In red states, it’s open season on women’s rights

It's true. Can hospitals take organs from a dead person without their (organ donor marked on driver's license) or their family's permission even if that organ will save a REAL LIVE PERSON?
You seem to believe that pregnancy is something that happens to women with no involvement by them.

Are you that stupid?
i am not surprised.


' look at my african american over there'
He's arranged for at least seven abortions for his daliances.
“American companies should seriously consider how and if they want to do business in states that treat their employees and their employees’ families as second-class citizens.
In red states, it’s open season on women’s rights.
Some companies are taking small steps to ease the burden on their employees living in states with these misogynist, reactionary laws. Yelp, for example, only has about 200 employees working in Texas, but will pay for them or their spouses to travel out of state for abortion care. Late last year, the company Salesforce announced that it will do the same. And Citigroup, which has some 8,000 workers in Texas, also said it will pay for them to leave to obtain abortions.”

Very good.

Let’s hope more private employers do the same for their employees living in repressive, authoritarian states.
In the meanwhile, Blue states fire Blacks and hire trespassers and H1-Bs and you’re an idiot.
Zero, then.

I've had zero pregnancies myself, though I've caused 4. We lost two of our babies to miscarriage.

Meanwhile, you don't have a penis, so you're not allowed to have an opinion on fathers.
You mean those guys who can't keep their zippers zipped but still want to tell women what they can or cannot do with their own bodies?
You mean those guys who can't keep their zippers zipped but still want to tell women what they can or cannot do with their own bodies?
Remember, kids, women get pregnant with no decisions or involvement whatsoever. They can even get pregnant by a man on another continent. Women are utterly helpless and have no say in who gets them pregnant.
You mean those guys who can't keep their zippers zipped but still want to tell women what they can or cannot do with their own bodies?
No we mean women who can't keep their legs together and, unlike a bird, can't make a nest before having their eggs fertilized. Then they blame everyone but themselves and deem it their 'right' to kill defenseless developing human beings even though those beings have more than the woman's genes.
Remember, kids, women get pregnant with no decisions or involvement whatsoever. They can even get pregnant by a man on another continent. Women are utterly helpless and have no say in who gets them pregnant.
Talk about helpless.....guys are so helpless they can't keep their pants zipped. Now THAT's helpless!
“American companies should seriously consider how and if they want to do business in states that treat their employees and their employees’ families as second-class citizens.
In red states, it’s open season on women’s rights.
Some companies are taking small steps to ease the burden on their employees living in states with these misogynist, reactionary laws. Yelp, for example, only has about 200 employees working in Texas, but will pay for them or their spouses to travel out of state for abortion care. Late last year, the company Salesforce announced that it will do the same. And Citigroup, which has some 8,000 workers in Texas, also said it will pay for them to leave to obtain abortions.”

Very good.

Let’s hope more private employers do the same for their employees living in repressive, authoritarian states.
It's about time
Both parties involved in unwanted pregnancies are responsible.

But you can't seem to agree with that.
Yes but, the woman is more responsible because it is she who will bear the offspring. They have gotten away far too long with blaming men.

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