In red states, it’s open season on women’s rights

If you want to believe that, then you have to acknowledge that pro-choice (which is a misnomer; the only acceptable choice is abortion) is pro-death.

Why do you want to kill inconvenient human beings? Granted, it's the usual leftist practice regarding the inconvenient, but why do you support killing folks who are utterly innocent of any crime?
In your red world, dead people have more body autonomy than live women do.
I can give damn about the others. Genocide and murder is what care about. You should too. Go research and see if what I told you is true. I'm trying to wake you up. Seems like you would really want to know it. If you don't care than you deserve what their giving you.

ya ya.... i already knew about the 'founder' of PP, as if whatever she said or though is the same as today. lol ... i bet you think (R)s are still the party of lincoln.
because a lotta urbanites have no access to private doctors or a mode of transportation other than a bus.

right .... abortion procedures, i assume costs quite a bit of cash, so those that seek one out have thought about it critically. oh, btw - abortion is not the only, nor the first on the list of healthcare they offer.
Sounds like you need to donate more, cheapskate.

Hey, speaking of places that provide healthcare for women:


Planned Parenthood kinda sucks at providing access to healthcare to women. But of course, abortion is their reason for existing, isn't it?
Prove that only liberals get abortions then, show us the numbers of abortions by political affiliations.
You didn't read the post . Typical? I said that mostly liberal men tend to benefit from abortions. Sadly, the welfare and physical and mental health and political affiliation of the women who are subjected to the sometimes horrific procedure is routinely ignored by the left wing politicians, the media and scientific studies.
As many as I've had abortions.
Zero, then.
How many pregnancies have you had? Or are you just about telling other women what to do with their bodies?
I've had zero pregnancies myself, though I've caused 4. We lost two of our babies to miscarriage.

Meanwhile, you don't have a penis, so you're not allowed to have an opinion on fathers.
Women HAVE no right to wantonly get pregnant, carry another life in their body, then just throw it away because it inconvenienced them. That's murder, not just a piece of their own body with no rights of its own they are throwing away. just said "women have no right to wantonly get pregnant" about totalitarianism.
You didn't read the post . Typical? I said that mostly liberal men tend to benefit from abortions. Sadly, the welfare and physical and mental health and political affiliation of the women who are subjected to the sometimes horrific procedure is routinely ignored by the left wing politicians, the media and scientific studies.
Show us abortions based on political parties.

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