 50s, is there? Normal women, the ones who you see and interact with in your normal day-to-day activities, have brought down men to a state, where men are respectful of women's sexual liberty, etc. Normal women have more than one sexual partner, whether you like it or not, they engage in these sexual relations for something in return, how is that different than prostitution? They also have their clips and pics taken in nude and while performing sexual activities with their previous sexual partners(which no doubt would be many), and these circulate among a group of people, or eventually find their way onto the Internet, so how does this make them any different than pornstars?

All this situation panders to only women's passive sexuality. Things were worse for men from the beginning, men never had any upper hand, from that time, if a woman were to want to have sex, all they had to do was put it out, and hundreds of men would line up to have sex with her, but similar situation didn't and doesn't exist for men, if a man were to want to have sex, he has to buy it or jump through hundreds of hoops.

Isn't this a very wicked, evil and cruel situation?

Most women I know engage in sexual relations for pleasure. Just like men do. Yes, most normal women have had more than one sexual partner. The days of men going out and getting laid and then demanding their wives be virgins has died away. And good riddance. To expect that men be allowed to play around and "sow their wild oats" while women sat at home knitting was simply stupid.

So they have pics and such of them having fun. So what? Most guys I have known who sweat that are the ones who simply don't want to be compared to other men. But they will always compare their women to the plastic Barbi types they see on tv.

If you want to have sex you don't have to buy it. And the only hoop you have to jump through is getting to know a woman who enjoys sex.
What a tiresome oration.

Are you telling us your wife is a battle-hardened skank and you are proud of this fact?

The sexual revolution was just a technique to use women and discard them when they became inconvenient.

Nothing I said remotely resembles me claiming that my girlfriend is a “battle-hardened skank”. To the contrary, she is a delightful lady
And why haven’t you sought out a battle-hardened skank? Do you have something against sluts you bigot?
As for the sexual revolution being a technique to use women and discard them, that is simply nonsense. The sexual revolution gave women the option to choose for themselves.
So naive! The sexual revolution empowered rich cynical men who wanted to use women.

weinstein model - Bing video

I said nothing negative about negative about battle-hardened skanks.
Maybe you could search one out for your next girlfriend.

Women were expected to be virgins when they married. After the revolution, women took their sexuality under their own control.
Actually people like Weinstein and Hefner were in control.

Societies that celebrate the sexual revolution and disrespect women suffer from a low birth rate. These societies are rapidly going extinct.
Last edited:
all of your arguments are biased and operate in a vacuum of special pleading. why should I care what you think.

As for why you should care what I say or what I think, you should listen and learn.

You are begging ANY woman to let to touch them. And you complain you can’t find any nice girls except when you have money.

I, on the other hand, was a victim of downsizing when my girlfriend and I had only been dating a few months (and since I was working out of town, it was the equivalent of only dating a few weeks). She moved me in with her, and supported me until I got back on my feet. She is beautiful, witty, intelligent and hot. And since we are poly, I can see other women, and do. I have 2 women I see occasionally. One prefers to have me come over and enjoy the dinners she prepares. So I am not spending anything (other than bringing a bottle of wine).

As you can see from my pic, I am an average looking older guy. I am proof a guy can have ample female company without spending money. Rather than figure out what do right or what I know, you make baseless accusations and demand women do what men choose to do.

Keep trying that “free offer”. And let me know how that works out for you.
why do most women turn down a free full body massage?

I would say they dislike the person making the offer.
only for free when he doesn't have enough Gold; "practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy, do that".

Free has nothing to do with it. If they dislike the guy making the offer, charging them changes nothing. Offering to pay them only shows they truly dislike the guy.
yes, it does. story tellers have to, "bear false witness for poon". only hypocrites, do that.
all of your arguments are biased and operate in a vacuum of special pleading. why should I care what you think.

As for why you should care what I say or what I think, you should listen and learn.

You are begging ANY woman to let to touch them. And you complain you can’t find any nice girls except when you have money.

I, on the other hand, was a victim of downsizing when my girlfriend and I had only been dating a few months (and since I was working out of town, it was the equivalent of only dating a few weeks). She moved me in with her, and supported me until I got back on my feet. She is beautiful, witty, intelligent and hot. And since we are poly, I can see other women, and do. I have 2 women I see occasionally. One prefers to have me come over and enjoy the dinners she prepares. So I am not spending anything (other than bringing a bottle of wine).

As you can see from my pic, I am an average looking older guy. I am proof a guy can have ample female company without spending money. Rather than figure out what do right or what I know, you make baseless accusations and demand women do what men choose to do.

Keep trying that “free offer”. And let me know how that works out for you.
why do most women turn down a free full body massage?

I would say they dislike the person making the offer.
only for free when he doesn't have enough Gold; "practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy, do that".

What credentials do you have for your massage skills?
for a free sample? only lousy capitalists have a problem with it.
dude; hypocrisy is an abomination unto a lord.

i have Arguments, not stories.

No hypocrisy in my posts.

The hypocrisy is in your posts.
you only have stories, not arguments. anyone can Talk; Men have arguments.

You make claims. That is all. Unless you can point out any hypocrisy in my posts, you are simply dodging the discussion.
dude; nothing but red herrings is a fallacy.
"Strawmen" "red herrings".......any more phrases to drop?
nothing but fake news, to drop, right wingers?
In present times, is there a difference between a prostitute, pornstar and a normal woman?

I'm talking about the time from the 50s, is there? Normal women, the ones who you see and interact with in your normal day-to-day activities, have brought down men to a state, where men are respectful of women's sexual liberty, etc. Normal women have more than one sexual partner, whether you like it or not, they engage in these sexual relations for something in return, how is that different than prostitution? They also have their clips and pics taken in nude and while performing sexual activities with their previous sexual partners(which no doubt would be many), and these circulate among a group of people, or eventually find their way onto the Internet, so how does this make them any different than pornstars?

All this situation panders to only women's passive sexuality. Things were worse for men from the beginning, men never had any upper hand, from that time, if a woman were to want to have sex, all they had to do was put it out, and hundreds of men would line up to have sex with her, but similar situation didn't and doesn't exist for men, if a man were to want to have sex, he has to buy it or jump through hundreds of hoops.

Isn't this a very wicked, evil and cruel situation?

Most women I know engage in sexual relations for pleasure. Just like men do. Yes, most normal women have had more than one sexual partner. The days of men going out and getting laid and then demanding their wives be virgins has died away. And good riddance. To expect that men be allowed to play around and "sow their wild oats" while women sat at home knitting was simply stupid.

So they have pics and such of them having fun. So what? Most guys I have known who sweat that are the ones who simply don't want to be compared to other men. But they will always compare their women to the plastic Barbi types they see on tv.

If you want to have sex you don't have to buy it. And the only hoop you have to jump through is getting to know a woman who enjoys sex.
What a tiresome oration.

Are you telling us your wife is a battle-hardened skank and you are proud of this fact?

The sexual revolution was just a technique to use women and discard them when they became inconvenient.

Nothing I said remotely resembles me claiming that my girlfriend is a “battle-hardened skank”. To the contrary, she is a delightful lady

As for the sexual revolution being a technique to use women and discard them, that is simply nonsense. The sexual revolution gave women the option to choose for themselves.

Why are we still having this conversation in 2018? The so-called "sexual revolution" has been nothing but women joining the same "morality" that men have done all along because technology caught up. The concept of "morality," whatever that is supposed to mean, does not play a part in this. Elsewise, according to what the "conservatives" are saying, trump is our skank-in-chief.

Can we retire insults like "slut" and "skank" now? As well as the British term "slapper," as they seem to apply only to female people and not male?
Both genders make sacrifices and deal with things that aren't fair.

What sacrifices is the female gender making and what unfair things are they dealing with?

How about this. Living with a society full of men who still want to be men, but an America full of men who can't act like men because their generation has told them this is "toxic". Being a man. "Toxic"

Living with a society full of men who are hobbled by addictions to porn. So they are unable to perform otherwise.

And a bunch of other stuff. We're in late-stage Rome territory now, no doubt about that.
a society full of men who still want to be men, but an America full of men who can't act like men because their generation has told them this is "toxic".
What kind of things are you referring to as "toxic," SweetSue92 ?

Their masculinity, apparently, is "toxic", see. "Toxic masculinity". So they must have workshops about it and the like.
Both genders make sacrifices and deal with things that aren't fair.

What sacrifices is the female gender making and what unfair things are they dealing with?

How about this. Living with a society full of men who still want to be men, but an America full of men who can't act like men because their generation has told them this is "toxic". Being a man. "Toxic"

Living with a society full of men who are hobbled by addictions to porn. So they are unable to perform otherwise.

And a bunch of other stuff. We're in late-stage Rome territory now, no doubt about that.
a society full of men who still want to be men, but an America full of men who can't act like men because their generation has told them this is "toxic".
What kind of things are you referring to as "toxic," SweetSue92 ?

Their masculinity, apparently, is "toxic", see. "Toxic masculinity". So they must have workshops about it and the like.

Just make clear among heterosexuals what behavior is considered "moral" and which is worthy for their folly to be called disparaging names. Do remember that the person in the Oval Office bragged about grabbing other people's genitals and being entitled to see young people naked because of his role as a "pageant" owner.
Most women I know engage in sexual relations for pleasure. Just like men do. Yes, most normal women have had more than one sexual partner. The days of men going out and getting laid and then demanding their wives be virgins has died away. And good riddance. To expect that men be allowed to play around and "sow their wild oats" while women sat at home knitting was simply stupid.

So they have pics and such of them having fun. So what? Most guys I have known who sweat that are the ones who simply don't want to be compared to other men. But they will always compare their women to the plastic Barbi types they see on tv.

If you want to have sex you don't have to buy it. And the only hoop you have to jump through is getting to know a woman who enjoys sex.
What a tiresome oration.

Are you telling us your wife is a battle-hardened skank and you are proud of this fact?

The sexual revolution was just a technique to use women and discard them when they became inconvenient.

Nothing I said remotely resembles me claiming that my girlfriend is a “battle-hardened skank”. To the contrary, she is a delightful lady
And why haven’t you sought out a battle-hardened skank? Do you have something against sluts you bigot?
As for the sexual revolution being a technique to use women and discard them, that is simply nonsense. The sexual revolution gave women the option to choose for themselves.
So naive! The sexual revolution empowered rich cynical men who wanted to use women.

weinstein model - Bing video

I said nothing negative about negative about battle-hardened skanks.
Maybe you could search one out for your next girlfriend.

Women were expected to be virgins when they married. After the revolution, women took their sexuality under their own control.
Actually people like Weinstein and Hefner were in control.

Societies that celebrate the sexual revolution and disrespect women suffer from a low birth rate. These societies are rapidly going extinct.

I doubt I will search out a "next girlfriend". This relationship is going great!

I think not allowing women to enjoy the same sexual freedoms as men is more disrespectful. The low birthrate comes partly from not treating women like brood mares.

As for our society going extinct, nothing like that is happening. Our society is changing, no doubt. But extinction? Hardly.

Also, throughout history low birthrates caused problems because smaller populations meant less was done. Our population growth is rapidly becoming a problem. The increased resources required to handle the increases in population are straining what we can produce and sustain.
As for why you should care what I say or what I think, you should listen and learn.

You are begging ANY woman to let to touch them. And you complain you can’t find any nice girls except when you have money.

I, on the other hand, was a victim of downsizing when my girlfriend and I had only been dating a few months (and since I was working out of town, it was the equivalent of only dating a few weeks). She moved me in with her, and supported me until I got back on my feet. She is beautiful, witty, intelligent and hot. And since we are poly, I can see other women, and do. I have 2 women I see occasionally. One prefers to have me come over and enjoy the dinners she prepares. So I am not spending anything (other than bringing a bottle of wine).

As you can see from my pic, I am an average looking older guy. I am proof a guy can have ample female company without spending money. Rather than figure out what do right or what I know, you make baseless accusations and demand women do what men choose to do.

Keep trying that “free offer”. And let me know how that works out for you.
why do most women turn down a free full body massage?

I would say they dislike the person making the offer.
only for free when he doesn't have enough Gold; "practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy, do that".

Free has nothing to do with it. If they dislike the guy making the offer, charging them changes nothing. Offering to pay them only shows they truly dislike the guy.
yes, it does. story tellers have to, "bear false witness for poon". only hypocrites, do that.

No it does not. If a woman wants to have you massage her, she will let you know. If she does not want you to massage her, she won't make an appointment. You are mistaking a woman lack of interest in you as them not being in favor of equality.

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