In present times, is there a difference between a prostitute, pornstar and a normal woman?

In present times, is there a difference between a prostitute, pornstar and a normal woman?

I'm talking about the time from the 50s, is there? Normal women, the ones who you see and interact with in your normal day-to-day activities, have brought down men to a state, where men are respectful of women's sexual liberty, etc. Normal women have more than one sexual partner, whether you like it or not, they engage in these sexual relations for something in return, how is that different than prostitution? They also have their clips and pics taken in nude and while performing sexual activities with their previous sexual partners(which no doubt would be many), and these circulate among a group of people, or eventually find their way onto the Internet, so how does this make them any different than pornstars?

All this situation panders to only women's passive sexuality. Things were worse for men from the beginning, men never had any upper hand, from that time, if a woman were to want to have sex, all they had to do was put it out, and hundreds of men would line up to have sex with her, but similar situation didn't and doesn't exist for men, if a man were to want to have sex, he has to buy it or jump through hundreds of hoops.

Isn't this a very wicked, evil and cruel situation?

Of course there is! If you are incapable of making the distinction, that's your personal problem, ok?

My suggestion is to get you some church and Jesus.
In present times, is there a difference between a prostitute, pornstar and a normal woman?

I'm talking about the time from the 50s, is there? Normal women, the ones who you see and interact with in your normal day-to-day activities, have brought down men to a state, where men are respectful of women's sexual liberty, etc. Normal women have more than one sexual partner, whether you like it or not, they engage in these sexual relations for something in return, how is that different than prostitution? They also have their clips and pics taken in nude and while performing sexual activities with their previous sexual partners(which no doubt would be many), and these circulate among a group of people, or eventually find their way onto the Internet, so how does this make them any different than pornstars?

All this situation panders to only women's passive sexuality. Things were worse for men from the beginning, men never had any upper hand, from that time, if a woman were to want to have sex, all they had to do was put it out, and hundreds of men would line up to have sex with her, but similar situation didn't and doesn't exist for men, if a man were to want to have sex, he has to buy it or jump through hundreds of hoops.

Isn't this a very wicked, evil and cruel situation?

Most women I know engage in sexual relations for pleasure. Just like men do. Yes, most normal women have had more than one sexual partner. The days of men going out and getting laid and then demanding their wives be virgins has died away. And good riddance. To expect that men be allowed to play around and "sow their wild oats" while women sat at home knitting was simply stupid.

So they have pics and such of them having fun. So what? Most guys I have known who sweat that are the ones who simply don't want to be compared to other men. But they will always compare their women to the plastic Barbi types they see on tv.

If you want to have sex you don't have to buy it. And the only hoop you have to jump through is getting to know a woman who enjoys sex.
What a tiresome oration.

Are you telling us your wife (or sister or mom) is a battle-hardened skank and you are proud of this fact?

The sexual revolution was just a technique to use women and discard them when they became inconvenient.

MeToo: Women Rebel against the Sexual Revolution | National Review

The so-called "sexual revolution was just a matter of women adopting the same lifestyle of men. Can we all have a serious sit-down as to what "sexual morality" means to all of us and as to what humans decide this?
The so-called "sexual revolution was just a matter of women adopting the same lifestyle of men. Can we all have a serious sit-down as to what "sexual morality" means to all of us and as to what humans decide this?

The so-called "sexual revolution -

roe v wade, woman in control of their bodies, not the church made their liberation possible ... something they could enjoy the same as men with recourse available if necessary.


These people do not realize that we women need not be under the control of some "Church." If these penis-worship religions need to control their adherents, then let them gather their adherents in.

Liberals want women under the control of people like Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein and Eric Schneiderman. Don't be fooled!
How about this. Living with a society full of men who still want to be men, but an America full of men who can't act like men because their generation has told them this is "toxic". Being a man. "Toxic"

Living with a society full of men who are hobbled by addictions to porn. So they are unable to perform otherwise.

And a bunch of other stuff. We're in late-stage Rome territory now, no doubt about that.
a society full of men who still want to be men, but an America full of men who can't act like men because their generation has told them this is "toxic".
What kind of things are you referring to as "toxic," SweetSue92 ?

Their masculinity, apparently, is "toxic", see. "Toxic masculinity". So they must have workshops about it and the like.
women have lousy customer service for free when the guy doesn't have enough money.

merely having good customer service when the guy has enough Gold, is capital morality not social morality for free, like Good Christians should.

Customer service? You think of yourself as a customer? Without money? No wonder you fail.
don't understand the concept but allege you are for the "gospel Truth", right winger?

Oh I understand the concept just fine. I just find it amusing that you think of interpersonal relationships as one being the customer. But I guess that protects you from rejection, huh?

You want what you want from women, but you offer nothing beyond some claim about massages and finger-banging them. If that is the extent of your depth, no wonder you are still alone.
Nothing I said remotely resembles me claiming that my girlfriend is a “battle-hardened skank”. To the contrary, she is a delightful lady
And why haven’t you sought out a battle-hardened skank? Do you have something against sluts you bigot?
As for the sexual revolution being a technique to use women and discard them, that is simply nonsense. The sexual revolution gave women the option to choose for themselves.
So naive! The sexual revolution empowered rich cynical men who wanted to use women.

weinstein model - Bing video

I said nothing negative about negative about battle-hardened skanks.
Maybe you could search one out for your next girlfriend.

Women were expected to be virgins when they married. After the revolution, women took their sexuality under their own control.
Actually people like Weinstein and Hefner were in control.

Societies that celebrate the sexual revolution and disrespect women suffer from a low birth rate. These societies are rapidly going extinct.

I doubt I will search out a "next girlfriend". This relationship is going great!
She's watching you type isn't she?

The low birthrate comes partly from not treating women like brood mares.
You respect women by comparing them to animals??

As for our society going extinct, nothing like that is happening.
You are really out of touch! See: How Europe is slowly dying despite an increasing world population

Our population growth is rapidly becoming a problem. The increased resources required to handle the increases in population are straining what we can produce and sustain.
If certain groups (upper class white environmentalists for example) go extinct that will not solve any alleged population problem. They will just be replaced by other groups who don't kill their children en masse.

No, she is not watching me type. I behave the same way whether she is here or not.

I did not compare them to animals. I pointed out that they were treated like animals, by being expected to just pump out babies to prevent some apocalyptic extinction of the "right people".

I never said there was a solution to the population problem.
Most women I know engage in sexual relations for pleasure. Just like men do. Yes, most normal women have had more than one sexual partner. The days of men going out and getting laid and then demanding their wives be virgins has died away. And good riddance. To expect that men be allowed to play around and "sow their wild oats" while women sat at home knitting was simply stupid.

So they have pics and such of them having fun. So what? Most guys I have known who sweat that are the ones who simply don't want to be compared to other men. But they will always compare their women to the plastic Barbi types they see on tv.

If you want to have sex you don't have to buy it. And the only hoop you have to jump through is getting to know a woman who enjoys sex.
What a tiresome oration.

Are you telling us your wife (or sister or mom) is a battle-hardened skank and you are proud of this fact?

The sexual revolution was just a technique to use women and discard them when they became inconvenient.

MeToo: Women Rebel against the Sexual Revolution | National Review

The so-called "sexual revolution was just a matter of women adopting the same lifestyle of men. Can we all have a serious sit-down as to what "sexual morality" means to all of us and as to what humans decide this?
The so-called "sexual revolution was just a matter of women adopting the same lifestyle of men. Can we all have a serious sit-down as to what "sexual morality" means to all of us and as to what humans decide this?

The so-called "sexual revolution -

roe v wade, woman in control of their bodies, not the church made their liberation possible ... something they could enjoy the same as men with recourse available if necessary.


These people do not realize that we women need not be under the control of some "Church." If these penis-worship religions need to control their adherents, then let them gather their adherents in.
damsels in distress, need to be under someone's "control".

Women don't need to be under anyone's control. And the "damsel in distress" is just your fantasy.
..if a man were to want to have sex, he has to buy it or jump through hundreds of hoops.

Well, if you have a horse cock, I think they tell each other, so, that kinda gets the line started, I guess.

Hate to have to tell you, but "horse cocks" are of a lot more interest to men than they are to most women. "Bigger is better" is far more of a male mindset.
And why haven’t you sought out a battle-hardened skank? Do you have something against sluts you bigot?
So naive! The sexual revolution empowered rich cynical men who wanted to use women.

weinstein model - Bing video

I said nothing negative about negative about battle-hardened skanks.
Maybe you could search one out for your next girlfriend.

Women were expected to be virgins when they married. After the revolution, women took their sexuality under their own control.
Actually people like Weinstein and Hefner were in control.

Societies that celebrate the sexual revolution and disrespect women suffer from a low birth rate. These societies are rapidly going extinct.

I doubt I will search out a "next girlfriend". This relationship is going great!
She's watching you type isn't she?

The low birthrate comes partly from not treating women like brood mares.
You respect women by comparing them to animals??

As for our society going extinct, nothing like that is happening.
You are really out of touch! See: How Europe is slowly dying despite an increasing world population

Our population growth is rapidly becoming a problem. The increased resources required to handle the increases in population are straining what we can produce and sustain.
If certain groups (upper class white environmentalists for example) go extinct that will not solve any alleged population problem. They will just be replaced by other groups who don't kill their children en masse.

No, she is not watching me type. I behave the same way whether she is here or not.
So you are honest with your girlfriend? She knows you are cheating on her? (See post#123) Does she cheat on you too?

I did not compare them to animals. I pointed out that they were treated like animals, by being expected to just pump out babies to prevent some apocalyptic extinction of the "right people".
The pro-abortion fanatics want to kill off the "wrong people".

You know the Nazis promoted abortion in the occupied territories.

And check this out: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Really Wants Poor People To Stop Having Babies

The lily-white, liberal, pro-abortion set are rapidly going extinct. Do you agree or not? Can an anti-natalist belief system like yours survive in the long run? What worth is a philosophy that cuts its own throat?

Not only are you people committing suicide but you are doing so in the name of the worst principle imaginable: celebrating the mass murder of children.
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Both genders make sacrifices and deal with things that aren't fair.

What sacrifices is the female gender making and what unfair things are they dealing with?

How about this. Living with a society full of men who still want to be men, but an America full of men who can't act like men because their generation has told them this is "toxic". Being a man. "Toxic"

Living with a society full of men who are hobbled by addictions to porn. So they are unable to perform otherwise.

And a bunch of other stuff. We're in late-stage Rome territory now, no doubt about that.
a society full of men who still want to be men, but an America full of men who can't act like men because their generation has told them this is "toxic".
What kind of things are you referring to as "toxic," SweetSue92 ?

Their masculinity, apparently, is "toxic", see. "Toxic masculinity". So they must have workshops about it and the like.
I've never heard of "masculinity" being termed toxic.
Both genders make sacrifices and deal with things that aren't fair.

What sacrifices is the female gender making and what unfair things are they dealing with?

How about this. Living with a society full of men who still want to be men, but an America full of men who can't act like men because their generation has told them this is "toxic". Being a man. "Toxic"

Living with a society full of men who are hobbled by addictions to porn. So they are unable to perform otherwise.

And a bunch of other stuff. We're in late-stage Rome territory now, no doubt about that.
a society full of men who still want to be men, but an America full of men who can't act like men because their generation has told them this is "toxic".
What kind of things are you referring to as "toxic," SweetSue92 ?

Their masculinity, apparently, is "toxic", see. "Toxic masculinity". So they must have workshops about it and the like.

There are types of masculinity that can be toxic. And those same types of masculinity were acceptable not so very long ago. But we, as a society, have grown wiser.
Such as what?
I am quite entertained by the mansplaining going on here.

Correction -- BOYsplaining.
Men have arguments, boys don't.
I'm sorry you are ugly, charmless and have a tiny penis, Daniel.

You do need to know, however, that it is only one of these attributes responsible for the fact you can't get laid.
nothing but the fake news of ad hominems, right wingers? any practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy, can do that.

Ad Homs? I was just commiserating with you over your regrettable lack of pulchritude and phallic deficiencies while offering some sage advice as to how to deal with your problems.

As to the right winger silliness, if seeing women as human beings instead of just sex objects is right wing while the infantile fixation on women as just being for sex is now left, the paradigm has certainly shifted since I was your age, child.
Most women I know engage in sexual relations for pleasure. Just like men do. Yes, most normal women have had more than one sexual partner. The days of men going out and getting laid and then demanding their wives be virgins has died away. And good riddance. To expect that men be allowed to play around and "sow their wild oats" while women sat at home knitting was simply stupid.

So they have pics and such of them having fun. So what? Most guys I have known who sweat that are the ones who simply don't want to be compared to other men. But they will always compare their women to the plastic Barbi types they see on tv.

If you want to have sex you don't have to buy it. And the only hoop you have to jump through is getting to know a woman who enjoys sex.
What a tiresome oration.

Are you telling us your wife (or sister or mom) is a battle-hardened skank and you are proud of this fact?

The sexual revolution was just a technique to use women and discard them when they became inconvenient.

MeToo: Women Rebel against the Sexual Revolution | National Review

The so-called "sexual revolution was just a matter of women adopting the same lifestyle of men. Can we all have a serious sit-down as to what "sexual morality" means to all of us and as to what humans decide this?
The so-called "sexual revolution was just a matter of women adopting the same lifestyle of men. Can we all have a serious sit-down as to what "sexual morality" means to all of us and as to what humans decide this?

The so-called "sexual revolution -

roe v wade, woman in control of their bodies, not the church made their liberation possible ... something they could enjoy the same as men with recourse available if necessary.


These people do not realize that we women need not be under the control of some "Church." If these penis-worship religions need to control their adherents, then let them gather their adherents in.

Liberals want women under the control of people like Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein and Eric Schneiderman. Don't be fooled!
the right wing wants even more control, instead of an ounce of prevention.
a society full of men who still want to be men, but an America full of men who can't act like men because their generation has told them this is "toxic".
What kind of things are you referring to as "toxic," SweetSue92 ?

Their masculinity, apparently, is "toxic", see. "Toxic masculinity". So they must have workshops about it and the like.
women have lousy customer service for free when the guy doesn't have enough money.

merely having good customer service when the guy has enough Gold, is capital morality not social morality for free, like Good Christians should.

Customer service? You think of yourself as a customer? Without money? No wonder you fail.
don't understand the concept but allege you are for the "gospel Truth", right winger?

Oh I understand the concept just fine. I just find it amusing that you think of interpersonal relationships as one being the customer. But I guess that protects you from rejection, huh?

You want what you want from women, but you offer nothing beyond some claim about massages and finger-banging them. If that is the extent of your depth, no wonder you are still alone.
no, you don't. you Only know how to tell stories, not argue a point.

what is "worth more", pussy or a really really serious relationship?

Men have No problem being Good Capitalists; only wo-men whine about it.
What a tiresome oration.

Are you telling us your wife (or sister or mom) is a battle-hardened skank and you are proud of this fact?

The sexual revolution was just a technique to use women and discard them when they became inconvenient.

MeToo: Women Rebel against the Sexual Revolution | National Review

The so-called "sexual revolution was just a matter of women adopting the same lifestyle of men. Can we all have a serious sit-down as to what "sexual morality" means to all of us and as to what humans decide this?
The so-called "sexual revolution was just a matter of women adopting the same lifestyle of men. Can we all have a serious sit-down as to what "sexual morality" means to all of us and as to what humans decide this?

The so-called "sexual revolution -

roe v wade, woman in control of their bodies, not the church made their liberation possible ... something they could enjoy the same as men with recourse available if necessary.


These people do not realize that we women need not be under the control of some "Church." If these penis-worship religions need to control their adherents, then let them gather their adherents in.
damsels in distress, need to be under someone's "control".

Women don't need to be under anyone's control. And the "damsel in distress" is just your fantasy.
don't know History, either right winger.
..if a man were to want to have sex, he has to buy it or jump through hundreds of hoops.

Well, if you have a horse cock, I think they tell each other, so, that kinda gets the line started, I guess.

Hate to have to tell you, but "horse cocks" are of a lot more interest to men than they are to most women. "Bigger is better" is far more of a male mindset.
nobody takes right wing wo-men any more seriously than right wing men.

I was "blessed with a large vocabulary not a large penis."
I am quite entertained by the mansplaining going on here.

Correction -- BOYsplaining.
Men have arguments, boys don't.
I'm sorry you are ugly, charmless and have a tiny penis, Daniel.

You do need to know, however, that it is only one of these attributes responsible for the fact you can't get laid.
nothing but the fake news of ad hominems, right wingers? any practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy, can do that.

Ad Homs? I was just commiserating with you over your regrettable lack of pulchritude and phallic deficiencies while offering some sage advice as to how to deal with your problems.

As to the right winger silliness, if seeing women as human beings instead of just sex objects is right wing while the infantile fixation on women as just being for sex is now left, the paradigm has certainly shifted since I was your age, child.
you have to be Wrong under Any form of Capitalism, Because I only need money.
I am quite entertained by the mansplaining going on here.

Correction -- BOYsplaining.
Men have arguments, boys don't.
I'm sorry you are ugly, charmless and have a tiny penis, Daniel.

You do need to know, however, that it is only one of these attributes responsible for the fact you can't get laid.
nothing but the fake news of ad hominems, right wingers? any practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy, can do that.

Ad Homs? I was just commiserating with you over your regrettable lack of pulchritude and phallic deficiencies while offering some sage advice as to how to deal with your problems.

As to the right winger silliness, if seeing women as human beings instead of just sex objects is right wing while the infantile fixation on women as just being for sex is now left, the paradigm has certainly shifted since I was your age, child.
Hypocrites "Pretend" to be Nice guys.

I said nothing negative about negative about battle-hardened skanks.
Maybe you could search one out for your next girlfriend.

Women were expected to be virgins when they married. After the revolution, women took their sexuality under their own control.
Actually people like Weinstein and Hefner were in control.

Societies that celebrate the sexual revolution and disrespect women suffer from a low birth rate. These societies are rapidly going extinct.

I doubt I will search out a "next girlfriend". This relationship is going great!
She's watching you type isn't she?

The low birthrate comes partly from not treating women like brood mares.
You respect women by comparing them to animals??

As for our society going extinct, nothing like that is happening.
You are really out of touch! See: How Europe is slowly dying despite an increasing world population

Our population growth is rapidly becoming a problem. The increased resources required to handle the increases in population are straining what we can produce and sustain.
If certain groups (upper class white environmentalists for example) go extinct that will not solve any alleged population problem. They will just be replaced by other groups who don't kill their children en masse.

No, she is not watching me type. I behave the same way whether she is here or not.
So you are honest with your girlfriend? She knows you are cheating on her? (See post#123) Does she cheat on you too?

I did not compare them to animals. I pointed out that they were treated like animals, by being expected to just pump out babies to prevent some apocalyptic extinction of the "right people".
The pro-abortion fanatics want to kill off the "wrong people".

You know the Nazis promoted abortion in the occupied territories.

And check this out: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Really Wants Poor People To Stop Having Babies

The lily-white, liberal, pro-abortion set are rapidly going extinct. Do you agree or not? Can an anti-natalist belief system like yours survive in the long run? What worth is a philosophy that cuts its own throat?

Not only are you people committing suicide but you are doing so in the name of the worst principle imaginable: celebrating the mass murder of children.

Neither of us cheat. We are polyamorous. But we are open and honest about things. Its not cheating.

I am not cutting my own throat. I raised 5 children.

As for the "you people", you will have to find someone else to point at with that nonsense.
What sacrifices is the female gender making and what unfair things are they dealing with?

How about this. Living with a society full of men who still want to be men, but an America full of men who can't act like men because their generation has told them this is "toxic". Being a man. "Toxic"

Living with a society full of men who are hobbled by addictions to porn. So they are unable to perform otherwise.

And a bunch of other stuff. We're in late-stage Rome territory now, no doubt about that.
a society full of men who still want to be men, but an America full of men who can't act like men because their generation has told them this is "toxic".
What kind of things are you referring to as "toxic," SweetSue92 ?

Their masculinity, apparently, is "toxic", see. "Toxic masculinity". So they must have workshops about it and the like.

There are types of masculinity that can be toxic. And those same types of masculinity were acceptable not so very long ago. But we, as a society, have grown wiser.
Such as what?

Such as the violent masculinity. Responding with violence to every slight.
Correction -- BOYsplaining.
Men have arguments, boys don't.
I'm sorry you are ugly, charmless and have a tiny penis, Daniel.

You do need to know, however, that it is only one of these attributes responsible for the fact you can't get laid.
nothing but the fake news of ad hominems, right wingers? any practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy, can do that.

Ad Homs? I was just commiserating with you over your regrettable lack of pulchritude and phallic deficiencies while offering some sage advice as to how to deal with your problems.

As to the right winger silliness, if seeing women as human beings instead of just sex objects is right wing while the infantile fixation on women as just being for sex is now left, the paradigm has certainly shifted since I was your age, child.
you have to be Wrong under Any form of Capitalism, Because I only need money.

You only need money to be a customer. To be an actual friend or to be in love requires an entirely different tender.

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