In Rare Move, University Grants $22K Scholarship To Undocumented Student

scholarships for undocumented students aren't RARE as the OP leads people to believe, just the opposite is true.

imagine that?

Undocumented Students » 10,000 Degrees

your link says there are only is that not rare?

the link states

There are many options available for Undocumented students to pay for and attend college. Students who qualify should apply for the California Dream Act. If you are unsure of your eligibility you can find more information at the California Student Aid website or call 10,000 Degrees at 415-451-4011

followed by a list of more than 2 scholarships .... pay attention.
"Rutgers is one of the first public schools in the country to designate financial aid for students who entered the country illegally as children, The Bergen Record reported. We hope it is a trend-setter. This is not a zero sum game of taking money away from one student to fund another: The university’s goal is to grow the entire pool of financial aid. It already offers tuition assistance to students from other disadvantaged backgrounds. Now it will raise money from donors who want to support Tello and others like him."
Rutgers scholarship helps unauthorized immigrants attend college: Editorial |

There you go Yurt. Now STFU.

can't you read ignorant tard.....flat out says..."Now" as in after he got his public scholarship

You're being dishonest. On the first page of this thread, I provided the proof that this scholarship came from private funds.

"The university just created a new, private scholarship for unauthorized immigrants that it has awarded to Tello, who is excited to restart school this fall."

Rutgers scholarship helps unauthorized immigrants attend college: Editorial |


... "if it is private scholarship, i will take back what i said."

So show us your character.
Wait a second. You mean to tell me that Fox News failed to mention the scholarships are privately funded?

I am shocked. Shocked, I tell you!

stop acting like a piss drinker
some people might not agree with this, some might
snotty doesn't look good on you

so what college did you graduate from, or even attend? :eusa_whistle:
right, so as long as the law was broken a long time ago, then it doesn't matter....

He didn't break the law. His parents did when he was 6 years old. Now he is a productive American. Let him stay, and receive his scholarship.

so the kids we deport, we deport them because they are not breaking the law?

and, he is an adult now, if he continues to stay, then he knowingly is breaking the law.

I see. So in your opinion, despite the fact that he has lived here pretty much his entire life through no fault of his own, has no memory of the land his parents brought him over from, has no friends or acquaintances there, and may not even speak the language, he should be put in shackles and shipped back? How very Christian of you.

The kid is no less American than you or me.
He didn't break the law. His parents did when he was 6 years old. Now he is a productive American. Let him stay, and receive his scholarship.

so the kids we deport, we deport them because they are not breaking the law?

and, he is an adult now, if he continues to stay, then he knowingly is breaking the law.

I see. So in your opinion, despite the fact that he has lived here pretty much his entire life through no fault of his own, has no memory of the land his parents brought him over from, has no friends or acquaintances there, and may not even speak the language, he should be put in shackles and shipped back? How very Christian of you.

The kid is no less American than you or me.
Exactly, but that doesn't matter to people with no morals like Yurt, who won't stop lying about where the funds to pay this kid's scholarship came from.
so the kids we deport, we deport them because they are not breaking the law?

and, he is an adult now, if he continues to stay, then he knowingly is breaking the law.

I see. So in your opinion, despite the fact that he has lived here pretty much his entire life through no fault of his own, has no memory of the land his parents brought him over from, has no friends or acquaintances there, and may not even speak the language, he should be put in shackles and shipped back? How very Christian of you.

The kid is no less American than you or me.
Exactly, but that doesn't matter to people with no morals like Yurt, who won't stop lying about where the funds to pay this kid's scholarship came from.

actual FACTS posting scholarship funding for illegal alien students won't keep Yurtie from lying either, so

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