In search of an objective and honest Trump supporter...

If Sessions did not climb out of the shit soup, he would have the same cover-up stench on him right now as Trump does.

The old fox is no fool.
If Sessions did not climb out of the shit soup, he would have the same cover-up stench on him right now as Trump does.

The old fox is no fool.

The questions remain.........

Did Sessions recuse himself from ALL AG duties, or just from his participation in the Russian-Trump investigation?

If its just for the latter above, WHY is the Trumpster upset that his hand-picked guy is not there to cover for his orange fat ass regarding Russia?

Inquiring minds do want to know (including Mueller's....LOL)
Just yesterday in a NYT interview, Trump stated that IF he had known that Sessions would recuse himself [from any investigations regarding Trump's campaign and Russia,] Trump would NOT have nominated him.....

fair enough, as a statement, but there are many questions that arise from such a statement.

!. Are there OTHER duties entailed in the AG position other than the Russia investigation?

2. Is Sessions qualified to be an AG regarding all other matters that fall under the responsibilities of the DOJ?

3. What was the real expectations by Trump of Sessions' subsequent decisions on the Russia investigation had Sessions NOT recused himself?

4. Does the AG's oath of office entail any mention that the AG must be loyal to the president?

5, Overall, should the DOJ serve and be loyal to the nation OR the president?...and if one responds with "both", what happens when that service to country conflicts with the service requested by the president?

Honest and objective responses (without the usual, "but, but, Obama" and "but, but, Clinton") would be appreciated.

Russia, Russia, Russia!
Exactly. Trump brings up Russia in every conversation he has. He's obsessed with Russia.
Why do you think?
WHY is the Trumpster upset that his hand-picked guy is not there to cover for his orange fat ass regarding Russia?

Cover for WHAT? You morons have been "investigating" for over a year and you've still not produced any kind of evidence to suggest criminal collusion. When I have repeatedly asked what specifically you hope to find, I get nothing. You keep wanting to infer that he "colluded" with Russia but to do what? None of you can give me an answer to that. You just keep saying "the investigation continues" but you won't say what you're looking for.

You must have some inkling of an idea as to what he did with Russia. Simply talking to people isn't a crime.
Cover for WHAT? You morons have been "investigating" for over a year

Don't mean to interfere with your stupidity, BUT, Mueller was appointed on May 17 of this year...about TWO months ago.......
Stop with the "year" bullshit.......
Anyway, be fucking patient....your nightmare IS coming....LOL
You just keep saying "the investigation continues" but you won't say what you're looking for.

It'll be a "surprise"......Since you "think" you have nothing to worry about, go and spend your time car bumpers
Don't mean to interfere with your stupidity, BUT, Mueller was appointed on May 17 of this year...about TWO months ago.......
Stop with the "year" bullshit.......
Anyway, be fucking patient....your nightmare IS coming....LOL

Again... doesn't matter when Mueller was appointed... that doesn't change what you think Trump did or hope to find evidence of. Why can't anyone answer this question? How did Trump/Russia supposedly rig the election? Let's hear your theory!

Hey, it's no nightmare to me regardless. I didn't vote for Trump. I thought it was a bad idea to nominate him. I supported Ted Cruz and I'd LOVE to have a President Pence. I think Trump will end up doing damage to the GOP but it's the fault of the Establishment for not backing Cruz when they had the chance. That said, it changes nothing regarding this Russian fantasy.
You just keep saying "the investigation continues" but you won't say what you're looking for.

It'll be a "surprise"......Since you "think" you have nothing to worry about, go and spend your time car bumpers

AGAIN... all you're doing is avoiding my question. That's ALL we ever get!

You used words like "objective" and "honest" in the OP title but it appears you want to be neither. You just want to pop off your mouth like a typical droning smart-ass lefty. That's all good and well but eventually you're going to need a game plan. You can't impeach a president because someone in their campaign spoke to a Russian.
Again... doesn't matter when Mueller was appointed.

Yes it DOES when right wingers like you state "you've been investigating for a year".....FALSE !!!

Yes, I have a theory which I keep to myself......

....and when I say "nightmare" I mean what Trump is doing to the republican democrat could have ever harmed the GOP more than least in my lifetime.
AGAIN... all you're doing is avoiding my question. That's ALL we ever get!

You used words like "objective" and "honest" in the OP title but it appears you want to be neither

Bullshit....I called for an objective and honest right winger to JUDGE the prima facie case on Trump's turning on Sessions.....NOT about whether Trump is guilty or not of collusion (that's another topic)

All I wanted to know is if ANY right winger judges Trump's action justified in being pissed that Sessions recused himself for the Russian investigation.......
Just yesterday in a NYT interview, Trump stated that IF he had known that Sessions would recuse himself [from any investigations regarding Trump's campaign and Russia,] Trump would NOT have nominated him.....

fair enough, as a statement, but there are many questions that arise from such a statement.

!. Are there OTHER duties entailed in the AG position other than the Russia investigation?

2. Is Sessions qualified to be an AG regarding all other matters that fall under the responsibilities of the DOJ?

3. What was the real expectations by Trump of Sessions' subsequent decisions on the Russia investigation had Sessions NOT recused himself?

4. Does the AG's oath of office entail any mention that the AG must be loyal to the president?

5, Overall, should the DOJ serve and be loyal to the nation OR the president?...and if one responds with "both", what happens when that service to country conflicts with the service requested by the president?

Honest and objective responses (without the usual, "but, but, Obama" and "but, but, Clinton") would be appreciated.

....but but but seven and a half more years. Don't go jonestowning yourself too early.
Again... doesn't matter when Mueller was appointed.

Yes it DOES when right wingers like you state "you've been investigating for a year".....FALSE !!!

Yes, I have a theory which I keep to myself......

....and when I say "nightmare" I mean what Trump is doing to the republican democrat could have ever harmed the GOP more than least in my lifetime.

It's not false according to the FBI, CIA and NSA. Are you saying the "excuse" for surveilling Flynn was a lie? That's interesting!

Why can't you reveal your theory? That tells me one of two things... you don't really have a theory or you have one that is so ridiculous you're embarrassed to tell it.

Mueller can investigate all he wants to but eventually something has to be shown for all this time and money. The people aren't going to stand for a 4-year anal probing of Trump without cause. I have a feeling you're going to find that out in 2018.
Again... doesn't matter when Mueller was appointed.

Yes it DOES when right wingers like you state "you've been investigating for a year".....FALSE !!!

Yes, I have a theory which I keep to myself......

....and when I say "nightmare" I mean what Trump is doing to the republican democrat could have ever harmed the GOP more than least in my lifetime.

It's not false according to the FBI, CIA and NSA. Are you saying the "excuse" for surveilling Flynn was a lie? That's interesting!

Why can't you reveal your theory? That tells me one of two things... you don't really have a theory or you have one that is so ridiculous you're embarrassed to tell it.

Mueller can investigate all he wants to but eventually something has to be shown for all this time and money. The people aren't going to stand for a 4-year anal probing of Trump without cause. I have a feeling you're going to find that out in 2018.

The investigation of Flynn was a stand alone one UNTIL the dumb Trump actually brought this idiot into his camp.

Second, my theory is strictly may turn out to be wrong or right in target and I will not be coaxed just for you nitwits to spew your bullshit.

Finally, 2018's GOP demise will NOT be caused by Mueller (he'll still be going on but with less of a target date than the "investigations" on Whitewater, Benghazi and Watergate....)
The demise will come when republicans running for reelection in the midterms, realize that they better divest themselves from the orange stain....and will revert to blaming the clown for the ZERO accomplishments over the previous, wasted 2 years.
Just yesterday in a NYT interview, Trump stated that IF he had known that Sessions would recuse himself [from any investigations regarding Trump's campaign and Russia,] Trump would NOT have nominated him.....

fair enough, as a statement, but there are many questions that arise from such a statement.

!. Are there OTHER duties entailed in the AG position other than the Russia investigation?

2. Is Sessions qualified to be an AG regarding all other matters that fall under the responsibilities of the DOJ?

3. What was the real expectations by Trump of Sessions' subsequent decisions on the Russia investigation had Sessions NOT recused himself?

4. Does the AG's oath of office entail any mention that the AG must be loyal to the president?

5, Overall, should the DOJ serve and be loyal to the nation OR the president?...and if one responds with "both", what happens when that service to country conflicts with the service requested by the president?

Honest and objective responses (without the usual, "but, but, Obama" and "but, but, Clinton") would be appreciated.
You mean they actually exist? They aren't mythical like bigfoot or Santa Claus?
You mean they actually exist? They aren't mythical like bigfoot or Santa Claus?

There have been sightings of a few.......but the reports are unconfirmed and the pictures may have been doctored......LOL
...but but but seven and a half more years. Don't go jonestowning yourself too early.

WOW, Brownie you're more stupid and delusional than usual...
Are you OK?

Oh everything is fine here in the mountains. Just a little concerned about you since we see a constant barrage of horseshit coming from you. Didn't want you to off yourself too early. We need your amusement.
Again... doesn't matter when Mueller was appointed.

Yes it DOES when right wingers like you state "you've been investigating for a year".....FALSE !!!

Yes, I have a theory which I keep to myself......

....and when I say "nightmare" I mean what Trump is doing to the republican democrat could have ever harmed the GOP more than least in my lifetime.

It's not false according to the FBI, CIA and NSA. Are you saying the "excuse" for surveilling Flynn was a lie? That's interesting!

Why can't you reveal your theory? That tells me one of two things... you don't really have a theory or you have one that is so ridiculous you're embarrassed to tell it.

Mueller can investigate all he wants to but eventually something has to be shown for all this time and money. The people aren't going to stand for a 4-year anal probing of Trump without cause. I have a feeling you're going to find that out in 2018.

The investigation of Flynn was a stand alone one UNTIL the dumb Trump actually brought this idiot into his camp.

Second, my theory is strictly may turn out to be wrong or right in target and I will not be coaxed just for you nitwits to spew your bullshit.

Finally, 2018's GOP demise will NOT be caused by Mueller (he'll still be going on but with less of a target date than the "investigations" on Whitewater, Benghazi and Watergate....)
The demise will come when republicans running for reelection in the midterms, realize that they better divest themselves from the orange stain....and will revert to blaming the clown for the ZERO accomplishments over the previous, wasted 2 years.

Well, my understanding from the congressional hearing was that Flynn was caught up in the investigation of Russian involvement of the DNC email hacking. Do you have a link to support your claim he was the subject of an investigation?

As I said about your theory.... you're either lying or you're embarrassed because you know it's ridiculous.

And we'll have to wait and see about the midterms but I predict, if nothing has come from this sham investigation, the Dems are going to take it in the shorts. You better hope your kakamamie theory pans out.
Well, my understanding from the congressional hearing was that Flynn was caught up in the investigation of Russian involvement of the DNC email hacking. Do you have a link to support your claim he was the subject of an investigation?

NO,'re putting your own words and speculations in your incessant spinning.........Flynn's investigations began because of his whoring with Turkey.....

Must I do all your homework for you R-W nitwits???

How the Mike Flynn Investigation Began
Probe into the former national security adviser started after a Justice Department staffer noticed an op-ed article by him about Turkey

How the Mike Flynn Investigation Began

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